alainjbrennanb16_ESO wrote: »There goes the economy selling motifs may look like cosmetic but people farm them then sell them on and buy other stuff way to go you may have just ruined your game, the question we must ask ours selfs when will it end up like swtor and go b2w
You are only focusing on the rare motifs. The bread and butter of the Motif trade has just been nerfed into the ground. One months subscription means a player can buy all the Blue Motifs from the Crown Store.
Awesome idea! Oh and now that ZOS is in the business of putting the items needed for in-game achievements in the crown store, when should we expect to see creature collectibles available for purchase so we can unlock those achievement dyes too?
Man attorney i love you haha, as long as they do not affect champion points, they will be a convenience option and not pay to win. Pls take this into consideration. @ZOS_GinaBruno , @ZOS_JessicaFolsom .
RainfeatherUK wrote: »I'm actually with @Attorneyatlawl on most of this. As before, its often not the immediate effect but the chain of events that leads to p2w and/or trashed economies. A lot of you make the mistake of thinking that other companies said different things, or dealt with this differently. People were fooled back then too, small concessions are just the beginning.
Pretty much the entire point here, is that slowly but surely you don't notice it creeping in and chinking away at the core game indirectly until you are there - p2w. Then they give up trying to hide it and thats that. Anyone would think that everyone complaining about the loss of the sub-model or p2w hasn't been there before. We have, many times *rollseyes*
At least Mark Jacobs has some integrity. See you in CU
Naivefanboi wrote: »
i just threw up in my mouth some. working as intendid right zos? glad we could get this out before any templar fixes high five!lol
actually it would solve their vr14 problem. dont have to remove ranks, no one gets mad. dont wanna level? buy a vr14 why not wow does it. het can we buy gold too wow does that also. plus a sub rofl.
What is CU? I may be in the market for something else.
Attorneyatlawl wrote: »
Same pattern as every other game that went b2p or f2p. The last sentence of the post you quoted me in says it all.
Think maybe you're over reacting a little bit?
Reminds me of my 5th grade teacher (back in the 90's) who saw me scribbling on the desk and basically told me that scribbling on the desk lead to hard drugs and murder.
bosmern_ESO wrote: »Im fine with the normal motifs, but things like the full dwemer, imperial, daedric, etc? no. just no.
Rare motifs should not be in the crown store.
So you're saying what? Motifs will eventually lead to a P2W model? Motifs will lead to the downfall of the economy? Motifs will lead to all gear/items/levels/champion points/achievements/sky shards/lore books/alliance points to eventually be sold in the crown shop? All of the above?
So far the only controversial issue that the crown shop has introduced is exp boosters and there are plenty of threads to talk about that if you want. Some people are upset about them, some aren't.
Zenimax said they would not offer p2w items in the crown shop and I'm inclined to take their word for it, until they give me a reason not to. A real reason, not paranoid speculations. If they do introduce things that I don't approve of, and it bothers me enough, I'll just quit. Until that time, I'll continue to support them.
Used this in another thread but it applies here..
ACK! The mount's only in there for 1 week!?nooooo
ulrik.igerupb16_ESO wrote: »No level requirement for motifs? Come on, that's a slap in the face for all of us who spent time getting our crafters material level to max. Not nice, ZOS. Not nice at all.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
I remember when I trusted them as they told me the game would never have a cash shop and would always be subscription based.
Thank you, spared me having to say it.
They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.
They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.
They never outright said that. They may have implied that, or made a statement that lead you to assume that. But we all know what assume does.
The Elder Scrolls games are all about allowing the player to go where they want, be who they want, and do what they want. We feel that putting pay gates between the player and content at any point in game ruins that feeling of freedom, and just having one small monthly fee for 100% access to the game fits the IP and the game much better than a system where you have to pay for features and access as you play. The Elder Scrolls Online was designed and developed to be a premium experience: hundreds of hours of gameplay, tons of depth and features, professional customer support - and a commitment to have ongoing content at regular intervals after launch. This type of experience is best paired with a one-time fee per month, as opposed to many smaller payments that would probably add up to more than $14.99/month any way. - Matt Frior