Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Patch v1.5.3 – What happened?

  • SteveCampsOut
    Djeriko wrote: »
    Djeriko wrote: »
    Yeah this was another disappointment. Almost as disappointing as how we were promised armor dyes and someone neglected to remind everyone there that SHIELDS were armor types. Yep that's right. Me again. Talking about SHIELD DYES. Get used to it until the dyes are implemented for my tanks.

    "Coming from DAoC, I'd actually prefer it if our shields would display the same Code of Arms as our Tabbards!"

    That would be something cool too but for the ones who don't want to wear tabards, it is an annoyance to have a mismatched shield. To be more specific. I want the three colors to be changeable on my shield just like every piece of armor has three colors that we can change. Why is that so hard to get?

    I didn't say I didn't "get it" I said what I preferred. I also didn't say I was against it! I thought that was plain enough English for even an American to understand. o.O
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

    NA Server:
    Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
    Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
    Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
    Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
    Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
    Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
    Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
    Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
    Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    boony wrote: »
    Damn, need to read the forums more, I've just spent this week getting my main char (on EU) through the last zone, to complete cadwells silver. When I entered the zone I was around 80% through v4, just about to do the 'completing" quest and I'm only around 11% into v5. All I'm missing is 4 world bosses.

    The update is much appreciated though ZOS and I'm sure you guys are as frustrated as us.

    Given that the levels are the same now that means an entire VR zone is around 40% now (let's be generous). Therefore completing every single last thing in the Vet zones will get you somewhere into VR4. Wow.

    With the changes to the amount required to level up being patched in soon that means you still won't get to VR6 if you complete everything in the single player zones. Craglorn might get you a level maybe if you quested. So people are going to have to grind out at least 7 levels on zombies and chests. Mmmm... fun fun fun.

    Edited by ferzalrwb17_ESO on November 12, 2014 4:00AM
  • Rodario
    Blud wrote: »
    Rodario wrote: »
    andreasv wrote: »
    I appreciate the explanation. Let's try to keep these as a regular thing.

    That's kind of sad that as a paying customer nowadays you appreciate a company explaining errors rather than making the effort to prevent any error.

    Because screaming venomous hatred at the FORUM STAFF will fix anything wrong with the game. Don't get me wrong, I fully expect ZOS to fix the d@mn game. But I'm glad that the forum staff now admits there are problems. On that note......
    Sindala wrote: »
    They haven't admitted it thou, they gave a VERY lame excuse and hoped we would buy it (which the fanboi's did). This would not happen unless they are using some very cheap software indeed, and I mean very cheap....
    You probably don't speak American. I'll translate:

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch.

    Somebody made a mistake. We can't assign blame because that would invoke horrifying black magic called "Civil liability". As opposed to being sued so far into Oblivion Peryite wouldn't be able to find us, we're going to use legal parlance to basically admit we screwed up.
    Rodario wrote: »
    I think every subscriber should be given free days representing each day since 1.5.2 was applied. This is nonsense.

    I don't care about free days, but I would appreciate an XP boost.


    Here's my attempt just to fuel a silly argument and distract every one from the game..."American" is not a language...the language is English. Its just that Americans don't use it properly...hahahahaha....and lol

    This is a bit off topic, but just so you know: Today's East-American English is much closer to the accent spoken by Englishmen around the time of the colonization of America, than today's British English is.

    Basically, the British (nobility) developed a new accent to set themselves apart, while American English stayed more or less the same.

    E.g.: French was pretty popular for a while and had some influence on British English, as evidenced by the use of "ou" in words such as colour or armour.

    It seems like American English is morphing into a sort of creole where, for example, English like "should have" is starting to become "should of," even though the latter means nothing syntactically.

    I think this is due to the break down of public education in the US and the lack of reading, critical thinking, and writing required of young people (i.e., students). But I haven't studied this, so it's just speculation.

    Believe me, there's not much that pisses me off more than people writing "should of".

    That, along with a severe confusion as to the difference between "they're", "their" and "there", using apostrophe+s to indicate plural and not knowing the difference between "affect" and "effect", might very well be the result of poor education.

    It is, however, a phenomenon I've come to call "Social Media English".

    Maybe people were right to fear a decline in proper language use back when texting became the main form of communication.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • killedbyping
    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch.

