Maintenance for the week of June 3:
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Potential Guild Trader Exploit! Please Investigate and Fix ASAP!

  • Scaena
    redmoonga wrote: »
    This has been that way since beta. ZOS doesnt care. Guild stalls are the BIGGEST gold sink in the game. This "exploit" dosent negatively impact that sink. And does not impact the guilds in the game. You want a stall, you have to out bid the others trying to get it.

    ZOS, those who work there and respond here, have a system. For illustration purposes I'm going to say they run the biggest guild in the game. There is a lot of member input, they have to discuss it with the other guild leaders and find out the impact on the guild. Bonus, someone is going to be upset no matter what happens. I suggest we let the machine run, give them good and sound input, and remain positive. Would you want to converse with someone if they say you don't care? (it's their job, professionals, let's try and treat them with respect.

    Traders Guild Sink: Totally agree, on both accounts.

    Doesn't impact guilds though? I would say judging by the amount of responses and people getting forum accounts just to respond that it's already had an impact. I'm just as eager to find out what happens as everyone else. To see if it's going to continue to impact guilds and how so moving forward.

    Bidding: To quote BB King, "You have to pay the cost, to be the boss."


    Yup. It's going to be interesting how the game develops from here. Hopefully Zenimax is listening but yeah its seems the unfortunate reality for you all is that you will soon be bowing down before my greatness as I take Tamriel for my own.

    Personally I think Zenimax just wants to wait until I'm a few traders away from owning them all and then bans the exploit, taking it all away from me right before my grand achievement!
  • Aaru
    Kingpin, my new lord and master, since ZOS has decided to remain silent on this matter, it is time for you to begin forming your empire. Remember us little people when you are rich and famous!
  • reguvin
    Today the same Trader Exploit happened on PS4,

    Empty Guild won a Trader then sold it to a Big Guild and disbanded.

    Have all screenshots. Will there be an action against it?

    - Beta Tester
    - PC (2014-2015)
    - Playstation 4 (Since 2015)

    - Known for Trading & Guilds
  • Scaena
    Aaru wrote: »
    Kingpin, my new lord and master, since ZOS has decided to remain silent on this matter, it is time for you to begin forming your empire. Remember us little people when you are rich and famous!

    Working on it! haha.

    It's going to be all about February 5th and 12th. What better time to start taking names then the DLC launch week?
  • Tandor
    I'm sure all this talk of trader exploits must be false. We have it on good authority from a number of people on this forum that trading abuse can only happen with an auction house and isn't possible with the present guild trader system :wink: !
  • Scaena
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm sure all this talk of trader exploits must be false. We have it on good authority from a number of people on this forum that trading abuse can only happen with an auction house and isn't possible with the present guild trader system :wink: !

    ROFL... I think the point is that no system is perfect and auction houses have their own serious issues. The Trader system though is unique to ESO and a major selling point to many players.

    Plus this exploit opens the opportunity for me to take my rightful place as the Kingpin of Tamriel!
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm sure all this talk of trader exploits must be false. We have it on good authority from a number of people on this forum that trading abuse can only happen with an auction house and isn't possible with the present guild trader system :wink: !

    I very nearly lost a mouthful of coffee into my keyboard.
    Scaena wrote: »
    ROFL... I think the point is that no system is perfect and auction houses have their own serious issues. The Trader system though is unique to ESO and a major selling point to many players.

    It is simply NOT possible for the ESO Trade system to be a "major selling point" to many players.
    At best only 85,000 players can sell through the Kiosk System.
    There has to be at least 10 times that number of players - and in reference to that larger total player pool 85,000 isn't "many", it is minuscule.
    And the Kiosk system has never really worked for Buyers - making it time consuming and tedious to find even the most basic item and permitting wholesale price gouging by Sellers.

    All The Best

    Edited by Gandrhulf_Harbard on January 31, 2017 10:49AM
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • NeillMcAttack
    reguvin wrote: »
    Today the same Trader Exploit happened on PS4,

    Empty Guild won a Trader then sold it to a Big Guild and disbanded.

    Have all screenshots. Will there be an action against it?


    Where was this??
    I know that last week a trader sat with no items for sale in Craglorn.

    This must be very common!
    PC EU - NoCP PvP, is real PvP
    Tiidehunter Nord StamDK EP PvP Main
    Legion Commander Tresdin Stamplar DC PvE Main
    Sephirith Altmer MagPlar EP Gondar the Bounty Hunter Khajiit StamBlade DC
    The Dirge Redguard StamNecro EP Disruptor Stormcrafter Nord StamSorc AD
    Lone Druid Bosmer Stam Warden EP Necro-Phos Argonian MagBlade AD
    @ McAttack in game
    Played since beta, and then on console at release, until the game became unplayable on console.
  • Anti_Virus
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I thought the entire point of using Traders was to prevent one guild from gaining a monopoly over others. If this is happening and continues to happen, ZOS might as well just pull the whole thing and change to a global Auction House system instead.

