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Templar Guide, From the priest to the paladin

Hey everyone, Stautmeister here.

I just wanted to add my experience and viable builds for all the templar wannabees out there! Below you will find different builds and tactics i found to be viable, both in leveling as in pvp. I will list the build followed by an explanation of how it works.
Most builds will contain 2 weapon sets which you will obtain at level
Before you reach this point be sure to level both the weapons if your interested in it.
Other general templar tips:

Have at least 1 skill of every class and weapon on your bar while questing. This will ensue you level all those skills important to you.

Same for armor, it allows you flexibility later on if you decide you dont like your current playstyle

Having a healing skill on your bar is amazing, kite a bit, heal up and go back in! Saved me more than i can count and its something other classes cant do.

Play your templar however you want, we got close range, long range, tankability, spells, buffs everything you could ask for!
Manage your resources, ideally you want to switch between stam and magicka skills, this increases dmg uptime and questing downtime.

If you like ranged characters, go templar archer its amazing.

Really, play your templar however you want.

Some of our coolest abilities can be obtained really fast!

Dawns wrath solar prison is probably 1 of the strongest ultimates in game

Pick your race for whatever reason you want, however redguard, breton, highelf and dunmer are considered having the strongest passives.

Now for the different builds to inspire you!

Holy knight

This is the build im currently using and i find most effective.
How this works: Against group: Charge in, punctering strikes/ sunfire, finish of with reversed sweep. Against single targets Critical charge> Javalin toss> Critical charge> Javalin toss is amazing. You keep knocking them down/away from you.
Fighting a hard boss? knock them away, switch to resto staff and heal yourself up!

Armor. Personally i went for 5 Heavy and 2 light (wearing warlock set which gives me loads of magica regen) But i can see a combination of medium/light or heavy/medium work as well. Depends on which skill you like more.

In groups this offers amazing utility because when you see people dropping to fast, switch to resto staff, heal them up, back to 2 handed and use stamina to do dmg again.

Passives pick based on whatever you like. I personally went for my racials (usefull in any situation since im a high elf) And then into 2 handed for more dmg.
+ Points
Very flexible, can take a few hits and pump out good dmg
Hybrid healing in dungeons is extremely usefull
Little to no ranged dmg, so you need to get in close

Sun Priest

Destruction staff and heavy dmg spells offer both control and amazing single target dmg. Youl be using the stun burning everyone down.
Advised is light armor for the mana regen which you need. Again, switch to healing when your low.
In pvp switch between bursting people down and healing up your party!
Highest single targest dmg from all the builds ive tested
Solid control and very usefull in pve.
- points
When your out of mana, your useless

Holy Archer

This is probably one of the strongest pvp builds for the templar. Our knockbacks/roots combined with bow control means youl be able to kite single targets indefinatly.
go set 1 for single target or 2 vs groups.
Take a mix of light and medium armor for maximum effectiveness. If you play this build well you should never get hit, ever.
+ points
Amazing control, both single target and aoe
High Dps
If people finally get to you, or you run out of recourses your done for.

Templar Tank
Aoe dmg, spell reduction, buffs to yourself and others.
Switch between sets depending on your needs
+ will reach soft caps on resistances
+ Aoe dps tanking
+ Increased healing on yourself

-No ranged capability

Got questions or tips, let me know!

PS Never had an issue doing any quest on level!

Edited by Stautmeister on April 2, 2014 9:45PM
An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Deadbolt412
    Thanks. Lots of good information here.
  • heckman009
    Soul Shriven
    superb, I was hoping to find out if sun priest was any good
  • DarkInvictus
    Great post mate, I've been waiting for someone to share.
  • outlanderbz
    awesome post, I was looking for a good templar post like this where I can see different peoples templar builds for ideas. On your Holy Knight build, do you think it would lose anything if it was a 1hnd/shield instead of the 2 hander?

