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Morrowind...and ESO+

  • ADarklore
    I believe it is also part of ZOS' TOS that they can change anything at any time and nothing written is construed as being a legally binding contract between ZOS and player. That's usually how the legalese works with these kinds of things.

    Also, I don't think ZOS really cares much about what people want or think, I've seen numerous times where they completely ignore the complaints and push ahead with announced plans anyway... they know players will come and go, and a few months after Morrowind's release, people will forget all about it... and many who left will return anyway.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Flynch
    Flynch wrote: »
    Flynch wrote: »
    Meh. I paid for Wow for a good number of years and still had to pay for expansions, so there is precedent. I personally have no issue with this. There is a distinct marker here as far as DLC versus expansion and ESO: Morrowind meets that threshold.

    What is that distinct marker?

    Hell, even ZOS were uncomfortable about calling it an Expansion in the stream.

    the distinct marker?

    you could play it as it is without touching the rest of the game.....

    start at toon there and never leave.

    Yeah but... you can do that in literally every zone (including the dlc zones lulz) now we have OneTam.

    You still need to either own the base-game or purchase the base-game along with Morrowind. So i'm still really not seeing where the difference is.

    edit: typo

    but you don't need the base game to play morrowind, as they stated you can buy morrowind without owning eso and play it. they also said once you beat the main storyline of morrowind you will have access to eso:one tamriel.

    so it's similar to any game that has a sequel and they give you the first game free (Fractured But Whole comes to mind where I will get the Stick of Truth free with it)

    You can't buy Morrowind without the base-game being part of the purchase though. Have a look at the options. It's a bolt-on, which is where the issue seems to reside.

    You can wayshrine over to the Gold Coast straight out of character creation (if you've purchased or rented the dlc) and never touch the 'base-game', but that doesn't mean the Gold Coast is an expansion.
  • LiquidPony
    People have been speculating that Vvardenfell would be a paid expansion (versus a DLC) for months. Can't say this is surprising.

    New class, huge new zone, Battlegrounds, and a new Trial ... and that's just what we know now. More updates coming tomorrow including clarification on what "DLC" we get this year.

    The trailer was awesome. The story looks awesome. Battlegrounds, a new Trial, and a new class. Amazing. They gave us most of the things we've been asking for and people, of course, have immediately found a thousand reasons to be mad about it.

    Take $0.33 every day and put it in your piggy bank, and you'll be prepped for launch.
  • BosmeriPride
    Good to know Zenimax has decided to screw over their Subs. I've been playing this game since Beta, I subbed since the start, and I helped keep this game from running.

    I have cancelled my Subscription, Zenimax can opt for undoing this absurd scam, or I refuse to pay a single dime to ZOS for this. Ill still play the game, but I'll do so for free with the sole purpose of using up server load.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only Subscriber who feels this way, so if money is all you care about, ZOS, I hope this hurts your wallet.
  • nova.terratrb14_ESO
    Was waiting for some sort of announcement to get back in the game and resub, then I see this shady ***. 40$, ESO Plus which is ADVERTISED to get all future content doesn't get it.

    20 hours Orisnium. Considered DLC. 20$.
    30 hours Morrowind. Not DLC. 40$. Nope. I'm out.

    The 'class' is cool, but in reality its three skill lines. Thats it. THREE SKILL LINES.

    No level cap increase. No map of the area we're getting so we can actually judge the size of this.

    For an 'expansion' it better be 3-4 new zones. Not just one. I bet its one though, because thats how developers always are when they're shady. They figure the player expectations out and then quarter it and call it high quality big huge content they've never done before.

    I've seen this before with other games. I'm out.
  • ninjaguyman
    1 day, 22 hours = 47 hours
    10 days, 17 hours = 257 hours
    19 days, 6 hours = 462 hours
    56 days 22 hours = 1366 hours

    this is the /played times on all of my characters. netting me 2132 hours of play time on this game. So whats the point of those hours? the game as said on eso live today was packaged at 300 hours of play time. that 300 hour package when the game released was probably counting towards doing all the pve story quests, getting skyshards, and doing all the dungeons maybe once. the play time on my newest character, at 47 hours consisted of running through only the main story and my starting faction quest line on xp pots the whole time. then running around getting lore books for mages guild+ maybe 4 dungeons so far. If I had done all the side quest instead, then also caldwells silver and gold at a more casual pace, then I can see the 300 hour mark being feasible on a single character.

