Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Battlegrounds still broken

  • sadownik

    "only the 1% have the issue, since everyone have payed the price tag on this product." Ha i would say 30% + have them but go on, defend ZOS incompetence.
  • Tonnopesce
    sadownik wrote: »

    "only the 1% have the issue, since everyone have payed the price tag on this product." Ha i would say 30% + have them but go on, defend ZOS incompetence.

    Ha... Learn2read

  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Tonnopesce wrote: »
    BigES wrote: »

    2. I'm actually not thoroughly convinced that THEY are convinced that BGs are as broken as we tell them it is. Like unplayably broken. They believe it's something "slightly inconvenient" and that the majority of players that want to play BGs actually do, but have abnormally high queue times. I honestly believe they are that delusional.

    Well probably they have server data to check and if the issue is something that only 10% of the playerbase have it is "slightly inconvenient" ( i 've joined several battlegrounds with or without group and know some guys that play only in 4 man pre made)
    Anyhow you are right communication is not a zos quality, and we as a playerbase deserve a fix even if only the 1% have the issue, since everyone have payed the price tag on this product.

    I would agree with this. For a while they tried to fix the dungeon finder. But eventually they just stopped trying and stopped responding. I would imagine their numbers said the dungeon finder was good enough. It is sort of sad really.
  • Zaldan
    DreamClown wrote: »
    Mid. July for consoles! Holy crap. It's only just now Mid. June.

    Gives you some idea of their regard for paying customers.
    Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
    Niidro tiid wah fusvok dirkah.

  • Knautilus
    Soul Shriven
    Queued for Battlegrounds, went to 2v2v2 mode. Does it work as intended or is it a bug?
    Also my teammate was invisible and I got very long loading screen in the middle of the match. This is pathetic.
    Video proof:
    PS Group finder is bugged too.
    Edited by Knautilus on June 17, 2017 5:50PM
    PC EU
  • Gravord
    Knautilus wrote: »
    Queued for Battlegrounds, went to 2v2v2 mode. Does it work as intended or is it a bug?
    Also my teammate was invisible and I got very long loading screen in the middle of the match. This is pathetic.
    Video proof:
    PS Group finder is bugged too.

    At least teams are balanced... more often amazing balance happen with 4vs2vs1 in a deathmatch... rather obvious results.
  • MilwaukeeScott
    Still broken on PS4 NA

    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • Tonnopesce

    Tonnopesce wrote: »
    BigES wrote: »

    2. I'm actually not thoroughly convinced that THEY are convinced that BGs are as broken as we tell them it is. Like unplayably broken. They believe it's something "slightly inconvenient" and that the majority of players that want to play BGs actually do, but have abnormally high queue times. I honestly believe they are that delusional.

    Well probably they have server data to check and if the issue is something that only 10% of the playerbase have it is "slightly inconvenient" ( i 've joined several battlegrounds with or without group and know some guys that play only in 4 man pre made)
    Anyhow you are right communication is not a zos quality, and we as a playerbase deserve a fix even if only the 1% have the issue, since everyone have payed the price tag on this product.

    I would agree with this. For a while they tried to fix the dungeon finder. But eventually they just stopped trying and stopped responding. I would imagine their numbers said the dungeon finder was good enough. It is sort of sad really.

    I got a rare bug back in 2014 that stopped my progress and locked my toon into a istance for almost 6 monts, the solution for them was to leave the character there and eventually with future patchs the situation maybe will change.

    They don't care if a low percentage have an issue and it is sad but if you look at the numbers with "10 million players" (lol) if 1-2 k cannot play the game, maybe for the company is better to refound 2k people than put a team searching and fixing an issue this small.
    I'm not defending zos but we need to get real.

  • Mondini
    You need to fire whoever designed this grouping system. Also fire whoever implemented this grouping system. You should also fire whoever defined the MMR for battlegrounds.
  • mesmerizedish
    Zaldan wrote: »
    DreamClown wrote: »
    Mid. July for consoles! Holy crap. It's only just now Mid. June.

    Gives you some idea of their regard for paying customers.

    It has nothing to do with "their regard for paying customers" and everything to do with Sony/Microsoft certification requirements.

