Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Patch v1.5.3 – What happened?

  • Cherryblossom
    sylvieanne wrote: »
    Thanks, ZOS for the update. Can't wait to see some of the fixes and happy for everything you guys are going through to get the bugs fixed. It's a lot of work to verify bugs and then fix them!

    I wonder, on an average, how many bugs come through a day. And then for ZOS to sift through them, categorize, recreate and fix them - then retest them.. There must be thousands.. Just the time spent on the "blocks progress" bugs must be overwhelming, much less the "delays progress" categories. And then releasing them in the correct order so that they don't supersede something important. Oy - makes my head hurt.

    When I saw the complaint above about a random ingredient not being able to be harvested in ONE location.. Made my eyes roll a little. Farming is one of my favorite things to do, but in the grand scheme of things - not a biggie as far as immediate bug fixes are concerned.

    Not looking terribly forward to another 6 hour patch (maybe it won't be that bad?), but it will be worth it in the end. And fewer distractions during the day is not a horrible thing. :wink:

    Also, happy that the ZOS team is working on new content for veteran players and hope that continues. Truly appreciative of all of the hard work they do!!!

    Sarcasm?? or unintend Sarcasm, are you American?
    If unintended Sarcasm then please reply American!
  • Pallmor
    kargen27 wrote: »
    I guess I am one of the lucky ones. This problem doesn't bother me in any way. I play the game for fun and do the things I find fun to do. Could really care less about some arbitrary award in the game for doing so. So long as I keep having fun I will keep playing. If the game ever gets as frustrating to me as it seems to be for some posting here then I will take a break or move on.

    Just a friendly reminder that this should be fun, not frustrating or a grind. For those who feel the need for quick advancements I hope they get the game fixed for you soon. In the meantime just have fun, be it in this game or some other game/activity.

    No way I can officially verify a goal I am shooting for, but just for fun I am trying to get a "selfie" with every creature in the game. No experience or other rewards for doing it, but it is fun for me.


    You'll care when you're getting your butt kicked in some VR 6 area because you're under-leveled and still only at VR 3--or when you're in PvP trying to go up against a bunch of VR 14's when you're pretty much permanently stuck at a much lower level just because you don't want to spend day-after-day-after-day grinding mobs. The Caldwell areas at least used to get you to VR 9, and they used to be adjusted so that you gained a level in each zone (with enemies adjusted accordingly). Now it's all hopelessly fubared.
  • Cogo
    We know that many of you are frustrated by the situation involving patch 1.5.3 today and are wondering what happened. We’d like to explain.

    Every new fix, feature and improvement in an Update or incremental patch runs through a several stages from development to live. They start in small development environments and go through several staging and verification servers where they are gathered and readied for release to the live servers.

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch. We’ve since fixed that issue, but it resulted in a slightly older version of the patch going live, which didn’t contain many of the fixes listed in the patch note.

    While this is disappointing and frustrating for those of you waiting for particular fixes (e.g. for Alchemy writs or the Undaunted reputation) and also frustrating for us, the good news is that those fixes aren’t lost. We’ll get them patched as soon as humanly possible.

    We will patch the verified 1.5.3 content to the European megaserver during tonight’s maintenance window, and are aiming to bring the missing changes to both megaservers during the maintenance windows on Thursday morning for North America and Thursday night for Europe.

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration the issues with 1.5.3 have caused, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Since the trolls on these forums more or less scares away any normal player from touching these threads, I will say what others can't. Since they are not "allowed" according to the mob here.

    Zenimax do have questions to answer....but the bully mentality that goes on here about ANYONE who have a different OPINION then those who yells the loudest here can not go unanswered.

    The bugs in 1.5 is minor and accordingly to Zenimax statements, will get fixed.
    Most of them have already. I bet the rank advancement bug was a product of trying to please these flaming threads demanding easier "leveling".

    Reverting to any previous patch is still the same nonsense that have gone on here since launch. Everything is sooooo bad..until a few hours/days later when stuff is fixed.

    The exp changes in the 1.5 patch (Champion system phase 2/3?) was clearly stated since...I lost count, July? Nothing in 1.5 was any surprise. The surprise was some players blunt ignorance to read up on ESO, then come here and complain about something that has been available for months. (Weeks on PTS)

    The balancing and changes to suit the 5 year plan is well documented by Zenimax and open for anyone to read about....on various sites.