    So what does that mean? it means the "packaged" total time slapped onto the the game and dlc's etc have little to do with the replayability of the game itself. i didnt spend 2k+ hours in game replaying the main and faction story lines. and I won't be doing so in the Morrowind expansion either. Im gonna be pvping on the battlegrounds, even in cyrodiil still, and doing new dungeons etc. The replayability I expect from battlegrounds is worth the 40$ imo if I paid 60$ when the game first came out to get the same cyrodiil for years and I'm still playing it on the same roads and bridges with most of the map untapped because fights usually dont occur there. Why? because I like this game and i think its fun. So I keep coming back to play. thats really it.

    Whether or not you buy it, the choice is yours. Its up to you.

    If you don't like the price don't buy it.

    If your unsure if it will be worth it, wait till gameplay videos come out. No ones asking you to pre order or buy on day one.

    If your mad that your subscription doesnt get you the expansion then cancel your sub. It's been optional since eso went BTP anyway. If your mad about lack of paid dlc's then you should have cancelled sub months ago. I don't know how people couldn't tell that the monthly crowns+ craft bag were basically worth more than the dlc part of the sub once craft bags came out.
    AD breton nb: Shadowshinobi
    DC Altmer magicka nb: merc shot
  • olivesforge
    Nothing below is legal advice and we're not in a relationship.

    ...that out of the way, just stop kids. Even if ZOS was breaching their agreement with you , you still can't sue... or did none of you read the Arbitration Agreement?

    For those of you who gripe about advertising... unless you understand the legal implications of puffery and the Harrier Case, you are just BSing.

    If any of you want to blow $5,000, better to buy 100 copies of Morrowind and give 99 away than to pay a lawyer to laugh at you.

    ...amateur internet lolyering out of the way... we can get to what matters.

    The difference between DLC and Expansion

    It's really incredibly simple. You can log into ESO or Morrowind and play the game, because a base game and expansion have the base game files, so they can run the whole shebang. DLCs, by their nature, you can't. There is no standalone Gold Coast or Orsinium. There is no Thievesguild.exe. There's your difference.

    Paywalled DLC

    Gina said they're not doing it, and no DLC has been paywalled to date. So far, all of the DLC has been base-game agnostic, anyway.

    Only 30 hours/Wrothgar size

    Morrowind is far more sizeable. Wrothgar had 20 hours of total content, and according to devs Morrowind's main storyline is 30 hours. Can you spot the difference between those two statements?

    I'm cancelling my sub and leaving the game

    At least 5 of you posting in here have previously posted that you were quitting or had quit for various reasons in the past. MAybe you should actually do it. Make sure to send me your stuff.
    PCNA | Aldmeri Dominion
    OlivesForge / Swiss Army Templar | Twink of Insanity / Gankblade | Olivesisnotonfire / Annoying Sorc | E. Angus / Magicka Pigeon-Thrower | K. Angus / Stamina Pigeon-Thrower
    Personage of note in:
    Dominant Dominion | Ethereal Traders Union | Knights of the Istari | CoC | Cyrodiil FG
  • sevomd69
    If ESO+ won't give access to it, it means ZOS can be sued for false advertising. It doesn't matter what ZOS calls it, it still is DLC.

    ZOS define "downloadable content" in their TOS on this website as "Content that is downloaded or downloadable from any website under ZeniMax's control", this would include Morrowind, regardless of their disingenuously saying it is not DLC because it is a new 'chapter'. Since it is not standalone content - it requires the base game to be played - it is ESO DLC. It is also only about 50% larger than Orsinium in terms of content (based on 30 hrs of content vs 20 hrs).

