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  • WillhelmBlack
    FYI there are no damage sets in this build, I have used all 3 of them. The damage comes from being a good player and quick animation canceling.

    You can say Malubeth is a damage set but it's very low.
    PC EU
  • ZOS_DaryaK
    We have removed a few more posts that were not contributing to this conversation in any meaningful way.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Xinthisis
    @Xeniph What I've noticed is that no matter what if you post a video where you're doing better at the game then most of the player base questions come up. I could be running a very easy to understand build and do very well with it and people will still say that I'm using macros, or whatever. It's this inadequacy complex people have. I'm glad you do enjoy it though.

    @Taylor21554 It's mostly that I don't want to give out too much information on how the build actually works. If you notice in the first clip (after the intro) my resource management was fairly poor. I made some adjustments and toward the end of the video (two clips with dc) I was doing much better. Things that I changed I don't want people to catch on to, because it would be far too powerful as common knowledge. Like in 1.2 when people found out heavy resto attacks restored magicka. Even now we've already made an even stronger version of the build and will eventually upload the second episode. The thing with all the hate is that people have this burned in idea of what we're doing (5 hist bug, 5 tava's) because that's what most PVE dk tanks that have been abusing it were doing. Whether I deny it or not, people will believe what they want to. So, I leave it at that. I learned a while ago that these forums have people who will hate for no reason. They act like it's impossible to bug out hist barks animation. Like animations have never been bugged before. Truth is I've already given away too much information as it stands. Some people are very good analysts. S/B ult+crash while the set is probably what bugged it out. I also had 2 ESO programs running so that might be why. Idk, I'm not a computer guru. I'll just not use the set at all, or maybe use it next patch so people can say that I've found a way to still bug it out. lol Then again with unchained change I might want more sustain. Idk, we'll see what happens.

    Theorycrafting is about pushing the limits, even last night I was testing out new sets and numbers on live and the mostly on PTS (Because im poor on live. lol).

    @WillhelmBlack People fail to realize I have always built low damage high sustain builds because I could get away with it through anim cancelling. lol
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    @Taylor_MB Also about the viper range proc, I'm pretty sure I reported it when discovered(might not have actually, I get tired of reporting things just to see patch after patch leave them in. RIP Siphoning attacks). Thing is Sribes and I were testing a myriad of different alternative damage. From double dot poison (proc poison with the combo have a 100% chance to proc veli. Theoretically) Prismatic glyph (cameo to old school camo hunter) and finally settled for disease which scaled with our cp. Also other people hit us with it when we confirmed it did. I'm glad zos is fixing it though.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Xinthisis
    Found out how it works. Crazy that I was talking about an addon giving too much in the video and what do you know. Histbug is Addon linked. I understand all the hate now. Especially since its so easy to do. Won't say how obviously, but yeah.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Isellskooma
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    People fail to realize I have always built low damage high sustain builds because I could get away with it through anim cancelling. lol

    This is what I've done for the longest time. People always ask me "Why do you run such low damage?" "How can you survive for so long"?
    And I tell them the same thing you said there, animation canceling.
    Edited by Isellskooma on January 6, 2017 4:43PM
  • Xinthisis
    Lets not forget my stamina NB a few patches ago wearing 5 willows (even though I knew it was bugged. didnt scale with cp or drinks) and s/b, with 3 agilty on s/b and 2 agility back bar. Meanwhile everyone was running 5 hundings+1 kena, 1blood, with maelstrom getting way more than I did. Yet, I could beat those people. Then go and 1vx.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • The_Duke
    Xinthisis wrote: »
    Lets not forget my stamina NB a few patches ago wearing 5 willows (even though I knew it was bugged. didnt scale with cp or drinks) and s/b, with 3 agilty on s/b and 2 agility back bar. Meanwhile everyone was running 5 hundings+1 kena, 1blood, with maelstrom getting way more than I did. Yet, I could beat those people. Then go and 1vx.

