Find some friends and play with them.I got kicked out of a group before he even saw what I could do with my build. He said that he wouldn't play around with ppl that messed around and played the way the want to with some useless build. Lol. Elitist *** bags. This champion system coming out better allow ppl to be more versatile with their builds. Eff elitist.
I think this is a very flexible system but people don't want to use it, anything different from the build they saw online is ostracized and cursed at for not conforming to their perception.
Interesting so lets see what does shield/one hand passives have to do with healing? They give you survivability if you draw aggro until hopefully the tank notices but they won't improve the heals. What about two Hander? Destro staff? By your logic the only option for a healer to have is a restro stave might as well dual bar it then right?
"It seems to me like the OP actually spent 4h and failed at the second boss in FG so I am unsure of how effective that build is."-PBpsy.
What is funny is that run was after I spent 6k to respec as I was curious about how the Restro stave would work out.ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »Meta builds
This topic is about a healer with a bow. In my opinion this is very unlikely to work.
Bow = Stamina, Weapon damage, Weapon crit
Healing with only class abilities = Magicka, Spell damage, Spell crit
Please let me know if you manage to optimize that and have enough Health to survive a vet dungeon.
Ok how is this all stats into magic. glyphs on major pieces magic, the Atronoch as the chosen constellation, Warlock amulet and ring to put me 3 points from magic regeneration cap. Then magica potions if things get really harry. Along with the two Templar heals place snare, knock back, and snipe on the heal bar. Keep mobile when there is an opportunity to finish off adds particularly casters take it. When you pull aggro use the knockback too create distance and stun the target. Focus on breath of life and staying out of the red.
"I had a Templar try to heal a vet WS this was someone who used a bow also, I'm not familiar with the Templar healers ability names but that healer would drop a circle under me as a tank, we all know you move a bit during the first boss, then he had to what appeared to be cast another heal."-Xjcon
He was likely dropping circle of protection or perhaps rune focus, both raise armor and resists. So what if you have to move out of that area of the buff it will help you survive that instance and in the case of CoP it raises the healing you receive. I am not sure what fight you where on but for the majority of boss fights in the dungeons you have to be mobile. So the HPS you gain from the stave has to be mobile too. Even with the stave equipped Breath of Life, the lowly Templar heal, is my go to just because it goes to the most in need in the shortest amount of time.
"Then he would start shooting the boss with his bow rather then res the dps he let die,"-Xjcon
Maybe the DPS should of moved out of red? Maybe they shouldn't of tried to burn down the boss by themselves? Maybe the healer did try and heal them but it was a special attack that was more then the heal? Or maybe he was under aggro or made a simple mistake? See it is funny because that is the attitude that is prevalent. The healer is always held accountable regardless of what action the other player took.
As to the statement of the mana return with stave use. Yes that is nice but not always feasible to stop target and heavy attack. If you know how to manage potions you can use that path.
Interesting so lets see what does shield/one hand passives have to do with healing? They give you survivability if you draw aggro until hopefully the tank notices but they won't improve the heals. What about two Hander? Destro staff? By your logic the only option for a healer to have is a restro stave might as well dual bar it then right?
"It seems to me like the OP actually spent 4h and failed at the second boss in FG so I am unsure of how effective that build is."-PBpsy.
What is funny is that run was after I spent 6k to respec as I was curious about how the Restro stave would work out.ers101284b14_ESO wrote: »Meta builds
This topic is about a healer with a bow. In my opinion this is very unlikely to work.
Bow = Stamina, Weapon damage, Weapon crit
Healing with only class abilities = Magicka, Spell damage, Spell crit
Please let me know if you manage to optimize that and have enough Health to survive a vet dungeon.
Ok how is this all stats into magic. glyphs on major pieces magic, the Atronoch as the chosen constellation, Warlock amulet and ring to put me 3 points from magic regeneration cap. Then magica potions if things get really harry. Along with the two Templar heals place snare, knock back, and snipe on the heal bar. Keep mobile when there is an opportunity to finish off adds particularly casters take it. When you pull aggro use the knockback too create distance and stun the target. Focus on breath of life and staying out of the red.
"I had a Templar try to heal a vet WS this was someone who used a bow also, I'm not familiar with the Templar healers ability names but that healer would drop a circle under me as a tank, we all know you move a bit during the first boss, then he had to what appeared to be cast another heal."-Xjcon
He was likely dropping circle of protection or perhaps rune focus, both raise armor and resists. So what if you have to move out of that area of the buff it will help you survive that instance and in the case of CoP it raises the healing you receive. I am not sure what fight you where on but for the majority of boss fights in the dungeons you have to be mobile. So the HPS you gain from the stave has to be mobile too. Even with the stave equipped Breath of Life, the lowly Templar heal, is my go to just because it goes to the most in need in the shortest amount of time.
