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Can't heal with a bow!

  • DarkAedin

    this is how i heal, using a bow and allocating my stats/sets outside of a healer set wont allow me to do what im doing in this vid
  • Darlgon
    DarkAedin wrote: »

    this is how i heal, using a bow and allocating my stats/sets outside of a healer set wont allow me to do what im doing in this vid

    Thanks.. Have not watched all of your vid.. but I see you have heal staff stuff on your toolbar. You did not have to "respec" to "try it out".
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • DarkAedin
    Darlgon wrote: »
    DarkAedin wrote: »

    this is how i heal, using a bow and allocating my stats/sets outside of a healer set wont allow me to do what im doing in this vid

    Thanks.. Have not watched all of your vid.. but I see you have heal staff stuff on your toolbar. You did not have to "respec" to "try it out".

    i've been healing for only a month

    this is me for the past 6 months:

    i have been hitting upwards of 1.6k single target back in 1.4, but ive been healing full time since just before 1.5 hit b/c i ended up finding it fun.

    now im making a new templar alt for healing and have my main back to 2h dps

    but thats neither here nor there, the point is that i understand game mechanics, and understand that past lvl 50, we are currently pigeon-held into specific spots, not really cuz of elitists, but game mechanics.

    for instance, i rerolled my dps to NB, why? b/c his passives and abilities outweigh templars for dps any day of the week, i can double drop veil and keep it down much better then a dps templar (esp after they nerft my carve spam) keeping down nova. also, i can always get a group, not that i pug.

    that being said, i can tell u right now that i will have an issue with end game healing without resto staff. the reasoning for this is simple: smart targeting in the game is for the birds.
    breath of life heals off of lowest health, not percentage lost.
    what this means, is that if u have a tank with 3400 hp, and a dps at 2500 hp, if the tank is at 78% hp and is about to take an 80% dmg hit to the face (normal game mechanic for vet dung's and higher content bosses) my breath will have a low chance healing the tank b/c the dps health value is still lower, even tho he is at 100% hp.

    this causes needless deaths.

    with the above mentioned issue, we are relying on our resto staff heals and HoTs (heals over time) to keep the group up, give us healers a pocket of protection, and allowing the dps to hit spell sym every 4th cast, which keeps the buff up and also their magicka.
    its simple really, just lay down ritual, keep up rapid regen, make sure ur dps are grouped up and not all over the place, so u can buff the entire group with combat prayer every 8-10sec, i suggest downloading srendarr to help keep track of these buffs/debuffs timers.
    doing this allows me to use healing spring spam instead of breath, which is more magicka efficient.
    i find combat prayer to be one of the best utilities i bring to the group, i need to be using it all the time, giving members a good heal + 10% dmg increase + 750 armor/spell resist, is just too good not to use

    i hope some of this information was helpful, if u want more, id be more then happy to share.

  • Harleyquincey
    Ah yes.. the neverending debate on builds and the FotM.

    Let me throw in something as well in that regard. I am playing a Stage-4-Vampire DK Tank. The amount of hatred against PvE-Vampires is absolutely hilarious. But this has little to do with me being a vampire -but more with people not understanding the basics of the build and also not caring for how it'll work. All they (want to) see is "Vampire! Vampire bad! Fire damage! LOL Tank!". This amazes me since it neglects the immense benefits of being a Vampire as tank.
    Especially since it evidentally works well, clearing the VR dungeons is no issue for my mates and me and we're currently enjoying DSA a lot.

    So yes, this rings familiar here. If you have a bow / heal build and it works- cheers to you. If you have a bow / heal build that does not work - rework it.That's all there is. I don't bother with people that don't bother with my p.o.v. either since it's not my (nor your) fault that some people are narrowminded.

    While my variation might not steer as far from the perceived "perfect setup" as yours, what matters is if it works. If it works, just don't bother with people that can't keep up. I had a situation where there was me and two mates picking up a random DPS who bragged about being quite good with his 2h sword. So we took him along. Let's put it this way: we failed, horribly. Lacking DPS. When it became evident (read: within 2 tries) that we wouldn't pass a specific boss with this setup, we explained this to the 4th guy and dismissed him after another three tries. His reaction? "Am I the only DPS here or what?" with which he was pointing his finger at the VR9 NB DPS we had with us (who is a close friend irl).
    I was very tempted to reply "No, but the only one that can't do jack."

