Maintenance for the week of September 16:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 16, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) – 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)


  • usmcjdking
    I just love the whole deus ex mechanics sentiment in this thread.
  • Darnathian
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    Alcast wrote: »
    This thread is amusing, keep going

    You might have missed out on the best parts. Zos mods op.

    Well let me recap. OP puts up video of himself exploiting dodge chance. Uses malubeth. Is using 3 5 piece bonuses and a 2 piece.

    Says that he didnt even need to abuse the most OP broken passive in the game.

    Then tells everyone he has some super OP build that he figured out.

    Did i miss anything?
  • Darnathian
    Pretty sure op is same guy that said he wouldnt release his ganking build because people need to theory craft for themselves.

    Translation: same shady people sharing new bugs and exploits and not wanting them fixed so they can keep killing people with ease.

    In this case he missed it in his own video. But as usual nothing happens.

    Then played it off as no big deal. Lmao.
  • rfennell_ESO
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Pretty sure op is same guy that said he wouldnt release his ganking build because people need to theory craft for themselves.

    Translation: same shady people sharing new bugs and exploits and not wanting them fixed so they can keep killing people with ease.

    In this case he missed it in his own video. But as usual nothing happens.

    Then played it off as no big deal. Lmao.

    ZOS doesn't seem to care about the shady players anymore.

    Most the "look at me" video posters are also shady...

    Nearly every constant "look at me, look at me!!!!" poster of videos is a spider sense tingling player. We might not know what it is they are doing, but we know it's something foul.
  • LegacyDM

    What's the point of this thread?

    Are you trying to get ZOS to realize that tanks shouldn't be dishing out a crap load of dps while sustaining resources?

    Are you trying to promote your elite skills and gain fame in a thinly disguised theory crafting discussion? (Yet, you won't release beause you don't want to see eso burn?) the real reason is you don't want ZOS to nerf your fun? How selfish?

    Are you trying to suggest that bugs are being exploited?

    Are you suggesting that your exploiting bugs because you don't care anymore because it's an allowed "mechanic" in game?

    Or are you trolling for the sake of trolling because your bored?

    Other than drawing attention to yourself and getting the community riled up in a brain buster mind boggling theory crafting puzzle, To get a good laugh, what is the point? What do you hope to accomplish?

    This thread is for s and giggles.
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Xinthisis
    Woke up this morning, and the salt is starting to need some chips.

    @Darnathian What exploit exactly on the gank build are you talking about? Viper ranged proc? Well that was a known issue and one that should have never made it in to begin with. Almost any stam build using viper would end up using poison or disease damage glyphs. If zos banned for something that's a natural progression to discovery then everyone would be at risk for bans. Also, I'm pretty sure I sent in a report. If its the speed bug, I have sent in a report. Which, btw is still capable on the PTS. How many times should I report something before it gets fixed?

    @LegacyDM Point of this thread was first to show what I've been doing in cyrodiil. It's a 25 video long series, I started way back in 1.6 to try and not only talk about what I was doing but to talk about what my opponents were doing. Both good and bad choices made, and what could have been done better. Occasionally I'll rant about something I don't agree with but that's part of the commentary. It's an expression of myself. A build is not just in the sets, its a combination of the sets, playstyle, and overall capability you as a player have. For instance, the reason Sypher is able to use the gank build very successfully with 2h viper instead of Bow viper is due to his average ping of 50. That is part of theorycrafting. The video shows not only that I can gank, but that tanking is actually more broken. That a build with literally no counter exists and can synergize very well with other people running that exact build. It talks about how all you need to know is how to tank and spank. Dont have to drain resources of people, dont have to outsmart them. Just stand there, put up a siege while you get ulti bombed by a 12-14 man raid with everything including their own siege. Fire your siege and time it with a dawnbreaker or two and start executing. That is what true pvp tanking is. Not that trash of where someone spams talons or encase in a ulti hoping that their healer in the back can keep them alive. What if that healer gets ganked? Now you're dead as well. This thread is mostly to bring awareness to how people need to think about what tanking really is. It's like when people ask me why dont I use snipe or poison injection on the gank build. Well, because first it combat bugs you, and second if I'm using something that has a cast time or is a dot than people aren't instantly dying. Therefore, I'm not ganking correctly.

    Mechanics mate.

    Also, it seems I was right about the inferiority complex. You do better than 90% of the pvp community and people get all bent out of shape. It's always going to be something. Relax people, it's just a game.
    Edited by Xinthisis on January 7, 2017 9:51PM
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    KisoValley wrote: »
    . I know quite a few PVPers from EU who are definitely using this bug too, some even commented on this thread complaining about Xin possibly using it.

    Kind of awkward.

    Key words: possibly and definitely.

