Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Are on-screen advertisements for the Crown Store acceptable?

  • xSkullfox
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    as long i pay every month this is not acceptable, you can display that on non sub. accounts.
    The worst part is when it finally puts you in a group, your healer turns into a werewolf, your tank has 14k HP and the dps is heavy armor, using a restro staff and a two handed sword on the backbar. Then comes the 15 minute penalty before the cycle starts anew.

    Rulz of Morrowind:
    • The first rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • The second rule of Morrowind is: You do not talk about Morrowind.
    • Third rule of Morrowind: Someone yells NDA stuff, uploads images, streams, the game is over.
    • Fourth rule: only invited players can test.
    • Fifth rule: one invite at a time, fellas.
    • Sixth rule: crying or bashing on pts.
    • Seventh rule: NDA will go on as long as they have to.
    • And the eighth and final rule: If this is your first invite at Morrowind, you have to play.
  • Sacadon
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Did ZOS forget to tell you?

    You don't get to vote.

    You see, you are voting about what you think is best for you, not what is best for them and the game.

    If an occasional on screen ad is game breaking to you, then you have larger issues. Nothing in the crown store is game breaking, and a system message is at most a minor annoyance to some and a pleasant reminder for others.

    You are lucky they don't happen every 25 minutes like other games. Your also lucky that the items they are selling are not P2Win. If an occasional system message prompts purchasing, I prefer it to other more aggressive monetization.

    Of course we're concerned about what's best for us. It would cost way too much to have someone follow me around and worry about my stuff, just isn't feasible, lol. I agree we are lucky to have a game like ESO. I don't believe that just because they are not doing like others that we should shut up and not share our preferences. On the contrary, my speculation on the source of concern for most isn't just game nuisance, but that it cheapens the game and removes one of the (not the only) greatest things it had going for itself over the other games and therefore an attractor.

    I want it to be different and give players a distraction free experience and also thrive financially. I believe we can have both. If we always followed what others thought, the norm as it were, we'd still be sitting in a cave with no fire.

    Edit: your wrong, we do get to vote and ZOS has stated clearly and on several occasions that they want our feedback. They've never scoped or said they don't want feedback on certain things.
    Edited by Sacadon on April 18, 2015 1:32PM
  • Suru
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Lol so many people's immersion being broken. Thanks Zos! But seriously, every MMO has done this at some point. Stop the salt and grow up. This is a business and was only shown for that period briefly.

  • Soundso
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I would not mind if it's in the chat or as a mail. But in the middle of the screen in 3 languages is just horrible.
    Yours faithfully,
    Shnurr from Shnurr's Traditional Skooma Manufacture™.

    Tamriels highest quality skooma! 100% organic! Very best prices! Don't forget that only Shnurr's Social Skooma Manufacture™ donates hot soup for poor hungry Khajiit orphans! Order now and get a 10% discount!

    What our customers say: "Without Shnurr's skooma, this one's feet were wet and cold, after using this amazing product, they were dry and warm. Thank you Shnurr!"
  • Audigy
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Brandalf wrote: »
    We died at Mantikora dude to this Spam. It is only acceptable when You are warning people for Mega Server Shut down.

    Lol do you die when someone takes/drops/captures a scroll or an emp is crowned/deposed in your home campaign? Because it's the same damned alert with a color change. Don't be so silly.

    And exactly this is getting on my nerves since a long time. I don't care what some hardcore did at ESO :( and I wish there would be a way to shut these messages down. Its several times an hour and ruins a lot in this game.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    There seems to be some confusion as to what and where the messages popped up. This is what it looked like. Large letters in yellow across the screen. This is what we are voting on.


    It's OK if and only if it's OK for people to spam trade, guild and lfg, etc in zone chat.
    If we can do it why does it bother people that ZOS does it? (I do see the top section that players cannot announce but in general any company announcement should appear in this manner)
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • azoriangaming
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    put them on load screens with pics
    Edited by azoriangaming on April 18, 2015 3:39PM
  • Raash
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.

    Elloa wrote: »
    The fact that people are this upset over this makes me question humanity

    It's a question of principle. Sometimes you need to draw the line that can not be crossed. The community that disagree with in game advertissement express their concerns, because that's one step too far.
    Most of us didn't agreed with the Buy to Play model in the first place and with teh CrownShop. But we had to accept it and we accepted it at the condition there would not be Pay2Win items or cheezy advertissement.
    Today we are showing that Zenimax crossed that line.

    I'm a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls Online and Zenimax, as everyone know, and I love this game, but I strongly disagree with that.

