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Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

    Soul Shriven
    Can you add me to the list I deleted the character on accident
    Soul Shriven wrote: »
    Can you add me to the list I deleted the character on accident

    Gamer tag is "bryceinator100"
  • sebnufc
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I have lost my dlc Items when I deleted my chrachter it was the explorers pack the treassure maps and the pledge of mara quest on the imperial edition I am hoping to get these items back as soon as possible
  • fp13976
    Soul Shriven
    I messed up as well not fully understanding that I do not get them on every character I make my mistake but please I would be so pumped if you all could help me out this is on xbox one by the way. & on a side note I am loving this on xb1 great job
  • CidxLucy
    I got my mail on my first char and got the items but within a few hour I deleted the char because I didnt like how it look.
    I was not thinking :(
    CidxLucy (this my psn name)
  • trickypat72
    Soul Shriven
    I lost my Mara rings and bonus treasure maps when I deleted my first character. Any way I can get them back?
  • trickypat72
    Soul Shriven
    Creed72 is my psn.
  • Mordbane
    Soul Shriven
    I have managed to lose the Collector's Edition treasure maps from the Explorer's Pack due to misunderstanding the warning on deleting a character. (I thought all characters would receive a copy of the maps in the mail, as I couldn't store them in the bank).

  • donuthole629
    Soul Shriven
    My maps are gone too!!! Help!!!!
  • ShadicAdvent
    Soul Shriven
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I have just one question. ARE you going to return the items to those players that accidentally deleted them? A definitive answer will be appreciated.

    We will return the items to the players that accidentally deleted them and contacted us by replying to this thread, or by submitting a ticket from the support page.

    I have accidentally deleted a character that had both the Rings Of Mara and The Treasure Maps. Could you help me with this?
  • trickypat72
    Soul Shriven
    How long does it take to get your items back or at least a reply?
  • crusader_13
    Soul Shriven
    I also deleted my first character and was unaware the items were not automatically shared with all characters causing me to lose every treasure map. Can you please restore the items I paid for? Thank you for your time.

    Platform: PS4
    PSN ID: crusader_13
  • thesurvival
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Michelle same issue here I see many posting I accidently deleted my first "dummy character," which had my Pledge of mara and my treasure maps:( is there any way of redeeming these items back? I'm on ps4 my psn is captainhowdy0420
  • smax5001
    Soul Shriven
    Hi, I too accidentally deleted my account along with the ring. Could I please have the ring back. I purchased the imperial edition Saturday 7-11-15 and did not know that deleting my character with the ring will forever lose it. It was deleted today, 7-13-15.

    Thank you
  • jkaraus
    Soul Shriven
    Please add me to the list of users who accidentally deleted their Imperial Edition/Early Access Items
  • DaviZ
    Soul Shriven
    Also happened to me :(
    I thought the mail was account-wide so didn't even bother to save my itens on the bank...

  • CMSawall2
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox One
    GT: All Seeing Xy

    I have accidentally deleted a character with all the adventure pack items on it.
    If you can please help me recover the items that would be much appreciated.
    Thank you.
  • Algormortis
    Soul Shriven

    Did the same. Also sent a petition ingame. Can I get them back?

    Thanks a bunch.
  • QwertyVI
    Soul Shriven
    I couldn't store the treasure maps in the bank for the explorers pack because it said it was bound to my player and I deleted my player without thinking that I'd lose the maps
  • Kiriji
    Soul Shriven
    I accidentally deleted the ring of Mara from the imperial edition. How do I get it back?
  • Lady_Rosabella
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MichaelServotte I also deleted mine as well, can you please return the maps to me? Thank you so much!!!
    Edited by Lady_Rosabella on August 20, 2015 8:22PM
  • Sir_Xalvador
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_MichaelServotte
    I also deleted mine by mistake as well, can you return the maps to me please? Thank you so much!!!
    Edited by Sir_Xalvador on August 20, 2015 8:28PM
  • Mango_
    Soul Shriven
    I know this is really old, but I haven't played in a while and rarely access my account at all; I got on a few months ago and cleaned out my account to make new characters since I couldn't remember anything about the ones I'd had, and only played for a couple days due to school and work piling down on me. I just got around to updating today, and after receiving a few guild messages today about the Imperial Edition items offering good stuff to help me get started again I decided to look up what they meant. The Pledge, the Mount, and the free crowns I have all sounded fantastic. But, after checking my nearly entirely empty bank and the only two characters I've got any items on, I realized I deleted the character that had my pledge so now I am unable to perform the ritual at all, despite having never gotten to use the pledge :/

