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Would you play ESO if it was World PvP orientated

  • MercyKilling
    They are bringing open world PVP in with the Justice System. I probably won't participate but so long as it doesn't ruin my fun I guess I'll keep playing.

    It's not the same as open world PvP. You have to be a guard and see someone who's got a bounty on their head in order to combat them.

    If you've kept your nose clean, no bounty. Ergo, no PvP.

    However; it's a step down the wrong path IMNSHO. If open world PvP ever did get instituted, I'd be gone so fast it'd make the developer's heads spin. Counterclockwise.
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Laura
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    Laura wrote: »
    I'd still play it, as long as there was no looting. It's not supposed to be EVEScrolls Online - and don't get me wrong, I love me some EVE. Full loot is complete crap in fantasy MMOs.

    I don't think it'd be the best thing for the game, though. Opt-in PVP is a much better idea.

    @diamondeyethunderbow_ESO just for the sake of getting a conversation flared (and pure curiosity) why is full loot complete crap in a fantasy MMO and not a space or future MMO? seems strange to me.
    In a game like ESO, your character and your gear are one and the same. If your gear is taken, you're crippled.

    In a spaceship game, losing your ship is just losing your ship. You just get another one. In EVE, I own dozens of ships ranging from frigates to battleships, for various purposes. Losing one is just losing a ship; it isn't an integral part of my character. Some people DO fly ships that represent a huge portion of their personal assets, but this is widely regarded as a dumb move. You don't bling your ship out unless you can afford bling modules for it.

    Fundamentally, it comes down to risk-reward. Gankers get rewarded out of all proportion to risk, while defenders have enormous risk for relatively little reward.
    It was fun on some EQ servers and UO. I agree I wouldn't want to see it in this game (because I want to see it appeal to a larger crowd instead of me and a small niche. very few of us play mortal)

    EQ didn't have full loot. You could loot one item from a player that was killed; I used to play on that server. UO was "fun" for a very small portion of the playerbase; everyone else just had to avoid ganks.

    @diamondeyethunderbow_ESO I see what you are saying and I respect your opinion. I do seem to recall a server on EQ that was full loot but I could be wrong, I know they had one that was one death and your character was gone.

    Maybe it was AC or something that had full loot too that was many years ago.

    UO was fun for a LOT more than a small group. I was not a ganker but I enjoyed the fear of death in UO. I would take less beaten paths and such just to try to avoid highway men. It felt like a true medieval battle to me. (a complete niche game to be absolutely sure)

    we have to agree to disagree on how fun it is (varying opinions and all that) but my questions was a misunderstanding of how EvE works I haven't played it. It makes more sense now that you have. I thought you meant it would be more logical in games like wildstar or swtor than in this game because they are in the future or space.
    Edited by Laura on July 23, 2014 7:20AM
  • EliteZ
    I wouldn't mind having controlled PvP areas throughout the PvE enviroment where players would automatically be flagged for PvP while they remain inside, but to have open world pvp everywhere has never been something I'm fond. It allows too many trolls to farm low lvl players because they think that makes them cool.

    Honestly, I'd rather see smaller PvP battlegrounds imo like they ones at Quakecon and E3.
  • Ninnghizhidda
    If you want all-out free-for-all PvP, ganking and grieving, make specific PvP servers. Otherwise just watch how many subs go plop the next moment.
  • adriant1978
    No way. If you want to PvP go to Cyrodiil and have at it. Leave the rest of us alone.
  • bertenburnyb16_ESO
    I think the justice system is a greath way to introduce world pvp, so you dont have to join if you dont want to, but its giving others the option
    Haze Ramoran Dunmer Dragonknight Tank/Dps – Smoked-Da-Herb Saxheel Templar Tank/Healer

    Red Diamond, Protect us 'til the end (EU EP Thorn)
  • Pele
    No. If I want that, I'd load up Call of Duty.
  • skillastat
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    UO is the perfect exemple of how nice it could be.

    In the cities you are in protection of town guards, wich means anyone who try to attack you would be instantly killed (Guard Wacked).

    But outside the cities, it's another realm. Once you killed like 5 persons your name appear RED, so now everyone knows that you are a murderer. To get your status back to "innocent" (blue) you have to wait a loooooong time. So usually Red people will stay red. In the cities the murderers gets no protection from the guards so anyone could attack them.

    It's just totally thrilling. You always get that feeling that something terrible could happen, either to you or your attacker :D

    In ESO, it's not the same story... because you have to be 90% of the time outside the cities for questing, leveling, and it would not please everyone.

    But I would definitely play :)
    (PC NA)
    -Saulo Stamina Sorcerer
    -skillastat Stamina Nightblade
    -a blade spirit Stamina Templar
    -Ultima Online I Magicka Dragonknight
    -'Solo DC* Stamina Sorcerer
    -'Ultima Online Stamina Dragonknight
    -Nerd Dk Tank Dragonknight
    -Solochi Magicka Sorcerer
    -Solo Lucci Magicka Nightblade
    -Sølomon Magicka Warden

    *All characters are EP, except for one DC.