    The community "accepted" it? I would perhaps hade choosed the word "swallowed" but who am I to decide really. I wasnt here when the agreement happened.
    Either way I actually like the picture you draw where ZoS humbly asks the community for guidance and you guys agree that its a necessary evil and give ZoS OK to implement it, but only if certained conditions are met...
    If it really was like that I can understand so many grinding their teeth in anger of being victims of such treachery.

  • Armitas
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    If we don't care about immersion when it comes to the crown store can we go ahead and not care about it and update this UI to the modern era?
    Nord mDK
  • Slant
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Completely unacceptable.
  • Molsondry
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    still hapening getting spammed in 4 different language on NA server... like we need russian spam.. like we needed spam at all
    v9 Sorcerer
  • DominusPax
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    If you want to tell me about a limited time purchase for your store *_email me_*. I don't want this stuff in the game. This was one of the reasons I quit Star Trek Online for. I don't want pop-ups that aren't vital. Your store items are not vital information.

    *It's on the stinkin launcher.* Leave it at that.
  • PKMN12
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    anyone who did not see this coming from a mile away is still under the illusion that ZOS cares.
  • Destai
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    There seems to be some confusion as to what and where the messages popped up. This is what it looked like. Large letters in yellow across the screen. This is what we are voting on.


    It's OK if and only if it's OK for people to spam trade, guild and lfg, etc in zone chat.
    If we can do it why does it bother people that ZOS does it? (I do see the top section that players cannot announce but in general any company announcement should appear in this manner)

    Can you show me a screenshot of player spam that reaches across the entire screen, please?
  • Cristiano
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    I don't have a problem with it, except I think it should simply be on the load screens when you transition between zones. The way they are doing it is tacky as hell. It reminds me of the loot box advertisement spam from Neverwinter.
  • TD5160_ESO
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Elloa wrote: »
    But we had to accept it and we accepted it at the condition there would not be Pay2Win items or cheezy advertissement.

    What? We didn't agree to anything, and our approval didn't decide the fate of whether ESO went B2P or not.

    We didn't set any conditions or terms that ZOS had to follow to go through with B2P.

    This post right here just shows how delusional a great number of the forum-browsing fanbase are.
  • Maotti

    This is not ok! End of.
    Edited by Maotti on April 18, 2015 8:50PM
    PC EU
  • Nebthet78
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.

    Seriously? A system message made you and your friends ragequit? Priorities, bro.

    Who said we rage quit? And what's it to you what mine and my friend's priorities are?

    As console gamers, my friends want nothing to do with idiotic advertisements being splashed across the screen while they are trying to play something, and I don't blame them. As someone who has been playing this game since early Beta, this type of crap ruins my immersion and I don't want to see it. I refuse to purchase anything that is advertised. I cancelled my television service because I got sick of seeing commercials and watch advertisement and monetarily free on the PC now.

    Information regarding the Limited Time for this stupid mount is available in several places. Emails, Facebook, Twitter, the Forums. We don't need it to be played across the screen in game, whether or not it is a limited time thing. There are many better ways for them to send out a message to ensure that the most people see it in game, and that is NOT splashing it across as a system message. They can use the Login Screen where there is already an area they placed to update information etc or there is the Character selection screen as well so when people are switching characters they see it each time. It is somewhat out of the way and does not ruin immersion while playing the game.

    So yeah, if you don't like the decisions we made that is too bad for you.

    and PS... I am not a BRO .. and am highly offended that you automatically assumed such.

    It's OK if and only if it's OK for people to spam trade, guild and lfg, etc in zone chat.
    If we can do it why does it bother people that ZOS does it? (I do see the top section that players cannot announce but in general any company announcement should appear in this manner)

    Zone chat can be turned off, and it can be hidden. Players who are spamming zone chat can also be added to the Ignore list so you never see their postings again. System Messages cannot. Huge difference there.

    Edited by Nebthet78 on April 18, 2015 9:41PM
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • AH93
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    On non-sub accounts very briefly, but not much so that it's intrusive.

    On sub accounts it's not acceptable at all.
    Edited by AH93 on April 18, 2015 9:40PM
  • Valen_Byte
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    ZO$ is misinterpreting there data if they think that people are not buying Crown Store items because they dont know its there. We ALL know what is in the crown store. We ALL know how to check and see if there is anything new. We dont need to be told.
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • TD5160_ESO
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    Valen_Byte wrote: »
    ZO$ is misinterpreting there data if they think that people are not buying Crown Store items because they dont know its there. We ALL know what is in the crown store. We ALL know how to check and see if there is anything new. We dont need to be told.

    Do we? Including the people joining for the beta weekend that never experienced the Crown Store until now? They already know how to access the Crown Store and know what's available?

    Good attempt, but try again.