    Lol, the plot thickens!
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Pretty sure op is same guy that said he wouldnt release his ganking build because people need to theory craft for themselves.

    Translation: same shady people sharing new bugs and exploits and not wanting them fixed so they can keep killing people with ease.

    In this case he missed it in his own video. But as usual nothing happens.

    Then played it off as no big deal. Lmao.

    ZOS doesn't seem to care about the shady players anymore.

    Most the "look at me" video posters are also shady...

    Nearly every constant "look at me, look at me!!!!" poster of videos is a spider sense tingling player. We might not know what it is they are doing, but we know it's something foul.

    This literally made me LOL.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Darnathian
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    Darnathian wrote: »
    Pretty sure op is same guy that said he wouldnt release his ganking build because people need to theory craft for themselves.

    Translation: same shady people sharing new bugs and exploits and not wanting them fixed so they can keep killing people with ease.

    In this case he missed it in his own video. But as usual nothing happens.

    Then played it off as no big deal. Lmao.

    ZOS doesn't seem to care about the shady players anymore.

    Most the "look at me" video posters are also shady...

    Nearly every constant "look at me, look at me!!!!" poster of videos is a spider sense tingling player. We might not know what it is they are doing, but we know it's something foul.

    This literally made me LOL.

    Good. Because thats what everyone else is doing at u.

    Posting videos of yourself cheating and laughing at others?

    Knock knock Zos. Anyone home? This is acceptable?
  • Xinthisis
    I guess I'm the boogie man or something.

    So, I'm not allowed to laugh at your paranoia laced statement?

    At what point exactly can you confirm I'm cheating? All that you see is a hist bark animation bug. Like I stated before, I popped sword and shield ult and crashed. Had two ESO programs running in processes because the launcher is poop. When I logged back in there it was. Recently I found out exactly how the bug works so I understand all the hate. Thing is even if I say I'm not using histbug you all will still believe I am. I can literally tell you I'm using decisive weapons and people still wont believe me. I tell you I'm using a controller, and people will say I'm using a razer naga with some macros. lol So it's pointless to try and defend myself. Then they say "Why not just release the build?" Well, because I dont want every single dk in cyrodiil to be as tanky and geared toward zos's broken mechanics as we are. Also, people should go out and make their own builds. Screw what everyone else says and just test out everything. Try it all out.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • KisoValley
    It's amazing actually. If someone isn't running shuffle they must be exploiting just because they won't share their build. Most ESO players don't release their builds. Just because he won't release his build and you've all just found out hist bark is exploitable means he can't be running hist bark legitimately?


    I may run one of his variations in PC EU next patch when hist bark gets fixed and prove you don't need to exploit to do what Xin is doing. Use your brains people.
  • LegacyDM
    Xinthisis wrote: »

    video shows not only that I can gank, but that tanking is actually more broken. That a build with literally no counter exists and can synergize very well with other people running that exact build. It talks about how all you need to know is how to tank and spank. Dont have to drain resources of people, dont have to outsmart them. Just stand there, put up a siege while you get ulti bombed by a 12-14 man raid with everything including their own siege. Fire your siege and time it with a dawnbreaker or two and start executing.

    That is what true pvp tanking is. Not that trash of where someone spams talons or encase in a ulti hoping that their healer in the back can keep them alive. What if that healer gets ganked? Now you're dead as well. This thread is mostly to bring awareness to how people need to think about what tanking really is. It's like when people ask me why dont I use snipe or poison injection on the gank build. Well, because first it combat bugs you, and second if I'm using something that has a cast time or is a dot than people aren't instantly dying. Therefore, I'm not ganking correctly.

    Mechanics mate.

    Wait I'm confused. The first paragraph and video discusses how your theory crafted tank build is broken. Second paragraph concludes that people need to do what exactly? Theory craft for themselves a broken tank build? The first paragraph is an example of "true pvp tanking" as opposed to what is highlighted in the second paragraph? I'm not understanding the linkage between your two thought processes within the two paragraphs. Maybe I'm just dense. How is a broken tank build an example of "true pvp tanking?" It's an example of a skillful player taking advantage of a poorly designed combat system. Not the former.

    So we should all just embrace the broken "mechanics" and not release our builds? You know that ZOS will probably nerf it if you release it due to the community outrage when everyone starts running it. You would actually be doing the community a service...if this type of build isn't intended, ZOS will find a way to nerf it. I guess at this point it doesn't matter. Video is posted and ZOS will watch it.