    Does this mean we can sue them for not living up to the terms of the ESO+ membership, which originally stated that it includes 'all current and future downloadable content free' for current members?

    Well as with most subscription models ZOS has the right to change the terms of the subscription at any time, however they would need to have advised existing subscribers of any changes to those terms directly, not just by chancing the blurb on the sub purchase page. As far as I know people like myself who have had an active sub since it was first introduced have received no such direct notification of a change of the terms of the subscription.

    To be clear, I and most others who originally retained ESO+ did so because of the access to all future DLC, the crowns and craftbag were added later as fringe benefits.

    I would definitely be cancelling my sub immediately in view of the fact that morrowind is not included if not for the fact that the lack of inventory space locks me into the craft bag, which I require as a mastercrafter in all trades.

    Regardless, ESO+ is VERY poor value now, we have undeniably NOT received the promised regular free DLC supposed to be included in it and ZOS seem to be attempting to draw in new players and shafting loyal original players who have been supporting the game since pre launch on PC.

    Having said that, I love this game and have thrown a lot of money at it and will continue to do so for epic new content such as what the Morrowind looks like it will be!

    What exactly would be the basis for the lawsuit
    Good to know Zenimax has decided to screw over their Subs. I've been playing this game since Beta, I subbed since the start, and I helped keep this game from running.

    I have cancelled my Subscription, Zenimax can opt for undoing this absurd scam, or I refuse to pay a single dime to ZOS for this. Ill still play the game, but I'll do so for free with the sole purpose of using up server load.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only Subscriber who feels this way, so if money is all you care about, ZOS, I hope this hurts your wallet.

    Why would you think money is not all that they care about... without money people would lose jobs and there would be no game...
  • corrosivechains
    it's funny that those defending this are pointing to WoW as an example.

    WoW also lost 4 million+ subs for trying to get rid of flying, which had absolutely no monetary bearing on the playerbase. That alone cause Blizz to change course on that decision. And even during their content droughts there is more than 30 hours of gameplay for their expansions, and they don't *** around with "DLC" semantics. Even their small expansions have had at least 4 zones, new races or a new class, several raids and at least 8 dungeons on release. And they're only that small because they were accompanied by revamps, like all of the old world zones being redone, or classes being completely overhauled.
    "Could you post me a link to the official MMO rule book please." - clayandaudrey_ESO
  • Flynch

    The difference between DLC and Expansion

    It's really incredibly simple. You can log into ESO or Morrowind and play the game, because a base game and expansion have the base game files, so they can run the whole shebang. DLCs, by their nature, you can't. There is no standalone Gold Coast or Orsinium. There is no Thievesguild.exe. There's your difference.

    Sorry for truncating your post. See this is the thing that is genuinely confusing to me. I don't think i've ever come across an expansion for a game that hasn't required the base-game.

    Think Tribunal, Bloodmoon, WotLK and countless others.

    So either Morrowind (the new one) is a standalone (in which case it's a separate game entirely with no connection to the base-game of ESO) and runs entirely independently or it's classified as an expansion (which relies on having the base-game from the get-go)

    As a standalone title with no connection to ESO then that's an entirely different subject. And it's also academic as we know it's not disconnected.

    So we know it's not a standalone, so that puts it in the DLC/Expansion ballpark.

    Which then brings us full circle.

    Apologies for the tremendous amount of hyphens.
  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    This isn't a huge expansion. It is only marginally larger than Orsinium which is valued at 3000 crowns. I am not paying approximately 4 times that for an "expansion" that is, by their own admission on the livestream, only 30 hours long (compared to Orsinium's 20-25 hours).

    If this isn't free for ESO+ subscribers, then I'll just cancel my ESO+ for 4 months and pay for it with money I would have used for sub.

    Oh and please remember Zenimax, if this is an "expansion", then it doesn't count towards the "4 major DLC releases a year" that you promised your ESO+ subscribers.
  • Xinthisis
    lehran wrote: »
    @P3ZZL3 See this post by Gina; future DLC isn't going to be gated behind Morrowind.