    I hope others will post their builds. it helps give me ideas of what ways to use the templar because I am so confused. I picture this mace and shield holy knight that can heal himself and be able to have a few ranged abilities. But I don't know how to make that happen. Everytime I try to I feel I am spreading myself too thin and need to pick an area to be good at.
    Edited by outlanderbz on April 3, 2014 5:29PM
  • poltida
    I had made a 1h&shield (blocking/puncture/heal) / resto staff (full healer) with 5 light armor and 2 heavy (pants and boots so didnt show much on caracter) and all points in magika, and fight were long (like supid long, gutstripper not that bad. but the snake women was un finishable, I was running after the heal bubbles more than killing her lol) but over all was fun to play, and the RP of it is nice. Nord with High elf motif clothing/shield and Nord hammer made me think of the warrior priest in warhammer lol. anyway, that was my view of a templar
  • tsincaat
    What kind of attribute distribution would you recommend for the Holy Knight build? I'm guessing some kind of split between all three?
  • outlanderbz
    poltida wrote: »
    I had made a 1h&shield (blocking/puncture/heal) / resto staff (full healer) with 5 light armor and 2 heavy (pants and boots so didnt show much on caracter) and all points in magika, and fight were long (like supid long, gutstripper not that bad. but the snake women was un finishable, I was running after the heal bubbles more than killing her lol) but over all was fun to play, and the RP of it is nice. Nord with High elf motif clothing/shield and Nord hammer made me think of the warrior priest in warhammer lol. anyway, that was my view of a templar

    That is one of my fears of making a melee dps with self heal build, that it will just make the fights long and drawn out. Having long and drawn out battles with garbage mobs gets old fast.
  • poltida
    yeah, at level 12, regular mob to 4-7 hits, if I could block a power attack, 2-3 heavy hit would get them down alot, but its a build for group more than anything, I could take on the hive with 2 dps and me healing and taunting
  • Stautmeister
    I hope others will post their builds. it helps give me ideas of what ways to use the templar because I am so confused. I picture this mace and shield holy knight that can heal himself and be able to have a few ranged abilities. But I don't know how to make that happen. Everytime I try to I feel I am spreading myself too thin and need to pick an area to be good at.

    I dont think its viable with 1 hand and shield, your missing out on so much dmg from critical charge and reversed sweep. On level i can kill a single creep with a max range critical charge, javelin>charge execute. cloth creeps even with a charge into execute.
    But you can look into puncteringstrike, morph it to do more dmg vs low health targets as your execute, use shield charge as your charge?
    What kind of attribute distribution would you recommend for the Holy Knight build? I'm guessing some kind of split between all three?
    Remember this is pure experience from leveling, but i went something like 3-3-1 The beauty is that because you use both, going stamina or magicka route both work :) I do advise health though, youl be taking hits. You can adjust it to your playstyle. Mix and match heavy, light and medium, whatever suits your preference.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • crfurstenau
    Soul Shriven
    I played a Templar bow-healer throughout three beta tests and got into the mid 20s in the last beta. I am currently lvl 15 in early access with a Breton Templar Bow/resto Healer.

    This is my current build

    When solo PVE:

    I have my main weapon slotted as a bow with these skills

    (RL) Rushed Ceremony->breath of life
    (RL) Restoring aura-->repentance
    (RL ult) Rite of passage->Remembrance
    (Bow) volley-scorched
    (Bow) Poison Arrow->Venom
    (Bow) Scatter Shot->Magnum Shot

    And my second weapon (still a bow) with this.

    (Bow) Poison->Venom
    (Bow) Volley->Scorched
    (Bow) Scatter->Magnum
    (Bow) Arrow Spray->Bombard
    (RL) rushed ceremony->breath of life
    (RL ult) right of passage->remembrance

    (Bow) Long shots
    (Bow) Accuracy
    (Bow) Ranger
    (RL) Mending
    (RL) Focused healing

    I use 5 light armor pieces and 2 heavy

    (LA) evocation
    (LA) recovery
    (LA) Spell Warding
    (HA) Resolve
    (HA) Comstitution

    Light armor affinity
    Spell resist

    In group PVE I switch my second weapon set out for a resto staff and slot these skills

    (Resto) Grand Healing-->healing springs
    (Resto) Regeneration->mutagen
    (Resto) Blessing o Protection-combat prayer
    (RL) Rushed Ceremony-BoL
    (RL) restoring aura-repentance
    (RL ult) Rite of passage-remembrance

    With resto passives of
    Essence drain
    Resto expert
    Cycle of life

    As I level I will be adding and changing these skills for appropriate situations, but so far this skill set his been amazing and I can take on multiple mobs quite a few levels higher than me and survive, and keep a group alive as well.