    The absolute garbage fire of a grouping tool is ZOS's responsibility. The length of console patch certification is not.
  • BigES
    Queued up with 3 people for a hour and a half today. That's right. 90 minutes. 5400 seconds. Never got in a single BG match.

    Queued up solo... got in a match within 5 minutes. It put me in a group of 4 people, vs 3 people, vs 0 people. It promptly removed me from the BG match.

    I'm done queuing up for this broken garbage. I've probably wasted an entire day of my life just waiting for a BG match up to this point.
  • BigES
    BigES wrote: »
    KingJ wrote: »
    Hey guys, just to give you an update, we are testing several fixes relating to the Grouping Tool that should help with the remaining queuing issues. Our plan is to include these in Monday's incremental patch, assuming they pass QA.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will console get this patch?
    That's the plan, yep. It'll be in the next console incremental, currently looking at mid-July.

    Hey guys, just to give you an update, we are testing several fixes relating to the Grouping Tool that should help with the remaining queuing issues. Our plan is to include these in Monday's incremental patch, assuming they pass QA.

    Can we get some insight into what is broken and what is being done to fix it?
    I can't explain how the issues are being fixed (I'm not a programmer), but can list some of the issues we're currently working on that affect the Grouping Tool and queuing:
    • You can currently join a Battleground with less than two minutes remaining, which along with being less than ideal, also can cause you to get hit with an error message and get kicked back to another queue.
    • You will sometimes never get a Ready Check and will be kicked out of the queue after a full group has come together.
    • After joining a queue, you'll receive an error message that someone has declined the invite, and will get removed from the queue. We're working on not only fixing this issue, but also clarifying the error message so it's clearer what this means and what's happening.
    • You will sometimes encounter a long loading screen when zoning after accepting a Ready Check.
    • There are also a handful of backend issues that are resulting in groups failing to form.


    Really really appreciate the details and updates. You're not at fault for the state of the content, but we really do need to keep an open dialogue going, especially on critical issues such as this.

    That being said, mid-July for a patch to fix broken key content really isn't acceptable, and we all know that. Again, not your fault, but that's simply ridiculous. Battlegrounds, a key piece to the Morrowind expansion that we paid for, not being fixed immediately but instead being put off into a future patch is not acceptable. As soon as it passes QA for PC, it should be submitted to console certification, not put off until the next schedule update. Morrowind essentially contains 3 elements. The new zone, the new class, and battlegrounds. 1/3 of the product you sold isn't working.

    Its especially egregious since we are all fairly certain this planned fix won't actually fix anything, based off of historical precedent. Best case, console players are looking at Mid-July to play the content they purchased. Most-likely case, it will be September before it will even be close to fixed. Again, this is not acceptable. I don't think I'm being unreasonable or hysterical about this, if I paid for a movie and only got to see 2/3 of what I paid for, do you think that would be fair?

    Couple things.

    1. The reason they've been radio silent becomes clear. Because just like any other customer service center that sells a product, the second they admit/acknowledge guilt, they owe you something. E.g. all the "I need a refund" posts. So they are trying to avoid that rabbit hole.

    2. I'm actually not thoroughly convinced that THEY are convinced that BGs are as broken as we tell them it is. Like unplayably broken. They believe it's something "slightly inconvenient" and that the majority of players that want to play BGs actually do, but have abnormally high queue times. I honestly believe they are that delusional.

    3. The fact you have to ask for an explanation on why its broken, instead of one sentence replies, it atrocious. This company has "Community Managers". I mean, what does that even mean? Their job is like 80% communicating with the player base. So, where's the communication? We're on this forum more than they are, and we're not even paid to do it, lol.

    I used to feel somewhat remorseful for writing these "hateful" posts about ZoS and their development team, but they have dropped the ball way too many times. Its sad to see a game with such a fantastic platform that could be a leading MMORPG undergo an excruciating slow and painful death.

    Its why its the game we love to hate. Its like watching Tiger Woods go from the GOAT to bag boy.

    I tried to keep things professional as well, but at a certain point you realize that they couldn't give two sh*ts less about the playerbase. We're living in a day and age where these developing and publishing companies are no longer looking to provide a quality end game product; they do just enough to get it to pass as a functioning product, hype the f*ck out of it, sell as many copies as they can before word gets out that it's broken, then hope that enough people are going to just deal with it until they churn out their next steaming pile of garbage.

