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Would you play ESO if it was World PvP orientated

Also for those that answer Yes; Would you also play if your gear and processions that you carry are able to be looted on death.

Would you play ESO if it was World PvP orientated 822 votes

ShankThTankNestorUdyrfryktelePoissonRougeKaynlorbillp_ESOSirAndyTabbycatmanyrabidratsSrugzalfernikfurraAren_LioreOpioidVanathiicengr_ESOGothicAcidonsamcharles77_ESOindytims_ESOKikazaru 507 votes
Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
LazMaximis_ESOGrunimpitdemon_ESOfirekittenShaggygamingrophez_ESOKorriganrikimm16_ESOmkozina80_ESOFat_Cat45Jdrayjambam817_ESOGilvoth_subjectnamehere_EatitappleGrimKhastletimothywnugent_ESOAdelwulf 257 votes
Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
WraithenLauraCjzechdegolocsta_ESORedlagGreybarrenMujurodmarkle70b14_ESODogFaceInBananaPatchStaticWaxmrgray94b14_ESOVibloDelithc0rpzdkazzdennis.schmelzleb16_ESOtrockersb16_ESOGhenraKorprokShadow27 58 votes
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    where is the yes, regardless of if my gear could be looted on death?
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    They are bringing open world PVP in with the Justice System. I probably won't participate but so long as it doesn't ruin my fun I guess I'll keep playing.
  • Loco_Mofo
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    Yes, at least the world would feel dangerous.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    They are bringing open world PVP in with the Justice System. I probably won't participate but so long as it doesn't ruin my fun I guess I'll keep playing.

    that's opt in. He means world pvp where anyone can kill anyone else at any time.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Tabbycat
    I love ESO. Don't get me wrong. But world PvP... is just so horrible.

    The thing with the Justice system is fine. But flagging everyone for PvP no matter where you go would invite a festival of griefers to party and camp out ruining the entire game.

    It would ruin exploration. It would ruin immersion. It would ruin the entire story telling. It would completely destroy the feeling of TES.

    You might as well strip TES from it completely if you are going to do that to it.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • Synfaer
    where is the yes, regardless of if my gear could be looted on death?

    That would be the total Yes vote
  • dharbert
    Not just no, but hell no. That would be forcing EVERYONE to play a certain way, and not everyone likes PVP or even partakes in PVP, ever.

    Having said that, if they implemented duels where two parties agreed to fight outside of Cyrodiil, that would be alright.
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I love ESO. Don't get me wrong. But world PvP... is just so horrible.

    The thing with the Justice system is fine. But flagging everyone for PvP no matter where you go would invite a festival of griefers to party and camp out ruining the entire game.

    It would ruin exploration. It would ruin immersion. It would ruin the entire story telling. It would completely destroy the feeling of TES.

    You might as well strip TES from it completely if you are going to do that to it.

    It would not effect the TES feel in qanyway. The TES titles are signle player games so in that there are other players, I suppose it would do that but ESO already does that.

    If you die at all in any other TES title you have to play from a past save, so you can't rightly use them as an example.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Rhoric
    No as I don't care for PvP.
  • SFBryan18
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I think it would be more important that we are able to turn it off so we can level up first.
  • dharbert
    Global PVP = griefers 24/7. It's as simple as that.

    There are already players who try to drag mobs onto you in the world and in dungeons. It never works and the mobs never attack me, but it doesn't keep them from trying it over and over again.
    Edited by dharbert on July 22, 2014 11:54PM
  • Limbus
    Dumbest question ever.
  • seneferab16_ESO
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    I love ESO. Don't get me wrong. But world PvP... is just so horrible.

    The thing with the Justice system is fine. But flagging everyone for PvP no matter where you go would invite a festival of griefers to party and camp out ruining the entire game.

    It would ruin exploration. It would ruin immersion. It would ruin the entire story telling. It would completely destroy the feeling of TES.

    You might as well strip TES from it completely if you are going to do that to it.

    AoC had free for all PvP, and although it did get a bit choppy now and then I'd say that it overall ADDED to the immersion.
    I've never ganked in my life, but I still loved the FFA PvP; always being on edge, not knowing if someone is sneaking up on me. Always having a backup plan. Maybe even turning the fight on the person who attacked. ;)

    (actually I did gank once. It was on a RPPvP server, I had a severe case of PMS and this guy named lorddarkness stole my quest mob.. It was three cases of nope that resulted in one case of Q)

    Aerin Treerunner, pre dinner snack
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    They are bringing open world PVP in with the Justice System. I probably won't participate but so long as it doesn't ruin my fun I guess I'll keep playing.

    that's opt in. He means world pvp where anyone can kill anyone else at any time.