    Cyrodil diaries is a good idea and I commend you on it. I'm not the moral police and it is just a game. Do what ever you like. However, I find it odd that you and Scribes get enjoyment and amusement out of tea bagging people, talking trash, and exploiting broken builds that you won't share to better the community. Seriously, why are you tanking 12-14 people and dishing out that kind of damage? @Wrobel @ZOS_RichLambert ? I guess we agree on that. Shrug.
    Edited by LegacyDM on January 8, 2017 12:30AM
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Xinthisis
    @LegacyDM My point is that I've run the underpowered builds while knowing what the stronger builds are. I purposely gimped myself but at this point after my pleas for balance I can't do it anymore. I won't release the builds, but I will along with Sribes and Lemur show the ESO pvp community what is possible. I do expect zos to specifically nerf what we are doing, but I hope they will realize that it's not just the sets that make the build strong. The mechanics behind the tank and spank meta is why we are so successful.

    Releasing this build will only allow zergs more capability to zerg down smaller groups or the unlucky solo player. It won't get fixed or balanced as zos obviously doesn't see a problem with heavy armor. I mean, I don't remember a single memorable change to heavy armor for what is supposed to be a balance patch in the PTS patchnotes. So, here we are.

    The thing is that the sooner you just embrace what zos is giving you, the sooner you'll stop raging. Run the best build you can, and come to the forums asking to balance the game. Don't get your hopes up though.

    Look forward to a broken templar build in the near future. All that undodgeable damage.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • LegacyDM
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    @LegacyDM My point is that I've run the underpowered builds while knowing what the stronger builds are. I purposely gimped myself but at this point after my pleas for balance I can't do it anymore. I won't release the builds, but I will along with Sribes and Lemur show the ESO pvp community what is possible. I do expect zos to specifically nerf what we are doing, but I hope they will realize that it's not just the sets that make the build strong. The mechanics behind the tank and spank meta is why we are so successful.

    Releasing this build will only allow zergs more capability to zerg down smaller groups or the unlucky solo player. It won't get fixed or balanced as zos obviously doesn't see a problem with heavy armor. I mean, I don't remember a single memorable change to heavy armor for what is supposed to be a balance patch in the PTS patchnotes. So, here we are.

    The thing is that the sooner you just embrace what zos is giving you, the sooner you'll stop raging. Run the best build you can, and come to the forums asking to balance the game. Don't get your hopes up though.

    Look forward to a broken templar build in the near future. All that undodgeable damage.

    Thanks for the clarification. Tbh, only thing I really rage about is the lack of love for magicka melee nbs ;p. Why o why won't ZOS listen. Bleh.
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Valencer
    Most of the innate tankiness of a build like this has almost nothing to do with the sets you run. Heavy armour is just plain this strong.

    Constitution gives you all the magicka sustain you need and stamina sustain even while blocking. You can reduce your block cost to a ridiculously low value with CP, traits and/or enchantments. It really isnt rocket science.

    It's ridiculously strong compared to anything light or medium armour offers and there's literally zero changes planned for the upcoming update. 3 more months of the same nonsense :|
  • Xeniph
    Valencer wrote: »
    Most of the innate tankiness of a build like this has almost nothing to do with the sets you run. Heavy armour is just plain this strong.

    Constitution gives you all the magicka sustain you need and stamina sustain even while blocking. You can reduce your block cost to a ridiculously low value with CP, traits and/or enchantments. It really isnt rocket science.

    It's ridiculously strong compared to anything light or medium armour offers and there's literally zero changes planned for the upcoming update. 3 more months of the same nonsense :|

    Lambert has already confirmed that ALOT more "balance" changes are in the pipe for the PTS iterations. He's gone as far as saying PTS3 and even mentioned that some changes that will be included in Update 13 may not even make it to the PTS.

    So I think it's safe to say some armor changes will make it in, however it could just be a buff to the other armors. Who knows /shrug
    Here since Beta.

    Characters: All of them, both Stamina and Magicka.
  • WillhelmBlack
    "Xinthisis wrote: »

    Look forward to a broken templar build in the near future. All that undodgeable damage.

    I've already duelled it twice and since then I've been trying to figure out those light attacks, still can't find where they're coming from. 4k light attacks!

    PC EU
  • Xinthisis
    "Xinthisis wrote: »

    Look forward to a broken templar build in the near future. All that undodgeable damage.

    I've already duelled it twice and since then I've been trying to figure out those light attacks, still can't find where they're coming from. 4k light attacks!

    It's like a Jack Daniels build, that actually works.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • KisoValley
    On a positive note, heavy armour looks the best.
  • WillhelmBlack
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    "Xinthisis wrote: »

    Look forward to a broken templar build in the near future. All that undodgeable damage.

    I've already duelled it twice and since then I've been trying to figure out those light attacks, still can't find where they're coming from. 4k light attacks!

    It's like a Jack Daniels build, that actually works.

    I know that build and I liked it.

    PC EU
  • Ghostbane
    Disclaimer: I don't really give a fiddlers to the drama on this build, its semi obvious.

