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Templar Guide, From the priest to the paladin

  • Jeddahwe
    Why are trial players reporting DPS of 7xx with Templar while the other 3 classes all do +1k on the same boss?
  • tinythinker
    I am not sure of the overall build (race, attribute distribution, etc) and gear of the video of the destruction staff templar, but at least it deals with veteran content. I am looking for an effective way to deal with veteran level play.

    Honestly, just about any build will work and be fun for leveling 1-50, but after that things change. If you have a good build your set-up will go longer, allowing you to use the same rotations as before, but for many builds, you will have to make some changes sooner rather than later.

    I originally leveled a DK up to end game then ranked it to VR6 in a new alliance, doing so in odd ways while looking to discover new synergies (dual wielding in heavy armor isn't the typical design), but during the vet portion I had to go with a tighter loadout and more effective gear choices.

    I then decided to try a templar. I've found that my templar has a great time one-on-one, because Breath of Life and Binding Javeline can take out any solo opponent that isn't too powerful for effects like knock backs. Even world bosses go down if they are alone. Javeline, heavy restoration staff attack, repeat, with Breath if the opponent get in a lucky shot.

    But groups of trash mobs at VR4-5 are really annoying me. I've used Volcanic Rune to disrupt them as a lead-off, but my class crowd control and AOE often isn't fast enough, or strong, enough, or takes too much magicka to use effectively. I've used Luminous Shards, Solar Barrage, Blinding Light, etc.

    I'm not a completely inexperienced player, and I'm open to suggestions, but as the trash mobs get more health and hit for more damage, I am having longer fights with groups of three and even losing to them at times. If you have played a templar through or above VR4-5 content I'd love to hear your skill and attack rotation for the multi-trash fights.



    PS - I am not compaining, and while templars need more work and love from the devs, I am excited to play one. But as with my DK, you have to tighten things up as you go to higher ranks and to get more creative if possible. I've been mainly using Biting Jabs, one of the templar AOEs, Javeline, Volcanic Rune, and Breath with a restoration staff. My second weapon and bar was a junk loadout for whatever weapon or random abilities I was trying to raise and would switch to it only when turning in quests. Got destruction staff to 50 and two-handed to 32 this way so far. I am asking for advice for myself and for others that enter the middle of veteran rank content to let people show off and help folks at the same time.

    (I've broken my pattern and am using Volcanic Rune, Elemental Ring, and Inner Light for now on my second bar for these trash fights but keeping the other two slots for increasing off abilities and swapping in a two-hander for quest turn-ins.)
    Edited by tinythinker on June 26, 2014 2:07AM
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    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • tplink3r1
    Jeddahwe wrote: »

    Bar1: Whatever you want but using Resto staff in good
    Bar2: Mage Guild+Destro Staff
    it shouldnt difficult to do that after 1.2.3.
    Edited by tplink3r1 on June 26, 2014 1:45AM
    VR16 Templar
    VR3 Sorcerer
  • tinythinker
    Jeddahwe wrote: »

    Bar1: Whatever you want but using Resto staff in good
    Bar2: Mage Guild+Destro Staff
    tplink3r1 wrote: »
    Jeddahwe wrote: »

    Bar1: Whatever you want but using Resto staff in good
    Bar2: Mage Guild+Destro Staff
    it shouldnt difficult to do that after 1.2.3.

    Very nice, both posters :smiley:
    Edited by tinythinker on June 26, 2014 1:51AM
    Experienced, new, returner? Help keep ESO's community strong ᕙ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ᕗ -- share what you love about the game, offer constructive feedback, and make friends.ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ

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    Who are you in Tamriel (whether it's just your character's attitude & style or a full backstory)? - Share your Character's Story! ◔ ⌣ ◔
    (And let us know 🔷What Kind of Roleplayer You Are🔷 - even if that only extends to choosing your race)

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Support Mudcrab Mode for ESO (\/)!_!(\/) - part joke, part serious, all glorious! You butter be ready for this
  • Seravi
    I have just started a templar and so glad I found these videos above. I watched two templar's wipe out so many mobs and that sparked my interest in trying a templar. @Jeddahwe could you share your build for weapon 1 and weapon 2? I can probably figure out what you have in your slots but are you using a destruction staff for both 1 & 2 primary weapons? Thanks!
  • Kcttocs
    But groups of trash mobs at VR4-5 are really annoying me. I've used Volcanic Rune to disrupt them as a lead-off, but my class crowd control and AOE often isn't fast enough, or strong, enough, or takes too much magicka to use effectively. I've used Luminous Shards, Solar Barrage, Blinding Light, etc.

    I'm not a completely inexperienced player, and I'm open to suggestions, but as the trash mobs get more health and hit for more damage, I am having longer fights with groups of three and even losing to them at times. If you have played a templar through or above VR4-5 content I'd love to hear your skill and attack rotation for the multi-trash fights.