    "last known good" you say ?
    Then why doesnt it rolled back to Morrowind ?

    Even your own game think your patches are bad -.-
    Edited by killedbyping on November 12, 2014 6:53AM
  • Rodario
    boony wrote: »
    Damn, need to read the forums more, I've just spent this week getting my main char (on EU) through the last zone, to complete cadwells silver. When I entered the zone I was around 80% through v4, just about to do the 'completing" quest and I'm only around 11% into v5. All I'm missing is 4 world bosses.

    The update is much appreciated though ZOS and I'm sure you guys are as frustrated as us.

    Given that the levels are the same now that means an entire VR zone is around 40% now (let's be generous). Therefore completing every single last thing in the Vet zones will get you somewhere into VR4. Wow.

    With the changes to the amount required to level up being patched in soon that means you still won't get to VR6 if you complete everything in the single player zones. Craglorn might get you a level maybe if you quested. So people are going to have to grind out at least 7 levels on zombies and chests. Mmmm... fun fun fun.

    Gina mentioned in another thread - I don't remember which one, but it's recent - they plan to decrease XP per VR to 1'000'000 in an upcoming patch.

    Together with mob and major quest XP fixes, I imagine we'll get around 75% of a VR per zone. Together with a bit of PvP and/or dungeon dailies, we should get a rank-up per zone again.

    And that is when I'll start playing again.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • AlexDougherty
    Blud wrote: »
    Rodario wrote: »
    andreasv wrote: »
    I appreciate the explanation. Let's try to keep these as a regular thing.

    That's kind of sad that as a paying customer nowadays you appreciate a company explaining errors rather than making the effort to prevent any error.

    Because screaming venomous hatred at the FORUM STAFF will fix anything wrong with the game. Don't get me wrong, I fully expect ZOS to fix the d@mn game. But I'm glad that the forum staff now admits there are problems. On that note......
    Sindala wrote: »
    They haven't admitted it thou, they gave a VERY lame excuse and hoped we would buy it (which the fanboi's did). This would not happen unless they are using some very cheap software indeed, and I mean very cheap....
    You probably don't speak American. I'll translate:

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch.

    Somebody made a mistake. We can't assign blame because that would invoke horrifying black magic called "Civil liability". As opposed to being sued so far into Oblivion Peryite wouldn't be able to find us, we're going to use legal parlance to basically admit we screwed up.
    Rodario wrote: »
    I think every subscriber should be given free days representing each day since 1.5.2 was applied. This is nonsense.

    I don't care about free days, but I would appreciate an XP boost.


    Here's my attempt just to fuel a silly argument and distract every one from the game..."American" is not a language...the language is English. Its just that Americans don't use it properly...hahahahaha....and lol

    This is a bit off topic, but just so you know: Today's East-American English is much closer to the accent spoken by Englishmen around the time of the colonization of America, than today's British English is.

    Basically, the British (nobility) developed a new accent to set themselves apart, while American English stayed more or less the same.

    E.g.: French was pretty popular for a while and had some influence on British English, as evidenced by the use of "ou" in words such as colour or armour.

    It seems like American English is morphing into a sort of creole where, for example, English like "should have" is starting to become "should of," even though the latter means nothing syntactically.

    It's happened in London already, sort of, with a cockney accent "should have" gets pronounced "should'ave". But at least Cockneys write it as "Should Ave" or "Should Av" not "Should of" (shudder).
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • bellanca6561n
    Thanks Kai! Great to "see" you again. Tried to throw a wave your way before but did so in English on the German language forum *smacks forehead*....I'm living in Germany now and was always easily confused.

    You've always been a straight shooter, old boy, and it gives me added confidence to see you here.
  • I_killed_Vivec
    While ZOS employees might feel frustrated, it is their fault and they get paid.

    However, it is not my fault and yet I have to pay for the privilege!

    I would very much prefer that they took their time over fixing things properly and testing thoroughly, rather than go through the sequence of failures I've had to put up with for 1.5 so far - the original failed download that required a total client rebuild; the debacle of pushing the 1.5.3 client when the server hadn't been updated; the debacle of pushing the failing 1.5.3; the future debacle this Thursday when they push rushed updates at us.