    There are quite a lot of happy players enjoying ESO, just as Zenimax described.
    The exp changes and more interesting ESO with the coming 1.6 and beyond....please don't give in to much and make ESO into grindWoW.

    Go with what Zenimax have said.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Cherryblossom
    Cogo wrote: »
    Since the trolls on these forums more or less scares away any normal player from touching these threads, I will say what others can't. Since they are not "allowed" according to the mob here.

    Zenimax do have questions to answer....but the bully mentality that goes on here about ANYONE who have a different OPINION then those who yells the loudest here can not go unanswered.

    The bugs in 1.5 is minor and accordingly to Zenimax statements, will get fixed.
    Most of them have already. I bet the rank advancement bug was a product of trying to please these flaming threads demanding easier "leveling".

    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Cogo wrote: »
    The exp changes in the 1.5 patch (Champion system phase 2/3?) was clearly stated since...I lost count, July? Nothing in 1.5 was any surprise. The surprise was some players blunt ignorance to read up on ESO, then come here and complain about something that has been available for months. (Weeks on PTS)

    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.
    Cogo wrote: »
    The balancing and changes to suit the 5 year plan is well documented by Zenimax and open for anyone to read about....on various sites.

    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?
  • Robocles
    Cogo wrote: »
    Since the trolls on these forums more or less scares away any normal player from touching these threads, I will say what others can't. Since they are not "allowed" according to the mob here.

    Zenimax do have questions to answer....but the bully mentality that goes on here about ANYONE who have a different OPINION then those who yells the loudest here can not go unanswered.

    The bugs in 1.5 is minor and accordingly to Zenimax statements, will get fixed.
    Most of them have already. I bet the rank advancement bug was a product of trying to please these flaming threads demanding easier "leveling".

    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Cogo wrote: »
    The exp changes in the 1.5 patch (Champion system phase 2/3?) was clearly stated since...I lost count, July? Nothing in 1.5 was any surprise. The surprise was some players blunt ignorance to read up on ESO, then come here and complain about something that has been available for months. (Weeks on PTS)

    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.
    Cogo wrote: »
    The balancing and changes to suit the 5 year plan is well documented by Zenimax and open for anyone to read about....on various sites.

    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?

    You can't win an argument with him.

    He doesn't like to look at the prior posts, and just assumes we all have just missed something.

    Don't go down the rabbit hole with him.
  • Cherryblossom
    Robocles wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Since the trolls on these forums more or less scares away any normal player from touching these threads, I will say what others can't. Since they are not "allowed" according to the mob here.

    Zenimax do have questions to answer....but the bully mentality that goes on here about ANYONE who have a different OPINION then those who yells the loudest here can not go unanswered.

    The bugs in 1.5 is minor and accordingly to Zenimax statements, will get fixed.
    Most of them have already. I bet the rank advancement bug was a product of trying to please these flaming threads demanding easier "leveling".

    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Cogo wrote: »
    The exp changes in the 1.5 patch (Champion system phase 2/3?) was clearly stated since...I lost count, July? Nothing in 1.5 was any surprise. The surprise was some players blunt ignorance to read up on ESO, then come here and complain about something that has been available for months. (Weeks on PTS)

    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.
    Cogo wrote: »
    The balancing and changes to suit the 5 year plan is well documented by Zenimax and open for anyone to read about....on various sites.

    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?

    You can't win an argument with him.

    He doesn't like to look at the prior posts, and just assumes we all have just missed something.

    Don't go down the rabbit hole with him.

    yeah seen some of his posts, was wondering what this 5 year plan is though :)

    And I like to feed them sometimes :)
  • Cogo
    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Halt in leveling? You get exp and will get ranks accordingly. Please read the latest Zenimax statements here.

    Everyone's opinion is just as valuable. The "opinion" that Patch 1.5 is dooms day seams to be the right one. Everything else seams to be the wrong one.
    (Which is not true)

    "How dare Cogo say that ESO dont suck when you cant grind 1 Vet rank a day, which was never intended in the first place!!!"

    Please read my signature.
    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.

    Here is the info Zenimax gave in July. There are more updated info with more details.
    Champion System (VR Overhaul Phase 3)
    • This will replace the Veteran system. This is a system where you are constantly adding points (Champion Points) into passives that will make your character stronger – i.e. critical hit or spell defense. You will add % that will increase these rating. It is a bit like the alternative advancement system (AA) in other games (i..e EQ1, EQ2)
    • It will be account wide so once you open up the Champion rank you will be able to take these points and apply to other characters. The points you put in one character won’t affect your other characters and there is a built in respec that will be fairly straightforward and easy to get.

