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The Impenetrable Trait & Item Sets

  • Netherscorn
    Remove Prosperous and Training altogether. Keep training for crafted stuff only. NO ONE wants this from drops. EVER.
  • illuminousflux
    Yes, please for the love of the Tamriel, remove prosperous and training from the loot table. Period. They have no value for PvP, Dungeons, or Trials.

    I see the value of training for people needing to grind for exp, however they may as well just craft a set for grinding if that's the case. It is beyond frustrating to get desired gear but to have a prosperous or training trait, they get deconstructed immediately.

  • thelonedovah
    Please get rid of training and prosperous, no one has use for it
  • Ankael07
    I dont get the point of this post to be honest. Removal of prosperous and training is an age old discussion so why open an official one? If youre going to open one and get the obvious answer why not implement the changes with update 12 when a big itemization change is happening?
    If you want me to reply to your comment type @Ankael07 in it.
  • Karius_Imalthar
    I was kind of indifferent to prosperous and training until, since One Tamriel, I have started playing the daily pledge circuit again... and then getting those traits on monster helms and shoulders feels like a big middle finger. I can't say that absolutely no one would want cp160 items in training but I think the number would be incredibly low. When I wanted to raise item skill then I just crafted junk training items and would only slot them just prior to handing in a quest. There is absolutely no way I would ever craft cp160 gear for training or prosperous. Impen I set aside for pvp sets.
  • jaye63
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    Im fairly new to ESO, but I've been playing PC games since Wizardy and have played my share of MMOs. Training on End game gear is pointless and actually could be taken as a slap in the face. It's easy to keep multiple sets of gear. One for PvE, PvP and leveling. There is more of a need to have a useable trait that helps you in PvP and PvE than there is a need for one that boosts XP. XP is everywhere. You can run vet or even randoms for XP.

    XP is almost never an end game consideration for me. When I get to end game, I have the XP already

    So... remove training gets my vote.
    But adding Impenetrable regardless of where they drop is also a good one. That would be great as well

    If we cant have both, remove training.
    Edited by jaye63 on October 18, 2016 11:02PM
  • Tannus15
    I have the best trolling idea ever.

    Add impen to all sets.

    Keep Prosperous and Training and make them BoE.


    No seriously, get rid of Prosperous and Training.
    Remove sturdy from light and medium.

    Change impen to also have some sort of benefit in PvE.
  • jaye63
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , please be aware that many players would gladly pay $50 for a forge that has the capability of changing item traits and appearances.

    I wouldnt. I never want to see a player advantage be paid for. That's pay to win. You want to pay to win, play a browser game.
    ESO has done a pretty good job at keeping pay to play the game(buy the game, DLCs etc) the monetary focus instead of you only get to win if you pay extra. I like the enthusiasm you have in wanting it enough that you would pay to get it, but I've watched games lose a lot of people who quit games in frustration because they just didnt have the disposable income to keep up with the other players.
  • Solus
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets


    i do not want training or prosperous on any group dungeon/trial drops. I could see where i would in the normal over land drops to keep the economy what it is. What i mean is if it's easier to find certain weapons that are dropped from WB,(like sharpened Spriggan Maces) they will be worth less. I like being able to make a killing from WB drops because i spend many hours grinding for those items. However when I work with 3 other people in CoS Vet for example, the biggest slap in the face is getting not only a light armor (Im a Stamblade) Veli head, but its in TRAINING.

    Why in the world would i want a training monster head? Some of you will say that you can get CP faster by having all training gear and good on you if you do that, but i dont, and a majority of people dont. It's been proven that prosperous is broken anyways, when you can run full Impen armor and make more money by saving on repairs, than you would with full prosperous. (As shown in the thread titled, "Prosperous is Preposterous")

    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom what you could do is:

    A- Take training and prosperous completely out of the drops from any and all group effort instances.

    B- Possibly implement some kind of token system, give a rating system with some kind of token pay out, (maybe besting your personal best awards more tokens?) per boss. This way if you run normal CoS you get 1 token per boss, 2 for final boss, and double this for vet. (Triple for hard mode) When you amass 50 tokens, (or whatever seems feasible) you can turn them in for whatever you want that pertains to that dungeon. (or maybe make them universal, so you can do randoms and still earn tokens for that monster mask you want) This way, there is some kind of physical end goal in sight and not just mindlessly redoing a dungeon until you turn old just to finally get what you want. If you implement this, you would not have to take training/prosperous out, as we would be able to choose what traits and light, med, or heavy armor types.

