Motifs and Ring of Mara are in the Crown Shop!!!

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  • vovus69
    Well, looking at how this thing evolve, I would say they will not sell PVE/PVP end game sets right away, but will start with improvement mats like tempers, rosins, etc. This is also kinda grey area and you can push argument back and forth... Will see.
    "If I'll need your opinion, I'll give one to you" - Rivenspire
  • RainfeatherUK
    I'm actually with @Attorneyatlawl on most of this. As before, its often not the immediate effect but the chain of events that leads to p2w and/or trashed economies. A lot of you make the mistake of thinking that other companies said different things, or dealt with this differently. People were fooled back then too, small concessions are just the beginning.

    Pretty much the entire point here, is that slowly but surely you don't notice it creeping in and chinking away at the core game indirectly until you are there - p2w. Then they give up trying to hide it and thats that. Anyone would think that everyone complaining about the loss of the sub-model or p2w hasn't been there before. We have, many times *rollseyes*

    At least Mark Jacobs has some integrity. See you in CU :)
  • Athas24
    ACK! The mount's only in there for 1 week!? :'( nooooo
    ...OverTwerked & Underpaid.
    Rajaat04 in game @Athas24 on forums
  • Gandrhulf_Harbard
    The problem here isn't the Motifs.

    Its the respec options.

    How long before the in-game altars to buy for those services with in-game gold are removed?

    Monetising optional things isn't a guaranteed cash-flow; monetising essential things is.

    All The Best
    Edited by Gandrhulf_Harbard on April 13, 2015 5:59PM
    Those memories come back to haunt me, they haunt me like a curse.
    Is a dream a lie if it don't come true, or is it something worse.
  • DaveMoeDee
    There goes the economy selling motifs may look like cosmetic but people farm them then sell them on and buy other stuff way to go you may have just ruined your game, the question we must ask ours selfs when will it end up like swtor and go b2w

    Meh. Good way for Zenimax to support game.

    I can appreciate the fact that those who enjoy the crafting aspect of the game now might have less customers as those who wanted particular styles can more easily become self sufficient. Still, I really don't care about the economy of vanity items. So long as they don't tweak the game to make drops less common to point people towards cash shop, seems fine to me. I still prefer finding things or buying with in-game cash to buying with real money. While I could afford the purchase, it would decrease the joy I feel when finding something in-game.

    And my joy is based on the rarity of the accomplishment, not based on whether others can buy it or not.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Athas24 wrote: »
    ACK! The mount's only in there for 1 week!? :'( nooooo

    Dont worry just because its "limited" doesnt mean it wont ever be back. People will want it and they will give it to them.
  • LtCrunch
    Nestor wrote: »

    You are only focusing on the rare motifs. The bread and butter of the Motif trade has just been nerfed into the ground. One months subscription means a player can buy all the Blue Motifs from the Crown Store.

    You mean the motifs that were going for 100-300g each before TU launched? That was your bread and butter moneymaker, really?

    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Athas24
    Im not gonna lie, my character's broke but I'm not. I'll be getting my rare Motiffs on tonight!
    ...OverTwerked & Underpaid.
    Rajaat04 in game @Athas24 on forums
  • Estelee
    The rare races bundle is 50 dollars, it would take longer for me to make 50$ to buy that package than to actually farm them, and gold to buy what I couldn't find myself.

    The Dwemer one is 50$ dollars as well. I would never pay that for it when I can get those so much easier than I can make 50$ dollars.

    Not game breaking at all.

    I seriously doubt this will hurt the economy at all.
    Peace to you Friends.
  • Dennizon
    Slurg wrote: »
    Awesome idea! Oh and now that ZOS is in the business of putting the items needed for in-game achievements in the crown store, when should we expect to see creature collectibles available for purchase so we can unlock those achievement dyes too?

    There is a sizable portion of players who are goal-driven that I hope ZOS spends some time thinking about. Convenience is one thing, but if you take away the challenge (and subsequent satisfaction for meeting that challenge) by making everything purchasable and widespread across the community you take away a reason to continue playing. I like being able to stand out a bit, even if it's through the appearance of my armor, as a testament to things I have done in the game. Please, ZOS, remain focused on the long term so that casual and achievement minded players feel there is a reason to stay. Some things need to remain difficult to achieve so that there is always a goal to strive for.
  • Attorneyatlawl
    Suru wrote: »

    Man attorney i love you haha, as long as they do not affect champion points, they will be a convenience option and not pay to win. Pls take this into consideration. @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom .

    I'm actually with @Attorneyatlawl on most of this. As before, its often not the immediate effect but the chain of events that leads to p2w and/or trashed economies. A lot of you make the mistake of thinking that other companies said different things, or dealt with this differently. People were fooled back then too, small concessions are just the beginning.