    It is preferable, to me at least, to be able to play a game that has some problems rather than not to be able to play the game at all. For instance, while the broken alchemy writs are annoying, I can live with nirnroot not registering as long as I have all the rest of the game to play.
  • Brasseurfb16_ESO
    I have a fantastic idea, instead of mindlessly spite my discontent on some poor guy who's clearly trying to keep us award of the current status of the game. I'm just going to take a book, go outside and take a breath of fresh air for a change. :wink:
  • MornaBaine

    Coming from DAoC, I'd actually prefer it if our shields would display the same Code of Arms as our Tabbards!

    I actually disagree with this. Tabards are used to show affiliation with a guild, which follows the practice of livery wherein you wear the "colors" and/or badge of your House/Liege Lord. A SHIELD is used to denote personal identity. So shields need to have their own heraldry separate from the heraldry used on the tabards. Of course if you WANT to make your shield match your tabard that option would exist as you'd just design your shield heraldry to match the tabard's.

    What I'd ALSO like to see are personal, rather than guild, tabards and the ability to purchase as many of them as you wanted.

    And if they ever get around to housing one of the first things I'd want to see for decor are banners that you can customize just like the tabards. Again, both personal and guild.
    Edited by MornaBaine on November 12, 2014 12:50PM
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • McLukos
    Robocles wrote: »
    I'm sure he knows... but thanks for the cut and paste job, we really needed that.

    Alot of users do need that cut and paste. Too many people agree to services without reading the fine print.
  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    Rodario wrote: »
    boony wrote: »
    Damn, need to read the forums more, I've just spent this week getting my main char (on EU) through the last zone, to complete cadwells silver. When I entered the zone I was around 80% through v4, just about to do the 'completing" quest and I'm only around 11% into v5. All I'm missing is 4 world bosses.

    The update is much appreciated though ZOS and I'm sure you guys are as frustrated as us.

    Given that the levels are the same now that means an entire VR zone is around 40% now (let's be generous). Therefore completing every single last thing in the Vet zones will get you somewhere into VR4. Wow.

    With the changes to the amount required to level up being patched in soon that means you still won't get to VR6 if you complete everything in the single player zones. Craglorn might get you a level maybe if you quested. So people are going to have to grind out at least 7 levels on zombies and chests. Mmmm... fun fun fun.

    Gina mentioned in another thread - I don't remember which one, but it's recent - they plan to decrease XP per VR to 1'000'000 in an upcoming patch.

    Together with mob and major quest XP fixes, I imagine we'll get around 75% of a VR per zone. Together with a bit of PvP and/or dungeon dailies, we should get a rank-up per zone again.

    And that is when I'll start playing again.

    Yes they're planning to decrease it to 1 million which I accounted for in my post when I said that change would get you to VR6 (assuming 60% per zone) by completing all the single player content in the entire game. After that it's Craglorn and a long, long, long, long grind.

    They have no ETA for xp change for quests and it was mentioned that some (no idea which) would be increase (no idea by how much). I wouldn't be hopeful for too much there.

  • Enodoc
    Enodoc wrote: »
    A question for anyone who has said that there's not enough content to gain one Vet Rank per Zone who tried to rank up between 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 - was the value of 1,432,550 working at that time, and you could not get that much XP within one zone, or was it unintentionally (invisibly) set to 4,000,000 already, and that's why you couldn't rank up in one zone? I think it's a very odd coincidence that 4,000,000 is 2.7 times 1,432,550 and it was taking 2 to 3 zones to rank up, which is why I suggested that maybe 4,000,000 had been in the back-end since 1.5.2.
    I'd just be interested in knowing whether that theory has any backing. If so, then the proposed change to 1,000,000 would mean that you'd gain a rank about 2/3 the way through a zone, which is on par with the intention that levelling will be faster; if not, then you'd gain a rank after 1.8 zones, which is still under-level for the content and still takes "too long" (content-wise, not time-wise).

    Edit: Thought I'd add on to this with some numbers:

    Under VPs, it took 456,000 VP to get from VR1 to VR2. That's 300 instances of 1520 VP, a common VP reward.
    Under XPs, it will take 1,000,000 XP to get from VR1 to VR2. That's 200 instances of 4990 XP, a common XP reward.
    This suggests that, following this change, gaining a rank will be 2/3 quicker (content-wise) than it was under VP.

