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Why ESO is failing. (and I'm NOT happy about it :( )

As stated in the title, this game is failing. :neutral_face:

Now before you attack me, rant, or fanboi it up; hear me out. This is NOT something I want to happen nor something i'm happy about. But let me ask you this...Out of the 5 guilds you've joined..have you noticed a decrease in sign-ins and population online???

Thats a fact. The guilds (even Auction style) are becoming fewer and fewer online. I've played MMORPG's before the "internet", back when we used telephone wires connected to BBS. (yes look that up!)

I've played just about EVERY, and I mean EVERY MMO since Ultima Online made its huge push into the market as the sole MMO existing at the time commercially, and Oh how times have changed...

A small break down of what has happened in the MMO market.

1. Risk vs Reward = This WAS/IS huge, unfortunately this no longer applies. You can go out, die over and over, nothing happens. NOTHING. No loss, no shame, you really just dont care- nor should you. Vacuum your house, eat a bowl of cereal; mash that keyboard with your toes for all you care. Cuz your gonna get XP and WIN somehow.

2. Simplification = Yup, Remember when you could play games and completely make a massive mistake to your build??? Your character was GIMP and everyone knew it. Want to somehow fix it??? Well now you are looking at HOURS/DAYS to somehow find a magic stone...or some massive quest that allows you to FIX what you did wrong.

3. Pointless Opportunity = Hows that FPS shooter out there doing for ya??? You enjoying the hamster wheel of EVERYTHING EVERYDAY being the same??? You take a keep for what? To steal some scroll/item that gives you perks you barely notice nor care about? Whats that, you dont care about dying? (look at point 1)

4. Graphics/Hollywood= Yup! Its now more important to hire top tier artists, 3d designers, Media and advertising OVER gameplay. Its no different than dating some woman whos a perfect 10 in looks; But thats all she's got. Yea your happy for awhile until you realize there is NOTHING else there.

5. Non-sandbox = Gamers used to MAKE their adventures. Now its "scripted" questing, hand-tied governed GM/Designer control. Its not about YOU/US; its about THEM! Cant you feel this when you play??? Listen to how game companies talk to us. "Yea we realized its too hard for you to figure out YOUR character so were gonna dumb stuff down even further. Whats that??? You wanted us to leave the characters alone and let you design and do things yourself? No no...you are just too STUPID to know what you want. Let us do it for you."

6. Community= There is no community. Its now about ME ME ME. You wonder why dungeons just are'nt that fun? Or questing is more "work" than "enjoyment"?
Its because 99% of the player(s) are ONLY looking out for themselves. Item just dropped they needed. Why finish, EXIT/QUIT out with your item, why finish the dungeon. Oh someone is better at tanking than you but you wanted to do it?? Well cry some more and just "quit/exit" out.

Folks: 15 years ago games were FAR different than they are now. And unfortunately ESO has NOT paid attention. Yes they WILL make their money back; and honestly thats what they care about. After all they are a business. But it was'nt always like this.

Alright then Wrain, so tell us what you think needs to happen to turn this around?

Simple: STRAY from WoW and every other game thats been pushed out for the past 8 years.

1. Give us a REASON to PvP. Give us XP out there, were SICK of questing!!! Give us DUNGEONS that we fight over that drop EXCLUSIVE items! How about some form of PvP points that give us SKILLS to BUY! (DAOC anyone???)

2. Fix your mob placement. I have NEVER seen so few of mobs spread out as in this game. (- Shadowbane) You push pvp but again...there's NO POINT!!! Give us camps of mobs to fight over out there that actually DROP items!!! Right now its just one big FPS of boredom.

3. Four classes really??? Yes the game IS new but you have GOT to add skills to fight for, earn, or give us some type of unique feeling. Both of my friends have already quit this game after realizing just how basic their toons are. Even at 50, its just the same thing!!!

4. Make a decision. Dont 1/2 way your game. Either focus on the PvP end or focus on the PVE. You cannot expect this game to make it if you dont pick a path. If you are gonna go PVE then dont bait pvper's into wasting their time always "hoping" for some fix. If you are gonna go PvP then SEPERATE the 2. DAOC did a GREAT job at doing this. They kept PVE SEPERATE from the designated PVP areas and BOTH sides were happy!!! Do NOT do what WOW, RIFT, AION and the rest of these games are doing. IT DOES"NT WORK!!! And before you spout Wow works...Remember ONE thing. WoW had NO competition. EQ2 dropped the ball (NO PVP). (Not to mention WoW had a huge following from Blizzard. And I will state Blizzard was and IS not the company they are today)

5. LISTEN TO YOUR CUSTOMERS!!! People who take the time to jump on test servers are usually people who are really really trying to better something. Far to often i've seen in forums children just screaming about something being "too hard" or "unfair" and eventually you cave to them. Something EARNED is far far more addictive/contagious than something GIVEN.