"Then he would start shooting the boss with his bow rather then res the dps he let die,"-Xjcon
Maybe the DPS should of moved out of red? Maybe they shouldn't of tried to burn down the boss by themselves? Maybe the healer did try and heal them but it was a special attack that was more then the heal? Or maybe he was under aggro or made a simple mistake? See it is funny because that is the attitude that is prevalent. The healer is always held accountable regardless of what action the other player took.
As to the statement of the mana return with stave use. Yes that is nice but not always feasible to stop target and heavy attack. If you know how to manage potions you can use that path.
So you have a full magicka setup and try to dps with a bow? Brilliant.
If you insist on healing with a bow, you'd better look for a better group which requires less healing.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »No need to gimp yourself i can easy swich from full stamina in pvp glass cannon set up 250 WP DMG 60% weapon crit 2300 health 2800 stamina and 1300 magika 5 med 2 heavy into pve set up full magika 135spell DMG 52% spell crit 1200 stamina 2500 health 2800 magika 5 light 2 med or full light
OrphanHelgen wrote: »If you want to do damage with a bow, you need weapon damage, crit and max stamina.
OrphanHelgen wrote: »If you want to do damage with a bow, you need weapon damage, crit and max stamina.
ranged abilities use spell crit.
Tonnopesceb16_ESO wrote: »
Never told you to play with me and i never complain about people dont accept me in groups i was only telling you that a not min\max build works.
I've choosed to run ad a stamina templar most for pvp where it works great and no one complaim about your build........
Clearly to run stamina i got to choose 2stamina weapon in my case DW and bow
But i'm not limited to pvp as a player even if i have a pve only main i want to run pve with my templar and ( you got me here) like you i dont have all day to play and to wait for a group to run a dungeon as a DPS( even if i can push over 8-900 or 1.2k with evil hunter stamina DPS) i choosed to spec the resto staff and with two professions , vampire, pvp lv 20 assault and Support, tree weapons , tree armors and the class skills trees i just dont have enought skills points to have even the destro staff so i've choosed a subpar build to be able to play.
So even i am exercising my way to play a little more magika management and DPS dont make you a better healer than me..... Like i've told you i dont run trials with this build and i dont complain if you dont want me in your group most of the playerbase is used to wipe 5-6 times in a dungeon run.
The same happened when no one wanted stamina builds around and now you have a stamina player in all the groups.
When i run with my main as a tank most of the times we ( pug groups ) cant complete a dungeon not for the healer but for lack of DPS or experiece ( if your group stay in the green smog in 3rd stage of the arena even if you are the best healer around your group mates will die ) imho
OrphanHelgen wrote: »If you want to do damage with a bow, you need weapon damage, crit and max stamina.
ranged abilities use spell crit.
Maybe the DPS should of moved out of red? Maybe they shouldn't of tried to burn down the boss by themselves? Maybe the healer did try and heal them but it was a special attack that was more then the heal? Or maybe he was under aggro or made a simple mistake? See it is funny because that is the attitude that is prevalent. The healer is always held accountable regardless of what action the other player took.
As to the statement of the mana return with stave use. Yes that is nice but not always feasible to stop target and heavy attack. If you know how to manage potions you can use that path.
timidobserver wrote: »I hate to say it, but bow just isn't good for healing. A bow does not bring anything at all to your healing.
AlexDougherty wrote: »I think this is a very flexible system but people don't want to use it, anything different from the build they saw online is ostracized and cursed at for not conforming to their perception.
Yeah, perception is the problem ninety percent of the time, people latch on to simplistic solutions and expect everyone else to follow suit.
Most of the claims that someone is chrating is because they are not following the pre-ordained way of doing it. God help us if we have to think.
BTW Congrats on having a sniper healer in this game, hope your next group is more flexible in it's approach.
Surfinginhawaii wrote: »So last night I had two separate groups praise my healing on the normal pledge run through, then curse me for using a bow while a healer. Things got very heated as the first death of course was because of my healing, not the fact that some of the veteran dungeons are just bloody hard! The funny thing is I went ahead and reworked my healer so he can in fact use a restro stave so people can see the pretty green number floating above their heads. Just finished a 4 hour FG attempt that was unsuccessful not to any bad play just to the fact that we couldn't get by the second boss.
I was honestly ready to quit last night not because of any defect to the game although there are minor ones but to the people who insist that things must be played this way or that way. I think this is a very flexible system but people don't want to use it, anything different from the build they saw online is ostracized and cursed at for not conforming to their perception. I think that with how the end game system is being developed it is more likely to lose subscribers then any perception of breakage done by updates.