    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Robocles
    Rodario wrote: »
    Blud wrote: »
    Rodario wrote: »
    andreasv wrote: »
    I appreciate the explanation. Let's try to keep these as a regular thing.

    That's kind of sad that as a paying customer nowadays you appreciate a company explaining errors rather than making the effort to prevent any error.

    Because screaming venomous hatred at the FORUM STAFF will fix anything wrong with the game. Don't get me wrong, I fully expect ZOS to fix the d@mn game. But I'm glad that the forum staff now admits there are problems. On that note......
    Sindala wrote: »
    They haven't admitted it thou, they gave a VERY lame excuse and hoped we would buy it (which the fanboi's did). This would not happen unless they are using some very cheap software indeed, and I mean very cheap....
    You probably don't speak American. I'll translate:

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch.

    Somebody made a mistake. We can't assign blame because that would invoke horrifying black magic called "Civil liability". As opposed to being sued so far into Oblivion Peryite wouldn't be able to find us, we're going to use legal parlance to basically admit we screwed up.
    Rodario wrote: »
    I think every subscriber should be given free days representing each day since 1.5.2 was applied. This is nonsense.

    I don't care about free days, but I would appreciate an XP boost.


    Here's my attempt just to fuel a silly argument and distract every one from the game..."American" is not a language...the language is English. Its just that Americans don't use it properly...hahahahaha....and lol

    This is a bit off topic, but just so you know: Today's East-American English is much closer to the accent spoken by Englishmen around the time of the colonization of America, than today's British English is.

    Basically, the British (nobility) developed a new accent to set themselves apart, while American English stayed more or less the same.

    E.g.: French was pretty popular for a while and had some influence on British English, as evidenced by the use of "ou" in words such as colour or armour.

    It seems like American English is morphing into a sort of creole where, for example, English like "should have" is starting to become "should of," even though the latter means nothing syntactically.

    I think this is due to the break down of public education in the US and the lack of reading, critical thinking, and writing required of young people (i.e., students). But I haven't studied this, so it's just speculation.

    Believe me, there's not much that pisses me off more than people writing "should of".

    That, along with a severe confusion as to the difference between "they're", "their" and "there", using apostrophe+s to indicate plural and not knowing the difference between "affect" and "effect", might very well be the result of poor education.

    It is, however, a phenomenon I've come to call "Social Media English".

    Maybe people were right to fear a decline in proper language use back when texting became the main form of communication.

    Don't forget it's and its.
  • Robocles
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    A question for anyone who has said that there's not enough content to gain one Vet Rank per Zone who tried to rank up between 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 - was the value of 1,432,550 working at that time, and you could not get that much XP within one zone, or was it unintentionally (invisibly) set to 4,000,000 already, and that's why you couldn't rank up in one zone? I think it's a very odd coincidence that 4,000,000 is 2.7 times 1,432,550 and it was taking 2 to 3 zones to rank up, which is why I suggested that maybe 4,000,000 had been in the back-end since 1.5.2.
    I'd just be interested in knowing whether that theory has any backing. If so, then the proposed change to 1,000,000 would mean that you'd gain a rank about 2/3 the way through a zone, which is on par with the intention that levelling will be faster; if not, then you'd gain a rank after 1.8 zones, which is still under-level for the content and still takes "too long" (content-wise, not time-wise).

    Edit: Thought I'd add on to this with some numbers:

    Under VPs, it took 456,000 VP to get from VR1 to VR2. That's 300 instances of 1520 VP, a common VP reward.
    Under XPs, it will take 1,000,000 XP to get from VR1 to VR2. That's 200 instances of 4990 XP, a common XP reward.
    This suggests that, following this change, gaining a rank will be 2/3 quicker (content-wise) than it was under VP.

    Explain more of your calculation.

    You don't include the massive xp nerf on every WB and Dolmen completion, nor do you discuss the massive xp nerf on every quest.

    There is enough information in the several threads on this to conclude that your second theory is likely true, and that, even at 1,000,000 per level, you will need nearly 1.8 zones to rank.