I did'nt mean to ramble, but in all honesty this game was the final nail in the coffin for my friends and I. We are no longer playing but wish well to those who enjoy it. I just wish a company would take a RISK rather than trying to follow the same old routine. GW2 was before this..and now ESO. Look at both games...see a similiar pattern???

  • Nazon_Katts
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Sakiri
    Listening to customers is why wows tanking to a degree. Theyre trying to back up after they gave folks what they wanted and its backfiring.

    Sandbox games suck imo. Majority of gameplay turns into "kill big ounching bag for loot", "roleplayer central" or "xp grind".

    Everyone looks fondly on old EQ. Question is, would you play it now? LFG for hours to sit in a room grinding xp and if your friends werent on, you logged off. If you had a rl event happen youd potentially miss something. 4 am phone calls from the raid leader yelling to get online, spawns up and we need to get there befote the asians did sucked.

    Only have an hour to play? Too bad. Go home.

    Like it or not, wow ppened the genre ip to more people than the no lifers that lived, eat and slept EverQuest.

    Cant cite the pvp thing because, well, screw pvp.
  • jaygraeb14a_ESO
    Nazon :0

    Yes very familiar with developer (Mark). Unfortunately I will be watching it closely due to his failure with a massive team/money with Warhammer Online. (Yes WH had some GREAT stuff but also some AWFUL design decisions.)

    Alot of us thought Warhammer Online was going to be DAOC2. We were wrong. And Mark Jacobs btw had FULL control of that game...

    Hoping he learned a hard lesson.

  • gladen5rwb17_ESO
    I agree. There is nothing to entice me to continue. I look about the world and having adventured out into it know darn well there wont be anything different around that corner other than scenery.

    I miss that chest that has a tiny percentage of spawning something magical. I miss standing in the tunnel and trading, sitting and chatting with people. I miss the one guild system where people matter. I miss those quests for the epic pieces of armor that give you are buff and are highly valued on raids. I miss clickies. Items that offer you something.

    Why when I can have more than one mount can I not choose which to ride while away from the stable. More importantly, why would you design it like that? The UI of this game is not simplified, it is annoying to have to use the '.' button and not have a mouse function instead. It is not new or inventive, just bloody annoying.

    The mobs here are always the same, different levels in different zones. The detail to armor is terrible and thank god for those awful costumes to cover up the washed out armors. Enter a dungeon, prepare to fight, people run past me and the halls are cleared before I begin, or, I enter the dungeon and bots have cleared it for me.

    You have already covered all the reasons I sit here typing on a forum instead of playing the game. I have not yet left the game, but my incentive to log in is just not there. The fact is, business comes before the game and I wish game companies would understand that the reason those early games worked is because they cared about their customers, their game, then their bank accounts. Put in that order, money grows on your proverbial trees.
  • Chirru
    Ah...... sorry... the game you like and advocate I would immediately unsubscribe ... so I have it rather you unsubscribe.... have fun wherever you go...good bye.
  • Laura
    while I agree with you that the numbers may be kind of low or the reviewers didn't do the game any justice (though i don't know that I would use the world "fail" that people use so easily these days) I think you are mistaking your wants/needs and opinions for what the masses may actually want. That is a rookie mistake, just because you and your friends want something doesn't mean majority does (look up groupthink)

    While I agree with you and wanting so so much of what you are asking for I acknowledge that we live in a world of instant gratification. I actually find this game to be a little more difficult than the norm (and you can see this from the constant whining about things being difficult on these forums)

    (on your second points not your first)

    1.) Agree on most points but the skills to buy thing is sort of already there, they just need to expand on it.

    2.) guessing you mean in cyrodil? I can't really touch on this one to be honest I don't really know what you are asking for.