    Pretty much the entire point here, is that slowly but surely you don't notice it creeping in and chinking away at the core game indirectly until you are there - p2w. Then they give up trying to hide it and thats that. Anyone would think that everyone complaining about the loss of the sub-model or p2w hasn't been there before. We have, many times *rollseyes*

    At least Mark Jacobs has some integrity. See you in CU :)

    Glad a couple of people got it :). See you there!
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • DaveMoeDee

    i just threw up in my mouth some. working as intendid right zos? glad we could get this out before any templar fixes high five!lol
    actually it would solve their vr14 problem. dont have to remove ranks, no one gets mad. dont wanna level? buy a vr14 why not wow does it. het can we buy gold too wow does that also. plus a sub rofl.

    I have been promoting the idea of letting people buy VR14 characters that have no leveling of any skills (except race), no skyshards, no lore books, no killed daedra, no finished dungeons, no AR, etc. This would allow people to choose a minimal grinding path to level the skills they want and nothing else.

    Not sure if they should have access to Cadwell's Silver and Cadwell's Gold from the start. Simplest would be no. Could possible unlock based on progress of other characters. Could also lock the straight to VR14 purchase based on another character reaching a certain point (e.g., finishing Cadwell's Gold, reaching VR14).
  • LtCrunch
    The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

    Pretty much sums this thread up.
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Dennizon
    EQBallzz wrote: »

    What is CU? I may be in the market for something else.

    Camelot Unchained. I agree with Attorneyatlaw's comments as well. Part of a good game is the journey, and part is the "result" of that journey. You take away the enjoyment of the journey if you were able to purchase the "result" immediately after character creation...
  • Psychobunni
    As long as you can continue to respec in game with gold, I'm okay with everything they just added. Not buying any of it lol, but no pitchforks yet. (and it isn't spammed across my game screen)
    If options weren't necessary, and everyone played the same way, no one would use addons. Fix the UI!

  • Ley

    Same pattern as every other game that went b2p or f2p. The last sentence of the post you quoted me in says it all :).

    So you're saying what? Motifs will eventually lead to a P2W model? Motifs will lead to the downfall of the economy? Motifs will lead to all gear/items/levels/champion points/achievements/sky shards/lore books/alliance points to eventually be sold in the crown shop? All of the above?

    So far the only controversial issue that the crown shop has introduced is exp boosters and there are plenty of threads to talk about that if you want. Some people are upset about them, some aren't.

    Zenimax said they would not offer p2w items in the crown shop and I'm inclined to take their word for it, until they give me a reason not to. A real reason, not paranoid speculations. If they do introduce things that I don't approve of, and it bothers me enough, I'll just quit. Until that time, I'll continue to support them.

    Used this in another thread but it applies here..
    Ley wrote: »
    Think maybe you're over reacting a little bit?
    Reminds me of my 5th grade teacher (back in the 90's) who saw me scribbling on the desk and basically told me that scribbling on the desk lead to hard drugs and murder.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • Didgerion
    Im fine with the normal motifs, but things like the full dwemer, imperial, daedric, etc? no. just no.

    Rare motifs should not be in the crown store.

    I believe if you would make a generous contribution to ZOS to cover the development costs then the motifs will be out of crown store.

    Who would pay $ for normal motifs you can get them for free in any Guild's bank.
    ZOS needs money in order to keep the game live. And I find that putting motifs in the crown store is a brilliant idea.

    Saying NO NO NO to everything they put in crown store is not helping anyone.
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    kinda destroys the economy regarding the motifs at current. the not so popular ones will be getting a rise in price, the the already in demand styles will get a even higher price hike
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Ley wrote: »

    So you're saying what? Motifs will eventually lead to a P2W model? Motifs will lead to the downfall of the economy? Motifs will lead to all gear/items/levels/champion points/achievements/sky shards/lore books/alliance points to eventually be sold in the crown shop? All of the above?

    So far the only controversial issue that the crown shop has introduced is exp boosters and there are plenty of threads to talk about that if you want. Some people are upset about them, some aren't.

    Zenimax said they would not offer p2w items in the crown shop and I'm inclined to take their word for it, until they give me a reason not to. A real reason, not paranoid speculations. If they do introduce things that I don't approve of, and it bothers me enough, I'll just quit. Until that time, I'll continue to support them.

    Used this in another thread but it applies here..

    I remember when I trusted them as they told me the game would never have a cash shop and would always be subscription based.
  • Hogzknuckle
    Nifty2g wrote: »
    omgggg p2w confirmed

    Having the ability to craft a different style has nothing to do with winning.
  • d.zid.816b16_ESO
    Athas24 wrote: »
    ACK! The mount's only in there for 1 week!? :'( nooooo

    It'll be back in the store eventually, also since there were a bunch of other senche mounts datamined it would be reasonable to assume they will offer a different version next time, perhaps rotating them. For example the leopard first then next month offer the panther for a week, etc.