    French Canadian!
  • Fi'yra
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I honestly believe that 'looting' other players is lame.
    People aren't going to go into PvP with good gear, so it's just a waste of time..

    although I voted yes, I voted yes for a non-lootable way.
    Edited by Fi'yra on July 23, 2014 7:44AM
    AD - PC/EU
    Get Wrobled
  • Sindala
    From beta testing the 'other' game with world PvP I can tell you it's starting to get on my nerves being ganked all the time.
    Now if it was a bonus when you hit VR12 that mite be different, a sort of perk that you can world PvP other VR12's
    Being First is not the prize, it just mean's everyone can stab you in the back.
  • Blooddancer
    Exploitation and griefing is constantly being flagged in the current isolated PVP system, I have no interest in seeing this spread to the rest of the game.

    I'm not against world PVP all together but the implementation would have to be well designed and executed.
  • Pele
    dharbert wrote: »
    Global PVP = griefers 24/7. It's as simple as that.

    There are already players who try to drag mobs onto you in the world and in dungeons. It never works and the mobs never attack me, but it doesn't keep them from trying it over and over again.

    Those players aren't trying to drag mobs onto you, they're just fleeing through the dungeon instead of fighting everything. LOL dude, you are not the center of the universe.

    But I agree. Griefering would be constant.
    dharbert is correct. I've had the misfortune of encountering such players in a dungeon. They were not attempting to outrun mobs; they trained them on me, and continued to do so, circling the dungeon and dragging the respawns back to me as I tried to fight the boss. I suppose they grew bored because they stopped and decided to dance near the dungeon entrance instead.
  • bruceb14_ESO5
    World PVP is a major turnoff for me, eventhough I spend most of my time in Cyrodiil.
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    They are bringing open world PVP in with the Justice System. I probably won't participate but so long as it doesn't ruin my fun I guess I'll keep playing.

    It's not the same as open world PvP. You have to be a guard and see someone who's got a bounty on their head in order to combat them.

    If you've kept your nose clean, no bounty. Ergo, no PvP.

    However; it's a step down the wrong path IMNSHO. If open world PvP ever did get instituted, I'd be gone so fast it'd make the developer's heads spin. Counterclockwise.

    I like the idea so far. I don't have to PVP if I don't want to but still allows for open world PVP when I do. I have played open world PVP games before and it was annoying. I couldn't get anything done. Sometimes I want to PVP but usually I just wanna quest and get to where I'm going without being sneak attacked every 30 seconds.
  • Kafolarbear
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    I voted "yes" to looting, as long as you only armor and weapons can be looted and you don't lose something that another player looted from you. But hell no if it is inside of cities and within a certain radius of wayshrines.
    Edited by Kafolarbear on July 23, 2014 2:23PM
    Veteran Rank 5 Khajiit Nightblade.

    For the Queen; for Elswyr!
  • Lunerdog
    Open world PVP ?

    Bad idea.

    Just means loads of plebs can sit behind their screens ganking lowbies because they think its a cool thing to do.

    Will be watching the justice system with interest as said plebs will find a way to grief people if they can.

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_SilviaS on July 23, 2014 9:47PM
  • kieso
    I picked No; not because I don't like PVP most MMO's I've played were PVP centered, UO, Shadowbane, Asheron's call Darktide but with the current design of the world open pvp in eso would be awkward.
  • pitdemon_ESO
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I'd love it if it was open world pvp!! Or even Guild v Guild instead of AvAvA in a specific campaign in Cyrodiil

    DAOC was so meh until Mordred came about, kind of like UO/Trammel in reverse.

    I realize its not most people's cup of tea, but the way the phasing is done in ESO, pretty much ANY ruleset is possible, whether it be cross faction co-op, ow pvp, RP-only, etc. The only downfall would be splitting up an already depleted gameworld
    The Grixxitt of Melek - Alfar Nightblade
    Grixx of the Reach - Crafter/Reachwitch/Sorceror

    Must...downvote...stupidity... (clicks sidebar furiously)
  • AlexDougherty
    I do occasssionaly PVP, but I will never want it as open world PVP.

    In fact I can't understand why people who want open world PVP buy games which aren't and then try to change them into open world PVP. Which is what this poll is about.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
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    Passion rules reason
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    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • Eirikur
    I'd like it if a guild could indicate its rival guilds, and that doing so would enable full PvP between members of those guilds. That way nobody would be forced into PvP, but if you wanted to play with a moderate threat of being attacked at any time you'd have the option to do so by joining a guild with rivals.
    Edited by Eirikur on July 23, 2014 2:37PM
  • Kalann_Pander
    Tabbycat wrote: »
    The thing with the Justice system is fine. But flagging everyone for PvP no matter where you go would invite a festival of griefers to party and camp out ruining the entire game.

    It would ruin exploration. It would ruin immersion. It would ruin the entire story telling. It would completely destroy the feeling of TES.

    You might as well strip TES from it completely if you are going to do that to it.
    dharbert wrote: »
    Not just no, but hell no. That would be forcing EVERYONE to play a certain way, and not everyone likes PVP or even partakes in PVP, ever.

