kirnmalidus wrote: »
Having 9/10 points in crafting skills by Vet ranks isn't a dedicated crafter. I'm not even a crafter and I probably have 55 or so points in Clothing, Provisioning and Woodworking.
That could be the sad future leaving only dedicated MMO gamers into game until they get bored and change. I think this game was made by following the growing popularity of the TES and so also tries to target the masses which is the casual gamers. People have been dreaming online TES since Morrowind or longer.
If you force casual gamer to select specific class and build to success, they are the first one to leave and also taking with them the majority of the revenue. So near future will show (6-12kk max) what will happen to this game.
kirnmalidus wrote: »For all the Nightblades out there struggling… I've started using a combo that is basically easy mode for any melee single mob fight, including bosses. Obviously this isn't super helpful against casters or groups, but I've put down some pretty big melee bosses and finished at full health with this approach.
It's pretty simple: sparks and strife. I have sparks (from DW tree) morphed to heated blades, and strife (siphoning) morphed to swallow soul, but the combo should work just as well with the un-morphed abilities. Just hit the mob with sparks and spam strife for a few seconds, then repeat before sparks (4 seconds) expires.
It may take time, but this will burn down pretty much any melee mob, including bosses (I have yet to run into a boss who is immune to the sparks CC effect). With enough twitch dexterity you this combo can be pretty effective against multiple enemies too, maybe throw in an aspect of terror occasionally.