    Unless of course they decide to call it an "Expansion".
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    NovaShadow wrote: »
    I'll just leave this here:


    Notice where it says ALL downloadable content.


    The fact that they've since changed it to crown store only DLC's is simply a technicality to allow them to call future content 'expansions' and exclude them from the crown store so they can charge extra money.

    I just don't understand how so many people are caught up in the hype and are overlooking it.

    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Iselin
    Morrowind is far more sizeable. Wrothgar had 20 hours of total content, and according to devs Morrowind's main storyline is 30 hours. Can you spot the difference between those two statements?

    One is hype from 2015 and the other one is new hype? Final answer.
  • sevomd69
    This isn't a huge expansion. It is only marginally larger than Orsinium which is valued at 3000 crowns. I am not paying approximately 4 times that for an "expansion" that is, by their own admission on the livestream, only 30 hours long (compared to Orsinium's 20-25 hours).

    If this isn't free for ESO+ subscribers, then I'll just cancel my ESO+ for 4 months and pay for it with money I would have used for sub.

    Oh and please remember Zenimax, if this is an "expansion", then it doesn't count towards the "4 major DLC releases a year" that you promised your ESO+ subscribers.

    I'm pretty bad at math, but how do you get 4x more than 3000 crowns?
  • LiquidPony
    This isn't a huge expansion. It is only marginally larger than Orsinium which is valued at 3000 crowns. I am not paying approximately 4 times that for an "expansion" that is, by their own admission on the livestream, only 30 hours long (compared to Orsinium's 20-25 hours).

    If this isn't free for ESO+ subscribers, then I'll just cancel my ESO+ for 4 months and pay for it with money I would have used for sub.

    Oh and please remember Zenimax, if this is an "expansion", then it doesn't count towards the "4 major DLC releases a year" that you promised your ESO+ subscribers.

    @bearclawmcbainb16_ESO lol wut?

    "Marginally larger than Orsinium?" Did someone sneak a 12-man Trial, a new class, and PvP battlegrounds into Orsinium while I wasn't looking? The zone and quests are marginally larger than Orsinium.
  • lehran
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    lehran wrote: »
    @P3ZZL3 See this post by Gina; future DLC isn't going to be gated behind Morrowind.

    Unless of course they decide to call it an "Expansion".

    This is misinformation, please stop spreading it. ZoS calling it a "DLC" or "Expansion" is completely irrelevant as to whether or not it's included in ESO+ (fun fact, Morrowind is a DLC according to the definition of such set forth in the Terms of Service). The deciding factor right now as to whether it is included or excluded is solely due to whether or not it is available for purchase in the crown store. If it isn't in the crown store, it isn't included in ESO+. In an earlier post, I quoted the relevant bits of the Terms of Service that basically say "we can do what we want with ESO+" that lets them change what it does and does not include on a whim. I'm not saying you have to like it (I don't either, imo Morrowind should be included in the sub), but please do your part in spreading accurate information on the state of things now that you are informed.

    That being said, I should have worded my original post that you quoted as "See this post by Gina; right now there are no plans to gate future DLC behind Morrowind." to indicate that ZoS is fully within their rights (per the Terms of Service) to change their mind in the future and start doing exactly that.
    Edited by lehran on January 31, 2017 11:57PM
  • ReCreare
    Anhedonie wrote: »
    An ESO Plus membership will not grant you access to The Elder Scroll Online: Morrowind content. As this is an entirely new Chapter of ESO, you'll need to purchase one of the five editions. If you already own ESO, though, you can purchase the Morrowind Upgrade or the Morrowind Collector's Edition Upgrade directly from online stores (The Elder Scrolls Online Store, Steam Store, Xbox Store, or PlayStation Store).

    But is it possible to purchase it from crown store post-release? Like I did with imperial and adventure pack?