    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?

    Elder Scrolls Online has a five-year plan, additional content already in development
    Matt Firor:
    "At five hours the art needs to be good, it needs to feel good when you sit down. Five days is the levelling needs to be good, five months is the end-game needs to be good and the five years is the one you're talking about. That's the magic one, the one that's really 'community'. You're going back because you like the people you're playing with, it's also the hardest to achieve obviously."
    "You need to make sure there's something for those players to do that's new and refreshing on an ongoing basis." Firor explained, "So the other side of that is we're planning regular content updates and pretty substantial ones like every month to six weeks - we're working on the actual cadence just now - but we're already working on post-launch content now."

    Firor also explained how The Elder Scrolls Online can take the "massively multiplayer" out of MMORPG if players wish to do so, telling us that the core quest line - in which you try to reclaim your soul after it's been stolen by Molag Bal - can be completed alone. It's basically a new, full Elder Scrolls title with online aspects should you wish to use them.

    Edited by Cogo on November 13, 2014 4:15PM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Rodario
    Cogo wrote: »
    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Halt in leveling? You get exp and will get ranks accordingly. Please read the latest Zenimax statements here.

    Everyone's opinion is just as valuable. The "opinion" that Patch 1.5 is dooms day seams to be the right one. Everything else seams to be the wrong one.
    (Which is not true)

    "How dare Cogo say that ESO dont suck when you cant grind 1 Vet rank a day, which was never intended in the first place!!!"

    Please read my signature.
    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.

    Here is the info Zenimax gave in July. There are more updated info with more details.
    Champion System (VR Overhaul Phase 3)
    • This will replace the Veteran system. This is a system where you are constantly adding points (Champion Points) into passives that will make your character stronger – i.e. critical hit or spell defense. You will add % that will increase these rating. It is a bit like the alternative advancement system (AA) in other games (i..e EQ1, EQ2)
    • It will be account wide so once you open up the Champion rank you will be able to take these points and apply to other characters. The points you put in one character won’t affect your other characters and there is a built in respec that will be fairly straightforward and easy to get.

    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?

    Elder Scrolls Online has a five-year plan, additional content already in development
    Matt Firor:
    "At five hours the art needs to be good, it needs to feel good when you sit down. Five days is the levelling needs to be good, five months is the end-game needs to be good and the five years is the one you're talking about. That's the magic one, the one that's really 'community'. You're going back because you like the people you're playing with, it's also the hardest to achieve obviously."
    "You need to make sure there's something for those players to do that's new and refreshing on an ongoing basis." Firor explained, "So the other side of that is we're planning regular content updates and pretty substantial ones like every month to six weeks - we're working on the actual cadence just now - but we're already working on post-launch content now."

    Firor also explained how The Elder Scrolls Online can take the "massively multiplayer" out of MMORPG if players wish to do so, telling us that the core quest line - in which you try to reclaim your soul after it's been stolen by Molag Bal - can be completed alone. It's basically a new, full Elder Scrolls title with online aspects should you wish to use them.


    That's not a five year plan. That's just a statement mentioning they want the game to still exist in five years. Though I am slightly inclined to believe that's the whole plan.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • MikeMoss

    Yes, I logged in today and found that my level 1 veteran character, who is almost finished Auridon is only one sixth of the way to veteran level 2.

    I now have to get to 4,000,000 to go up a level instead of 1.4 million.

    I went back to this character because I could never catch up to where I should be with my other character who was always behind.

    With this character I've done everything and reached veteran level 1 before I even finished Cold Harbor, now I'm farther behind than my other character was.

    I'm going to stop playing until they get this fixed otherwise I feel like I'm making no progress at all.

  • Robocles
    MikeMoss wrote: »

    Yes, I logged in today and found that my level 1 veteran character, who is almost finished Auridon is only one sixth of the way to veteran level 2.

    I now have to get to 4,000,000 to go up a level instead of 1.4 million.

    I went back to this character because I could never catch up to where I should be with my other character who was always behind.

    With this character I've done everything and reached veteran level 1 before I even finished Cold Harbor, now I'm farther behind than my other character was.

    I'm going to stop playing until they get this fixed otherwise I feel like I'm making no progress at all.


