Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23
We will be performing maintenance for patch 10.2.1 on the PTS on Monday at 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC).

PTS Patch Notes v3.2.0 (Clockwork City)

  • Truthsnark
    • Resized the Dunmer Rawhide shoulder pads for female player characters.

    Yes! <3<3<3 My costumes are usable again! THANK YOU!
  • Zaldan
    Mad Tinkerer (Light)
    (2) Spell Critical
    (3) Spell Critical
    (4) Spell Damage
    (5) When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to summon a Verminous Fabricant that charges the nearest enemy, dealing 10,000 Shock Damage to all enemies in its path, knocking them into the air, and stunning them for 2 seconds. This effect can occur once every 10 seconds.

    surely if it targets the nearest enemy it's not going to hit anything in it's path? would make more sense to target furthest enemy no?
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • bottleofsyrup
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Can we get some changes/fixes to the Razer Chroma integration? I have the game disabled in Chroma Apps, but my keyboard flashes and resets its colors every time I log in or out of a character and every time I open or close the game.
  • technohic

    You're right the guy with 690 cp has no advantage over the person with 160, we stand corrected. Must be a frequent BG player as well, am I right.

    He earned those cp by playing the game longer. What is with gamers these days? You dont don't want to do any hard work. Everyone has the same opportunity to play as much as they want and grow as strong as they want.

    Just shutup if you're going to respond with something completely irrelevant to the point my man. No advantage belongs in battlegrounds, nor should there be any hand holding lol what's wrong with gamers? People like you who've grown accustomed to the hand holding if anything, no competitive spirit & a need to feel entitled to an advantage.

    Battlegrounds as they are now are fine balance wise, period.

    I'd be down for everything being even but lack of CP does not make it even. Procs and poisons seem to come out better than actual damage as an example being the meta at one point.

    I do tend to agree with your premise but it's not reality of what has happened and they really need to get one ruleset for end game like they have claimed is there goal to go from PVE seemlessly to PVP or just go all in with seperate rules. We need a direction one way or the other.
  • GodHawk

    [*]These weapons will be blue-quality in Normal mode, and purple-quality on Veteran Mode.

    Wait! You can now drop Maelstorm and master weapons in normal mode?
    Edited by GodHawk on September 19, 2017 1:59AM
  • Dymence
    'Asylum and Perfect Asylum Weapons'

    Yet again locked out of these weapons (same with vMA weapons) due to low bandwidth and high ping. I have managed to complete 2 trial runs out of about 15 runs, due to game crashing/lagging so bad, and will be forever stuck on the last boss of vMA up top stage. Not everyone has 10mbps or more. Struggling with my <1/2 mbps max up and down............

    1/2 mbps should be more than enough for ESO.

    Seems to me your issue is a different one.
  • deepseamk20b14_ESO
    Looks good....but the agony new morphs....come on man....come on. "We feel night blades have always wanted a better heal, so instead we'll give them a skill that causes them to suicide". Smh.
    Hey everyone! Look! It's a signature!
  • fgoron2000
    I am the only one who dislikes the CP max upgraded every patch?

    Don't get me wrong, I just wanna know

    well, they're not doing it on every patch, but I believe they have done it on each of the past few major updates...it does seem that recently those major updates have come more frequently than before, tho'

    i do like the idea of being able to utilize more CP once they've been earned by the PC rather than them being earned and then unusable, however, I'm still trying to catch up to the existing cap right now, currently being in the upper 570's...I feel like the finish line gets moved each time I get close to it <g>...but it does allow more variety to the builds...only thing is if they end up doing wholesale changes again, like they did for MW, that might cause the jump points to move around <g>

  • Aeolwind
    If you get a guaranteed trait crystal geode for a random vet; you need to give ESO+ members the ability to deactivate DLC dungeons from the random choices. Otherwise it will be better to let your sub lapse for a month or so to stack up on geodes. Trying to get through Cradle and Mazzatun with most pugs, not to mention the new DLC dungeons is not even worth the effort.
  • Aeolwind
    GodHawk wrote: »
    [*]These weapons will be blue-quality in Normal mode, and purple-quality on Veteran Mode.

    Wait! You can now drop Maelstorm and master weapons in normal mode?