    Has willows been fixed yet?
    The Duke


    Guild leader of The Dukes. PS4
  • Xinthisis
    @The_Duke after multiple patches, multiple reports. I deconned it for the dreugh wax. Haven't touched it since. So Idk, but I doubt it.
    "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

    "Dont mind me."

    "Xin knows"


  • Dyride
    @The_Duke No. I have medium and heavy ready to go though.
    V Є H Є M Є И C Є

      Revenge of the Bear

      Revenge of the Hist
      Revenge of the Deer

      Remember the Great Burn of of the Blackwater War!

    1. The_Duke
      Dyride wrote: »
      @The_Duke No. I have medium and heavy ready to go though.

      Its too bad that bugs like this are left broken for months and yet crown crates and useless cosmetics flood the marketplace. It shows the priorities of Zos.
      The Duke


      Guild leader of The Dukes. PS4
    2. Xinthisis
      usmcjdking wrote: »
      Xinthisis wrote: »
      @usmcjdking Look into all the weapon traits. look into igneous ult gen. You're welcome.

      Even if I were to entertain this, what bearing does this have over the fact that you are not using decisive weapons? You ultimate is generating in multitudes of 3 and 5 in accordance with Tava's, Werewolf Hide, normal Ultimate Generation and Earthen Heart passive. Decisive would throw random numerical values of +1 into the mix, which, unfortunately for you in this case, is nowhere present in this video.

      So at first it was werewolf, then tavas, now its what exactly? The video was also sped up a bit, to keep it shorter since tanking isn't too entertaining to watch at normal speed, so maybe that is influencing your hasty choices.

      Like I said, mental gymnastics. Stop jumping through loops to justify what you think I'm running.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    3. iseko
      Xinthisis wrote: »
      usmcjdking wrote: »
      Xinthisis wrote: »
      @usmcjdking Look into all the weapon traits. look into igneous ult gen. You're welcome.

      Even if I were to entertain this, what bearing does this have over the fact that you are not using decisive weapons? You ultimate is generating in multitudes of 3 and 5 in accordance with Tava's, Werewolf Hide, normal Ultimate Generation and Earthen Heart passive. Decisive would throw random numerical values of +1 into the mix, which, unfortunately for you in this case, is nowhere present in this video.

      So at first it was werewolf, then tavas, now its what exactly? The video was also sped up a bit, to keep it shorter since tanking isn't too entertaining to watch at normal speed, so maybe that is influencing your hasty choices.

      Like I said, mental gymnastics. Stop jumping through loops to justify what you think I'm running.

      Werewolf set sure of it. 5 ultimate ticks and shield style point to that.

      Was wondering if third set is seventh legion. It has no cooldown (well.. gcd). With the amount you are being hit it should be up 100%. Heals get cut in half but malu is also up 100% almost. So its about an extra 1k hps. Add into that the 500 weapon dmg buffig your rally and vigor... Still trying to figure this out xD.

    4. Waylander
      Good thread, would read again.

      I've dueled @Xinthisis open world on this build (I was on a heavy armour stam dk running black rose/fury/bloodspawn I think) and whilst Xins build has some burst damage, most experienced players should be able to heal/pot through it. It's real strength is mitigation and resource management. I wouldn't have been able to kill it 1 v 1 and may have died to it in a prolonged fight (we probably fought 5min+) if I'd got sloppy with buffs/resource management. In the end others jumped in and we fought them and went our separate ways.

      I think wrath needs to go from heavy armour personally. I'm a bit tired of the effectiveness of heavy armour reducing the number of light/medium armour wearers, making it hard to find quick fights! I like a good long battle of resource management, but it leads to others always joining in and as with everything in this game gains strength in numbers.

