Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Playstation: NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must Be The Place...

  • geonsocal
    i'll tell ya what is truly frustrating while playing PvP: every time I go on a nice little run wherein I'm defending well, hitting my rotations and generally causing havoc - I'll think to myself: "man, this is super cool, I gotta get a vid of this stuff"...

    without fail, I'll suddenly become very conscious of what I'm doing and within a minute or so - i'll die some embarrassingly gruesome death (like falling off the top of a keep or milegate)...

    actually, when I do die in the middle of some wild chaotic melee during a fight for flags - I'll usually just relax, 'pause for the cause' (cheech and chong style :p), and watch the action...

    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Gotta keep your eyes on the prize :p

    Don't take your eyes off the target

    Action, Reaction

    Think don't feel, feel don't think
  • geonsocal
    i have a few interesting vids...best are some odd "rp" moments and some 1st person combat (literally it's just a blur of action on the screen)...

    still, when I watch my vids and then look at hubzee's or wazzz's stuff - I definitely have much more work to do...

    I was kinda surprised when I re-watch them that I actually learn some stuff - like not to spam every single ability i have over and over again (guess that's a sign of good sustain :#)...

    that, and it's funny to see when I'm out in an open battlefield situation I'm constantly spinning the camera around to make sure no one is getting behind or flanking me and it comes out looking really paranoid :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Speaking of the camera, there is a blind spot on it. Whatever you see in front of you is usually all you can see, right? As long as no one makes noises behind you?

    I have been in a few situations in pvp where I have avoided multiple players because they never look behind them. Even if I stood up and did nothing they would never see you, so long as their character is looking in the opposite direction.

    What also helps me from getting ganked, is avoiding what I call travel lanes.


    See those yellow lines between keeps [also the white,blue,red lines are the same thing]? That line is the shortest traveling distance one can take form keep to keep, if you avoid these lines when there is a high amount of enemy activity, it greatly reduces your chances of getting found.

    The plus side to this is, and I have a saying for this;

    'For every enemy traveling through those lanes, there are just as many paths out in the wilds that lead to the same destination.'
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 24, 2017 6:51PM
  • geonsocal
    @Takes-No-Prisoner ...any idea why DC pretty much up and quit on scourge?

    even off there was some turmoil with some of its top players - that's a whole lot of players that have suddenly vanished...

    there must be something going in with some of the top guilds...

    I know it's super hard to achieve any kind of three way balance over the course of 30 days, but, it kind of feels like we simply traded DC dominance for AD dominance...

    my poor EP guys keep wondering when it'll be there turn to be on top :)
    Edited by geonsocal on March 24, 2017 6:58PM
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    That would be a good question for @Maff

    I don't play blue
  • geonsocal
    howdy @Maff , howdy @Curragraigue ...any idea where all the DC folks went to...it's like they just disappeared like those dwemer folks...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Maff
    I don't think DC has lost many players recently, AD just seems to have big zergs on all day now though which is probably putting a lot of blues off. Every evening I log in the map is nearly all yellow and our home keeps are heavily defended by big AD groups. I'm in the UK so that's early in Cyrodiil.
    I guess a lot of these yellows might have come from the closed campaigns?
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Maff wrote: »
    I guess a lot of these yellows might have come from the closed campaigns?

    That and Haderus. There is a guy who I played with recently, theevilgenuis, who plays during the night. He's been organizing AD during the Night shift/Grave yard shift. Then michaelangelo_7 takes over at 8am EST for the day shift. xGrim-Reaperx is also running groups in the evening time when I get on. As well as Pimmy/forbidden_angel/wild_stone occasionally.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 24, 2017 7:42PM
  • geonsocal
    Maff wrote: »
    I don't think DC has lost many players recently, AD just seems to have big zergs on all day now though which is probably putting a lot of blues off. Every evening I log in the map is nearly all yellow and our home keeps are heavily defended by big AD groups. I'm in the UK so that's early in Cyrodiil.
    I guess a lot of these yellows might have come from the closed campaigns?