    C- Just allow us to pick the end items, for example if i complete Vet CoS, apart of the reward for completing vet is i can choose which monster mask, and what trait i want it in. You could implement this with all dungeons, just make a portal to the beginning and have Haskill be waiting for us to talk to him. Have him say "As a reward for killing (enter final boss here), Sheogorath gives you this." At this point a store like UI comes up and you get to chose, kind of like the Golden on the weekends, but without a price tag. Keep the chest at the end, and have everything but the guaranteed monster mask there, and just put the head of (enter final boss here) or some identifying part of the boss in there to turn into Haskill. Doesnt have to be him, i was just quickly thinking of something that could make sense, and would be kind of cool to see IMO. This wouldnt be the same for normal however, only Vet, and maybe only if you do it on Hard mode to counter the fact that people can do it over and over. Also if you implement B or C, it has to be BoP, as this would throw other things for a loop if it wasn't.

    Just some ideas, what do you guys think?
    Edited by Solus on October 18, 2016 11:48PM
    The-Pumpkin-King // Stamblade

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    My PC:
  • Elrond87
    prosperous and training is all i get pretty much since this patch, at least give them a buff so i can get rich and gain cp faster
    Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard

    "If you are depressed you are living in the past if you are anxious you are living in the future, if you are at peace, you are living in the present." Lao Tzu

    To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all. Oscar Wilde
  • Solus
    jaye63 wrote: »
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , please be aware that many players would gladly pay $50 for a forge that has the capability of changing item traits and appearances.

    I wouldnt. I never want to see a player advantage be paid for. That's pay to win. You want to pay to win, play a browser game.
    ESO has done a pretty good job at keeping pay to play the game(buy the game, DLCs etc) the monetary focus instead of you only get to win if you pay extra. I like the enthusiasm you have in wanting it enough that you would pay to get it, but I've watched games lose a lot of people who quit games in frustration because they just didnt have the disposable income to keep up with the other players.

    No, no pay to win crap. I agree with your response. This would destroy the economy, things need to be changed at the point of pick up, a token system is really what i want.
    The-Pumpkin-King // Stamblade

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    My PC:
  • dem0n1k
    Just joining in with my voice to ask for the removal of training & preposterous from CP160 drops. Pleeeeeeeez !! :D

    So disappointing when you complete a hard boss & get training or preposterous.

    (edit) & definitely add impenetrable to the loot table.... even from PVE content, it's great to be able to put a PVP set together!
    Edited by dem0n1k on October 18, 2016 11:08PM
    NA Server [PC] -- Mostly Ebonheart Pact, Mostly.
  • Lavum
    Why is this even a topic when we still have drops like this:
    Don't say -"Cash Grab" when it is a "Cash Grab" by ZoS. Apparently "Cash Grab" is not PC.
  • cyberjanet
    I have a GREAT NEW IDEA for the prosperous trait.

    Let it deconstruct into BAST for light clothing, CLEAN PELTS for medium clothing, REGULUS for metal and HEARTWOOD for wooden items. Even items you craft yourself.

    And Impenetrable everywhere in all sets is also a good thing.
    Edited by cyberjanet on February 27, 2017 3:00PM
    Favourite NPC: Wine-For-All
    Mostly PC-EU , with a lonely little guy on NA.
  • Deep_01
    Training and prosperous for crafting only. Impen on drops..
    @Deepan on PC-EU
  • Vapirko
    Yes please remove training/prosperous from all vet content and undaunted chests. I rarely bother doing pledges anymore because getting completely unusable monster sets.
  • MakoFore
    impen would be great - imagine an impen vicious ophidian- how much fun that would be in imperial city.

    and yeah - gt rid of prosperous and training

    but moreso- make the other traits- sturdy , well fitted, etc more viable end game- buff all traits to make true customisation and variety. right now cyrdoil is 90 percent- \

    magicka : burning spell weave- impen OR Spriggans impen

    i think we all want a cyrodil where there is no such thing as best in slot- but choices in slot
  • Onigar
    The issues with inappropriate traits on gear has been going on for the 2+ years I have been playing the game and whatever is decided for the adjustment to dropped item traits may ease the current trait focus in the short term but it will not fix the issue in a way there is no future pressure on zos to make software changes to the game.