    We replaced him and passed the encounter on the first try with the replacement.

    As you can see from this, I really don't mind taking along "uncommon" builds - if they work. I won't however waste my time with self-proclaimed superhyperbuilds that, in the end, fail horribly.

    Frankly this is how I see the entire affair. Success automatically defaults to being right when it comes to builds imho.
    Edited by Harleyquincey on December 6, 2014 7:55AM
    EU Server
    Clavius Lydoris Probus - Imperial Dragonknight Tank
    Co-Founder of [Black Manticore Brigade]
    Proud member of [Sigma Draconis] and [House Zar]
  • Darlgon
    DarkAedin wrote: »
    i suggest downloading srendarr to help keep track of these buffs/debuffs timers.

    Just one, I saw Srendarr in your vid, downloaded it and got immediate UI errors. You are not having any?
    Power level to CP160 in a week:
    Where is the end game? You just played it.
    Why don't I have 300+ skill points? Because you skipped content along the way.
    Where is new content? Sigh.
  • DarkAedin
    Darlgon wrote: »
    DarkAedin wrote: »
    i suggest downloading srendarr to help keep track of these buffs/debuffs timers.

    Just one, I saw Srendarr in your vid, downloaded it and got immediate UI errors. You are not having any?

    no sir.
    my first thoughts are either you have to set it up or that you have a conflicting addon. but this is honestly not where my knowledge lies; apologies, im an ironworker =)
  • Rune_Relic
    manny254 wrote: »
    Ommamar wrote: »
    I am so happy that you are here to tell me what I think Darlgon! May I ask what class you play? Have you ever played a healer? A Templar? I did not have to do anything I was just interested to look at the argument from others points of view with empirical evidence of my own experience. Result is I don't buy that a Restro stave is required although there is nothing wrong with using one.

    I will tell you this then. When I first started this game I intended to play a tank, but in the group of players I ran with there was surplus of tanks. So my 1st experiences of healing where in heavy armor with a resto staff, and an off hand sword and shield. Despite me using 5 heavy we did great on dungeons. My skill over shadowed that the heavy armory really only hindered me as a healer. Nevertheless I was only gimping my self in the healer role, and I didn't see a reason to continue to do so.

    So what I would say is no you do not need a resto staff to clear dungeons, but you are only hindering yourself as a healer. It is reasonable for a group to expect the healer to use a healing staff. If you want to play your own way then you need to find a group that accepts you or only play solo.

    Honestly though I would not want a healer in my group who is not using a resto staff. It is not elitist it is just smart. If I have to hire someone to cut my lawn do I choose the guy with a lawnmower, or the guy with a pair of scissors?

    I'd pay the guy with the scissors and put the vid on you tube.
    Point being...sometimes doing something stupid is great fun.
    But yes...if you want to take it really seriously....I guess you should be sensible.

    A roleplay group will go with what they have.
    A min/max group will go with optimum.
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • abigfishy
    Had a pug healer the other day and we died twice on a boss. He cussed us for being terrible and said he couldn't deal with such a bad group with terrible builds. He left we got a new healer and passed it the first try.

    Lol I have had the exact same experience where we were having a bad time in a dungeon and our highest level character was a DPS who got killed, went berserk, abused us and quit. We replaced him with another DPS 3 levels lower than him and did the dungeon easily.

    Level 50 Characters
    Odette Skullcrusher Nord DK EP Tank
    Hannah Smithee Breton Templar DC Healer
    Charlotte of the Wild Bosmer NB EP DPS
    Rabbath Amman Dark Elf Sorc EP DPS
    Lovely Twinkle High Elf Sorc AD Tank
    Nepith Dark Elf Warden EP Healer
    Tupac Shakoor Redguard Sorc DC Tank
    Faire the Last Snow Elf Altmer Warden EP Ice Staff Tank
    Soul-Shriven Breton Sorc DC DPS
    Makush gro-Shurgal Orc DK DC Tank
    Cleopatra Tharn Imperial Sorc EP Healer
    Daenerys Targaryin Nord Templar DC Healer
    Zar Saarshar Khajiit NB DC Thief
    Celrith High Elf Sorc EP Assassin
    Falcar Dark Elf NB DC Necromancer
    Myriam Blaylock Breton NB EP Vampire
    Nivrillin Wood Elf NB DC Werewolf
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