it shouldnt difficult to do that after 1.2.3.
Bar1: Whatever you want but using Resto staff in good
Bar2: Mage Guild+Destro Staff
Bar1: Whatever you want but using Resto staff in good
Bar2: Mage Guild+Destro Staff
it shouldnt difficult to do that after 1.2.3.
tinythinker wrote: »But groups of trash mobs at VR4-5 are really annoying me. I've used Volcanic Rune to disrupt them as a lead-off, but my class crowd control and AOE often isn't fast enough, or strong, enough, or takes too much magicka to use effectively. I've used Luminous Shards, Solar Barrage, Blinding Light, etc.
I'm not a completely inexperienced player, and I'm open to suggestions, but as the trash mobs get more health and hit for more damage, I am having longer fights with groups of three and even losing to them at times. If you have played a templar through or above VR4-5 content I'd love to hear your skill and attack rotation for the multi-trash fights.
Stautmeister wrote: »Hey everyone, Stautmeister here.
I just wanted to add my experience and viable builds for all the templar wannabees out there! Below you will find different builds and tactics i found to be viable, both in leveling as in pvp. I will list the build followed by an explanation of how it works.
Most builds will contain 2 weapon sets which you will obtain at level
Before you reach this point be sure to level both the weapons if your interested in it.
Other general templar tips:
Have at least 1 skill of every class and weapon on your bar while questing. This will ensue you level all those skills important to you.
Same for armor, it allows you flexibility later on if you decide you dont like your current playstyle
Having a healing skill on your bar is amazing, kite a bit, heal up and go back in! Saved me more than i can count and its something other classes cant do.
Play your templar however you want, we got close range, long range, tankability, spells, buffs everything you could ask for!
Manage your resources, ideally you want to switch between stam and magicka skills, this increases dmg uptime and questing downtime.
If you like ranged characters, go templar archer its amazing.
Really, play your templar however you want.
Some of our coolest abilities can be obtained really fast!
Dawns wrath solar prison is probably 1 of the strongest ultimates in game
Pick your race for whatever reason you want, however redguard, breton, highelf and dunmer are considered having the strongest passives.
Now for the different builds to inspire you!
Holy knight
This is the build im currently using and i find most effective.
How this works: Against group: Charge in, punctering strikes/ sunfire, finish of with reversed sweep. Against single targets Critical charge> Javalin toss> Critical charge> Javalin toss is amazing. You keep knocking them down/away from you.
Fighting a hard boss? knock them away, switch to resto staff and heal yourself up!
Armor. Personally i went for 5 Heavy and 2 light (wearing warlock set which gives me loads of magica regen) But i can see a combination of medium/light or heavy/medium work as well. Depends on which skill you like more.
In groups this offers amazing utility because when you see people dropping to fast, switch to resto staff, heal them up, back to 2 handed and use stamina to do dmg again.
Passives pick based on whatever you like. I personally went for my racials (usefull in any situation since im a high elf) And then into 2 handed for more dmg.
+ Points
Very flexible, can take a few hits and pump out good dmg
Hybrid healing in dungeons is extremely usefull
Little to no ranged dmg, so you need to get in close
Sun Priest
Destruction staff and heavy dmg spells offer both control and amazing single target dmg. Youl be using the stun burning everyone down.
Advised is light armor for the mana regen which you need. Again, switch to healing when your low.
In pvp switch between bursting people down and healing up your party!
Highest single targest dmg from all the builds ive tested
Solid control and very usefull in pve.
- points
When your out of mana, your useless
Holy Archer
This is probably one of the strongest pvp builds for the templar. Our knockbacks/roots combined with bow control means youl be able to kite single targets indefinatly.
go set 1 for single target or 2 vs groups.
Take a mix of light and medium armor for maximum effectiveness. If you play this build well you should never get hit, ever.
+ points
Amazing control, both single target and aoe
High Dps
If people finally get to you, or you run out of recourses your done for.
Templar Tank
Aoe dmg, spell reduction, buffs to yourself and others.
Switch between sets depending on your needs
+ will reach soft caps on resistances
+ Aoe dps tanking
+ Increased healing on yourself
-No ranged capability
Got questions or tips, let me know!
PS Never had an issue doing any quest on level!
ThatHappyCat wrote: »For playing in an organised group with other Templar healers, use:
Breath of Life
Spell Symmetry
Efficient Purge/Purifying Ritual
Blazing Shield
Inner Light
Sturdy Horn/Aggressive Horn/Replenishing Barrier
Multiple Templar healers rotating Breath of Life and Spell Symmetry can keep a group alive forever, as long as healing debuffs are purged.
There's currently a bug with Purge that causes allies to take extra damage from DoT effects, so you may want to consider Purifying Ritual instead: however allies can only synergise the ritual every 15s so it's not a good replacement for Efficient Purge.
Blazing Shield is a great survivability skill if you get focused, or if you're somehow not getting any heals after Spell Symming. If you want you can replace this slot with another support skill such as Blazing Spear or Dark Flare (which, by the way, will completely wreck all those rambo Vampires who think Devouring Swarm makes them invincible).
If you're not playing in an organised group, replace Spell Symmetry with Healing Springs.