    when i checked in last night (around 9 pst) there was one bar DC, one bar EP...

    multiple DC guilds seem to have packed their bags...i don't know - could also be the jester festival stuff too...
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    8pm EST yesterday Red 2 bars and Blue was pop locked along with AD. I guess you're seeing a different picture since you're PST.
  • Curragraigue
    I haven't been in Cyrodiil this campaign so not sure. Would make sense that some people would be drawn off by the event but that should be the case for all factions. I have been seeing a bit more trials activities in some of the guilds I'm in
    PUG Life - the true test of your skill

    18 characters, 17 max level, at least 1 Stam and 1 Mag of every class, 1 of every race and 1200+ CP

    Tanked to Undaunted 9+ Mag and Stam of every class using Group Finder for 90+% of the Vet Dungeon runs
  • TequilaFire
    This afternoon while fighting AD I felt like I was fighting DC as there were so many arch enemy DC names on AD that I had to do a double take.
  • t3hdubzy
    8pm EST yesterday Red 2 bars and Blue was poop locked along with AD. I guess you're seeing a different picture since you're PST.

  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    This afternoon while fighting AD I felt like I was fighting DC as there were so many arch enemy DC names on AD that I had to do a double take.

    Yeah I know :s
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 25, 2017 4:30PM
  • dotme
    It's a fundamental ESO PVP issue. No matter how "good" a player thinks they are, you're not going to prevail against overwhelming numbers. AD has overwhelming numbers, they're organized, and when a massive group of them wants a keep there's little that can be done to stop them.

    It's the football equivalent of serving up a 4 man team against an 11 man team. The outcome is inevitable.

    The way I see it, Scourge has two main EP guilds that can impact the map. Yesterday, one guild leader came on and within an hour we had both our scrolls back and were turning our home keeps red. Late last night, the leader of the other guild came on and within 10 minutes formed a 24 man group and once again we made serious progress. Problem is, those leaders aren't on much and without them, it seems EP just can't organize and push.

    Being overrun constantly is demoralizing especially for the casual player. One of the main guilds I've been an officer in for over 18 months, Accolytes, has all but gone - 15 of the main players including the guild master simply got tired of the lack of balance and sadly no longer play ESO at all.

    Everyone talks about PVP balance in terms of player stats, champion points, buffs and skills. But campaign faction balance has never really been a focal point for ZOS. In fact they added fuel to this fire when they allowed faction-swapping mid-campaign. Between the overwhelming numbers, tank builds you can't kill, players piling onto the winning side, and fewer and fewer good leaders, it's not a great situation.

    I don't know the answer, but with so many AD players it doesn't feel like a level playing field and I'm sure that's why so many EP don't PVP in Scourge at the moment.
  • Sanctum74
    I think the faction swapping is the biggest problem. AD was losing bad at the beginning of the camp, but then some of our leaders started playing again and brought us back into the lead. This has caused many EP/DC to start playing their AD characters. Last night was pretty balanced but days have been real bad with 3 bars AD and 1 each for EP/DC.

    Are those garbage camp rewards and AP really worth messing up the campaign? We all want enjoyable pvp but this switching back and forth is really ruining things.

    Balance is another issue which needs to be addressed yet they seem to keep making it worse for casual players. Removing cp would definitely help but there will still be issues because players dont have the right gear or knowledge. Of course they can acquire this but I can see how they would easily get discouraged and rage quit because they just cant compete with experienced players. Numbers don't always win and if your in a 24 man group and get wiped by 8 experienced players then your probably gonna quit or wanna go to the winning side. I think this is where guilds, crowns, and experienced players need to step up to help new players with gear, skill rotation, and strategy.