    It's a disgusting practice, and the only way we're going to stop it from happening is to stop buying into it. People need to refund Morrowind, drop their ESO+ subscriptions, stop buying Crowns, and starve ZOS until they fix their sh*t.

    They would probably just go under. If they're this incompetent with the amount of money that's been shoveled at them, just imagine how effective they would be a on a shoestring budget.

    Trying to leave this game is like trying to end a horrible relationship. We consider our time invested, and we make irrational attempts to help them fix their problems. I'd say its getting pretty close to the end of the long-term investment decision phase for many players.

    It's no coincidence that the best patches of this game were when they focused on themselves. Patches where they stepped back and analyzed the current state of them game, instead of trying to profiteer off their community through half-ass DLC's, crown crates, and passing out a million dollars to randos (instead of hiring a few competent developers).

    ESO needs another six month intervention/rehab patch to catch up on all the broken parts and pieces they've left along the highway.

    They're probably nearing the point where they're cutting their losses on retaining their long-term customers. And instead they feel its more profitable to pump out DLCs to appease the questing casuals.
  • lelink88
    well I confirm that yester day I got 4v4v2, it's still broken
  • KingJ
    Zaldan wrote: »
    DreamClown wrote: »
    Mid. July for consoles! Holy crap. It's only just now Mid. June.

    Gives you some idea of their regard for paying customers.

    It has nothing to do with "their regard for paying customers" and everything to do with Sony/Microsoft certification requirements.

    The absolute garbage fire of a grouping tool is ZOS's responsibility. The length of console patch certification is not.
    Their companies that can get patches turned over in a week at most every 2 weeks.Its not MS or Sony fault its entirety ZOS that we have to wait until mid july for a fix.

    Consoles players for the last few update have been getting 1 patch per entire update while PC has has multiple and problems fixed in days.
  • SwaminoNowlino
    Zaldan wrote: »
    DreamClown wrote: »
    Mid. July for consoles! Holy crap. It's only just now Mid. June.

    Gives you some idea of their regard for paying customers.

    It has nothing to do with "their regard for paying customers" and everything to do with Sony/Microsoft certification requirements.

    The absolute garbage fire of a grouping tool is ZOS's responsibility. The length of console patch certification is not.

    You are absolutely wrong. Patches take no more than a week to get through verification. Ubisoft routinely gets small, hotfix type patches through in 2-3 days and big patches in 5-7. There is absolutely no reason this patch can't be on console by 26 June aside from greed/laziness on the part of ZOS. I used to believe this "verification" excuse until I started playing other games and paying attention to such things.
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • eso_lags
    @ZOS_GinaBruno GINA, This is so simple.. This is soo0o0o0o broken, i mean jesus christ! I solo que, this happens a few times i get in... i que with 2 people, this happens a bunch of times and we get in.. I QUE WITH A 4 MAN AND I WAIT 30-60 MIN TO GET IN! Please fix this, its on your end.. Yes it says forming group then it stops and re ques.
  • hamburgerler76
    Hey guys, just to give you an update, we are testing several fixes relating to the Grouping Tool that should help with the remaining queuing issues. Our plan is to include these in Monday's incremental patch, assuming they pass QA.
    and how long until console can get them we have not had any fixed for group finder or BG que do we have to wait till next month's patch meaning weeks with bugged que? @ZOS_GinaBruno really getting tired of console being left with bugs for weeks cuss you like to group as much as you can into one patch sometime you got to suck it up pay for a cert and fix your game in decent amount of time!
  • hamburgerler76
    KingJ wrote: »
    Hey guys, just to give you an update, we are testing several fixes relating to the Grouping Tool that should help with the remaining queuing issues. Our plan is to include these in Monday's incremental patch, assuming they pass QA.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Will console get this patch?
    That's the plan, yep. It'll be in the next console incremental, currently looking at mid-July.

    Hey guys, just to give you an update, we are testing several fixes relating to the Grouping Tool that should help with the remaining queuing issues. Our plan is to include these in Monday's incremental patch, assuming they pass QA.