    It could happen, All it takes is one guild to buy out all the Main city guilds and be on large trade monopoly.
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • PathwayM
    Scaena wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm sure all this talk of trader exploits must be false. We have it on good authority from a number of people on this forum that trading abuse can only happen with an auction house and isn't possible with the present guild trader system :wink: !

    ROFL... I think the point is that no system is perfect and auction houses have their own serious issues. The Trader system though is unique to ESO and a major selling point to many players.

    Plus this exploit opens the opportunity for me to take my rightful place as the Kingpin of Tamriel!

    I think people on Ps4 are beating you to it...

    It's almost like we said this would happen...
    Edited by PathwayM on January 31, 2017 5:31PM
  • NerdyHayseed
    It's obviously an allowed practice. And that's all there is to it...absolute silence from ZOS.
  • film
    I'm pretty sure they're okay with this since it's been happening on console since the launch of the game. We have a Mournhold Mafia
    Edited by film on January 31, 2017 7:52PM

    Follow the stream if you like the stream. Marry the stream if you love the stream.
  • Dawnblade
    Scaena wrote: »
    Tandor wrote: »
    I'm sure all this talk of trader exploits must be false. We have it on good authority from a number of people on this forum that trading abuse can only happen with an auction house and isn't possible with the present guild trader system :wink: !

    ROFL... I think the point is that no system is perfect and auction houses have their own serious issues. The Trader system though is unique to ESO and a major selling point to many players.

    Plus this exploit opens the opportunity for me to take my rightful place as the Kingpin of Tamriel!

    LMFAO - while an alternative system could still have issues, a system open to all and controlled by ZOS would be much less prone to gaming than the system we have now with guilds and traders, especially given the limited nature of traders combined with the ability of players to be in multiple guilds.

    Also please define 'major selling point' and 'many players' along with providing a measurement and source for both.

  • necronomniconb14_ESO
    A global AH would resolve this issue and make it easier for returning and new players to make gold in the game. Bots are only here because of the greed in the design. Getting gold is such a massive pita , that it is actually the most expensive gold to buy for any mmorpg by far from what I see. Even the botters value it highly, probably because they have to vendor almost everything except a few specific fast sellers in zone such as gold mats in order to be efficient with their time.

    That's a poorly designed system that leads to that, lol. A global AH wouldn't make fewer bots, but it would make fewer players consider buying gold in the coming months which would lead to fewer bots eventually. It isn't rocket science, if you convolute things it turns people off or encourages them to pass the monotony onto software or other players. If it feels like a job itself just to get the house, you should be paying ME 80 bucks for it.

    Edited by necronomniconb14_ESO on February 6, 2017 5:21PM
  • Dizeazed_MC
    Soul Shriven
    Has there even been a reply from a mod in this thread yet?

  • NerdyHayseed
  • Lord_Archaic
    And yet the person doesn't show us the guild that "took over" if you want to punish people........give their names.....otherwise you're just not doing anything to bring them to light.....
  • Pallio
    As this does not effect PVP or Housing, it may get looked into a few months after the next DLC/Expansion so October maybe.
  • Scaena
    And yet the person doesn't show us the guild that "took over" if you want to punish people........give their names.....otherwise you're just not doing anything to bring them to light.....

    The forums have a rule banning "naming and shaming" so no one can call out any player or guild.

    I have no doubt those who used the exploit were reported but its clear that ZOS has given their tacit approval of this method to get multiple backup traders for a guild. Main guild loses the bid? No worries we'll disband one of our backup guilds and the main guild can then hire that now open Trader for the week.
  • Cpt_Teemo
    Scaena wrote: »
    And yet the person doesn't show us the guild that "took over" if you want to punish people........give their names.....otherwise you're just not doing anything to bring them to light.....

    The forums have a rule banning "naming and shaming" so no one can call out any player or guild.

    I have no doubt those who used the exploit were reported but its clear that ZOS has given their tacit approval of this method to get multiple backup traders for a guild. Main guild loses the bid? No worries we'll disband one of our backup guilds and the main guild can then hire that now open Trader for the week.

    I don't really get the whole "Name & Shame" all games have, if someone has done something wrong multiple times and knows what they are doing then shouldn't we have the right to know who they are?
  • Scaena
    Scaena wrote: »
    And yet the person doesn't show us the guild that "took over" if you want to punish people........give their names.....otherwise you're just not doing anything to bring them to light.....

    The forums have a rule banning "naming and shaming" so no one can call out any player or guild.

    I have no doubt those who used the exploit were reported but its clear that ZOS has given their tacit approval of this method to get multiple backup traders for a guild. Main guild loses the bid? No worries we'll disband one of our backup guilds and the main guild can then hire that now open Trader for the week.

    I don't really get the whole "Name & Shame" all games have, if someone has done something wrong multiple times and knows what they are doing then shouldn't we have the right to know who they are?