    Sorry for all the rambling, but one more thing lol. EP probably has the best players of all the factions but they just don't organize that well. If they did they could easily dominate the campaign. Personally I'd like to see AD start losing again, i miss being the under dog. Traveling 8 times to find only 4 people to fight is not fun.
  • geonsocal
    happy sunday one and all...not quite sure why but sunday has always been my favorite day of the week...just guess I really like that whole "day of rest" thing...

    really excellent point @dotme about PvP balance including campaign faction balance...

    like yourself @Sanctum74 I've been on the losing end of the cp race since I first moved to the vet campaigns over a year ago...i'm not real big on grinding xp and cp...

    fighting alongside more powerful allies and zergs help - but, it would be nice to have it so that most battle outcomes are decided by skill and not gear and cp...the real kicker is the max cp and BiS gear folks are also very skilled...

    I've had my godson visiting for a bit so I'm currently tied up in leveling a couple of new marvel characters (vision and ultron) on the disney infinity...can't wait too get back to the business of killing :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • Sanctum74
    Hey Geonsocal, happy sunday as well! I'm already at max cp, my point was about how with raising it each patch it just makes it harder for the newer players and will end up scaring them away. As much as I enjoy my cp, I really think the no cp week helped balance things out much better. It made it much harder to 1vX, but it should be hard to fight multiple enemies.

    They are talking about removing the resource recovery options from the cp tree, but that will create more problems if they still have resource poisons. They should just have cp be for pve and then pvp can be skill based again.

    Oh well, the problems of a gamer lol! Enjoy the rest of your day, it's off to Moms for a real meal that doesn't come from a can, yummmm!
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    @Sanctum74 nah feel free to rant. When AD has all of the map It does get really boring. It's times like those when they control the map for too long, makes me want to make a red or blue char to even out the campaign. But then I would be apart of the problem though.

    What do I do? :| I guess PVE
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 26, 2017 9:08PM
  • t3hdubzy
    I feel that until they do a complete overhaul of the combat system, tinkering with this and that is going to just continue to break the game down.

    The issue is they are addressing symptoms and one offs with changes that effect more than just the desired outcome.

    By removing recovery options, people will need to choose more recovery over damage and max resources, or dump more into one shot builds. Overall this isnt going to effect the heavy armor builds who are slotted for proc sets and heavy attacks or permablocking.

    In fact we will probably see more people farming viper, red mountain, etc.
  • t3hdubzy
    @Sanctum74 nah feel free to rant. When AD has all of the map It does get really boring. It's times like those when they control the map for too long, makes me want to make a red or blue char to even out the campaign. But then I would be apart of the problem though.

    What do I do? :| I guess PVE

    It sucks but im just hoping and wishing for a new game that peaks my interest. Ive spent hours in the ps store looking but i just havent found anything.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    Mass Effect, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Darkest Dungeon, Devil May Cry 4(its on flash sale for 7.49), Rocket League, Kingdom hearts, are just a few good games I see on PSN store atm

    You might like Darkest Dungeon for the difficulty and RNG
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 27, 2017 12:07AM
  • geonsocal
    i have a confession - I've been not so secretly putting in time on need for speed rivals...it's a little pvpish...not really...

    good thing disney shut down the online function for the infinity game - otherwise i'd be whopping butt all over the world with hulk, spiderman and darth vader :)
    PVP Campaigns Section: Playstation NA and EU (Gray Host) - This Must be the Place
  • wazzz56
    Speaking of the camera, there is a blind spot on it. Whatever you see in front of you is usually all you can see, right? As long as no one makes noises behind you?

    I have been in a few situations in pvp where I have avoided multiple players because they never look behind them. Even if I stood up and did nothing they would never see you, so long as their character is looking in the opposite direction.

    What also helps me from getting ganked, is avoiding what I call travel lanes.


    See those yellow lines between keeps [also the white,blue,red lines are the same thing]? That line is the shortest traveling distance one can take form keep to keep, if you avoid these lines when there is a high amount of enemy activity, it greatly reduces your chances of getting found.