    3.) this is a joke right? you are just saying that some friends quit over this right? you can't POSSIBLY mean this? the customization is so high that there are actually WAAAAAAAAAAAY more than four classes. I can name off nine sorcerer builds that are perfectly viable -alone-

    4.) no I do not agree with this at all. while I agree it sucks to have abilities changed because of one or the other you have to really balance both. There are people that only like to pvp and there are people that only like to pve but there are a LOOOT more people that like both.

    5.) Sort of agree here exepct how quickly we forget right? (we want collision detection. done. we want to be alble to skip the starting zone! done.) I like how you say listen to your customers then *** about them listening to there customers all in the same statement.
  • babylon
    I just want the containers back with tons of cool stuff in them, hope of endgame pve that doesn't force grouping or grinding, and the bots to go. Then player housing and Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Oh and would be nice to reduce that gear decay crap as well.
    Edited by babylon on May 10, 2014 12:45AM
  • tilolyen_ESO
    As stated in the title, this game is failing. :neutral_face:

    6. Community= There is no community. Its now about ME ME ME. You wonder why dungeons just are'nt that fun? Or questing is more "work" than "enjoyment"?
    Its because 99% of the player(s) are ONLY looking out for themselves. Item just dropped they needed. Why finish, EXIT/QUIT out with your item, why finish the dungeon. Oh someone is better at tanking than you but you wanted to do it?? Well cry some more and just "quit/exit" out.

    ^^^ This x 100000000. I cannot tell you the number of times I have helped others finish their "boss" mob for them to only exit the dungeon area and leave me to solo it and die horrible deaths repeatedly. I have YET to find a good guild that actually is a tight knit group of players / friends and it is becoming depressing. I am 1/2 to VR10 and a NB, so if there are ANY guilds that are not anti social and do not do what is listed in #6, please contact me in game @Teelow or PM me here.
  • someuser
    I think @jaygraeb14a_ESO made some good points.

    However, one point I must make is that ESO has only been out for a little over a month now... Isn't that still "beta" for MMOs? What this game needs is more people like jaygraeb14a_ESO who can give constructive insight into some of the game mechanisms that may not be as well developed/conceived as maybe they could.

    However, I would caution doomsayers when the game is still so young. Zennimax so far has seemed to actually care about their little baby here. Sure they also have an eye out for profit but that isn't always a negative thing... As long as Zennimax continues to listen to their customers (read the first official blog) and shows their customers that they appreciate their business (like giving free game time and discounted game purchases) then I'm going to stick around and continue to support Zennimax with my generous donation of $15 a month ;)

    Edited by someuser on May 10, 2014 12:49AM
    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • gladen5rwb17_ESO
    Chirru wrote: »
    Ah...... sorry... the game you like and advocate I would immediately unsubscribe ... so I have it rather you unsubscribe.... have fun wherever you go...good bye.

    Your input was most enlightening.

  • randomriffyrocksprerb18_ESO
    For those who think, just wait a while, its only been a couple of months, its gonna improve.

    Well of course it can improve and it will improve but only to the extent of the foundations it has placed. The foundations so far is average. It could've taken a better route with a bunch of illusion, alteration,destruction etc spells, stealth trees, with a bunch of morphs for each spell and no classes at all, no softlocks, high end graphics

    I vote for a revamp or ESO2
  • Noswell
    It would be nice to see some gear that doesn't feel generic. I'm still using the prismatic sword at V2 just because it feels like the only unique item I've seen. Maybe it changes at V10, can't say.
  • jaygraeb14a_ESO
    GREAT feedback guys!!! Really nice having a constructive look at it. :)

    "Someuser", absolutely the game is VERY new. And I really hope things can turn around. The PROBLEM is every MMO that had a "bad" or "fair" start usually ends up tanking. Why? Because most people wont give things a 2nd shot. Even if a game did turn around; by then the majority of players just wont turn back for a round 2.

    "Laura" I look at numbers. Just as a business would they too would look at "numbers/profit" coming in. Unfortunately why you may view that this is my opinion...its also the opinion of the 5 guilds i'm in. (500 capped going from 100's online to now 40...50.)

    I will even dare say that 30-50% of the playerbase will NOT re-sub for their first payment of $15.00. :(

    Part of this will of course be due to "summer" which is always the case; But it will be interesting to see what happens AFTER Craglorn and Fall. :)

    Hoping for the best,
    Edited by jaygraeb14a_ESO on May 10, 2014 12:59AM
  • tilolyen_ESO
    Chirru wrote: »
    Ah...... sorry... the game you like and advocate I would immediately unsubscribe ... so I have it rather you unsubscribe.... have fun wherever you go...good bye.