      I've already talked to a few guild mates about running a half dozen cross healing tanks and just force flipping flags but whilst good for a laugh, Cyro has enough boring gameplay without adding to it further. I watched @LeifyEric Templar emperor video and it was evident that the heavy armour meta was creating long fights that whilst skillful showed a decided lack of people dieing to emperor dps/ultimates (no destro staff)
      Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
    5. Xinthisis
      @Waylander I think I remember that fight, not to bash you at all but I think if I had Dawnbreaker I might have been able to win. The damage and utility along with the cheap cost of it is crazy strong. This build when fully maxed out is just one of those builds that shouldn't exist. Tank zergs, great group synergy, and almost unbeatable 1v1. It's like 1.3 mag dk, except stronger.
      Again, not to bash you. This build is just on another level.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    6. Xinthisis
      @Waylander As for heavy armor fix I agree that they should have never taken away the block cost, and gave heavy the damage. Constitution should still be based on max health, however it should be at least viable but hard to get. Maybe 1300 constitution at 60k health or something. Something to where people have to make sacrifices in one area to gain advantages in another. I also still feel that all armor abilities should only be usable while in 5 pieces of that armor type. Another separate issue that I see people overlook is the max stat increases from CP. With the way you get racial, undaunted, and class max stat increases its far too easy to get so much of everything. Add in the nerfs to regen, and you have a situation where the classes with the best alternative sustain win. One of the reason stam sorc is so dominant. Also why this dk is so good. Battleroar+Earthen+Constitution. All together you get a build that is very powerful. Too powerful I feel.
      Edited by Xinthisis on January 7, 2017 1:59AM
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    7. donJay
      Malubeth is still something to be ashamed of folks. Still a crutch. Even in 2017.
      Former Los Pepes
      Former Nemesìs
      Former Dynamic
      Former Nexus

      EP | Magplar l Argonian l don-Jay
      DC | Magden | High Elf | don-Bae

      Magden Solo PvP Vid
    8. Xinthisis
      donJay wrote: »
      Malubeth is still something to be ashamed of folks. Still a crutch. Even in 2017.

      Not my fault Zos wont just make it give major vitality or major mending so it isn't stackable. Why gimp? Just run the best builds possible and let the pitchfork zerglings come out mad they don't have people in their 24 man able to do it as well.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    9. Waylander
      @Xinthisis no offense taken mate, I whispered you and said your build would eventually win. But it would be the winner of a long boring fight. Major mending, vitality pots, heavy armour and at least one sustain set make fights with stam dks a drawn out affair.

      Australian ping (270-300 on a good day) makes dueling nigh on impossible as you can't actively mitigate damage as it hits before you have adequate time to respond. I don't know many good high ping duellers, ninja san was pretty decent on his stam blade back in the day, but he was high 100'-low 200's which is night and day to 270-300 but that's getting off topic.

      Heavy armour does seem to be over performing, but I'm conscious it underperformed for a long time.

      More things scaling off max health (such as healing) rather than stam/weapon damage or magica/spell damage might be a good change, but ultimately developers who made minor balance changes regularly in a constant improvement cycle would work too. Hopefully the upcoming balance changes hearald at least quarterly balance changes.

      I agree that you should only get access to the armour line ability if you slot 5 pieces of the armour. Seems like an easy solution to stopping characters with high mitigation also accessing a 20% change to dodge attacks (without them running hist bark)
      Nocturnal - AD Oceanic PvP Guild
    10. Xinthisis
      @Waylander Being originally from the South Pacific, I understand how ping and random spikes of lag affect people "way down under" more than someone living in Austin, Texas for instance. Become one with the lag is what my buddies and I used to say playing FPS games.

      I'm constantly at 120-250 as while I am in the U.S I'm fairly far from the servers still, although I can say its definitely manageable. I tried playing this game with 300 ping in 1.5 when I was overseas and I really don't know how any of you Aussies do it. Especially now with the damage spiking back up. I tip my hat to all of you who operate at a high level with less than optimal circumstances.