    Dude, have you not played with Puncturing Sweep? Does awesome damage and heals you at the same time. I shield charge to the healer or the archer, activate Immovable from heavy armor skill line so someone doesn't uppercut me and send me flying plus it gives good armor bonus, then go to town with puncturing sweep making sure I circle the group and keeping them in my cone of death, usually done with the mob before the 8 second immovable has expired. Three man mobs are cake, especially since the VR nerf. I've got 36 majika, 13 health, 0 stamina. Or at least I did until I today, going to try the all health build since it gives 15 points each vs 10 points for magic and stamina.

    btw, I am all light, but leveled up heavy during my pre vet days hence the immovable. That is a great skill to have activated during those three man mobs.
    Edited by Kcttocs on August 5, 2014 5:00AM
  • Faust942
    Soul Shriven
    Hey everyone, Stautmeister here.

    I just wanted to add my experience and viable builds for all the templar wannabees out there! Below you will find different builds and tactics i found to be viable, both in leveling as in pvp. I will list the build followed by an explanation of how it works.
    Most builds will contain 2 weapon sets which you will obtain at level
    Before you reach this point be sure to level both the weapons if your interested in it.
    Other general templar tips:

    Have at least 1 skill of every class and weapon on your bar while questing. This will ensue you level all those skills important to you.

    Same for armor, it allows you flexibility later on if you decide you dont like your current playstyle

    Having a healing skill on your bar is amazing, kite a bit, heal up and go back in! Saved me more than i can count and its something other classes cant do.

    Play your templar however you want, we got close range, long range, tankability, spells, buffs everything you could ask for!
    Manage your resources, ideally you want to switch between stam and magicka skills, this increases dmg uptime and questing downtime.

    If you like ranged characters, go templar archer its amazing.

    Really, play your templar however you want.

    Some of our coolest abilities can be obtained really fast!

    Dawns wrath solar prison is probably 1 of the strongest ultimates in game

    Pick your race for whatever reason you want, however redguard, breton, highelf and dunmer are considered having the strongest passives.

    Now for the different builds to inspire you!

    Holy knight

    This is the build im currently using and i find most effective.
    How this works: Against group: Charge in, punctering strikes/ sunfire, finish of with reversed sweep. Against single targets Critical charge> Javalin toss> Critical charge> Javalin toss is amazing. You keep knocking them down/away from you.
    Fighting a hard boss? knock them away, switch to resto staff and heal yourself up!

    Armor. Personally i went for 5 Heavy and 2 light (wearing warlock set which gives me loads of magica regen) But i can see a combination of medium/light or heavy/medium work as well. Depends on which skill you like more.

    In groups this offers amazing utility because when you see people dropping to fast, switch to resto staff, heal them up, back to 2 handed and use stamina to do dmg again.

    Passives pick based on whatever you like. I personally went for my racials (usefull in any situation since im a high elf) And then into 2 handed for more dmg.
    + Points
    Very flexible, can take a few hits and pump out good dmg
    Hybrid healing in dungeons is extremely usefull
    Little to no ranged dmg, so you need to get in close

    Sun Priest

    Destruction staff and heavy dmg spells offer both control and amazing single target dmg. Youl be using the stun burning everyone down.
    Advised is light armor for the mana regen which you need. Again, switch to healing when your low.
    In pvp switch between bursting people down and healing up your party!
    Highest single targest dmg from all the builds ive tested
    Solid control and very usefull in pve.
    - points
    When your out of mana, your useless

    Holy Archer

    This is probably one of the strongest pvp builds for the templar. Our knockbacks/roots combined with bow control means youl be able to kite single targets indefinatly.
    go set 1 for single target or 2 vs groups.
    Take a mix of light and medium armor for maximum effectiveness. If you play this build well you should never get hit, ever.
    + points
    Amazing control, both single target and aoe
    High Dps
    If people finally get to you, or you run out of recourses your done for.

    Templar Tank
    Aoe dmg, spell reduction, buffs to yourself and others.
    Switch between sets depending on your needs
    + will reach soft caps on resistances
    + Aoe dps tanking
    + Increased healing on yourself

    -No ranged capability

    Got questions or tips, let me know!

    PS Never had an issue doing any quest on level!

    For Holy Knight should I put all my attribute points in Mana or Health?
  • Sunver
    Very nice. (just posting here in case I need to come back and read more) :smiley:
    When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;
    What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?
    For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.
    O LORD our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!
  • jalafaci
    Soul Shriven
    I have got a level 38 templer using sword and board. I have recently gone for duel wield for my other action bar. Is this a viable combination for a templer? I'm wearing all heavy armour. My templer is a redguard and I only do PVE. No PVP
    Edited by jalafaci on December 28, 2014 10:57PM
  • divago
    I started playing a week ago, and at the moment i got a templar lvl 12. I'm using holy knight and until now i was only using heavy armor and 2-h weapon (at lvl 12 i can't use 2 weapon set so i had to open inventory and manually swap weapon)
    Recently i started using resto staff (to level it a bit) and i found very funny kiting and attacking from distance.

