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Are on-screen advertisements for the Crown Store acceptable?

  • Steinschlag
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Not accetable. I HATE Stuff like this.
    Bodeus wrote: »
    Gibt bestimmt einige die tanken mit Froststab besser als so mancher Lappen mit Schwert/Schild.
  • Elijah_Crow
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Did ZOS forget to tell you?

    You don't get to vote.

    You see, you are voting about what you think is best for you, not what is best for them and the game.

    If an occasional on screen ad is game breaking to you, then you have larger issues. Nothing in the crown store is game breaking, and a system message is at most a minor annoyance to some and a pleasant reminder for others.

    You are lucky they don't happen every 25 minutes like other games. Your also lucky that the items they are selling are not P2Win. If an occasional system message prompts purchasing, I prefer it to other more aggressive monetization.

  • Genomic
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Oh people get to vote alright, in the most important way that matters...
  • Elijah_Crow
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Genomic wrote: »
    Oh people get to vote alright, in the most important way that matters...

    You are right there. That's why I just bought the game for two friends.
  • EQBallzz
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I imagine that ZOS is going to have the same reaction that a cable company would have to you telling them to stop showing you so many commercials.

    That's fine if they want to have a rep like Time Warner Cable.
  • Raash
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Sometimes I think people are strange. What was the expectations when game went from sub to b2p/f2p model with a crownstore on top?
    That it would hold no items worth of purchasing and just something z-max would have for show if you happen to press the wrong button in an anonymious menu?
    With time the subs will go down even more(since no new content is at the horizon atm and nothing is really worth staying subbed for vs others that play same content for free) and they will have to find new ways to get cash so mark my words when I say that ingame advertising once a day is a fart in space of what is to come.

    They will want us to buy stuff and they will advertise it wherever they can.
  • Elijah_Crow
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Raash wrote: »
    Sometimes I think people are strange. What was the expectations when game went from sub to b2p/f2p model with a crownstore on top?
    That it would hold no items worth of purchasing and just something z-max would have for show if you happen to press the wrong button in an anonymious menu?
    With time the subs will go down even more(since no new content is at the horizon atm and nothing is really worth staying subbed for vs others that play same content for free) and they will have to find new ways to get cash so mark my words when I say that ingame advertising once a day is a fart in space of what is to come.

    They will want us to buy stuff and they will advertise it wherever they can.

    I say embrace a cosmetic cash shop with occasional reminders on screen. Buy lots. If we don't, the alternatives are not so good.
  • SantieClaws
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Ruins the immersion. Actually makes me quite annoyed. Spoils the enjoyment of the game.

    By the way has anyone else thought of /feedback-ing this within the game? If not then we probably should do so.

    To choose a welcome back weekend to do it as well. Such poor timing. Bring them in with one hand, royally tick them off with the other one.
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Nebthet78
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Friends of mine have cancelled their console preorders because of this.

    I am also no longer willing to sub while receiving these annoying messages. There is nothing like fighting a WB or tough mob by yourself and then suddenly getting this crap across your screen, which is pretty much right in the middle over top all the important stuff you need to see.

    Not only annoying, but potentially fatal for your character.

    As a result of this, I will not be making any purchases from the crown store at all. The only thing I will ever buy, if they can keep me around long enough is DLC... That is, of course, if I haven't died waiting for it.

    Edited by Nebthet78 on April 18, 2015 7:22AM
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • S_Ravenlock
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I wouldn't mind so much if the message was steaming at the top of the screen, but the huge yellow text in the middle of the screen while playing is a bit obnoxious. It's distracting and immersion breaking to be honest.
    Mirianna Valoran, Templar, EU
  • GamerzElite
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    We died at Mantikora due to this Spam. It is only acceptable when You are warning people for Mega Server Shut down.
    Edited by GamerzElite on April 18, 2015 9:58AM
    . . . .., . ., Looking for PVX Guild in EP/DC
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    Sorcerer: Jaadugar (EP)
    Dragon Knight: Altep (EP) Unknown DK (DC)
    Templer: Tempu (EP) Unklnownwarrior (DC)
    Nightblade: Jaad NB (EP) Unknown nbl (DC)
  • LtCrunch
    We died at Mantikora dude to this Spam. It is only acceptable when You are warning people for Mega Server Shut down.