    I'd bet it'll be available in the crown store after. But how long after is the question. 6 months? a year?
  • Netherscorn
    This is some of the shiftiest marketing/baiting I've ever encountered. Their obvious use of duplicitous and ambiguous semantics really offends my sense of what this game has been about, thus far. "It's not a DLC, it's an entirely new chapter" ...This is just a stupid way of saying "Yes, you've been paying your car insurance for years now, but we can't cover your recent damages because it wasn't a 'vehicle accident', it was a 'traffic collision', and for some reason there's a difference, however arbitrary."


    Yea, the actual content is likely to be pretty awesome, but come on...Are we just supposed to accept that our monthly sub fee is just for a crafting material bag?

    This is all totally outrageous actually lol
  • Yolokin_Swagonborn
    lehran wrote: »
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    lehran wrote: »
    @P3ZZL3 See this post by Gina; future DLC isn't going to be gated behind Morrowind.

    Unless of course they decide to call it an "Expansion".

    This is misinformation, please stop spreading it. ZoS calling it a "DLC" or "Expansion" is completely irrelevant as to whether or not it's included in ESO+ (fun fact, Morrowind is a DLC according to the definition of such set forth in the Terms of Service). The deciding factor right now as to whether it is included or excluded is solely due to whether or not it is available for purchase in the crown store. If it isn't in the crown store, it isn't included in ESO+. In an earlier post, I quoted the relevant bits of the Terms of Service that basically say "we can do what we want with ESO+" that lets them change what it does and does not include on a whim. I'm not saying you have to like it (I don't either, imo Morrowind should be included in the sub), but please do your part in spreading accurate information on the state of things now that you are informed.

    That being said, I should have worded my original post that you quoted as "See this post by Gina; right now there are no plans to gate future DLC behind Morrowind." to indicate that ZoS is fully within their rights (per the Terms of Service) to change their mind in the future and start doing exactly that.

    Do you realize what you are actually saying? Obviously, from here on out, if they want to charge extra money for something, they will just call it an expansion and not include it in the crown store. If the ONLY distiction between DLC and "Expansion" is whether its in the crown store, then ZOS can create a unicorn mount and sell it for Cash only and call it an expansion.

    This is just marketing doublespeak. Morrowwind is a DLC. ZOS marketing has just decided they want to break their promise to subscribers and not allow them to purchase it with crowns.
  • TequilaFire
    Acrolas wrote: »
    sevomd69 wrote: »
    Of course they're in it for the money... if they weren't than there would be no game and their stock holders


    Zenimax doesn't have stock holders because it is not a publicly traded company.

    No but they do have Shareholders or Members, not to mention Investors.

    They just don't publicly trade, the company's stock is offered, owned and traded or exchanged privately.
    Edited by TequilaFire on February 1, 2017 12:12AM
  • Bislobo
    I am glad they are finally making an expansion with PvP and PvE content. The value on this expansion is more than 39$ if you compare it with the absurd amounts of cash people spend on Mounts/costumes/pets.
    Redguard Dragonknight - Bislobo
    Orc Nightblade - Bislobø
    Redguard Sorcerer - Bisłobo
    Imperial Templar - Bíslobo
    Altmer Sorcerer - Bisløbo
  • lehran

    Do you realize what you are actually saying? Obviously, from here on out, if they want to charge extra money for something, they will just call it an expansion and not include it in the crown store. If the ONLY distiction between DLC and "Expansion" is whether its in the crown store, then ZOS can create a unicorn mount and sell it for Cash only and call it an expansion.

    This is just marketing doublespeak. Morrowwind is a DLC. ZOS marketing has just decided they want to break their promise to subscribers and not allow them to purchase it with crowns.

    Correct, Morrowind is a DLC. The post of mine you just quoted said that straight out, so I find it odd that you're trying to argue that point with me. ZoS calling something an "Expansion" has no bearing as to ESO+ availability. ZoS choosing to not list a DLC in the crown store does. It's as simple as that. I don't know when the change was made (as images prove it was not always that way), but if you want to vent at marketing duplicity, please direct it at stealthily changing the benefits of ESO+ without telling anyone rather than at what marketing term ZoS uses to define a DLC. If you have an ESO+ sub and want to protest this benefit change, please cancel the subscription so that it has an impact on their bottom line.

    tl;dr Whether it is called a DLC or expansion does not matter, please stop harping on the terminology used. Thanks.
  • Shad0wfire99
    That's what you get for being a sub. Keep paying that $15 a month for that crafting bag.