    But I would like to ask out of curiosity, if you are using a controller, do you not get the controller UI? That UI has been off putting to using a controller.
    {★★★★★ · ★★★★★ · ★★ · ★★★★★}
    350m+ AP PC - EU
    AD :: Imported Waffles [37]EP :: Wee ee ee ee ee [16]DC :: Ghostbane's DK [16], Impending Loadscreen [12]PC - NA
    AD :: Ghostbane [50], yer ma [43], Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 2.0 [18], robotic baby legs [18]EP :: Wee Mad Arthur [50], avast ye buttcrackz [49], Sir Horace Foghorn [27], Brother Ballbag [24], Scatman John [16]DC :: W T B Waffles [36], Morale Boost [30], W T F Waffles [17], Ghostbanë [15]RIPAD :: Sir Humphrey Winterbottom 1.0 [20]
  • Skitttles
    He's running 6 piece Nights Silence obviously, by the eight you guys are bad at theorycrafting.
    Skittles | DC Stem Sok and sumtimes Nertbled
  • Xinthisis
    Skitttles wrote: »
    He's running 6 piece Nights Silence obviously, by the eight you guys are bad at theorycrafting.

    11 piece skooma smuggler. It works on ganking, tanking and soon enough. Spanking. ;p
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    Ghostbane wrote: »
    Disclaimer: I don't really give a fiddlers to the drama on this build, its semi obvious.

    But I would like to ask out of curiosity, if you are using a controller, do you not get the controller UI? That UI has been off putting to using a controller.

    I've been using xpadder since early access. Have my own keybinds, get to push 1 button to cc break/bash.I tried the controller support and it's absolutely disgusting. You have to block cast to bash animation cancel causing you to lose regen ticks. I've talked about making zos implement a timer so that your stam regen only halts if you hold block for .8 or 1 second because the way console players have to build in order to be successful is geared toward the no regen block nerf just because you cant bash without blocking. Also, having to push two triggers in order to cc break is asking to get zosed in cyrodiil with ping and what not.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • ssewallb14_ESO
    2x Malubeth
    5x Histbark
    5x Werewolf Hide

    Poison is probably Protection/Vulnerability
  • Sordidfairytale
    I've been beat down by this build and beat this build down. It's a solid performer. Still don't know why I got tea bagged, I suppose you got your feelers hurted when you had to rez.
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
  • zuto40
    Etaniel wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    I would hope no player would actually have an interest in trying to bug this and essentially exploiting the 5 piece, but there is no way to really tell.The easiest way to notice this is the white effect on the character, but only the user can see the effect.

    This is most likely the answer you are looking for.

    Someone has showed me how to achieve the bug. It's super easy to replicate and to activate whenever you want. The effect is removed upon death, which means if you have it by accident, you aren't going to keep it for very long and it's not much of an issue. If you have it for all your fights, I don't believe in the accident.

    I won't reveal how to achieve it so as to not ruin the month of pvp we have left before the fix goes live. (and it's against the tos anyways).

    reveal your secrets to me
    Stamblade- Legate
    Tank/Heals Templar- Sergeant
    Magic DK- Corporal
    Stam DK- Sergeant
    Stamplar- Corporal

  • Xinthisis
    I've been beat down by this build and beat this build down. It's a solid performer. Still don't know why I got tea bagged, I suppose you got your feelers hurted when you had to rez.

    Whats your character name? Sometimes we teabag people so that they come back, and bring more. Helps us get small scale. Other times we bag just because something the other person was doing was irritating.
    Edited by Xinthisis on January 11, 2017 6:56AM
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    zuto40 wrote: »
    Etaniel wrote: »
    manny254 wrote: »
    I would hope no player would actually have an interest in trying to bug this and essentially exploiting the 5 piece, but there is no way to really tell.The easiest way to notice this is the white effect on the character, but only the user can see the effect.

    This is most likely the answer you are looking for.

    Someone has showed me how to achieve the bug. It's super easy to replicate and to activate whenever you want. The effect is removed upon death, which means if you have it by accident, you aren't going to keep it for very long and it's not much of an issue. If you have it for all your fights, I don't believe in the accident.

    I won't reveal how to achieve it so as to not ruin the month of pvp we have left before the fix goes live. (and it's against the tos anyways).

    reveal your secrets to me

    It's not achievable on console.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Sordidfairytale
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    I've been beat down by this build and beat this build down. It's a solid performer. Still don't know why I got tea bagged, I suppose you got your feelers hurted when you had to rez.

    Whats your character name? Sometimes we teabag people when so that they come back, and bring more. Helps us get small scale. Other times we bag just because something the other person was doing was irritating.

    We probably irritated you, you went down pretty fast. ;)
    The Vegemite Knight

    "if the skeleton kills you, your dps is too low." ~STEVIL

    The Elder World of WarScrollCraft Online ~joaaocaampos
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