Maintenance for the week of June 24:
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Deleted Imperial Edition/Early Access Items

  • FridaAlmighty
    Soul Shriven
    Got ESO and Explorer's Pack for Christmas and then I deleted my first character. I didn't know about this at all...
    Please help. :(
    Same thing with the pet I got for playing during the Beta...

    Edited by FridaAlmighty on December 29, 2014 11:45PM
  • Elamia89
    I got ESO Imperial edition for christmas. Wasn't happy with my first char, so I deleted it and made a new one.
    I didn't know that I had to put the things I got from the Imperial edition (pets etc) in my bank,so I have lost them :'(
    Is there any way for me to get them back?

    Thanks for the help!
  • Autofire
    Soul Shriven
    Deleted my original character and accidentally all my imperial edition items with it.
  • Unforgiven_Sins
    Soul Shriven
    I deleted my character that had the imperial edition items as well. I figured a set would be mailed to each character I made. So the mistake is mine for not paying attention. Could I please have them replaced?
    Edited by Unforgiven_Sins on February 3, 2015 9:59PM
  • Kenwar
    Soul Shriven
    I unintentionally deleted my maps, I also thought each character would receive a set.
  • Lapane
    Soul Shriven
    Hey ! I deleted my first character and i had every explorers pack map on him.
    So those maps are nowhere to be found now. While i know that it was my dumb mistake is there any way to get them maps and pet back. Thanks in advance !
  • Nyxlin
    Soul Shriven
    I deleted my character with the pet and maps too. Why on earth are they not send to every char? If you can retrieve them for me, does it mean I have to mail that pet around every time I want to use it on an alt?

    Anyway, please help.
  • AuronRayn
    Soul Shriven
    I accidentally deleted my Explorer's pack items upon deleting my character.

    In my haste I did not read the notifications. Would you please help me restore them?

    Thankfully, I read all notifications before doing the same to my Imperial items.

    Thank you very much!

    Edit: Thank you very much to Rodney and Matthew. In less than 2 days, over a weekend (no less), they resolved this issue, and my maps and vanity pet are safely tucked away in my Bank.

    This is the type of customer service that warms the heart! Thanks guys!
    Edited by AuronRayn on February 28, 2015 5:49PM
  • Risingdevil
    Soul Shriven
    I accidentally deleted a character who had the scuttler vanity pet :( can you please help me get it back
  • Nyxlin
    Soul Shriven
    AuronRayn wrote: »
    I accidentally deleted my Explorer's pack items upon deleting my character.

    In my haste I did not read the notifications. Would you please help me restore them?

    Thankfully, I read all notifications before doing the same to my Imperial items.

    Thank you very much!

    Edit: Thank you very much to Rodney and Matthew. In less than 2 days, over a weekend (no less), they resolved this issue, and my maps and vanity pet are safely tucked away in my Bank.

    This is the type of customer service that warms the heart! Thanks guys!
    Did you also make an ingame ticket or something? Because my post here is 2 days older and I have received no help whatsoever.
  • AuronRayn
    Soul Shriven
    I created a ticket here as well in the Forum, through the support tab. I chose the "I have a technical query" selection.

    I'm from South Africa, and they respnded at about 20:00 in the evening (GMT +2).

    They restored all of my previous characters, and I simply renamed them upon login.

    I think you'll get luckier that way than through here.