    I'm not making a run at you, btw, just looking for more detail.
  • Enodoc
    Robocles wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    Enodoc wrote: »
    A question for anyone who has said that there's not enough content to gain one Vet Rank per Zone who tried to rank up between 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 - was the value of 1,432,550 working at that time, and you could not get that much XP within one zone, or was it unintentionally (invisibly) set to 4,000,000 already, and that's why you couldn't rank up in one zone? I think it's a very odd coincidence that 4,000,000 is 2.7 times 1,432,550 and it was taking 2 to 3 zones to rank up, which is why I suggested that maybe 4,000,000 had been in the back-end since 1.5.2.
    I'd just be interested in knowing whether that theory has any backing. If so, then the proposed change to 1,000,000 would mean that you'd gain a rank about 2/3 the way through a zone, which is on par with the intention that levelling will be faster; if not, then you'd gain a rank after 1.8 zones, which is still under-level for the content and still takes "too long" (content-wise, not time-wise).

    Edit: Thought I'd add on to this with some numbers:

    Under VPs, it took 456,000 VP to get from VR1 to VR2. That's 300 instances of 1520 VP, a common VP reward.
    Under XPs, it will take 1,000,000 XP to get from VR1 to VR2. That's 200 instances of 4990 XP, a common XP reward.
    This suggests that, following this change, gaining a rank will be 2/3 quicker (content-wise) than it was under VP.

    Explain more of your calculation.

    You don't include the massive xp nerf on every WB and Dolmen completion, nor do you discuss the massive xp nerf on every quest.

    There is enough information in the several threads on this to conclude that your second theory is likely true, and that, even at 1,000,000 per level, you will need nearly 1.8 zones to rank.

    I'm not making a run at you, btw, just looking for more detail.

    Unfortunately I'm working with limited numbers. 1520 VP was the most common quest reward at Vet 1, 4990 XP is the 'standard' (and therefore presumably the most common) quest reward at Vet 1 now. That's where those numbers come from.

    Similarly, 4775 XP is the standard POI Completion reward now, and I think 1013 VP was a common Completion reward before (need to check that though).

    I don't remember Dolmen and World Boss completion being nerfed, nor quest rewards being nerfed, so if you could remind me when that happened, I can look into it more.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Thechemicals
    I dont like adding more turd to the turd hill, but the game is broken in so many ways right now that even a Thursday patch will not cover any amount of satisfaction from the player base. You have small things that will be years before they get a fix like not being able to harvest particular resources. You all know some of these unharvestable resources like the Entoloma/Russula plant right by Nikel. Thats been like that since release.

    Then you have the moderately bad issues that cover 90% of the bugs....these issues are sometimes so specific that most just keep playing and ignore them. However some are just irritating and sometimes give other players such an advantage in play, that all you want to do is log off. The speed bug(fixed) was one of them and recently the little trick some of you have been doing with Healing ward to get back all your health. These things continue to happen and while this is an mmo and bugs will happen.....the fixes create more bugs and also *return old bugs, which in my experience is not a "common/norm/regular" thing in any mmo ive ever played from AoC,UO,WoW,Dc Universe.

    Right now, i play this game and everytime 5-30 minutes, i notice a new bug. Did you know casting Momentum dismounts you from your horse when the spell expires? Did you know there is a trick that makes momentum critical heal for every tick? The use of certain skills when fighting in an outpost in cyrodiil plus jumping will drag you inbetween the walls of the outpost. Teleport strike is exploited to enter enemy keeps if you use it on players trying to use a postern door. Who needs to port through doors though when you can Dragon leap to get a scroll. The list goes on and on. Unfortunately these bugs are so plentiful and recurring, l dont even put any time submitting bug reports. simply tired and too busy to submit bug tickets every 30 minutes. Especially when tickets submitted in June for certain bugs....linger still today.

    I know a girl who is a friend who religiously submits any bugs she finds and has told me that bugs she has reported in June are still present today. Thats 6 months and some of them are pretty bad ones. ZoS has fledgling technicians which would be acceptable but couple that with 4-5 levels of questionable double and triple check departments that are supposed to make sure things like....a patch actually applying to go through 100%, makes myself believe conspiracy theories like a sabotager is breaking their game, Simply because i cant believe that they continue to make the same mistakes and are getting worse at the technical patching/fixes.
    Vr14 Templar since release- dual resto
    Vr14 Dk bow/2h

    Brayan Blackthunder
    Daggerfall Covenant

  • Xeinwayb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Good, for 3 days are a waste of time. 1 hour grinding to a public dungeon (vet9) for just 70k exp (approximately). It's a joke?