    XBox NA
  • medusasfolly
    Just to point out that even Steam defines it at "Access to all DLC game packs" without the caveat it be in crown store.

  • Elsonso
    Good to know Zenimax has decided to screw over their Subs. I've been playing this game since Beta, I subbed since the start, and I helped keep this game from running.

    I have cancelled my Subscription, Zenimax can opt for undoing this absurd scam, or I refuse to pay a single dime to ZOS for this. Ill still play the game, but I'll do so for free with the sole purpose of using up server load.

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only Subscriber who feels this way, so if money is all you care about, ZOS, I hope this hurts your wallet.

    I suspect you are probably in the minority. Say, you don't happen to have your account bag/bank slots maxed, do you? Just wondering if lightning hit twice, here.

    For me, buying it was a no brainer. I didn't even wait until the end of the live stream to pre-order it. Standard Edition is essentially 5500 Crowns, and I would have paid that for a Vvardenfell DLC, plus I get the costume and pet. I know the costume will probably be pretty average and the war dog was kidnapped from some EP player. The Crate and Scrolls are worthless. Jury is out on the treasure maps.

    Think what you will, but first day pre-orders could be making this Chapter a success already. Bethesda will be watching this over the next couple of days, but this expansion might outsell the original game.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • olivesforge
    Flynch wrote: »

    The difference between DLC and Expansion

    It's really incredibly simple. You can log into ESO or Morrowind and play the game, because a base game and expansion have the base game files, so they can run the whole shebang. DLCs, by their nature, you can't. There is no standalone Gold Coast or Orsinium. There is no Thievesguild.exe. There's your difference.

    Sorry for truncating your post. See this is the thing that is genuinely confusing to me. I don't think i've ever come across an expansion for a game that hasn't required the base-game.

    Think Tribunal, Bloodmoon, WotLK and countless others.

    So either Morrowind (the new one) is a standalone (in which case it's a separate game entirely with no connection to the base-game of ESO) and runs entirely independently or it's classified as an expansion (which relies on having the base-game from the get-go)

    As a standalone title with no connection to ESO then that's an entirely different subject. And it's also academic as we know it's not disconnected.

    So we know it's not a standalone, so that puts it in the DLC/Expansion ballpark.

    Which then brings us full circle.

    Apologies for the tremendous amount of hyphens.

    It's an expansion, because it relies on the base game, but it's not a DLC, because it has an expanded (a critical word here) data set which requires far more than a DLC does.

    It's all in the .exe. Because of how expansions work, they rely on the base game but have additional assets which require a new executable to use - which distinguishes them from DLC.

    ...and that's your difference.
    Edited by olivesforge on February 1, 2017 12:42AM
    PCNA | Aldmeri Dominion
    OlivesForge / Swiss Army Templar | Twink of Insanity / Gankblade | Olivesisnotonfire / Annoying Sorc | E. Angus / Magicka Pigeon-Thrower | K. Angus / Stamina Pigeon-Thrower
    Personage of note in:
    Dominant Dominion | Ethereal Traders Union | Knights of the Istari | CoC | Cyrodiil FG
  • bearclawmcbainb16_ESO
    This is some of the shiftiest marketing/baiting I've ever encountered. Their obvious use of duplicitous and ambiguous semantics really offends my sense of what this game has been about, thus far. "It's not a DLC, it's an entirely new chapter" ...This is just a stupid way of saying "Yes, you've been paying your car insurance for years now, but we can't cover your recent damages because it wasn't a 'vehicle accident', it was a 'traffic collision', and for some reason there's a difference, however arbitrary."


    Yea, the actual content is likely to be pretty awesome, but come on...Are we just supposed to accept that our monthly sub fee is just for a crafting material bag?