    No. You'll get set weapons for the DSA and MA in addition to the Maelstrom & Master weapon on vet. Normal will drop only the set weapons and not Maelstrom or Master weapons.

    Keep dreaming. I know I hope for it too.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    technohic wrote: »

    You're right the guy with 690 cp has no advantage over the person with 160, we stand corrected. Must be a frequent BG player as well, am I right.

    He earned those cp by playing the game longer. What is with gamers these days? You dont don't want to do any hard work. Everyone has the same opportunity to play as much as they want and grow as strong as they want.

    Just shutup if you're going to respond with something completely irrelevant to the point my man. No advantage belongs in battlegrounds, nor should there be any hand holding lol what's wrong with gamers? People like you who've grown accustomed to the hand holding if anything, no competitive spirit & a need to feel entitled to an advantage.

    Battlegrounds as they are now are fine balance wise, period.

    I'd be down for everything being even but lack of CP does not make it even. Procs and poisons seem to come out better than actual damage as an example being the meta at one point.

    I do tend to agree with your premise but it's not reality of what has happened and they really need to get one ruleset for end game like they have claimed is there goal to go from PVE seemlessly to PVP or just go all in with seperate rules. We need a direction one way or the other.

    I legit only play Bg's these days, since the recent update the only proc you'll see often is skoria which needs a nerf, other than that you just don't see them. Poisons aren't that big of a deal either, the only actual problem to debate at this point is premades.

    If they want it to be simple to switch they should just add two queues but I promise you the people that play Bg's right now don't care to have cp. No cp is what actually makes it special to me.
  • WeylandLabs
    Yes !

    More adding stuff less fixes, i love it lets brake the game.
  • LadyLethalla
    Transmute Crystals are an account wide, capped currency which cannot be banked or traded.

    If they can't be banked, how can they be called "account wide"? Did I miss something?
    And... capped...?

    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    BG's were fun because of no CP.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Megabear wrote: »
    Somehow I have a hard time believing this:

    In this update, we’ve been hard at work improving the performance of the client. We’ve overhauled how the client handles animations, significantly reducing memory requirements.

    Additionally, we’ve made significant optimizations to the Scene Graph. Together, these two additions have resulted in significant gains in frame rate and improved load times into areas with many characters and/or buildings.

    Made improvements to the overall frame rate.

    Improved load times into areas with many characters and/or buildings.

    Fixed a number of infrequent game crashes.

    If they can make me actually swap weapons when I press weapon swap, I'll consider it a win.
  • Anhedonie
    Dragonknight and warden changes are disappointing and underwhelming, to put it lightly.
    Loving NB's Agony overhaul. I think I might change my main.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Arkangeloski

  • Miswar
    Hmmm. Am I the only one that thinks that this "transmutation" system will destroy ESO economy in game for good?

    What is the point of getting trait gear? Just buy some crap and use these gems.

    Eventhough I basically like the idea of changing traits but have a feeling that this will be very bad idea / implemantion.

    Also in past two weeks have noted 40-50% active guild members awol in game from the guilds I'am at.

    Not good and by making everything easy will alienate evermore people and if this kills the economy what is the point of keep playing... no solid economy & pvp = end of ESO.

    Not much to do without those...the dungeons are fun as long as they are.
  • Texecutioner187
    I am so sorry that this is offtopic, but hoping someone else will find use in me asking... but how do I stop getting emails about EVERY single post on this thread?
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Hymzir wrote: »
    Crystal Blast (Crystal Shards morph): Increased the splash damage of this morph by approximately 25%.
    No one will use it even after this buff. I know you will refuse to listen, you have always refused to listen about this ability and why no one uses it. The fact is - this morph is crap compared to Cyrstal Frag.

    Everything about Frag synergises with Magicka Sorc build. Having a cast time dependent ranged mediocre AoE does not. And if you do need to have that, you can always use a Destro staff for that kinda stuff. Frags offer a super potent burst as an insta cast, for reduced cost and buffed damage. And it stuns! You people do not seem to understand how powerful direct stun abilities are!
    Crystal Blast also stuns, and it does a LARGE amount of damage single target and AoE already, with more aoe with this buff now. I actually use it rather than relying on NOT using Crystal Fragments until it is procced as a 20% chance every time I use some other ability. Also, the animation time and global cooldown is long enough that a 1 second cast of Crystal Blast isn't much longer.
    Given the choice between spamming high damage single and aoe target skill every time or spamming something weak 5 times for one moderate cast of frags single target, I'll choose the smarter more reliable first choice.