If the people you're running with are giving you grief then in my opinion you're running with the wrong people, just my 1/2 cent worth.
whiteshadow711jppreub18_ESO wrote: »All I have to say is those that complain on how a person runs a build is a elitist,
but this is a GAME, not the work place or the real world hanging in the balance ALA james Bond / Jason Bourne.. end of story..
My main is a Stamina heavy hybrid Kotaro Atani. Last night me and another guildie, my former Guildmaster of the Queen's Hand Jo'Kazz did the VR5 dungeon of Fungal Grotto for the Undaunted pledge. His Character is VR5 Templar Khajiit using sword and Board and I am VR14 Khajiit Nightblade, and we did the dungeon run how we wanted to play.
And yes we wiped a few times but it was sooo much fun.
Oh yeah, it was just the two of us taking on the whole dungeon..
And we did sneak past some enemies too.. we are Khajiit by the way, and Khajiit like to sneak..
I used a BOW and Dual Wield and hell I didn't even change into a different gear set, I wear the Nights Silence set for the extra sneak speed and other stuff not really good for dungeon delving and yes I died alot...
But you know what? We did it.. YUP
We finished the dungeon, we got our pledge done and Undaunted Key and it was a blast because we were so under-dogged, I mean the main boss had like 87K hit points and we still did it with just the two of us...
it was FUN...
And Kazz didn't care about the gear I was wearing, even though I adamantly told him I should have changed into a different gear set or used a resto staff instead of my bow but he said, next time you can do that if you want, we are here to have fun..
and he is right, if people learned to stop min/maxing all the time and just played the game if would be way better..
One thing I forget to add is that Jo'Kazz only plays in 1st person, regardless it is a Dungeon or PvP, or whatever and he is still good at it. He is also a avid player of Mortal Online and that game is infinitely harder than ESO is because it's a full loot system (if you die in PvP your enemy can steal all of your stuff you have on you, imagine your awesome legendary set pieces going Bye Bye if you die, now can you handle that???..). Kazz has many videos on youtube that can be found here,
oh yeah I forgot to add that there were times that he ran out of magicka and I used funnel Health (Strife morph) to keep him healed so he wouldn't die, so he wasn't the only one doing healing and I was using a Bow..
To the OP, if you were in the Dominion I would gladly have you on my team and I never tell people how they should make their build or what they should wear or use.
You should play how you want to play, you pay for the game and anyone else can go to Cold Harbour or Oblivion, you don't need them.
I want more Jo'Kazz's and people like the OP in the world and less elitist people..
My 2 pieces of Gold..
Surfinginhawaii wrote: »So last night I had two separate groups praise my healing on the normal pledge run through, then curse me for using a bow while a healer. Things got very heated as the first death of course was because of my healing, not the fact that some of the veteran dungeons are just bloody hard! The funny thing is I went ahead and reworked my healer so he can in fact use a restro stave so people can see the pretty green number floating above their heads. Just finished a 4 hour FG attempt that was unsuccessful not to any bad play just to the fact that we couldn't get by the second boss.
I was honestly ready to quit last night not because of any defect to the game although there are minor ones but to the people who insist that things must be played this way or that way. I think this is a very flexible system but people don't want to use it, anything different from the build they saw online is ostracized and cursed at for not conforming to their perception. I think that with how the end game system is being developed it is more likely to lose subscribers then any perception of breakage done by updates.
If the people you're running with are giving you grief then in my opinion you're running with the wrong people, just my 1/2 cent worth.
I am so happy that you are here to tell me what I think Darlgon! May I ask what class you play? Have you ever played a healer? A Templar? I did not have to do anything I was just interested to look at the argument from others points of view with empirical evidence of my own experience. Result is I don't buy that a Restro stave is required although there is nothing wrong with using one.
I am so happy that you are here to tell me what I think Darlgon! May I ask what class you play? Have you ever played a healer? A Templar? I did not have to do anything I was just interested to look at the argument from others points of view with empirical evidence of my own experience. Result is I don't buy that a Restro stave is required although there is nothing wrong with using one.
So last night I had two separate groups praise my healing on the normal pledge run through, then curse me for using a bow while a healer. Things got very heated as the first death of course was because of my healing, not the fact that some of the veteran dungeons are just bloody hard!
The funny thing is I went ahead and reworked my healer so he can in fact use a restro stave so people can see the pretty green number floating above their heads.
I think that with how the end game system is being developed it is more likely to lose subscribers then any perception of breakage done by updates.
i am seeing a lot of talk here, and its funny, b/c you are all totally missing the *** point.
this game:
class does not depict your role, your weapon does
so, if you're using a bow, you're not a healer, you're a dps.
if you are a templar trying to heal with class skills only, game mechanics will make you fail. this has to do with the fact that templars have the worst magicka management in the game.
this is common knowledge. pls review last 6 months of posts and learn the game you play.