    ZOS just doesn't want it on their forums. Name & Shame all you want elsewhere but ZOS doesn't want it here. They want you to report them privately. They don't want to deal with harassment complaints or even lawsuits. They are protecting themselves from a potential PR blight.
  • Totes-Bode
    There's one in Daggerfall today called "Insert Guild Name Here." I have a screenshot, but the reply form isn't allowing me to attach an image.
  • Ilsabet
    Totes-Bode wrote: »
    There's one in Daggerfall today called "Insert Guild Name Here." I have a screenshot, but the reply form isn't allowing me to attach an image.

    If you're on PC NA, that's an actual guild.
    Ilsabet Menard - DC Breton Nightblade archer - Savior of Pretty Much Everything, Grand Overlord & Empress Nubcakes
    Katarin Auclair - DC Breton Warden healer & ice mage
    My characters and their overly elaborate backstories
    Ilsabet's Headcanon
    The Adventures of Torbyrn Windchaser - Breaking the Ice & Ashes to Ashes
    PC NA
  • Necosileo
    Soul Shriven
    Totes-Bode wrote: »
    There's one in Daggerfall today called "Insert Guild Name Here." I have a screenshot, but the reply form isn't allowing me to attach an image.

    You seriously tried to report them? Based solely on their guild name?

    What is it with people's urge to be tattle-tells in this game? If it isn't hurting you, let it go, grow up.
  • Anne13
    reguvin wrote: »
    Today the same Trader Exploit happened on PS4,

    Empty Guild won a Trader then sold it to a Big Guild and disbanded.

    Have all screenshots. Will there be an action against it?


    Are you not doing the same thing every single week!? With your 20 guilds and 30 different accounts! Your gold selling/buying.... you know what would stop this... you being perma banned! And all of your little crew!
    ( before you deny many of us have tons of saved and dated proof! )
  • Anne13
    It's been going on for to long and many players are quitting the game because of the crooked crap these certain players do on a daily basis
    Edited by Anne13 on August 27, 2017 9:01PM
  • Anne13

    Scaena wrote: »
    ZOS just doesn't want it on their forums. Name & Shame all you want elsewhere but ZOS doesn't want it here. They want you to report them privately. They don't want to deal with harassment complaints or even lawsuits. They are protecting themselves from a potential PR blight.

    You don't think they get reported constantly by many time and time again. It's difficult to trace what they're up to when they use multiple guilds and accounts to pass gold, items bought from Chinese farmers or buying/selling gold. Which is all apart of the ' bigger picture '
    It's not just exploiting the trader system it causes many complications for the honest legit guilds! It also needs maintenance every time to fix it.
    So why let it continue?
  • wolfie1.0.
    Necosileo wrote: »
    Totes-Bode wrote: »
    There's one in Daggerfall today called "Insert Guild Name Here." I have a screenshot, but the reply form isn't allowing me to attach an image.

    You seriously tried to report them? Based solely on their guild name?

    What is it with people's urge to be tattle-tells in this game? If it isn't hurting you, let it go, grow up.

    I know this is old, But i just want to Clarify that "Insert Guild Name Here" is an actual legitimate trade guild. The Guild had a different name once upon a time but it was forced changed by ZOS to this. So we (yes I am a member) rolled with it.
  • GreenhaloX
    PathwayM wrote: »
    I noticed something funky that happened in Rawl'kha during the trader flip on 1/22/2017.

    The guild 'Guild for Testing' won the bid for the guild trader 'Ronuril'. Moments later the guild trader was owned by an entirely different guild.

    Here are some screen shots showing the initial guild's ownership of the said guild trader:



    It looks like the initial guild might have disbanded and the second guild hired the spot. This brings up some immediate concern for this behavior to be abused. If a large trade guild bids on one location, loses their bid, and makes a bid on a second location with a 'throw away guild' it seems as though the throw away guild could be disbanded and immediately hired by the primary guild. I cannot say whether or not this was the case in this scenario and I'm not going to name the guild that took over the spot, but this needs to be addressed.

    Well.. many, many moons later and ghost traders have expanded, with alliance guilds (PS4, cough, cough) conglomerately taking over the majority, if not all, high traffic capital cities and showing no sight of stoppage, you have to believe it is as much a part of the game as lagging, crashing, bugs, server down, DDS, douchbags sneaking in and taking treasure chests and nodes from you as you're fighting the adds near the chest, peeps leaving craps behind in treasure chests and leaving trail of used chests, to nerfing and peeps calling out for nerfing, civilized and gentlemen-like (more cough, cough) contents in zone chats, and cheating occurring in PvP, etc., yadda, yadda. It seems to be all part of the game. You just have to love it.. It's the nature of the beast and the way of the world in MMO gaming.
  • Cpt_Ati
    reguvin wrote: »
    Today the same Trader Exploit happened on PS4,

    Empty Guild won a Trader then sold it to a Big Guild and disbanded.

    Have all screenshots. Will there be an action against it?


    says the guy that used wrist exploit and got 3 days ban :smile:
    Long Load Time-Wood Elf Nightblade 800+ CP
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