vanderghast wrote: »I don't ask to nerf some quest which allows you to get a very optional goddish powerlike gear. That quest LOCK the GAME content itself, the game progression, many important game features!
vanderghast wrote: »It is quite possible, I have the king's sword to prove it.
Now, if I, without knowing it, used a "feature" not planned by the designer, that, I can't tell, but I was happy that Mannimarco quest was NOT locking that part, at least.
vanderghast wrote: »I don't ask to nerf some quest which allows you to get a very optional goddish powerlike gear. That quest LOCK the GAME content itself, the game progression, many important game features!
vanderghast wrote: »The king's sword is the sword that you get from the dying ancient dwarf king, once you are back at Hollow City, after you defeated Molag. You didn't get it, too bad, I did.
vanderghast wrote: »A boat cannot fly and an airplane cannot dive into water. CHANGING the SPECS of a character is like modifying a boat into a plane, and back to a boat? I fell very, very comfortable with the actual build of my sorcerer, again, except against Mannimarco.
For PvP or other parts of the play, if I need an airplane when I am a boat, well, I won't transform me into an airplane, but team with an airplane.
I can't, with Mannimarco quest.
vanderghast wrote: »A boat cannot fly and an airplane cannot dive into water. CHANGING the SPECS of a character is like modifying a boat into a plane, and back to a boat?
He's actually right. While I was being competent with Elder Scrolls game character-building mechanics in their earlier games (Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim), ESO actually pissed me off.
It costed me wasting four VR1 characters to see if I played "the right way". Yes, there are a lots of dead ends. To be competent, you can't just do the be-who-you-want-to route. You MUST know all the skill-synergies as well (which you can test only when you level your character enough), the item-sets and a lot of this hybrid crap.
However, when you get used to it, it MIGHT be quite satisfactory.
I really hope they don't start nerfing content to be "easier" based on the lowest common denominator.
The game is already pretty easy, with the odd challenging (and thus fun) encounter.
Reenlister wrote: »
No. Sadly I cannot offer you any great tips on the defeat. I died a few times fighting him. All I can tell you is what I did as a Heavy Temp Tank.
Smash him hard, as hard as you can. ( sword, axe, sharp pointy stick )
Save some Stamina back simply to bash him when he goes into his power mode.
When he moves, move as fast as you can to get up and personal on him.
I guess my build will be FUBAR then... I keep seeing things like 'archers don't do enough damage', 'NB's are broken as is Dual Wield'..
Moi = Primarily Nightblade Archer Build, with a Dual Wield secondary skillset for those up close and personal moments..
vanderghast wrote: »The king's sword is the sword that you get from the dying ancient dwarf king, once you are back at Hollow City, after you defeated Molag. You didn't get it, too bad, I did.
I'm used to MMO's. Played a lot of them, beta tested a few.
This one has me really upset.
First I seem to have hit the angry mark 1 day too late - I say that because my 90 day subscription happened already and I was ok with gameplay until then. 1 day later and I'm so angry I don't ever want to play again.
I hit VR1 and it was tough, but managable. I played smart, realizing I can't solo everything. Then I moved to the next zone as VR2. And I died. All the time. I'm now dying so fast and often that I'm out of gold for repairs. Oh, and the lag/DC stuff is great too...
I don't want someone to tell me to "LTP" (or learn to play for those not in the know). I was playing just fine up until a day or so ago - I seem to have accidentally jumped into the "must know everything and have a super script set up" level. How do I go back?
So, can I get my $77 back? I do not want to just play low level alts, but I don't want to be forced to some specific build that makes me viable - I like how I was playing.
Challenge is good. But punishing the player when they die while learning to overcome these challenges isn't. It just leads to frustration and - as your OP clearly demonstrates - anger.
Reenlister wrote: »
I have to ask this in return...
If you did not suffer xp loss, which I am glad we don't, or the armor degeneration as we do, then what would be the point in having death?
You have to have some reason to avoid death.
As far as the armor, its an annoyance, and yes, the first time I had a over 1k bill it was a shock, but thinking back over it, I had stayed out in the field a long while, neglecting to return and fix my stuff in the interim.
At Vet levels it has given me another reason to really pay attention and proceed with caution, since I don't plan on dying any more than I have to.
But I wouldn't be against some armor decay on death. I just feel the repair bills on this game are much too high and need to be scaled downward. Because I could easily see how continuously dying and losing all your gold in the process could be highly frustrating.