    Then no.
  • nerevarine1138
    No. Just no.

    Justice system? Yes. But that's different.
  • Daethz
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    The other way wouldn't work in ESO, this isent EVE.
    And not unless they buff each weapon type to be useful, instead of 100% of players wielding a destruction staff.
    Waiting, and watching, for the return of Melee Weapons.
    -Subsidiary of The Fighters Guild
  • Nox_Aeterna
    haha , no i would not.

    Im mostly a PvE player , i play on PvE servers , on a game like ESO with no servers where it would be wide PvP.

    I would not waste my time playing.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Archaole
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I would like 2 seperate servers, one for RP/PvE and one for PvP. Keep Cyrodiil the same in both.
  • Zorrashi
    No. Just no.

    Justice system? Yes. But that's different.

    yeah I'm sort of confused on the whole thing. I was under the impression you only get flagged for PvP if you are caught committing a crime or attack an NPC. And that even if you participate as a guard, you can't attack other players who act as 'guards' unless they commit(ed) a crime. Yet with the way people act makes me think that its practically open world PvP.
  • nerevarine1138
    Archaole wrote: »
    I would like 2 seperate servers, one for RP/PvE and one for PvP. Keep Cyrodiil the same in both.

    You understand that most PvE players don't roleplay, right?
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Archaole wrote: »
    I would like 2 seperate servers, one for RP/PvE and one for PvP. Keep Cyrodiil the same in both.

    You understand that most PvE players don't roleplay, right?

    yea I don't understand that combination. PvPrs are just as likely to RP. All my good RP has been done on games with world pvp.
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • jamie.goddenrwb17_ESO
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I'd love if the whole world were open, there were different faction hubs at each zone so all factions saw one another outside of Cyridiil and pvp was optional.

    This is probably the biggest part of old MMO's that I miss in this game, the segregation bugs me.
    I can has typing!
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    I said no. And I play EvE Online.

    A game that is going to be full PvP, needs to be built from the ground up as full PvP. Otherwise, you run into too many issues with safe zones, camping, etc, etc.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • Archaole
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    Archaole wrote: »
    I would like 2 seperate servers, one for RP/PvE and one for PvP. Keep Cyrodiil the same in both.

    You understand that most PvE players don't roleplay, right?

    yea I don't understand that combination. PvPrs are just as likely to RP. All my good RP has been done on games with world pvp.

    The RPers I know actually don't do PvP so which was where my comparison came from. Haven't met too many hardcore PvP/RPers personally.
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    I would like a Warhammer Online style PVP, where there are PVE areas, and then there are objective based PVP zones where you can fight for objectives and such.

    From what I understand of current PVP, it's just a FFA in Cyrodiil, and if you're not the top level in the game, then you stand no chance there. That's not fun.

    And I wouldn't want a fully open PVP where I could be ganked at any time.
  • zdkazz
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    love me some full loot like mortal online
    Edited by zdkazz on July 23, 2014 1:09AM
  • Cody
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I do intend to participate in the justice system. however, I do not want everyone flagged 24/7. that is nonsense. just let it be the justice systems way and leave it at that. oh, and I don't want people looting my stuff either:/ I don't mind gold, but I don't think a player should be able to get a legendry VR12 bow just by killing me. they should have to make it/get it from a dungeon/quest.
    Edited by Cody on July 23, 2014 12:57AM
  • Archaole
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    The only way I could see PvP looting in any way be fair or fun is if you defeated someone equal to or above your level. And if there were more people involved in the killing, then they should roll for it.
  • skeletorz_ESO
    dharbert wrote: »
    Global PVP = griefers 24/7. It's as simple as that.

    There are already players who try to drag mobs onto you in the world and in dungeons. It never works and the mobs never attack me, but it doesn't keep them from trying it over and over again.

    Those players aren't trying to drag mobs onto you, they're just fleeing through the dungeon instead of fighting everything. LOL dude, you are not the center of the universe.

    But I agree. Griefering would be constant.
    “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -- René Descartes
  • Alphashado
    I enjoy consentual PvP
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