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Would you play ESO if it was World PvP orientated

  • TequilaFire
    I am all for PVP in PVP zones, but one of my biggest joys in this game is
    the PVE only areas whether group or solo.
  • Hurbster
    Archaole wrote: »
    I would like 2 seperate servers, one for RP/PvE and one for PvP. Keep Cyrodiil the same in both.

    You understand that most PvE players don't roleplay, right?

    You haven't been to Narsis on the EU server lately ....
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • ebondeath
    If there were a dedicated server for it, that would be fine, but it doesn't sound like that's what you're suggesting. I will not play a game where the default mode is a free-for-all, every-man-for-himself, kill-or-be-killed environment.
    ╔═════════════⌈Alannah Corvaine⌋══════════════╗
    Rise, rise! To freedom, rise! Arise, ye Breton sons and daughters.
    Ride, ride! To freedom, ride! Truth and glory to the brave!
    ╚═════════════⌊VR 12 Breton NB⌉══════════════╝
  • dharbert
    dharbert wrote: »
    Global PVP = griefers 24/7. It's as simple as that.

    There are already players who try to drag mobs onto you in the world and in dungeons. It never works and the mobs never attack me, but it doesn't keep them from trying it over and over again.

    Those players aren't trying to drag mobs onto you, they're just fleeing through the dungeon instead of fighting everything. LOL dude, you are not the center of the universe.

    But I agree. Griefering would be constant.

    I don't consider myself to be "the center of the universe" by any means. There is a certain dungeon that I like to farm, and I guess a couple of others were tying to as well.

    They were constantly attacking mobs on the other side of the room and down the hall, dragging them right on top of me, every single time.

    Like I said, the mobs never attack me, it will never work, but i guess they thought it would run me off.

  • Grunim
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I would be OK if there was limited looting when you died, but since so many folks are vehemently anti-PvP I know this would never fly. If only I could loot something from players in Cyrodiil...
    Am a whimsical Generation Jones gamer. Online RPGs hooked me since '94 and no sign of stopping soon...

  • UrQuan
    Not a chance. The current setup allows both PVPers and PVEers to play the style of game they prefer. It also allows people to crossover between both as they desire. Open world PVP doesn't give you that choice.

    Having said that, I'm fine with various opt-in options to allow people to essentially flag themselves for PVP even in PVE zones (the justice system being an example of this).
    Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC)
    Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC)
    Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP)
    Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD)
    J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD)
    Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC)
    Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP)
    Manut Redguard Temp (AD)
    Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP)
    Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD)
    Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP)
    Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC)
    Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP)
    Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC)
    Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp
    Someone stole my sweetroll
  • Oberon
    Any game that has loot-on-death of other players is immediately crossed off of my list of games that I would ever play.
  • rotiferuk
    Alphashado wrote: »
    I enjoy consentual PvP

    This ^^^^^^.
    EU Server.
  • Knootewoot
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    You forgot the option plain "yes"

    I would play if my gear couldn't or could be looted.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • indytims_ESO
    If ESO ever went 'world PVP', my wife and I would be cancelling our subs within minutes of the announcement.

    TES games are not PVP games. They added it (Cyrodil) to try to appeal to a group of players, and I get it. But there is no need and really no logical explanation to make ESO a world-PVP game.
  • Knootewoot
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    They could make a seperate server for it. I would love open world PvP. I know not everyone wants to look over their shoulder when doing quests and I know there will be high level ganking squards keeping areas occupied. But i love that, even if i am not the best in PvP.
    TES games are not PVP games. They added it (Cyrodil) to try to appeal to a group of players, and I get it. But there is no need and really no logical explanation to make ESO a world-PVP game.

    Well, they are not multiplayer games either. But they made that to to appeal some group of players (MMO players).

    And you speak as a PvE player. For a PvP player there is need for open world. And the logical explanation is.... there arfe 3 factions at war and there should be no reason i couldn't hike all the way from Glenumbra to Morrowind and kill an enemy player.

    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Loco_Mofo
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    If ESO ever went 'world PVP', my wife and I would be cancelling our subs within minutes of the announcement.