      Changing Wrath back to the block cost reduc, and changing Constitution back but with buffs so that its more viable for people who end up stacking max health would be a start I think. Realistically, zos won't do that. They aren't the type to undermine a vision they have already gone through with and if they do it's over 6 month to even years. (Just look at AOE caps)

      In conclusion, I do hope zos looks at what we're running and finds ways to mitigate its overall capability. I also hope that they do not push through the Ice Staff changes. Well, the blocking one at least. Also, how do you nerf overall destro aoe damage by 5%, but give lightning staff minor vulnerability? lol

      I hope people are ready for the magicka permablocking templars with s/b + Ice staff because they're coming.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    11. LegendaryChef
      I think the worst part about this thread is I can't even tell if the OP is trolling or not o.O

      As far as not disclosing the build because it's not safe in the publics hands you are kind of contradicting everything you have said considering you class it down to skill and "mechanics" to do what you do here.

      Zzoro/Elliot Brown/Baldy ~Kitesquad/Noricum~
      PC EU.
      Spider mount was the only good part about morrowind release.
    12. Xinthisis
      I think the worst part about this thread is I can't even tell if the OP is trolling or not o.O

      As far as not disclosing the build because it's not safe in the publics hands you are kind of contradicting everything you have said considering you class it down to skill and "mechanics" to do what you do here.


      So you want 100's of people standing in destro ults, while getting beamed, and heal debuffed, and feared, and permablocking through. Then turn around, dot up an enemy, heavy attack+critrush+db into an anim cancel execute to insta kill the person...

      Some people just want to see the world burn.
      Edited by Xinthisis on January 7, 2017 5:43AM
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    13. Iyas
      You certainly dont know whats already happening on EU.

      Perma block tanks/templar
      Magsorc/NB with destro ult

      There is nothing left
      Noricum/ Kitesquad/ PC/EU

      Kitesquad Vol. 1
    14. Xinthisis
      @Iyas Oh believe me, I know. We have all of that on NA as well. Now currently destro ult x 3 is wiping large groups. We stand in 4 destro ults as a 3 man group. As long as we dont get cc bugged, we'll survive. So, imagine for an instant if this build as a whole got out. That would be a bad day. Once people start looking past sets and into the actual mechanics of what makes a build strong you'll start seeing a major change in what people run.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    15. arkansas_ESO
      donJay wrote: »
      Malubeth is still something to be ashamed of folks. Still a crutch. Even in 2017.

      wait what

      aren't you the guy that ran fasalla's in duels lol

      why are you shaming people for running sets just as cheesy as what you're running

      Grand Overlord 25/8/17
    16. Xinthisis
      donJay wrote: »
      Malubeth is still something to be ashamed of folks. Still a crutch. Even in 2017.

      wait what

      aren't you the guy that ran fasalla's in duels lol

      why are you shaming people for running sets just as cheesy as what you're running

      Because malubeth counters fassala's.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    17. Alcast
      Class Representative
      This thread is amusing, keep going
      Edited by Alcast on January 7, 2017 11:02AM - Builds & Guides - Sets, Skills, Guides & News - Discord, Telegram & Twitch Command Bot

    18. Escorpiao_Noturno
      donJay wrote: »
      Malubeth is still something to be ashamed of folks. Still a crutch. Even in 2017.

      Hello DonJay...

      One question for you..
      Do you like permablock tanks who doesn't kill nothing ???
    19. Xinthisis
      Alcast wrote: »
      This thread is amusing, keep going

      You might have missed out on the best parts. Zos mods op.
      "What happens in ESO, stays in ESO"

      "Dont mind me."

      "Xin knows"


    20. KisoValley
      People crying about Xin possibly doing the hist bug yet almost all the top PVErs have been abusing it with Tava's for months since it was found.

      Go cry about them before crying on this thread lol. You're watching a sped up video and assuming he's using a bug with no actual proof. I know quite a few PVPers from EU who are definitely using this bug too, some even commented on this thread complaining about Xin possibly using it.

      Kind of awkward.

      Key words: possibly and definitely.
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