    So long, i got some questions:
    a) i can apply as an healer with holy knight? Or as a dps?
    b) holy knight is magick-based or stamina-base?
    c) how much should i invest in health, stamina and magick?
    d) should i spend time on leveling light and/or medium armor? (or just putting a couple of light and medium armor while questing)
    e) i heard soon they will change something important for templar... how this will reflect on your build?

    Thank you for your advices!
    Edited by divago on February 4, 2015 2:57AM
    Each Uisge
    Breton Templar from Daggerfall Covenant
  • Holycannoli
    How many of these are applicable to 1.6? I'm looking for a 1.6 stamina build for PvP.
  • Rhaegar75
    lovely thread!!

    I'm just levelling a Templar and I'm wondering what the 'must have' PvP skills are!
    Edited by Rhaegar75 on February 22, 2015 5:29PM
  • doc_dnd
    Hey! just came back and looking for a pvp healing templar build. Any help would be awesome!
  • Morshire
    For playing in an organised group with other Templar healers, use:

    Breath of Life
    Spell Symmetry
    Efficient Purge/Purifying Ritual
    Blazing Shield
    Inner Light

    Sturdy Horn/Aggressive Horn/Replenishing Barrier

    Multiple Templar healers rotating Breath of Life and Spell Symmetry can keep a group alive forever, as long as healing debuffs are purged.

    There's currently a bug with Purge that causes allies to take extra damage from DoT effects, so you may want to consider Purifying Ritual instead: however allies can only synergise the ritual every 15s so it's not a good replacement for Efficient Purge.

    Blazing Shield is a great survivability skill if you get focused, or if you're somehow not getting any heals after Spell Symming. If you want you can replace this slot with another support skill such as Blazing Spear or Dark Flare (which, by the way, will completely wreck all those rambo Vampires who think Devouring Swarm makes them invincible).


    If you're not playing in an organised group, replace Spell Symmetry with Healing Springs.

    Hey @doc_dnd - here is something from someone smarter than I for the PVP healer. And here is the thread that I got it from.


    EDIT: Welcome back
    Edited by Morshire on February 27, 2015 12:37AM
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • doc_dnd
    thank you!
  • Linkanton
    Guys the builds here are a few major patches too old. I don't advise following them too much
  • Dorn1976
    Soul Shriven
    so like about 100 other people i just came back now that its free and im looking for a new build for my templar. will be doing some tests but im looking for a 2hander/bow mix for pve/pvp and yes DPS. thank you ahead of time for the advice.
  • Morshire
    Welcome back @Dorn1976 - And I am playing a Templar at present. I have not played a lot of PVP since 1.6 dropped (still getting use to PVE and trying to gain CP) so I will give you some of what I play with. Mainly I do healing for groups, but am finding that DPS for Temps has improved.

    2H -
    Cleave morphed to Brawler is a must. You gain a damage shield
    Critical Charge morphed to Critical Rush helps keep you in melee range.
    Uppercut morphed to Wrecking Blow. Just great DPS

    (Aedric Spear) Puncturing Strikes morphed to Puncturing Sweep is still good for solo stuff. Be careful though as it grants CC immunity to targets which sucks for anything other than leveling. Also if you morph it to Biting Jabs, it will scale off STAM.
    (Dawn's Wrath) Radiant Destruction is what everyone is referring to as Jesus Beam. It does do great damage, but mostly if the target is low health. I use it for a finisher.

    Be good to read this. Personally, I run the following for PVE solo play:

    BAR #1
    Puncturing Sweep
    Silver Bolts (Fighter's Guild)
    Radiant Destruction (Morphed to Radiant Oppression)
    Critical Charge or Uppercut (From 2H line)

    ULTI is still Solar Prism (Dawn's Wrath pre morph is Nova)

    BAR #2
    Breath Of Life
    Healing Springs (RESTRO staff skill)
    Restoring Aura morphed to Repentance (Restoring Light skill)
    Combat Prayer (RESTRO line) or (Efficient Purge (Alliance Support line) / Purifying Ritual (Either for the negate))
    Spell Symmetry (MAGE'S GUILD)

    ULTI Solar Prism

    Below is the patch notes that shows the buffs that skills now apply as well as some of the changes that have been made. There are plenty of better skill sets, but I use mine for leveling, questing, grinding. This should get you started. And read the patch notes below, they will help you get a feel for what has changed.


    This guide will help you see Champion Points and how they will affect your build. I know it might be a ways off, but good tool to have non the less.