    This is a UI bug. You will still rank at 1,000,000 xp. Your quest xp is still screwed up, though.
    Edited by Robocles on November 13, 2014 5:12PM
  • Robocles
    Rodario wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Halt in leveling? You get exp and will get ranks accordingly. Please read the latest Zenimax statements here.

    Everyone's opinion is just as valuable. The "opinion" that Patch 1.5 is dooms day seams to be the right one. Everything else seams to be the wrong one.
    (Which is not true)

    "How dare Cogo say that ESO dont suck when you cant grind 1 Vet rank a day, which was never intended in the first place!!!"

    Please read my signature.
    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.

    Here is the info Zenimax gave in July. There are more updated info with more details.
    Champion System (VR Overhaul Phase 3)
    • This will replace the Veteran system. This is a system where you are constantly adding points (Champion Points) into passives that will make your character stronger – i.e. critical hit or spell defense. You will add % that will increase these rating. It is a bit like the alternative advancement system (AA) in other games (i..e EQ1, EQ2)
    • It will be account wide so once you open up the Champion rank you will be able to take these points and apply to other characters. The points you put in one character won’t affect your other characters and there is a built in respec that will be fairly straightforward and easy to get.

    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?

    Elder Scrolls Online has a five-year plan, additional content already in development
    Matt Firor:
    "At five hours the art needs to be good, it needs to feel good when you sit down. Five days is the levelling needs to be good, five months is the end-game needs to be good and the five years is the one you're talking about. That's the magic one, the one that's really 'community'. You're going back because you like the people you're playing with, it's also the hardest to achieve obviously."
    "You need to make sure there's something for those players to do that's new and refreshing on an ongoing basis." Firor explained, "So the other side of that is we're planning regular content updates and pretty substantial ones like every month to six weeks - we're working on the actual cadence just now - but we're already working on post-launch content now."

    Firor also explained how The Elder Scrolls Online can take the "massively multiplayer" out of MMORPG if players wish to do so, telling us that the core quest line - in which you try to reclaim your soul after it's been stolen by Molag Bal - can be completed alone. It's basically a new, full Elder Scrolls title with online aspects should you wish to use them.


    That's not a five year plan. That's just a statement mentioning they want the game to still exist in five years. Though I am slightly inclined to believe that's the whole plan.

    Interviews... nice source for a 5 year plan, huh?
  • Xjcon
    So ZOS fixed the rank up bug but not the visual number? Which is now 4 mil, was it the intention to fix the visual issue as well or not? If not and this is something being addressed later with another patch that's fine, please let us know ZOS.
    Briza Do'urdenx V16 Dunmer DK
    Jcon V16 Orc DK
    Vierna Do'urdenx V16 Bosmer NB
    Jarlaxle Baenrex V16 Dunmer NB
  • andreasv
    Xjcon wrote: »
    So ZOS fixed the rank up bug but not the visual number? Which is now 4 mil, was it the intention to fix the visual issue as well or not? If not and this is something being addressed later with another patch that's fine, please let us know ZOS.

    From the patch notes:

    Known Issue: Your progress bar will still show that 4,000,000XP is needed to gain a Veteran Rank. This is strictly a UI issue, and will be addressed in our next patch.
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Is anyone else having trouble logging in? When I sign in, the game hangs on the loading screen.
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • khele23eb17_ESO
    Cogo wrote: »

    The exp changes in the 1.5 patch (Champion system phase 2/3?) was clearly stated since...I lost count, July? Nothing in 1.5 was any surprise. The surprise was some players blunt ignorance to read up on ESO, then come here and complain about something that has been available for months. (Weeks on PTS)

    Oh? I clearly remember them stating you will be gaining ranks faster with the 1.5 VP to XP transition, and not slower.
    Edited by khele23eb17_ESO on November 13, 2014 7:26PM
    P2P offered you 'hell yeah!' moments. F2P offers you 'thank god its over' moments.
  • Rodario
    Is anyone else having trouble logging in? When I sign in, the game hangs on the loading screen.

    Yup, noticed that too today. Strange thing is I'm on EU.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Pendrillion
    I noticed that the game does that often after a patch. If you sit tight it will load. I assume its compiling the patch when you first start it. Also there are many folks trying to load at the same time after an update.
  • Rodario
    I noticed that the game does that often after a patch. If you sit tight it will load. I assume its compiling the patch when you first start it. Also there are many folks trying to load at the same time after an update.