    Lol do you die when someone takes/drops/captures a scroll or an emp is crowned/deposed in your home campaign? Because it's the same damned alert with a color change. Don't be so silly.
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • WraithAzraiel
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Nebthet78 wrote: »
    Friends of mine have cancelled their console preorders because of this.

    I am also no longer willing to sub while receiving these annoying messages. There is nothing like fighting a WB or tough mob by yourself and then suddenly getting this crap across your screen, which is pretty much right in the middle over top all the important stuff you need to see.

    Not only annoying, but potentially fatal for your character.

    As a result of this, I will not be making any purchases from the crown store at all. The only thing I will ever buy, if they can keep me around long enough is DLC... That is, of course, if I haven't died waiting for it.

    Seriously? A system message made you and your friends ragequit? Priorities, bro.
    Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade

    Captain of the Black Howling

    "There's no such thing as overkill..."

    "No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."

  • Raash
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Nebthet78 wrote: »
    Friends of mine have cancelled their console preorders because of this.

    I am also no longer willing to sub while receiving these annoying messages. There is nothing like fighting a WB or tough mob by yourself and then suddenly getting this crap across your screen, which is pretty much right in the middle over top all the important stuff you need to see.

    Not only annoying, but potentially fatal for your character.

    As a result of this, I will not be making any purchases from the crown store at all. The only thing I will ever buy, if they can keep me around long enough is DLC... That is, of course, if I haven't died waiting for it.

    Seriously? A system message made you and your friends ragequit? Priorities, bro.

    Dont know about priorities but some people must be angry alot if stuff like this make or break their day ☺
  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I will not support the crown store or renew my sub as long as these ads are spammed across my screen.
  • Elloa
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I hope that Zenimax got the message.

    I really hope that they understand their sales on the pets and the mount are not coming from that outrageous flashing advert in game.
  • Sevalaricgirl
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Honestly, no it's not acceptable. They should have advertising on the launcher. I haven't seen any advertising across the screen in any game that has a store.

    And for people saying it's doesn't matter, who cares...I can understand why people care. They want immersion in the game. It becomes very annoying to see a yellow banner popping up across the screen. There are better ways.
  • Vizier
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    They are acceptable-

    Not if you are paying a sub.

    If you are not paying a sub then ZoS should be within their rights to advertise their store to you.
  • Raash
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Vizier wrote: »
    They are acceptable-

    Not if you are paying a sub.

    If you are not paying a sub then ZoS should be within their rights to advertise their store to you.

    Why wouldnt people paying subs want to know what they can buy for their crowns? Just wondering.
  • Balael
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Yep don't like it.

    Swtor went free to play and they never had on-screen adverts for the cartel market in fact it was a very small orange icon if you didn't click it you would never know there was a even a cash shop.
  • Haqikah
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Today (EU server) I noticed the yellow advertisement text for the first time. The text only appeared very shortly, so short that I couldn't even read it - as I was fighting mobs at the time. It did not feel too intrusive nor immersion breaking to me. Reading all the posts on the forums about this, I expected the text to remain for at least 5-10 seconds, but it was gone within 1-2 seconds.
    This way I have no problem with such advertising notices.
  • Ojustaboo
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    To repeat what I said in another thread on this subject

    To the few of you saying you have no problem or telling us to get over it, you are missing one important thing.

    It has only just gone the cash shop route and they are testing the water as to what they can get away with.

    Based on many of our experiences in other games that have gone this route, it starts off with the odd thing and very quickly gets worse and worse.

    I personally have no problem IF (and it's a big if) it's an occasional message once in a blue moon, but it wont be, if no one complained, they would simply presume people are happy to put up with them and put more and more blatant advertising in.

    Better people raise their voices now than it become something like Lotro has sadly become.