    I don't know why everyone loves Crystal Fragments too much to change. Maybe it's just that you all hate any change and will ignore it even if they make the other morph do double the damage.
    Hymzir wrote: »
    The Master and Maelstrom unique enchantments have been rebuilt as Item Sets, with the new Asylum Weapons following suite as an Item Set and not an enchantment. This means you can now safely enchant and re-enchant these weapons, and still gain the special ability-altering benefit.
    Due to the fact these items can now be enchanted or poisoned normally, their extraneous stat bonuses have been removed. For example, the Maelstrom’s Greatsword no longer adds 189 Weapon Damage on top of the modifier to Critical Charge.
    Oh my dear lord... Another Holy *** moment... This is a huge nerf. Like unimaginably huge one.
    All of you are forgetting they can be nirnhoned now with transmutation, giving you more spell/weapon damage than the passive ever gave on top of picking any enchant you want that gives more damage also.

    I think the only reason anybody is hurt over maelstrom weapons is people who "cheated" using poisons on top of their broken enchants. Tough luck, learn to play correctly.
    Hymzir wrote: »
    And finally... Nothing done about the disgusting Destro-Ulti Heal span balls running amok in cyro.
    You do know that's a problem of cheaters, if anything, because that ultimate costs 240 and it takes a while in combat to generate. So if that is all they are doing or you think they aren't doing anything else, you are either wrong or they're cheating and you should report them.
    Maybe you just need to attack them before they have replenished their ultimate or right after they used it, when they should be vulnerable.

    Oh wait, this is about trying to solo a 20-30 player group and expecting to live through it....working as intended when you die.
    I don't care what skills they use; you go up against a group that size and they could light attack you to death.
    Edited by Mystrius_Archaion on September 19, 2017 3:53AM
  • CelticStones
    Dymence wrote: »
    'Asylum and Perfect Asylum Weapons'

    Yet again locked out of these weapons (same with vMA weapons) due to low bandwidth and high ping. I have managed to complete 2 trial runs out of about 15 runs, due to game crashing/lagging so bad, and will be forever stuck on the last boss of vMA up top stage. Not everyone has 10mbps or more. Struggling with my <1/2 mbps max up and down............

    1/2 mbps should be more than enough for ESO.

    Seems to me your issue is a different one.

    Seems you dont know what you are talking about. Try getting a group for a vet trial without comms, I cant run comms. Cant even complete a normal trial due to lag as soon as a boss fight starts, which actually crashes the game or results in ping going to 10k. Seems we have another internet hero who thinks he knows more than I do about my gaming experience.
  • Brutusmax1mus
    No word on giving jabs scaling? @ZOS_GinaBruno
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Leogon wrote: »
    Krotha wrote: »
    Why the hell would they make Battlegrounds CP enabled when everyone knows CP PvP is the most unbalanced area of this game? The best thing about Battlegrounds is the fact there is no CP in it so people have to work together and actually MANAGE RESOURCES.

    CP enabled is the most balanced, and most easily played by anyone.
    1) CP are available to everyone equally with a cap on how good each star can be and total anyone can spend. They also come really fast up to at least 350cp to get people powered up.
    2) People below level 50 that don't have CP aren't matched with the CP people and others who can easily get to that midlevel CP to compete anyway.
    3) They balanced sustain around CP so it's not easy or fun without it, forcing many builds to sacrifice utility and strength in order to not bend over huffing and puffing and die because of that.
    4) Certain stats, like resistance, still have a cap that is relatively easy to hit. CP just puts everybody there or close to it so that they all have balanced defenses and the rest is skill choice and relatively similar damage stats.

    Without CP this game would be even more "FOTM class is overpowered". With CP instead, it is every class is overpowered somewhat which means they're all more equal.

    You know why people really like non-CP pvp?
    They like winning with their gimmick FOTM overpowered class and skill choices against other people who just play what they like or don't know what is the FOTM gimmick to use.