    I didn't mean when first logging in, but rather while relogging and during zone changes. But my issue is probably unrelated.
    Edited by Rodario on November 13, 2014 9:57PM
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Volkodav
    Well,..back to Second Life till things get back in order,I guess. xD
  • Robocles
    Cogo wrote: »

    The exp changes in the 1.5 patch (Champion system phase 2/3?) was clearly stated since...I lost count, July? Nothing in 1.5 was any surprise. The surprise was some players blunt ignorance to read up on ESO, then come here and complain about something that has been available for months. (Weeks on PTS)

    Oh? I clearly remember them stating you will be gaining ranks faster with the 1.5 VP to XP transition, and not slower.

    Cogo likes to jump in with his pithy insight on things he doesn't research.
  • xaade
    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch.

    Expert laymen's explanation of automated deployment and it's effects on QA and release.

    Kudos for your transparency.
  • Robocles
    xaade wrote: »
    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch.

    Expert laymen's explanation of automated deployment and it's effects on QA and release.

    Kudos for your transparency.

    Because the patch "has a mind of it's own"... that's why it deployed the client side portion for the Euro server Sunday. Damn gremlins!
  • dalgrimar
    Is server back online?
    I can go to login screen but when i try login it says my client is outdated....
    But the launcher isnt patching...
  • Robocles
    dalgrimar wrote: »
    Is server back online?
    I can go to login screen but when i try login it says my client is outdated....
    But the launcher isnt patching...

    Make a support ticket. There was an issue with this recently, but I was under the impression it was corrected.
  • Cherryblossom
    Cogo wrote: »
    A bug that puts a halt in leveling could never be called minor! You are asserting your opinion here, what makes yours more important than others....

    Halt in leveling? You get exp and will get ranks accordingly. Please read the latest Zenimax statements here.

    Everyone's opinion is just as valuable. The "opinion" that Patch 1.5 is dooms day seams to be the right one. Everything else seams to be the wrong one.
    (Which is not true)
    The Halt to leveling is due to the fact whilst leveling through VET you will no longer attain enough XP to level up so you are able to fight the monsters in the next zone as you will be seriously under leveled.
    As there will not be any back dating of XP gain caused by the bug that ZOS has admited to, yes it halts the leveling.
    We were quite aware the champion system would be coming, however ZOS have not been very forth coming with details, the actual XP bug was spotted on the PTS but was not addressed by ZOS along with many other bugs including the crafting writ bug.

    Cogo wrote: »
    Here is the info Zenimax gave in July. There are more updated info with more details.
    Champion System (VR Overhaul Phase 3)
    • This will replace the Veteran system. This is a system where you are constantly adding points (Champion Points) into passives that will make your character stronger – i.e. critical hit or spell defense. You will add % that will increase these rating. It is a bit like the alternative advancement system (AA) in other games (i..e EQ1, EQ2)
    • It will be account wide so once you open up the Champion rank you will be able to take these points and apply to other characters. The points you put in one character won’t affect your other characters and there is a built in respec that will be fairly straightforward and easy to get.
    As said by me I don't disagree that they had mentioned the change to the Champion and as you prove here they are very sketchy with the details. As mentioned by another poster you also fail to add the part where they said leveling would be quicker!
    Please link your source of this 5 year plan?
    Cogo wrote: »

    Elder Scrolls Online has a five-year plan, additional content already in development
    Matt Firor:
    "At five hours the art needs to be good, it needs to feel good when you sit down. Five days is the levelling needs to be good, five months is the end-game needs to be good and the five years is the one you're talking about. That's the magic one, the one that's really 'community'. You're going back because you like the people you're playing with, it's also the hardest to achieve obviously."
    "You need to make sure there's something for those players to do that's new and refreshing on an ongoing basis." Firor explained, "So the other side of that is we're planning regular content updates and pretty substantial ones like every month to six weeks - we're working on the actual cadence just now - but we're already working on post-launch content now."

    Firor also explained how The Elder Scrolls Online can take the "massively multiplayer" out of MMORPG if players wish to do so, telling us that the core quest line - in which you try to reclaim your soul after it's been stolen by Molag Bal - can be completed alone. It's basically a new, full Elder Scrolls title with online aspects should you wish to use them.