    I will probably have to tweak this for pvp but I haven't gotten into pvp much yet as I am just trying to level still


    For my attribute points I have been going

    4:2:1 mp:hp:stam

    This leaves me short on stamina when I'm soloing and having to resort to auto attacks more often then ideal, but it keeps my mp pool high for personal and group survivability and fits my preference for endgame of being primarily a healer

  • crfurstenau
    Soul Shriven
    In regards to my attributes posted above, I have tweaked it closer to 4:3:1 mp:hp:stam
  • therealguitarmannub18_ESO
    The one thing i didn't see was a dual wielding setup which I have found awesome for lvling. Like you said, using up all of your magika and then using stamina really keeps the dps flowing well. I'm playing a dunmer as well which helps with the dual wielding spec as well as the fire abilities. I can't wait to try the destro and bow builds now tho!
  • Jeddahwe
    Looks good keep us updated!
    Good post, though I have yet to see many people figure out weapon tree routes unless you use destruction or restoration staffs. It would also be interesting to hear what armors are the best. I have had trouble using heavy armor and in my opinion, it sacrifices too much over the others.
  • McI
    I am looking to make an off healer/off tank build. I am planning on doing a mix of heavy armor and light armor, and use sword and shield. Primarily focusing on self/group buffs with self/group healing to have good group synergy. I will divide my time between either attacking, or taunting the enemies to me, and buffing/healing my group mates.

    Any advice on this type of Templar?
  • Stautmeister
    BETAOPTICS wrote: »
    Good post, though I have yet to see many people figure out weapon tree routes unless you use destruction or restoration staffs. It would also be interesting to hear what armors are the best. I have had trouble using heavy armor and in my opinion, it sacrifices too much over the others.

    For dmg, light armor and medium are superior over heavy. The stam/mana bonuses are indead needed to optimzie.
    I found the added armor from heavy is very usefull for soloing. Use stam/magicka enchants to fill up your stats a bit.

    I am looking to make an off healer/off tank build. I am planning on doing a mix of heavy armor and light armor, and use sword and shield. Primarily focusing on self/group buffs with self/group healing to have good group synergy. I will divide my time between either attacking, or taunting the enemies to me, and buffing/healing my group mates.

    Any advice on this type of Templar?
    You could look into this, go 4 light/3 heavy use bar 1 for oftanking, bar 2 for healing.
    Very mana dependant so id advise ignoring stam as much as possible.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Berial_00
    Is there a 'good' build for a templar using a sword-n-board setup? That's what I see in my head when I think 'templar'.
    The man who doesn't read good books has no advantage over the man who can't read them.
    - Mark Twain
  • remyrw
    Soul Shriven
    You'd primarily go that route as a defensive setup. If you're focused on healing and casting rather than DPS via weapons. Solo I found it horrible, honestly, but could see some real utility in groups.
  • yogarogue
    so for aedric spear / 2 hand dps build why are we going 5 heavy / 2 blank?? Do we need the 5 piece required passive? I don't think its inherently valueable. Whats wrong with a 4 /3 set up ? or even a 4 / 2 /1 ?? are we hurting that much for mitigation?
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Going with something similar to the Templar tank build. I went imperial with it as the extra health etc will be nice.
  • JamieK81
    I have tried many combination of classes and weapons and i found only the dragon knight with the 2h weapon to be viable due to its knock down ability it has, not sure if the templar has one....cause so far, if you don't kill the enemy in 2 seconds or so, you either die or take MASSIVE damage....it depends on your gear at the time.

    If you don't have access to gear, its death, if you have access to gear, its MASSIVE damage.

    Its good that players are posting guides, but most of the time, they tend to never help me sadly.
  • Stautmeister
    have tried many combination of classes and weapons and i found only the dragon knight with the 2h weapon to be viable due to its knock down ability it has, not sure if the templar has one....cause so far,

    Punctering strikes is a knockdown :)
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Stautmeister
    so for aedric spear / 2 hand dps build why are we going 5 heavy / 2 blank?? Do we need the 5 piece required passive? I don't think its inherently valueable. Whats wrong with a 4 /3 set up ? or even a 4 / 2 /1 ?? are we hurting that much for mitigation?