    I have never done the ritual, and have only used the mount. I don't recall whether or not I used the vanity pet, but honestly I am not all that concerned about that. As far as the crowns, I assume it's best just to look in the store to see what to do with those? Or are they usable in-game as well? I would really appreciate some help with getting my Pledge of Mara, as it would further my ability to progress despite not having as much time as some of my other peers.

    I play via PC, my UserID is MangoNym

    I hope to get some assistance, sorry for any inconvenience.
    Edited by Mango_ on September 5, 2015 11:25PM
  • Jim_Berry

    Is it too late to reclaim deleted items? I still have access to my Imperial mount as well as all races for any alliance. However, I deleted the character that was equipped with the Ring of Mara a few months ago without realizing I could have submitted the ticket to get the Ring restored (someone directed me to this post).

    I am on US, NA, Xbox One, under the gamertag "Mr Jim Berry", ID is "Jim_Berry".

    Thanks in advance.
  • aznguitar5
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I also am having an issue with my rings of mara I think they may of gotten deleted.
  • Lunazaki
    Soul Shriven
    I just deleted my character that I redeemed all my items on because I wanted to use it's name for my new character.
    And then I realised that all the items were still on that character that I deleted.
    I still have the pets and horse, since they're shared.
    I pre-ordered the physical copy of the Imperial Edition and should have all the items in the explorers pack etc. (I also played the Beta, though I can't remember if there were any items relating to that.)
    I'd greatly appreciate it if I could get my items back, thanks.
    Edited by Lunazaki on November 6, 2015 11:47PM
  • SymbioteKing26
    I didnt realise either with my first character :(
    xb gt symbioteking26
    EP/ Breton Nightblade Healer. Is fond of cheese. And scamps.
  • Jkobylakb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I am on the XBOX ONE and I have purchased the TESO TU version of teh game and didn't realize I could only have my maps on 1 person... I didn't like how I started teh character off so I deleted her... How do I go about getting all the TESO TU items back? I have the little follower creature but that's it. I can send you my XBOX ONE GT or any other info you might need to verify. I should even have the redemption code I used if that helps. But that'll have to come later when I'm at home. Please let me know if you can help.

  • Tatumi
    Soul Shriven
    MornaBaine wrote: »
    I have just one question. ARE you going to return the items to those players that accidentally deleted them? A definitive answer will be appreciated.

    We will return the items to the players that accidentally deleted them and contacted us by replying to this thread, or by submitting a ticket from the support page.

    Sorry for bumping an old thread, but new player here, making dumb new player mistakes :(

    I managed to very thoroughly delete the treasure maps that came with the Explorer's Pack (sold to vendor on my first character, then deleted that character and after that made a new character of the same race/class with the same name). Obviously I didn't realize they were one-time only...

    Now I already made a ticket about this (reference number 160404-001797), but I mostly get default answers, which is very frustrating and makes me wonder if my tickets are even read.

    I did however get one on-topic response, but it says something contradicting with what I just quoted from 2 years ago:
    Varsha wrote:
    We are currently investigating how to restore any Explorer's Pack and Imperial Edition bonus items to players who may have accidentally deleted them. If players have experienced this, we ask that they contact us.

    So I did respond saying I hereby contact them for getting the maps restored and ofcourse the next response was pretty much default reply again and the status is changed to solved. Sadly I did not get anything (yet) and I honestly don't even know if I'm up for a restore or not, the replies weren't very clear :s
  • TAF4Mopar
    Soul Shriven
    So I started it back up...with the WIFE and found I can not locate the gift of mara in any of my characters!
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