    Not really a real 5 year plan is it, a plan contains details, more a statement of intent.
    It is fun reading your ramblings though.
    Edited by Cherryblossom on November 14, 2014 8:07AM
  • xarguideb17_ESO
    lol @ ZOS plans for next 5 years.
    We have seen no plans, no specific schedule of any sort.
    This is wishful thinking only. Sure, ZOS is hoping to still be around in 5 years. But they can't even plan it, because it depends on players!

    I played yesterday in EU server and there absolutely was A HALT IN LEVELLING. I had my xp bar full and each time I killed a mob that gave me xp, it told me I increased in level and then just put me back to vr6. So I had this constant spam of levelup messages on my screen when I killed many mobs.
    That is definitely a major bug, a showstopper!

    Anyway, is it fixed now?
  • Cogo
    We know that many of you are frustrated by the situation involving patch 1.5.3 today and are wondering what happened. We’d like to explain.

    Every new fix, feature and improvement in an Update or incremental patch runs through a several stages from development to live. They start in small development environments and go through several staging and verification servers where they are gathered and readied for release to the live servers.

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch. We’ve since fixed that issue, but it resulted in a slightly older version of the patch going live, which didn’t contain many of the fixes listed in the patch note.

    While this is disappointing and frustrating for those of you waiting for particular fixes (e.g. for Alchemy writs or the Undaunted reputation) and also frustrating for us, the good news is that those fixes aren’t lost. We’ll get them patched as soon as humanly possible.

    We will patch the verified 1.5.3 content to the European megaserver during tonight’s maintenance window, and are aiming to bring the missing changes to both megaservers during the maintenance windows on Thursday morning for North America and Thursday night for Europe.

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration the issues with 1.5.3 have caused, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Please rethink this. I've been doing Cyrodiil for 3 days and earned 2 Vet ranks so far. Is it meant to be able to get 1 Vet rank every 2 days?

    Exp sources:
    Daily/Repeatable quests
    Craft quests
    Undaunted quest
    Kill mobs
    Kill players
    Open chests
    Defend keep
    Repair walls <----That one is a lot of exp
    Named mobs and world bosses

    Does catapult keeps give exp? I could not tell.

    I'll invite Zenimax to check my character. Exp gains and how I got it.
    I fully understand other players concerns and I share some of them. But this fast "leveling" cant be intended?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • xarguideb17_ESO
    How can you gain vet ranks anyway? I couldn't.
  • Cherryblossom
    Cogo wrote: »
    We know that many of you are frustrated by the situation involving patch 1.5.3 today and are wondering what happened. We’d like to explain.

    Every new fix, feature and improvement in an Update or incremental patch runs through a several stages from development to live. They start in small development environments and go through several staging and verification servers where they are gathered and readied for release to the live servers.

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch. We’ve since fixed that issue, but it resulted in a slightly older version of the patch going live, which didn’t contain many of the fixes listed in the patch note.

    While this is disappointing and frustrating for those of you waiting for particular fixes (e.g. for Alchemy writs or the Undaunted reputation) and also frustrating for us, the good news is that those fixes aren’t lost. We’ll get them patched as soon as humanly possible.

    We will patch the verified 1.5.3 content to the European megaserver during tonight’s maintenance window, and are aiming to bring the missing changes to both megaservers during the maintenance windows on Thursday morning for North America and Thursday night for Europe.

    We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and frustration the issues with 1.5.3 have caused, and thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Please rethink this. I've been doing Cyrodiil for 3 days and earned 2 Vet ranks so far. Is it meant to be able to get 1 Vet rank every 2 days?

    Exp sources:
    Daily/Repeatable quests
    Craft quests
    Undaunted quest
    Kill mobs
    Kill players
    Open chests
    Defend keep
    Repair walls <----That one is a lot of exp
    Named mobs and world bosses

    Does catapult keeps give exp? I could not tell.

    I'll invite Zenimax to check my character. Exp gains and how I got it.
    I fully understand other players concerns and I share some of them. But this fast "leveling" cant be intended?

    wow you must be really hiting Cyrodill hard! I take it your emperor now!
    Repairing wall, you must be doing a lot at 24xp per fix.

    When everyone else is concerned about not getting enough you think your getting to much!

    Although saying that, having done some quests I do believe currently they have fixed the issue with quest XP.
    A quest I got 499xp for with my Vet 2 at the begining of the week I got 16k xp for today with my Vet 4. It's looking good so far

  • Cogo
    How can you gain vet ranks anyway? I couldn't.

    You can not get a rank now? They patch last night to fix it. It does not work? Did for me?
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
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