    If ZoS limited of reduced the necessary amount of exp for one VR rank (1milion), the problem it's not resolved.

    For me (just for me?) they thinking to limit the exp gained in the vicinity of the Champion system, because in alternative more people will so much exp transformed in Champion system EXP, and they says that: The Vr rank transported it's limited.

    Thinks about it.

    ps. sorry for my english
    Edited by Xeinwayb16_ESO on November 12, 2014 6:53PM
  • kargen27
    I guess I am one of the lucky ones. This problem doesn't bother me in any way. I play the game for fun and do the things I find fun to do. Could really care less about some arbitrary award in the game for doing so. So long as I keep having fun I will keep playing. If the game ever gets as frustrating to me as it seems to be for some posting here then I will take a break or move on.

    Just a friendly reminder that this should be fun, not frustrating or a grind. For those who feel the need for quick advancements I hope they get the game fixed for you soon. In the meantime just have fun, be it in this game or some other game/activity.

    No way I can officially verify a goal I am shooting for, but just for fun I am trying to get a "selfie" with every creature in the game. No experience or other rewards for doing it, but it is fun for me.


    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • eventide03b14a_ESO
    Thank you! This is all we ever ask for. Communication. Now that we understand the process I think you will find us more forgiving of these errors, though I certainly hope they become less frequent. I would love to look forward to these updates rather than dread them.
  • SteveCampsOut
    MornaBaine wrote: »

    Coming from DAoC, I'd actually prefer it if our shields would display the same Code of Arms as our Tabbards!

    I actually disagree with this. Tabbards are used to show affiliation with a guild, which follows the practice of livery wherein you wear the "colors" and/or badge of your House/Liege Lord. A SHIELD is used to denote personal identity.

    Did I say anything about what tabbards represented? No, in fact, I did not. All I said was I'd prefer displaying them on shields. There's nothing there to even disagree with. It is my stated "Preference" not any sort of stated fact that can be disagreed with.
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

    NA Server:
    Steforax Soulstrong CH782 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH782 Dragonknight AD
    Rheticia Le Drakisius CH782 Nightblade DC
    Razmuzan Thrasmas CH782 Templar EP
    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
    Erik Ramzey CH782 Nightblade AD
    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
    Guildmaster of Pacrooti's Hirelings AD Based LGBT Friendly Guild.
    Stefrex Souliss CH701 Sorcerer AD
    Grumpy Kahjiti CH701 Dragonknight DC
    Slithisi Ksissi CH701 Nightblade EP
    Pokes-With-Fire CH701 Dragonknight AD
    Josie-The-Pussi-Cat CH701 Templar AD
    Stug-Grog M'God CH701 Templar DC
    One With Many Faces CH701 Nightblade DC
    Trixie Truskan CH701 Sorcerer EP
    Grumpetasaurus Rex CH701 Warden EP
    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • Cherryblossom
    yay, it's Thursday. I can start leveling my Vet again. I can, please tell me I can.
    Has anyone seen a patch!
    Any word from ZOS?
    anyone there?
    has everyone left?

    Do you wanna build a snowman?
  • Blinks
    Ye ZOS said Thursday but they.....well...lied
    ESO, "play your way", As long as its light armor and staff

    v14 DK (Re-rolled to NB, because DK is easy-mode)
    v12 Duel Wield Khajiit NightBlade (Re-rolled again to play ranged DPS) Snipe spam

    Main v9 Bosmer NB Archer (Can't hit v14 due to ZOS screwing with XP)
  • Cherryblossom
    Blinks wrote: »
    Ye ZOS said Thursday but they.....well...lied

    Thursday is not over yet for me, so I'm going to give them the benefit of doubt, I'm sure at any moment they will let us know what is happening!
    Just seen in the Banner that they are doing maintenance at 8am us time and 3am GMT on EU, so fingers crossed I will be happy tomorrow.
    Edited by Cherryblossom on November 13, 2014 10:45AM
  • Rodario
    yay, it's Thursday. I can start leveling my Vet again. I can, please tell me I can.
    Has anyone seen a patch!
    Any word from ZOS?
    anyone there?
    has everyone left?