    Edit: Love how $ is used to show how "evil" a company is. Just looks petty. Grow up.
    Edited by TD5160_ESO on April 18, 2015 10:37PM
  • Vivecc
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    well, at least they ASk us about it, some other gaming - companies don´t even bother that much....
    so <3 Zeni
  • TGWarlock
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I saw the leopard mount on the launcher. I went and bought crowns and then got the mount. Then I saw the pop up add on my screen and I rolled my eyes. It came up in Spanish, and I though "really?". Then I was accosted by the add once more in German (German??? On a NA server?? At least Spanish is common in NA, but German??) and I instantly regretted spending a penny on the trice cursed thing. And now I hear you've added Russian to the mix, really? Do you know what languages are commonly spoken in NA?

    I said in another thread that I see this kind of adds as crying wolf. You're conditioning people to ignore system messages with adds they don't care about. So when you have something important to tell us with a system message, it gets ignored like all the other spam.
  • Valen_Byte
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    TGWarlock wrote: »
    I saw the leopard mount on the launcher. I went and bought crowns and then got the mount. Then I saw the pop up add on my screen and I rolled my eyes. It came up in Spanish, and I though "really?". Then I was accosted by the add once more in German (German??? On a NA server?? At least Spanish is common in NA, but German??) and I instantly regretted spending a penny on the trice cursed thing. And now I hear you've added Russian to the mix, really? Do you know what languages are commonly spoken in NA?

    I said in another thread that I see this kind of adds as crying wolf. You're conditioning people to ignore system messages with adds they don't care about. So when you have something important to tell us with a system message, it gets ignored like all the other spam.

    Good to know what a new players thoughts are on this. You obviously didnt need the adds in order to find and purchase the Leopard. I guess that proves the "many players dont know its there" theory wrong.

    Edited by Valen_Byte on April 18, 2015 10:57PM
    ***Dixon Kay MagDK FORMER EMPEROR***Deca Dix MagDK FORMER EMPORER***Valonious MagPlar FORMER EMPEROR***
    GM of BYTE
    And alien tears will fill for him, Pity’s long-broken urn, For his mourners will be outcast men, And outcasts always mourn
  • TD5160_ESO
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    TGWarlock wrote: »
    I saw the leopard mount on the launcher. I went and bought crowns and then got the mount. Then I saw the pop up add on my screen and I rolled my eyes. It came up in Spanish, and I though "really?". Then I was accosted by the add once more in German (German??? On a NA server?? At least Spanish is common in NA, but German??) and I instantly regretted spending a penny on the trice cursed thing. And now I hear you've added Russian to the mix, really? Do you know what languages are commonly spoken in NA?

    I said in another thread that I see this kind of adds as crying wolf. You're conditioning people to ignore system messages with adds they don't care about. So when you have something important to tell us with a system message, it gets ignored like all the other spam.

    You may be surprised to learn that... not everyone in NA speaks English... Gasp, I know, right? ESO supports German and French and players, even in NA, can have those languages selected.

    Try to be a little more culturally sensitive.
  • ZOS_UlyssesW
    Hello folks.
    We have had to remove several comments in this thread. We ask that everyone stay focused on the topic at hand and avoid derailing the conversation with personal attacks. We value and appreciate your continued feedback, but we do ask that it stays constructive. Thanks for your understanding.

    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Nhoxxx
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store ARE acceptable.
    A company trying to make some money by using ads...what a shame...
    Btw I'm gonna sue the maker of my television for making some ads on tv, I shouldn't see them since I bought their TV ...
  • Turelus
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I knew about the mount causing most the issues via, Facebook, Twitter, Website, Forums and Launcher.

    If someone is able to miss all of those and needs an in game pop-up message to inform them then I am not sure their need for information on this mount is their main issue.
    Anyone connected to the game is going to know about the news, there is even a large empty space on the right hand side of the log-in screen where advertising banners could go (displayed once and down return when crossed off).
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Amsel_McKay
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    Nhoxxx wrote: »
    A company trying to make some money by using ads...what a shame...
    Btw I'm gonna sue the maker of my television for making some ads on tv, I shouldn't see them since I bought their TV ...

    In some countries there are no ads on TV stations... This practice was started in the US and greedy companies wanted more and more money so they added more ads. We paid a TV license and would get channels without ads... now you pay for cable (AND A LOT) and have ads.

    ESO has gone the greed route, and some people still pay a monthly fee and dont expect ads, I'm sure people would even pay for an even more premium service to remove ads.
  • Rox83
    On-screen advertisements for the crown store are NOT acceptable.
    I'd rather see a splash screen when logging in or just a "Whats new" page on the Crown Store.

    System messages like that should only be use in emergencies. And please we don't need to see it pop up 2-4 times in different languages. (at least not on the NA server)
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