    Having said that, if they implemented duels where two parties agreed to fight outside of Cyrodiil, that would be alright.
    dharbert wrote: »
    Global PVP = griefers 24/7. It's as simple as that.

    There are already players who try to drag mobs onto you in the world and in dungeons. It never works and the mobs never attack me, but it doesn't keep them from trying it over and over again.
    If ESO ever went 'world PVP', my wife and I would be cancelling our subs within minutes of the announcement.

    TES games are not PVP games. They added it (Cyrodil) to try to appeal to a group of players, and I get it. But there is no need and really no logical explanation to make ESO a world-PVP game.
    Akiainavas wrote: »
    The answer is NO. I play ESO for the lore, and the story, and the quests. I don't enjoy being ganked, killed and otherwise nagged by bored PvP players.

    Want to PvP ? Go to Cyrodill.

    And please, don't say that "there would be no griefing"... there would be - there ALWAYS is, in each and every game where world PvP is enabled.
    Hell no!

    One key reason I took a chance on this MMO was because they had done what they could to stop the griefers and let people do PvP or PwP (play with player) as they prefer.
    No way. If you want to PvP go to Cyrodiil and have at it. Leave the rest of us alone.
    I think the justice system is a greath way to introduce world pvp, so you dont have to join if you dont want to, but its giving others the option

    This. I'm fine with PvP, as long as it stays in the boxes reserved for it - Cyrodill (now) and the Justice System (later)

    Open world PvP : NO
    Akiainavas wrote: »
    Have to say that ESO is kinda unique in terms of community... surprising how many people not only don't support PvP but openly oppose it. You don't see that in other MMOs.
    I do occasssionaly PVP, but I will never want it as open world PVP.

    In fact I can't understand why people who want open world PVP buy games which aren't and then try to change them into open world PVP. Which is what this poll is about.

    If you want Open world PvP ... Go play a game that provides it !
    Opinions are like buttholes : Everybody has one, and they usually stink.

    3 things to reduce stamina/magicka imbalance :
    - Use magicka to block abilities costing magicka, instead of stamina.
    - Add % damage reduction to heavy armor.
    - Add block penetration to 2H.
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    I never quite get the call for open world PvP in this particular game. You have Cyrodil, large open world, can PvP with people who actually want to PvP. You can work on PvP objectives, wander solo/small groups to pick off other small groups, can go to the PvE dungeons in Cyrodil to gank the PvE players that are there. pretty much everything you want for PvP and as an extra bonus, all the other players in the zone are there for PvP

    So what does Open world PvP give that is not in Cyrodil? Really the answer is the ability to grief players not interested in PvP.
    Edited by dennissomb16_ESO on July 23, 2014 3:07PM
  • gunplummer
    No, I would just go back to playing Mortal Online.
  • PrinceBoru
    PvP only is not what the Elder Scrolls games are about.
    Since Morrowind the ES games have convinced me it's all about about my character.
    Of course the PvP element in ESO is necessary, but to go PvP in all stages of the game would strip the franchise of its essence.
    It ain't easy being green.
  • Falmer
    Nope. Wouldn't have even bothered getting the game if that was the case. Open world PVP is only asked for by the gankers. Those people that get off on killing the hapless innocents. You already have Cyrodiil to do all your PvP on other players who PvP. The only reason to have open world PvP is to attack people who don't want to be.

    IMO, the only way open world pvp would EVER be more realistic is if a game was designed for that and that means NO character levels or extraordinary 'powers'. Games where your only difference in power between you and the next guy is your skill and maybe what weapon you are holding.
  • Zorrashi
    Akiainavas wrote: »
    Have to say that ESO is kinda unique in terms of community... surprising how many people not only don't support PvP but openly oppose it. You don't see that in other MMOs.

    It is what happens when a game tries to appeal to a broad brand of players. PvPers came for Cyrodil, PvEers came for everything else. If was just world PvP, the majority of the PvEers wouldn't subscribe in he first place.

    Add in the fact that it attracted both TES players and MMO players ...yes, it is a very unique community and it is bound to clash.

    Now the real issue is how to satisfy everyone (which we know is impossible). Even with the justice system and its 'optional' PvP, we can already see some rage and worry over the system.

    That being said, I think its obvious that a more than substantial portion dislike/hate PvP, and would leave the game. Almost seems like a no brainer.

    [I think the real issue not so much weather or not PvP is forced or not as much as it is about how much it feels forced with the upcoming justice system.]
  • rbenkepub19_ESO
  • Tubben
    (Full Loot)
    Laura wrote: »
    It was fun on some EQ servers

    EQ never had full loot. It had one item loot from inventory and NOT from Bags.
    And it was dismissed pretty fast after an poll, you had to answer after logging in.
    I was glad, because i voted for item loot to be gone.
  • k9mouse
    I want to play PVE content with out worry about some jerk killing me every 5 secs for his kicks. Keep PVP where it belongs, in its own zone!
    Edited by k9mouse on July 24, 2014 9:08PM
  • Nestor
    The first time I die and someone takes my hard earned stuff is the last time I would play the game.

    Edited by Nestor on July 23, 2014 4:03PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

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