    This is all totally outrageous actually lol

    Yeah, after mulling it over for a bit, I've come to the conclusion that I can't accept it.

    -You have successfully cancelled your membership.
  • Flynch
    Flynch wrote: »

    The difference between DLC and Expansion

    It's really incredibly simple. You can log into ESO or Morrowind and play the game, because a base game and expansion have the base game files, so they can run the whole shebang. DLCs, by their nature, you can't. There is no standalone Gold Coast or Orsinium. There is no Thievesguild.exe. There's your difference.

    Sorry for truncating your post. See this is the thing that is genuinely confusing to me. I don't think i've ever come across an expansion for a game that hasn't required the base-game.

    Think Tribunal, Bloodmoon, WotLK and countless others.

    So either Morrowind (the new one) is a standalone (in which case it's a separate game entirely with no connection to the base-game of ESO) and runs entirely independently or it's classified as an expansion (which relies on having the base-game from the get-go)

    As a standalone title with no connection to ESO then that's an entirely different subject. And it's also academic as we know it's not disconnected.

    So we know it's not a standalone, so that puts it in the DLC/Expansion ballpark.

    Which then brings us full circle.

    Apologies for the tremendous amount of hyphens.

    It's an expansion, because it relies on the base game, but it's not a DLC, because it has an expanded (a critical word here) data set which requires far more than a DLC does.

    It's all in the .exe. Because of how expansions work, they rely on the base game but have additional assets which require a new executable to use - which distinguishes them from DLC.

    ...and that's your difference.

    Ok well it still doesn't really clear it up for me personally. It's all a little ambiguous and 'grey'. Not to worry! Not your fault, most likely it's just me.
  • Tandor
    1 day, 22 hours = 47 hours
    10 days, 17 hours = 257 hours
    19 days, 6 hours = 462 hours
    56 days 22 hours = 1366 hours

    this is the /played times on all of my characters. netting me 2132 hours of play time on this game. So whats the point of those hours? the game as said on eso live today was packaged at 300 hours of play time. that 300 hour package when the game released was probably counting towards doing all the pve story quests, getting skyshards, and doing all the dungeons maybe once. the play time on my newest character, at 47 hours consisted of running through only the main story and my starting faction quest line on xp pots the whole time. then running around getting lore books for mages guild+ maybe 4 dungeons so far. If I had done all the side quest instead, then also caldwells silver and gold at a more casual pace, then I can see the 300 hour mark being feasible on a single character.

    So what does that mean? it means the "packaged" total time slapped onto the the game and dlc's etc have little to do with the replayability of the game itself. i didnt spend 2k+ hours in game replaying the main and faction story lines. and I won't be doing so in the Morrowind expansion either. Im gonna be pvping on the battlegrounds, even in cyrodiil still, and doing new dungeons etc. The replayability I expect from battlegrounds is worth the 40$ imo if I paid 60$ when the game first came out to get the same cyrodiil for years and I'm still playing it on the same roads and bridges with most of the map untapped because fights usually dont occur there. Why? because I like this game and i think its fun. So I keep coming back to play. thats really it.

    Whether or not you buy it, the choice is yours. Its up to you.

    If you don't like the price don't buy it.

    If your unsure if it will be worth it, wait till gameplay videos come out. No ones asking you to pre order or buy on day one.

    If your mad that your subscription doesnt get you the expansion then cancel your sub. It's been optional since eso went BTP anyway. If your mad about lack of paid dlc's then you should have cancelled sub months ago. I don't know how people couldn't tell that the monthly crowns+ craft bag were basically worth more than the dlc part of the sub once craft bags came out.

    I agree.

    For starters, the £29.99 purchase price can be divided between my 12 characters, each of whom will spend far more than 30 hours in Morrowind over the coming years. I can see that there's an argument to be made that it should be included for subscribers like me but I can also see the reason for treating it as an expansion rather than as a standard DLC. I don't feel that ZOS made me any sworn promises let alone that they have broken any, and besides the cost is trivial for the amount of pleasure I'll get out of it, and as such it's something that's simply not worth getting all steamed up over.
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