    Hope it helps!
    Edited by AuronRayn on March 3, 2015 4:22PM
  • Sharaman
    Soul Shriven
    I accidentally deleted my character, remade my character without depositing the items first, and have not previously sent a ticket in to our Customer Support Team about it, please reply in this thread.
  • zeostrife
    Soul Shriven
    I indeed have ran into the issue of deleting my horse :(
  • TheFinalB0SSx
    Soul Shriven
    can you please help me i deleted my items that i got from the imperial edition when i made a new character.
  • Vengeful_Dumah
    Soul Shriven
    I did this by accident. I just need my treasure maps. If possible
    Soul Shriven
    Yea. I lost my imperial addition bonuses (all of them, explorers pack and everything) because the first prison quest was bugged! I couldn't leave my cell at all because the woman never appeared. So I couldn't open the door but she kept asking me to open my door and I already opened the mail for that character so I was forever trapped with all my imperial addition add ons so I HAD to delete that character. I reloaded the character and the game multiple times and she never spawned so please please I would like my $20 worth of content back!!
    Edited by GOLDieeLOCKS on June 9, 2015 10:10PM
  • Omega-Batman
    Soul Shriven
    So I got to the prison and didn't like the way my character looked so I deleted my character. I thought all the items I bought with the imperial edition would transfer to all my characters. Can you please re-mail me all of items (pledge of Mara, maps, ect.)?
  • Blaze618
    Soul Shriven
    I accidentally made a character in the wrong alliance so my beginning explore maps are with my first character I tried shared bank an they can't be put in the shared bank an I want my beginning maps back plz
  • PrinceShadowWolf
    Soul Shriven
    So I got on last night. Made a character. Found Imessed up on how I wanted him and deleted him after looking at the mail not knowing that I had got the bonuses that were in them. Now I feel like I got the imperial edition for nothing because my girlfriend wanted us to get married in the game and she has the regular edition. Please help. I don't know what else the mail gave me. But no matter how Manny times I check the mail for my other characters I get nothing
  • Omega-Batman
    Soul Shriven
    This is making me really mad. Why can't all of your characters have the imperial edition and explorers pack items? I've had this game preordered for so long and paid extra for the imperial edition. My friends (who only got the standard edition) are playing using the treasure maps and getting cool gear and leaving me in the dust all because they preordered (like me) and didn't delete their first character. If this isn't rectified soon I probably won't continue playing... I want the treasure maps, pledge of Mara, and anything else that would have been deleted from the imperial edition and explorers pack... I get that you don't want people just continue to generate exclusive items, but why do I have to play through the whole tutorial just so I can deposit the items. I created a character, didn't like the way he looked in game, so I just stopped the tutorial and deleted him. At that point there is no where to deposit the items. Fix this please. I just don't want this to drag on and nothing happen.
  • Ereg0rn
    Soul Shriven
    Hi I started the game with a Boomer that was supposed to be a nightblade but was accidently a Templar and I deleted her and started over. But when I did I didn't have my treasure maps or my rings of Mara. I have the Imperial edition and can provide proof if need be to get my items back thank you
  • SmitingPanda928
    Soul Shriven
    I'm crying, i just want my maps back, i didnt like my original character, nor did i even know about any bank, please return my things hugs and kisses
  • joshdrink
    Soul Shriven
    I believe I sent in the appropriate support ticket (via the in-game Help menu), but I'm just following up here as well to ensure I cover my bases.

    Lost both my Pledge and all Treasure Maps.

  • Vengeful_Dumah
    Soul Shriven
    It's been a business day and still haven't heard anything about my pledge and maps that I got with the preorder. I have proof that I got the imperial edition from xbox store. I have put in two support tickets and still have heard nothing. All I want is my stuff from the mail that was sent to me. Also the rotation on my characters stopped working hours after the game was playable for me.
    Edited by Vengeful_Dumah on June 10, 2015 9:58PM
  • Elavinrac
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry, could you please check my account?
    I have a PS4 (if that matters).

    Thanks for the help :)
  • drsammychowphdd
    Soul Shriven
    Deleted and made a new character. Lost treasure maps, not sure about other preorder items. System: PS4
  • LowDUB
    Soul Shriven
    I also have this issue I deleted my first character cause I chose the wrong class. I wasn't aware of this issue at the time looks like im missing the rings and treasure maps but im not sure at this moment I really hope they can fix this I already send a ticket to them
    Edited by LowDUB on June 11, 2015 3:40PM
  • byronv
    Soul Shriven
    deleted my character with my items, could i get these back?
  • TwevOWNED
    Soul Shriven
    I too done goofed and now my ring of mara is lost. Any help getting it back would be dandy.

    Edit: On Xbox One. GT is TwevOWND97
    Edited by TwevOWNED on June 12, 2015 2:04AM
  • markhalliday8
    I lost all of my treasure maps due too this. Please could you help? Ingame name womble and xbox game tag is womble1996
    Thank you
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