    TES games are not PVP games. They added it (Cyrodil) to try to appeal to a group of players, and I get it. But there is no need and really no logical explanation to make ESO a world-PVP game.

    I'd say that has a lot to do with all previous TES games being singleplayer.
  • Sharee
    I would play it, however that does not mean i want it to be like that, or that it should be like that.
  • nightwalkerrobin_ESO
    I played Mortal Online, and the world PVP sucked as did many other features.
  • MasterFUNG_ESO
    There are plenty of other games to cater to open PVP, no need to change this one. I never understood the need to change a game, all that tells me is you didn't like it in the first place. Just my opinion of course.
  • Enkil
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    I'd like 50+ zones to have an additional open-world PvP version that is accessible to players from all there alliances simultaneously for those that like PvP... I don't care about looting the bodies or not...
  • Syntse
    Knootewoot wrote: »
    And you speak as a PvE player. For a PvP player there is need for open world. And the logical explanation is.... there arfe 3 factions at war and there should be no reason i couldn't hike all the way from Glenumbra to Morrowind and kill an enemy player.

    Ah so the next demand of change will be that all faction maps should be open to everyone from lvl 1. As said there is war going on so hiking to enemy territory should not be easy and basically everything would try to kill you on sight if you make it. Maybe if the access to the areas would be through Cyrodiil so you would first need to get past the defense.

    Another thing I find funny in the open world pvp inside own faction that there is war going on but people want to beat each other inside their own ranks.
    Syntse Dominion Khajiit Dragonknight Stamina Tank [50]
    Ra'Syntse Dominion Khajiit Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
    Syntselle Dominion Dark Elf Dragonknight Magica DPS [50]
    Syntseus Dominion Imperial Templar Healer [50]
    Syntsetar Dominion High Elf Sorcerer Magica DPS [50]
    Friar Tuktuk Daggerfall Brenton Templar Healer [50]
    Syntseyn Ebonheart Brenton Nightblade Magica DPS [50]
  • Akiainavas
    The answer is NO. I play ESO for the lore, and the story, and the quests. I don't enjoy being ganked, killed and otherwise nagged by bored PvP players.

    Want to PvP ? Go to Cyrodill.

    Want to introduce World PvP ? Fine. But create PvE and PvP sections of the megaserver.

    And please, don't say that "there would be no griefing"... there would be - there ALWAYS is, in each and every game where world PvP is enabled.
  • Tavore1138
    Hell no!

    One key reason I took a chance on this MMO was because they had done what they could to stop the griefers and let people do PvP or PwP (play with player) as they prefer.

    I work with a guy like this - he openly admits he gets his kicks camping out and killing new players and taunting them. Not a mentally healthy guy...

    So... not usually one to say this - but if you really need to get your kicks killing players on your own team while they are trying to get on with the game then there are other games for you which have this stuff, and for the more extreme cases therapists.
    GM - Malazan
    Raid Leader - Hungry Wolves
    Legio Mortuum
  • Phantax
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    Yes, was so disappointed when they first said this game would have no open world PvP

    High Elf Sorcerer VR12 - Destro / Resto Staff
    I'm a werewolf. If you vamps don't like it.... Bite me !
    We're not retreating... we're advancing in a different direction !
  • Akiainavas
    Hell no!
    I work with a guy like this - he openly admits he gets his kicks camping out and killing new players and taunting them. Not a mentally healthy guy...

    And there are others who want to kill you and steal your loot.

    PvE and PvP players SHOULD be separated. Two servers, for those who want it or don't mind it and those who definitely don't want to take part in it.

  • tengri
    A really huge part of ESO is standing still in a (relative) secure location watching cut scenes and listening to lengthy (and very good btw!) dialogs.
    And such a setup only works because PvP is locked away from the general world.
  • isengrimb16_ESO
    Might as well play CoD then. wPvP doesn't need quests, or stories, all it needs is a big blank field.
  • Akiainavas
    Have to say that ESO is kinda unique in terms of community... surprising how many people not only don't support PvP but openly oppose it. You don't see that in other MMOs.
  • Laura
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    UO is still one of my favorite games :) its ruined now though.

