That is actually good, many real world small lizards do that as a defense mechanismMy Argonian would approve of this.
- Update 23Ice Furnace: This item set now grants Spell Damage, rather than Weapon Damage for the 4 piece bonus
AzraelKrieg wrote: »
Argonians are currently one of the best race choices for healers and tanks.
LadyAstrum wrote: »Let's have a hide arms option for Bretons too. Hide legs for Redguards, and hide torso for Altmers.
I mean, the tail is only part of their bodies.
Hey guys,
I had this idea floating in mind and thought I should share it. I think there should be an option to hide your Argonian’s tail, just like the “hide helmet” option, or just an option for no tail in character creation. I like Argonians, I think they are cool but the tail is kind of a turn off. Think of Bossk from Star Wars right now. A humanoid reptile with no tail would be a dream character for me in ESO.
For a side note, I do not think it would break the lore. I have some knowledge on Argonians and it would not be too far fetched to see some without tails. Perhaps they possess the ability to lose their tail to escape, like Geckos. Maybe they were born without one or it could be a tradition in a tribe, like how some people elongate a child’s head at a young age.
Anyways, I would love to have this as an option one way or another.
What? with or without a tail? how about 'with'? Thank me later.I would love to have this as an option one way or another.
Wait, was that a pun or did you just misspell tails?
Also, i love my tail and tales thank you
...I had this idea floating in mind and thought I should share it...
Dusk_Coven wrote: »In Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Khajiit and Argonians couldn't even wear pants because of their different leg structure.
MasterSpatula wrote: »
Pants were just fine, actually. Now, boots, however:
Ah you're right. It was boots.
Every bodypart should be hideable. If someone wants they should be allowed to run around as a three fingered person, or a disembodied hand, or just empty space. ZOS is just stubborn and won't let people play the way they want.
Every bodypart should be hideable. If someone wants they should be allowed to run around as a three fingered person, or a disembodied hand, or just empty space. ZOS is just stubborn and won't let people play the way they want.