    People are selfish cheating competitive and ignorant in part or as a whole sometimes if not all the time. Either they don't know any better or don't care or only care about themselves and all the while they are all looking for "the easiest way to get ahead of everyone else".
    The rarer person is that one who doesn't care about getting ahead, but even they only don't care because there is no real loss. Real loss makes everyone selfish, but fake video game loss can be overcome as a motivating force that most fall to.
  • FrancisCrawford
    Kevduit wrote: »
    "When you deal damage, you have a 10% chance to call a murder of crows around you for 12 seconds. Every 3 seconds a crow will be sent to peck the closest enemy within 12 meters of you, dealing 4000 Physical Damage. This effect can occur once every 15 seconds."

    This... This I like...

    It's 20K single target damage, at best every 15 seconds and expected value a little longer than that. I.e., it's a little more than 1K single-target damage per second.

    Anyhow -- is proc damage of that kind boosted by CP?
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Please, please, please take another look at forcing CP enabled BGs on everyone above 50. The enticement to BGs for me is a safe haven away from the zerg and cheese builds that flood cyrodill.

    1) You are always away form the zerg since there aren't enough people allowed into battlegrounds at once.

    2) Cheese builds are MORE common without CP because not every class can function as well without CP.
    Just look at Dragonknights without hardly any range. Look at sorcerers with less heals unless they have their pets out wasting bar slots. Just look at Nightblades built mostly around ambushing enemies and not as good in straight up fights so easily. Look at Templars having less options for damage and crown control if they want to keep themselves alive by using slots for heals.
    It's harder to build and sustain well without CP, especially when they nerfed magicka recovery and regen from heavy attacks based on CP. New players feel the pain, hard.

    CP actually makes everyone a little more equal giving us all more options in our skill choices so we don't just die to "the best class".
  • FrancisCrawford
    Agony was awesome for a new nightblade. Mez one enemy, kill the other, then kill the first. Oh well.
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    DPShiro wrote: »
    Waiting for @Paulington or someone to post datamined pictures of the new weapons and skins etc o:)

    @DPShiro You see the Fabrication Sheath? So now you imagine it without any skin patches and you imagine it in silver instead of bronze. There you go. That's the new skin. (Same yellow glowing eyes btw). #Disappointed

    Where are the pictures of that skin even? I still haven't seen it.

    I actually think I would like how you described it. I would love a simple clean metallic skin with glowing eyes, and silver color is perfect.
    I just need photos to decide on any of those new skins. Why don't the developers post these if they really want us to be interested in them and go for them? Sound like bad marketing to not entice the customer. A name can be very misleading.
    If all I had to go on for the skin was the name I wouldn't be interested in most of them, especially ugly sounding ones like Mindshriven and Spiderkith.
  • Dymence
    Edited by Dymence on September 19, 2017 4:03AM
  • FrancisCrawford
    Glantir wrote: »

    [*]Concentrated Force (Perfected)
    • Force Shock always applies the Burning, Concussion, and Chilled status effects. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds per enemy.
    [*]Concentrated Force
    • Force Shock always applies the Burning, Concussion, and Chilled status effects. This effect can occur once every 5 seconds per enemy.

    This seems to be really underwhelming.....

    Well, if you for some reason want to use a single target skill against groups of enemies, it could guarantee splash damage ...

    .... uh, why would you want to do that?

    I guess it could make Exploiter damage a little more reliable ...
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Leogon wrote: »
    Leogon wrote: »
    Leogon wrote: »
    Pariah's Pinnacle: Located in Wrothgar, the grand and majestic mountaintop retreat of Baloth Bloodtusk was sealed off in the First Era by King Joile, but its ancient Orcish halls were recently reopened by order of King Kurog.
    I love you guys so much right now, thank you! <3
    Scratch that 'cuz it sucks. It's not even a house.

    Did you explore it fully? Multiple rooms and a large main room with very high ceiling.
    I did and it's not a house. A house to me has a door to get in.

    Make your own door, like the Cyclops in The Odyssey. He rolled a boulder in the way every time he came and went. You can put a housing item you can move to block it off.
    Also, not every orc dwelling has a door, or is sealed from the elements, because orcs are "tougher than puny elves". Check out Orsinium Keep's throne room with the wide open tall windows and breeze blowing the banners inside.
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