    Cuz carebears.

    Joking aside

    Honestly I wouldn't want it to happen in this game because I don't want to see it die, but I would still play yes.
    Edited by Laura on July 23, 2014 7:02AM
  • diamondeyethunderbow_ESO
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    I'd still play it, as long as there was no looting. It's not supposed to be EVEScrolls Online - and don't get me wrong, I love me some EVE. Full loot is complete crap in fantasy MMOs.

    I don't think it'd be the best thing for the game, though. Opt-in PVP is a much better idea.
  • Akiainavas
    Laura wrote: »

    Cuz carebears.

    Been waiting for that term... honestly, why do you think you can FORCE other players to engage in PvP and call them "carebears" if they don't want to do what you're forcing them to do, simply because they don't enjoy it ? That's the most selfish thing... Maybe you should be FORCED to do, i don't know, RP for example - if you don't like it that is. Wouldn't that ruin the game for you ?
    Edited by Akiainavas on July 23, 2014 6:58AM
  • Laura
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    I'd still play it, as long as there was no looting. It's not supposed to be EVEScrolls Online - and don't get me wrong, I love me some EVE. Full loot is complete crap in fantasy MMOs.

    I don't think it'd be the best thing for the game, though. Opt-in PVP is a much better idea.

    @diamondeyethunderbow_ESO just for the sake of getting a conversation flared (and pure curiosity) why is full loot complete crap in a fantasy MMO and not a space or future MMO? seems strange to me.

    It was fun on some EQ servers and UO. I agree I wouldn't want to see it in this game (because I want to see it appeal to a larger crowd instead of me and a small niche. very few of us play mortal)
    Edited by Laura on July 23, 2014 6:59AM
  • Laura
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could be looted on death
    Akiainavas wrote: »
    Laura wrote: »

    Cuz carebears.

    Been waiting for that term... honestly, why do you think you can FORCE other players to engage in PvP and call them "carebears" if they don't want to do what you're forcing them to do, simply because they don't enjoy it ? That's the most selfish thing... Maybe you should be FORCED to do, i don't know, RP for example - if you don't like it that is. Wouldn't that ruin the game for you ?

    @Akiainavas Read the entire post... it was a joke I actually agree with you.


    This is called taking out of context.

    what did you learn?

    PS: I do actually quite enjoy RP, thank you ;)

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Rude and Insulting comments]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraS on July 23, 2014 7:39AM
  • diamondeyethunderbow_ESO
    Yes, but only if my gear/pocessions could not be looted on death
    Laura wrote: »
    I'd still play it, as long as there was no looting. It's not supposed to be EVEScrolls Online - and don't get me wrong, I love me some EVE. Full loot is complete crap in fantasy MMOs.

    I don't think it'd be the best thing for the game, though. Opt-in PVP is a much better idea.

    @diamondeyethunderbow_ESO just for the sake of getting a conversation flared (and pure curiosity) why is full loot complete crap in a fantasy MMO and not a space or future MMO? seems strange to me.
    In a game like ESO, your character and your gear are one and the same. If your gear is taken, you're crippled.

    In a spaceship game, losing your ship is just losing your ship. You just get another one. In EVE, I own dozens of ships ranging from frigates to battleships, for various purposes. Losing one is just losing a ship; it isn't an integral part of my character. Some people DO fly ships that represent a huge portion of their personal assets, but this is widely regarded as a dumb move. You don't bling your ship out unless you can afford bling modules for it.

    Fundamentally, it comes down to risk-reward. Gankers get rewarded out of all proportion to risk, while defenders have enormous risk for relatively little reward.
    It was fun on some EQ servers and UO. I agree I wouldn't want to see it in this game (because I want to see it appeal to a larger crowd instead of me and a small niche. very few of us play mortal)

    EQ didn't have full loot. You could loot one item from a player that was killed; I used to play on that server. UO was "fun" for a very small portion of the playerbase; everyone else just had to avoid ganks.
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