    You can change it up for more light/medium. But because we lack an armor increase skill like the DK i prefer having the dmg reduction over stamina/mana regen :)
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • JamieK81
    have tried many combination of classes and weapons and i found only the dragon knight with the 2h weapon to be viable due to its knock down ability it has, not sure if the templar has one....cause so far,

    Punctering strikes is a knockdown :)

    No its not, its a knockback...not a knockdown.

    Anyway, i keep dying....i will stick with dragon knight, its the only class that works sadly...too bad they fubar'ed the armour system though.....it shouldn't matter what armour you use, the stats should be defined by you when you craft it....of course the amount of stats should be based on level of the item, but what stats will be on the item should be chosen by you.
  • Rainingblood
    JamieK81 wrote: »
    have tried many combination of classes and weapons and i found only the dragon knight with the 2h weapon to be viable due to its knock down ability it has, not sure if the templar has one....cause so far,

    Punctering strikes is a knockdown :)

    No its not, its a knockback...not a knockdown.

    Anyway, i keep dying....i will stick with dragon knight, its the only class that works sadly...too bad they fubar'ed the armour system though.....it shouldn't matter what armour you use, the stats should be defined by you when you craft it....of course the amount of stats should be based on level of the item, but what stats will be on the item should be chosen by you.

    What?? It shouldn't matter what armor you use? What would be the point if having different types if armor?

    If you are playing a temp and you keep dying, I'm not sure what you're doing, but there's user error involved.
    Phoebe Anderson
  • Rhastah
    Soul Shriven
    nice guide, i'm doing the same as the first build - 2H and heavy armor. it's a good balance between actually being able to put out some hurt, and being able to heal effectively when you switch to resto staff. one thing i have questions about are the other skill trees - guild trees and alliance war skills. do these have good synergy with either the dps or healing skill sets templars already have, or would it be spreading too thin to try and get those skills on your bars too? I'm thinking Blood Altar and Bone Shield from the Undaunted tree look pretty nice for my healing bar (but with only 5 slots it's hard to decide).
    This is my signature.
  • yogarogue
    Why not sub puncturing strikes for Solar flares instant aoe morph? it will add dmg to all enemies effected and is perfect for a reflective light follow up..

    ALSO: why do we take binding javelin? Why do we need the mob to be pinned down? I can still javelin / charge / javelin / charge without the mob being bound... It doesn't seem to have value to me. knocking back seems to be enough.. If I am a 2 handed spec, I dont need them to be bound. Id rather have a dmg increase. I think these choices are more optimal..
  • Stautmeister
    ALSO: why do we take binding javelin? Why do we need the mob to be pinned down? I can still javelin / charge / javelin / charge without the mob being bound... It doesn't seem to have value to me. knocking back seems to be enough.. If I am a 2 handed spec, I dont need them to be bound. Id rather have a dmg increase. I think these choices are more optimal..

    Control :) The knockdown gives you time to switch to restostaff and heal yourself in the more difficult fights. But so many things are viable! these are meant to give people an idea of the possibilities and inspire to think out of the box. You like more dmg? You take more dmg morphs :)
    JamieK81 wrote: »
    have tried many combination of classes and weapons and i found only the dragon knight with the 2h weapon to be viable due to its knock down ability it has, not sure if the templar has one....cause so far,

    Punctering strikes is a knockdown :)

    No its not, its a knockback...not a knockdown.

    Anyway, i keep dying....i will stick with dragon knight, its the only class that works sadly...too bad they fubar'ed the armour system though.....it shouldn't matter what armour you use, the stats should be defined by you when you craft it....of course the amount of stats should be based on level of the item, but what stats will be on the item should be chosen by you.

    What?? It shouldn't matter what armor you use? What would be the point if having different types if armor?

    If you are playing a temp and you keep dying, I'm not sure what you're doing, but there's user error involved.
    Also this :) I honestly had no issues up to level 30 now.

    I did found out silver bolts from the fighting guild is pretty amazing and worth taking :)
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • Stautmeister
    When comparing templar to DK tanking though i find DKs to be superior Burning talons is probably the best mobcc skill in game and their naturally tank skills are amazing.
    An orc marrying a wood elf?! Enjoy your Borsimer mutants!
  • spawn10459
    Some great builds in here thanks.
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