    Another thread discussing Templar builds is below:


    All this should get you going, and hopefully more people will chime in with advice. Hope it helps and happy hunting.
    Follow me if I advance, Kill me if I retreat, Avenge me if I die.

    When this immediate evil power has been defeated, we shall not yet have won the long battle with the elemental barbarities. Another evil, it may be an invisible adversary, will attempt, again, and yet again, to destroy our frail civilization. Is it true, I wonder, that the only way to escape a war is to be in it?

    If I die, you are forgiven, If I live, I will kill you.
  • divago
    At the moment i can't open the game and check my exact passive combination; however i can post you a general idea of what i use. I'm just an humble newbie who barely hit the 44 in a couple of month playing;
    however it could be helpful for someone else, so, it's worth posting it :)

    I play a Destro/Resto Templar; i wear 5x light armor (seducer set crafted by me) + 2x heavy armor [chest/legs] mostly found or bought on the store
    my bar are those:

    1) Destruction Staff
    - Radial Destruction (aka Jesus Beam as Morshire called it)
    - Destructive Clench; you can also use Force Pulse but the other one seems more magicka efficient, plus i use lighting staff and i use the aoe effect from clench's (1)
    - Reflective Light, Sunfire more-target morph, 'cause aoe and dot makes them a wonderful starter-like
    - Dark Flare, starter for single target mobs
    - Inner Light. 'cause the + spell critical is worth a 20% less abilities on bar, imho

    Ult: Empowering Sweep. It's close target aoe, and not really uber powerful, but only 75 ultimate means i can sometime spam 2 of them during the same fight, and also it's worth enough when you are surrounded

    2) Restoration Staff
    - Spear Shard, aoe starter whenver there are a lot of enemies; also for aoe target
    - Aurora Javelin, to keep enemies at distance; you can also use Binding Javelin morph, so that will use stamina and you can use it when needed while not consuming your magicka. Also, you can put Silver Shard for same role, but that's work only vs Undead and Daedra (fairly common, but still only a part of the game)
    - Breath of Life, the lifesaver for this build; if something's going wrong, hit the swap key and use a couple of BoL to bring back to full health
    - Mutagen or Blessing of Restoration, to cast before entering a big fight (ie vs a boss). I don't really use a lot of that, so i think everything from Restoration could be useful for an emergency healing, shield or buff.
    - Inner Light, so you don't have to cast again when you are "swap to resto, BoL, swap back to destro"

    Ult: Remembrance (Rite of Passage's morph), for an emergency uber-healing. You can also choose Solar Prison (Nova's morph) if you think you'll not need and whanna a big aoe damage dealing ultimate

    As for passive skills, i maxed out the light armor ones (for magicka regen and spell cost savings) and also something to buff damage, healing or damage resistance.

    This build, with some variants based on level, helped me questing and PVE soloing until now (lvl 44); honestly dunno if that's could be good too in VR level range but at the moment is funny and viable.

    When i go into dungeons i change to a Double Resto Staff, 7x light armor (chest and legs are magnus as for second resto staff) and something like this

    1) Restoration Staff
    - Blessing of Restoration, both before a fight and during a long one
    - Healing Springs, the main healing spell i normally spam 3 times in a row every time i need
    - Breath of Life, for everything else
    - Restoring Aura for more magicka regen (and i whanna try repentance as soon as i can morph it)
    - Inner Light

    Ult: Remembrance

    2) Restoration Staff
    - Steadfast Ward, for emergency use
    - Cleansing Ritual for when i should need a remove effect (if anytime i should need...)
    - Breath of Life, 'cause when you need it you don't whanna hit the wrong button just because "omg i had swapped my weapons"
    - Mutagen, before every fight
    - Inner Light

    Ult: Remembrance

    i have also a DD build, but honestly at the moment i never used it so dunno if it's viable or not...

    (1) at the moment i'm using a purple quality ice staff dropped from boss of direfrost keep so i'm wondering if clench is still better than force pulse...
    Edited by divago on March 24, 2015 6:54PM
    Each Uisge
    Breton Templar from Daggerfall Covenant
  • ReCreare
    Any good PvP builds out there for a hybrid templar?
  • Valyndras
    I'm wondering whether there's any build that uses Bow + 1H/Shield for PvE or PvP.
  • claudius_Dark
    The link to 'Holy Archer' on the first page of the thread takes me to a character builder but the plans are blank. Thanks. I am trying to understand the choices at the same time not go down wrong roads of 'reinvent the wheel'.
  • woojmcd
    I can't get the ESOhead links to show up. When clicked they redirect me to an empty character build, is there anyway to fix this? Extremely interested in your build, thanks.
    Xbox One
    Salidan V14 Templar • Fel Winter V7 Nightblade
  • RazorKillz
    Soul Shriven
    I just use full heavy armour, sword and shield, with spells such as Focused Charge, Nova, And Sunfire. Works for me.
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