    Do you wanna build a snowman?
    Blinks wrote: »
    Ye ZOS said Thursday but they.....well...lied

    The forum note says 10AM, I don't think it's 10AM yet.
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • Enodoc
    Rodario wrote: »
    yay, it's Thursday. I can start leveling my Vet again. I can, please tell me I can.
    Has anyone seen a patch!
    Any word from ZOS?
    anyone there?
    has everyone left?

    Do you wanna build a snowman?
    Blinks wrote: »
    Ye ZOS said Thursday but they.....well...lied

    The forum note says 10AM, I don't think it's 10AM yet.
    Maintenance should start in just over 2 hours. They've (almost) always been on time starting maintenance before.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
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  • ferzalrwb17_ESO
    Rodario wrote: »
    yay, it's Thursday. I can start leveling my Vet again. I can, please tell me I can.
    Has anyone seen a patch!
    Any word from ZOS?
    anyone there?
    has everyone left?

    Do you wanna build a snowman?
    Blinks wrote: »
    Ye ZOS said Thursday but they.....well...lied

    The forum note says 10AM, I don't think it's 10AM yet.

    It says 8am and, as above, that's in a little under 2 hours at the time of this post. If you're on Australian Eastern time (as it sounds like some here are) that's midnight. 2am for NZ I think. You'll wake up in the morning to a patch.

    Edited by ferzalrwb17_ESO on November 13, 2014 11:10AM
  • Djeriko
    Djeriko wrote: »
    Djeriko wrote: »
    Yeah this was another disappointment. Almost as disappointing as how we were promised armor dyes and someone neglected to remind everyone there that SHIELDS were armor types. Yep that's right. Me again. Talking about SHIELD DYES. Get used to it until the dyes are implemented for my tanks.

    "Coming from DAoC, I'd actually prefer it if our shields would display the same Code of Arms as our Tabbards!"

    That would be something cool too but for the ones who don't want to wear tabards, it is an annoyance to have a mismatched shield. To be more specific. I want the three colors to be changeable on my shield just like every piece of armor has three colors that we can change. Why is that so hard to get?

    I didn't say I didn't "get it" I said what I preferred. I also didn't say I was against it! I thought that was plain enough English for even an American to understand. o.O

    When I said "why is that so hard to get" I meant literally why is that so hard for the devs to implement that into the dye system. Not as you took it as "why is it so hard to understand". You have a dye ui with plenty of room for expansion so it should be a no brainer to add a spot for shields. And it could be as simple as it only detecting the shield when it is equipped and active on your character. Like if you weapon swap to staff for example and use the dye station, the spot for shields would be empty. I would just like to know the devs are past the "we are discussing it" phase and are in the "we are working on implementing it" phase which actually shows work and promise of actually delivering on their promise in update 3 of armor dyes.
    "When in doubt, kill it with fire."
  • sylvieanne
    Thanks, ZOS for the update. Can't wait to see some of the fixes and happy for everything you guys are going through to get the bugs fixed. It's a lot of work to verify bugs and then fix them!

    I wonder, on an average, how many bugs come through a day. And then for ZOS to sift through them, categorize, recreate and fix them - then retest them.. There must be thousands.. Just the time spent on the "blocks progress" bugs must be overwhelming, much less the "delays progress" categories. And then releasing them in the correct order so that they don't supersede something important. Oy - makes my head hurt.

    When I saw the complaint above about a random ingredient not being able to be harvested in ONE location.. Made my eyes roll a little. Farming is one of my favorite things to do, but in the grand scheme of things - not a biggie as far as immediate bug fixes are concerned.

    Not looking terribly forward to another 6 hour patch (maybe it won't be that bad?), but it will be worth it in the end. And fewer distractions during the day is not a horrible thing. :wink:

    Also, happy that the ZOS team is working on new content for veteran players and hope that continues. Truly appreciative of all of the hard work they do!!!
  • NadiusMaximus

    During the last step in the process, today’s patch encountered a problem where it unintentionally reverted back to a “last known good” version instead of proceeding with today’s patch. .

    Wow, ZOS mainframe has achieved self awareness, and is trying to tell them something!

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