    One method that could work and would move potential future effort away from developers and testers is in introduce a few crown store unique trait override stones that you can add to the gear improvement interface so that a player can rework an existing gear item with a new trait.

    The result of this rework action should probably also set the gear item to be bound which, if it is from a dungeon or trial then it will be already. In this way you maintain the need for players to do the activity and acquire the gear items.

    There is so much to do in this game and with Morrowind adding to that perhaps it is time to reduce the pressure on players need to repeatedly do the same things over and over just to get the items they want.
    Edited by Onigar on February 27, 2017 10:38AM
    PC EU
    Addon Author:
    Currency Manager:
  • Ravereth
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    Remove Prosperous and Training from all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop.

    Prosperous and Training should be available for crafting items and item sets only.

    Edited by Ravereth on February 27, 2017 10:42AM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    A simple question:

    Impenetrable trait:
    Reduces item's durability damage 50%
    Increases Critical Resistance

    Is there any benefit from crit resistance in PvE ? or it is purely useful in PvP ?

  • codybrewer78b14_ESO
    I'm for removing prosperous and training from all end game content (including Vet dungeons) and adding Impenetrable. There are plenty of players that do both PVE and PVP. Many players run the PVE content to get gear to use in PVP so they will want Impenetrable.
  • Rowjoh
    Remove Prosperous and Training trait from all 160 champion gear and replace them with Impen and an exciting new trait :wink:

  • holosoul
    mother of necro threads save us, we are forsaken

    real talk though i haven't ran a pledge since impen got taken out of chests, no point now.
  • ChildOfLight
    The fact that none wants the "prosperous" or "training" traits does not mean those are not necessary for the good health of the drop table.

    Is this a thread on what community wants or about what is good for the game?
    Edited by ChildOfLight on February 27, 2017 11:13AM
    PC EU

    Ross Campano - Imperial Dragonknight - Tanks and steals stuff from barrels
  • oMrRust
    and I just realized this was an old forum post lol
    Edited by oMrRust on February 27, 2017 11:17AM
  • TheRealPotoroo
    There has been a longstanding request from some of our players to consider adding the Impenetrable Trait to item sets that drop from end-game PVE content. We’ve read arguments for and against making this change, and have discussed options among the team here. We’d like to share with you what we’re currently considering.
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, regardless of where they drop
    • Add Impenetrable as a valid Trait for all item sets in the game, except those that drop in Trials
    • Remove Prosperous and Training as valid Traits from Trial item sets

    Just on nine months later and nothing - so was there a point to the OP?


    Training on end-game gear is at best useless and arguably insulting. Remove it.
    Prosperous as it is currently implemented is useless (see, so either remove it or fix it.
    Impen is only marginally useful for PvE so I don't really care if it stays relatively uncommon. I want Infused and Divines.
    PC NA, PC EU

    "Instead of taking the best of the dolmens (predictable rotation), the best of the geysers (scalability based on number of players), and the best of the dragons (map location and health indicators) and adding them together to make a fun and dynamic world event scenario, they gave us....... harrowstorms."
  • leepalmer95
    The fact that none wants the "prosperous" or "training" traits does not mean those are not necessary for the good health of the drop table.

    Is this a thread on what community wants or about what is good for the game?

    Well whats the community wants is usually good for the game..

    The community = the game.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • Zyrudin
    My proposal would be to replace:

    - In Armor:
    --Prosperous could become Powered, which would increase (adequately small) % of healing received (instead of done, which is for weapons).
    --Training could become Imbued, which would reduce cooldown of potions and increase their duration by a (adequately small) %.

    - In Weapons:
    --Training could become Efficient, which would reduce the cost of abilities (Staves reduce cost of Magicka, other weapons reduce cost of Stamina) by a (adequately small) %.
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