    I have no problem with them advertising in a non game intrusive way, but they could easily send small patches once a week with new loading screens containing their adverts as others have suggested, rather than make me think the servers are about to go down and loose concentration mid fight.
  • NadiusMaximus
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Turn off adds. 500 crowns
    I count this as spam. I thought they had stuff in place to stop spam. Will we see gold for sale next? Then adds every time we log in for Taco Bell? If they do this at least tie it to a holiday in tamriel.
  • Xsorus
    The fact that people are this upset over this makes me question humanity
  • Haqikah
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    When first reading about the advertisement notification I voted against this, as I expected it to completely spoil the immersion in the game. However when experiencing this first-hand, I felt... nothing! The text was gone too quickly for me to read it (as I was fighting at the time). It merely made me aware a system message was added in the chat.

    Even having this experience, I still feel there are better ways for advertising. Using the loading screens is one of the best options I have read so far, especially if it is executed classy. With classy I mean: make beautiful art containing characters wearing items that can be obtained in the shop, with some text (in style) pointing us to the cash shop.

    The slippery-slope argument that I encounter a lot in this thread is something I always have a hate-love relationship with, as frequently the logic that a chain of events must follow after the first event is not backed up with examples and facts. I am not saying this type of argument is always wrong, I only want to warn everyone using and hearing this for taking the argument automatically for fact.
  • Pappa
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Definitely not acceptable and immersion breaking, the login screen is the perfect place for these type of advertisements.
    *Kiss the goat*
  • MornaBaine
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Really NOT acceptable. Ads need to happen at launch, not be a huge distracting thing flashing across our screen in 3 languages while we're playing the game. This needs to STOP.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Sacadon
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    The fact that people are this upset over this makes me question humanity

    All of humanity rests in the balance between accepting in-game advertising and not. Yeeeeaaaah. Anyway, last night the second broadcasting of one of these messages came across our screen while we were in the middle of a group vs group PvP fight. None of us felt compelled to call 911 for anyone as a result of all the physical anguish and stress that ensued. Instead, everyone verbally agreed that there were many other effective ways to market the crown store items and that this was both unnecessary and annoying at best.
  • Elloa
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    The fact that people are this upset over this makes me question humanity

    It's a question of principle. Sometimes you need to draw the line that can not be crossed. The community that disagree with in game advertissement express their concerns, because that's one step too far.
    Most of us didn't agreed with the Buy to Play model in the first place and with teh CrownShop. But we had to accept it and we accepted it at the condition there would not be Pay2Win items or cheezy advertissement.
    Today we are showing that Zenimax crossed that line.

    I'm a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls Online and Zenimax, as everyone know, and I love this game, but I strongly disagree with that.

    Edited by Elloa on April 18, 2015 1:16PM
  • Heishi
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I don't mind, but I do think we should start calling them Zo$ from now on. Heck even before the game came out we saw the money grabbing.

    I like the Zo$ I think I'll use that one too much like M$.

    The way I see it, they have two means of advertising before you even log into the game, three if you include the forums but not everyone checks forums. On the main launcher for the game there is an advertising/new space which uses graphics. Then at the actual log on there is a second place for announcements/advertisements. There's no reason to make a global announcement about it in game.

    Even IF some how a player didn't catch one of these two spots, the mounts and pets are self advertising in game. You see another player and ask where they got it. Even if you don't ask that player directly you could ask in a guild or something.

    Global announcements really should be used for events (which we don't have) and announcing downtimes.

    Now if "Pet Day" was an actual event day thing and they were making announcement that say "In 1hr ______ event will start to celebrate Pet Day, Come and show off your pets". Then what they could do is set up a little temporary carnival type area and have some NPCs walking around with all the different Crown Store pets and even mounts, then you really would have had something awesome.

    Just claiming it is "Pet Day" with no event, no contest, nothing to back it up except an advertisement directing you to the crown store, really isn't acceptable. I doubt there's anything that can be done to stop them from it so we probably just have to deal with it, but I still felt like voicing it.
    And so did many brave men, women, and beast fall to the end of Beta, never to be heard from again. All that is left, is whispers of the adventures they had.
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