    Can we get some insight into what is broken and what is being done to fix it?
    I can't explain how the issues are being fixed (I'm not a programmer), but can list some of the issues we're currently working on that affect the Grouping Tool and queuing:
    • You can currently join a Battleground with less than two minutes remaining, which along with being less than ideal, also can cause you to get hit with an error message and get kicked back to another queue.
    • You will sometimes never get a Ready Check and will be kicked out of the queue after a full group has come together.
    • After joining a queue, you'll receive an error message that someone has declined the invite, and will get removed from the queue. We're working on not only fixing this issue, but also clarifying the error message so it's clearer what this means and what's happening.
    • You will sometimes encounter a long loading screen when zoning after accepting a Ready Check.
    • There are also a handful of backend issues that are resulting in groups failing to form.

    This is terrible stop trying to save money by putting everything in 1 console patch and just pay for a cert and get us a fix we payed 40$ for this content and the only part I wanted is broke AF now we have to wait a month just to get a supposed fix and if it doesn't fix it like every other suppowed fix what we wait another month?
    Edited by hamburgerler76 on June 18, 2017 3:42PM
  • hamburgerler76
    Not to mention even if you get que fixed still a terrible match making system it's doesn't look for roles or if your a preformed group you end up with 4 solo random against a organized 4 man group and get wiped every time. It's a simple thing most if not all games have to where if you join a match as group you get pared with other groups if you join solo you get other solo players
    Edited by hamburgerler76 on June 18, 2017 3:46PM
  • Cocorocho
    you guys still didn't give up?
  • Inhuman003
    The only lesson I learned about Battlegrounds don't ever queue with group finder it will always be a unbalanced fight between all three events you can be on a team with 2v3v4 or be on a team 4v2v2. And get the Relic seems to be very difficult when you have the Relic and you go to your station to put it down it will not release itself you are sitting there waiting for some kind of weird time or maybe it's bugged to put it on your station. But I'm going to still play on I just hope they add more events to battlegrounds more like 1V1 tournament brackets, Beast event 1 versus 8 enemy players.
  • Aiphaton
    Its just an Sacm of ZOS, im not gonna buy any Addon, Dlc or something of them..
    Im done with that, non talking poilitic the lieing about stuff, the selling of unfinished stuff and then the most stupid thing, not listening to the community base!
    Pls guys consider if this game is worth to spend 40€ to get nothign finished...
  • Sheey
    group queue does not work entirely on pc eu
  • Gravord
    Seems to be working better for now, but its still outside prime time so too early to judge.
    For sure there are still bugs, "Forming" turns into "Queue" and without pop up 3-5 mins later getting ported to bg.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler
  • TomLukman
    Gravord wrote: »
    Seems to be working better for now, but its still outside prime time so too early to judge.
    For sure there are still bugs, "Forming" turns into "Queue" and without pop up 3-5 mins later getting ported to bg.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler

    Then it's still broken. Even patch notes clearly say "The Elder Scrolls Online v3.0.9 continues to fix issues surrounding the Grouping Tool and queuing for Battlegrounds" - CONTINUES meaning it's still not fixed. They are more careful with their choice of words :)
  • Gravord
    Tested now in prime time. Absolutelly unplayable. Exact same "someone decline inv" spam from already "forming" status. Todays fix done nothing. After 2 hours didnt get to play one bg and gave up.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_BrianWheeler
  • Yshaar
    Tested with a group of 2 today for 20 minutes. Did not work even once. Utter disappointment.

    Always a mix of forming group, someone has declined, we even get different notification, seems we are not even in sync.

    Zenimax, tomorrow is week 4 of a main feature of a paid expansion not working. Alone I can queue but there are no non veteran queues, as advertised and said in client.
  • LordSlif
    I got my money back, i did not pay for that
  • MilwaukeeScott
    Still fubared on PS4 NA

    All I see is hate and rage from people who don't understand how to.....
  • bunnytrix
    Still broken..still unplayable...another patch with more ZOS lies...
    Almost every patch now contains a bunch of lies about fixing stuff. Seems it is more important to ZOS to lie about fixing stuff than actually fixing stuff.
    They obviously have no intention of fixing BGs, because they have no clue how to, just like the normal group finder.
    Absolutely disgusting that these clowns are still advertising Battlegrounds and taking money for a broken product.
This discussion has been closed.