    I'm fine with all that's been added in this batch, limited time mount and the motifs are all pricey which in the case of the motifs ensures the in game versions still maintain their value, at least to an extent. And if they are like the other crown store items they should be bound to account, again a good thing.
    The respec services are a nice addition to, as respeccing when you have almost all skyshards tends to be horrifically expensive in gold, nice to know there are now two price options.
  • Aneima
    No level requirement for motifs? Come on, that's a slap in the face for all of us who spent time getting our crafters material level to max. Not nice, ZOS. Not nice at all. :(

    It does seem like a slap in the face to the crafters that did spend time and money getting to max level. Just like when they nerfed the legendary mats rate from hirelings. That was the reason many made crafting alts. Makes sense now why they did it. I can see them adding legendary mats to the cash shop in the next 6 months to a year.
  • Alp
    Why didn't they just let us pay to convert things to other styles like the imperial edition does? This will mess with the market by making items previously rare into something you can just pay to get. It was special before, you had to find a motif or save up to buy it if you didn't make an imperial.

    Could let us pay to convert items to rare styles like the Yokudan armour from Craglorn etc. But no, we can pay to skip the in game market. Some of the most expensive items will plummet in price because of this.

    I'm all for paying for things to support this game that I have played since release but I don't like to see people pay to be able to circumvent the market in such a major way. But its too late now, its announced so what can I do, I already sold the last and only imperial motif I was so lucky to find for 85.000g, good luck getting half of that once this update goes out even though they do cost a lot of crowns.

    Just remembered how I got my first Imperial motif that I used on my main character. I spend a whole day trading another motif I had found up slowly until I found someone willing to trade her imperial motif for my daedric. I felt good, maybe I'm just different, the market is something that excites me, getting a good deal can make my day.
    Edited by Alp on April 13, 2015 6:20PM
  • TequilaFire
    So when will auto capture enemy keep kits be available for purchase in crown store for pvp?
    Or how about rapid file auto ballista? yeah
    Edited by TequilaFire on April 13, 2015 6:19PM
  • LtCrunch

    I remember when I trusted them as they told me the game would never have a cash shop and would always be subscription based.

    They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.
    NerdSauce Gaming
    Laughs-At-Wounds - Sap tanking since 03/30/14
    ßrandalf - Light armor tanking since 03/03/15
    Brandalf Beer-Belly - Tanking drunk since 12/30/16

  • Turelus
    So when they made a point of saying I was wrong on quoting them back when they said about it on a live stream, I wasn't wrong at all huh...

    Motifs is a dumb idea, it takes reward away from the game for those who find them and make good money selling them. Meh is all I can really say to this, more from Zenimax not caring what the customers want in their game.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Ley
    Brandalf wrote: »

    They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.
    Thank you, spared me having to say it.

    Besides, last time I checked cash shop and b2p haven't hurt me or diminished the game for me in any way. If anything attracting more players to the game has made it more enjoyable for me. I play mmos because I like playing with other people, not wander the wilderness in utterly empty zones.
    Leylith - MagSorc | Leyloth - StamPlar | Leynerd - MagPlar | Leylit - StamBlade | Ley Eviticus - StamDK | Leydor - MagDen | Leylum - StamSorc | Leylux - MagBlade
  • Dennizon
    Brandalf wrote: »

    They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.

    In the end, every company has the right to make the business decisions they think are best. There are consequences in all things. I hope that Zenimax does this whole ftp thing right, but ftp isn't always the Midas Touch. I find it interesting the Mark Jacobs, a sellout once upon a time, has come full circle in his more recent interviews regarding subscription/FTP models; I like what he says.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Brandalf wrote: »

    They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.
    The Elder Scrolls games are all about allowing the player to go where they want, be who they want, and do what they want. We feel that putting pay gates between the player and content at any point in game ruins that feeling of freedom, and just having one small monthly fee for 100% access to the game fits the IP and the game much better than a system where you have to pay for features and access as you play. The Elder Scrolls Online was designed and developed to be a premium experience: hundreds of hours of gameplay, tons of depth and features, professional customer support - and a commitment to have ongoing content at regular intervals after launch. This type of experience is best paired with a one-time fee per month, as opposed to many smaller payments that would probably add up to more than $14.99/month any way. - Matt Frior

    Ya you are right I assumed it all.
  • Khivas_Carrick
    c0rp wrote: »

    cosmetics are now p2w?

    Who knew, right?
    Bobbity Boop, this game might become poop, but I'll still play because I'm just a pile of goop!
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