    The plus side to this is, and I have a saying for this;

    'For every enemy traveling through those lanes, there are just as many paths out in the wilds that lead to the same destination.'

    @geonsocal to piggy back off of what @Takes-No-Prisoner said...train yourself at scanning the nearby environment (unless you already have a good grasp of it) while fighting for escape routes, kiting spots, choke points etc....knowing the map as a whole and knowing the area you are fighting in have helped me soo much
    GM Tig Ole Critties ps5 NA small scale PvP guild

    "After a hard week of farming, or a long night of being nagged by your wife, there is nothing better than going out for a bit of a fish."
  • t3hdubzy
    Mass Effect, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Darkest Dungeon, Devil May Cry 4(its on flash sale for 7.49), Rocket League, Kingdom hearts, are just a few good games I see on PSN store atm

    You might like Darkest Dungeon for the difficulty and RNG

    See im so picky with new games, i use to pre order games and the at the last minute usually after playing beta, cancel.

    I generally only play online multi players, and then its still very hard to find a game i feel is worth buying. Though money isnt an issue i immediately feel remorse when i buy a game and 10min into it feel like i will never play it again.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    Mass Effect, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Darkest Dungeon, Devil May Cry 4(its on flash sale for 7.49), Rocket League, Kingdom hearts, are just a few good games I see on PSN store atm

    You might like Darkest Dungeon for the difficulty and RNG

    See im so picky with new games, i use to pre order games and the at the last minute usually after playing beta, cancel.

    I generally only play online multi players, and then its still very hard to find a game i feel is worth buying. Though money isnt an issue i immediately feel remorse when i buy a game and 10min into it feel like i will never play it again.

    There are a lot of games out there that offer good experiences that aren't multiplayer though [except Rocket League which is]. All you have to do is find a genre you like then buy into those titles. Granted the more consoles / equipment you have to run games the better :P
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 27, 2017 1:42PM
  • t3hdubzy
    t3hdubzy wrote: »
    Mass Effect, Nioh, Horizon Zero Dawn, Darkest Dungeon, Devil May Cry 4(its on flash sale for 7.49), Rocket League, Kingdom hearts, are just a few good games I see on PSN store atm

    You might like Darkest Dungeon for the difficulty and RNG

    See im so picky with new games, i use to pre order games and the at the last minute usually after playing beta, cancel.

    I generally only play online multi players, and then its still very hard to find a game i feel is worth buying. Though money isnt an issue i immediately feel remorse when i buy a game and 10min into it feel like i will never play it again.

    There are a lot of games out there that offer good experiences that aren't multiplayer though [except Rocket League which is]. All you have to do is find a genre you like then buy into those titles. Granted the more consoles / equipment you have to run games the better :P

    Im waiting for friday the 13th, will probably be my next game. Waiting for a call of duty to come out thats more like modern warfare. I liked black opa but never as much as modern warfare. A new gta game would be fun too.

    Watch dogs 2 was eh, i played the free weekend and it reminded me why i didnt like the first one.
  • t3hdubzy
    Btw has anyone noticed that cloak has been buggy this last week im getting pulled from stealth without being able to return while fighting npcs. Ive died to a few trash mobs lately because cloak didnt work when i needed it (btw usually run zero heals)
  • Maff
    @Sanctum74 nah feel free to rant. When AD has all of the map It does get really boring. It's times like those when they control the map for too long, makes me want to make a red or blue char to even out the campaign. But then I would be apart of the problem though.

    What do I do? :| I guess PVE

    I used to get bored when DC would zerg the map too. I'd log in, see too much blue then go do other things. I've still had some good times despite the AD population explosion. I get zerged down by groups but still manage to get a kill or two first sometimes.
    It's frustrating to be constantly outnumbered but I can still have fun and enjoy a few victories. Been running my MagDK heavy attack build a lot for keep defence and melting some of these guys in 2 or 3 shots from a keep wall will always keep my spirits up.
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