    Translation: I'm a tool.
  • someuser
    For those who think, just wait a while, its only been a couple of months, its gonna improve.

    Well of course it can improve and it will improve but only to the extent of the foundations it has placed. The foundations so far is average.

    I'll take average foundations. Not everything has to be ground breaking. Sometimes taking risks payoff, but in real life most "risks" end in failure.

    For me, the devs need to address the grouping mechanics (as they already noted they are aware of), the guild store (so that buying and selling wares is intuitive, fast, and efficient), storage space (too limited for serious crafters), and of course the quest bugs and exploits (including bots). I'm not a PvP'er so I will leave that blank.

    Simultaneously, they need to continue putting out new PvE and PvP content as well as polishing and adding to the variations of weapons and armors.

    I'm not saying the above list is definitive, but its my main issues atm.

    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • someuser
    I want to add:

    As a Skyrim fan I must say I've been super impressed with what the fan base can accomplish! I always wondered why Zennimax doesn't hold open mod contests with the community where, if they win, they get their design implemented into the game and profiled on the official website. There would have to be an understanding that there would be no financial compensation or royalty, but just getting your work recognized and being spotlighted by a top game studio is awesome for the resume and it gives Zennimax free labor and also rewards the community with exclusive content!

    Maybe I'm just an idealist lol
    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • ZiRM
    The title should read, why ESO is failing IMO. You bring up many good points though. I'm not happy and hope it doesn't fail but I'm a realist and they are going to have to step up their game ALOT to fix the downward spiral to F2P. Maybe F2P is what they want considering some MMO's have made even more money when selling mounts, cosmetics etc.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • Lucardes
    #1 Sorcerer in EP Dawnbreaker
  • someuser
    "Someuser", absolutely the game is VERY new. And I really hope things can turn around. The PROBLEM is every MMO that had a "bad" or "fair" start usually ends up tanking. Why? Because most people wont give things a 2nd shot. Even if a game did turn around; by then the majority of players just wont turn back for a round 2.

    I agree that it is a challenge for companies to get customers to give their products a second look. However, this is not just any MMO we are talking about here, this is a Zennimax title.

    As another old time gamer, the two studios I always respected was Bethesda and Bioware. Bioware sold out to EA and sadly is now crap (such a shame as SWTOR had so much potential). Maybe its more emotional than logical, but I want to believe that ESO can succeed.

    I agree with the logic and reasoning of all your criticisms, and I am hoping over time they will address them. I also hope that as they do these fixes they will have a marketing strategy to get players to give them a second look. Guess time will only tell.

    Happy gaming

    To make ESO look and feel like a PC MMO check out the following:

    PhinixUI addon-powered interface for ESO
  • Kaiem
    I don't really understand what you mean by separating out pvp and pve 'in the same way DAoC did'. This game already does pvp in a very similar way to DAoC by having a set zone for pvp. If you mean having pve mobs there well DAoC had that, if you mean having to pve to level DAoC was the same, if you mean getting gear from pve that is also the same as DAoC. As for realm abilities we have the basis for that with the alliance skill lines and hopefully they will expand this going forward to add additional reward to progressing in AvA. Also they have stated they want to make the imperial city into a darkness falls style dungeon.

    What's your complaint about there being four classes? You say this then say there needs to be more skill lines. Those aren't really the same issue because they can easily add more skill lines without adding more classes. Besides which I personally think this is one of the most interesting and open class systems I think I've seen in an MMO. It's easily possible to create a character that can be melee dps, ranged dps, tank and healer all in one by VR 10 or is that actually what you don't like?

    Mob placement. Again, what are you actually saying? There's plenty of camps of mobs out there. Are you asking for just one or two spots with mobs that drop better loot than others? This is to the old days of mmos where communities were nice and friendly and people would farm camps and take it turns and keep a list of people waiting to join and invite the next person who wanted to join. Just read any of the threads on the werewolf and vampire spawn camping to see how this idea would end in a modern MMO.

    Similarly the modern MMO player couldn't handle the old school system of punishment for getting killed. Just look at how much moaning there is about how slow people think VR are to level and how they don't like not getting a bunch of powerful new skills every time they go up a VR. Could you imagine if these people had to level at the pace of a game like DAoC or lose 10% of a level every time they died? They would leave in droves, which given you seem to be concerned about ensuring the game doesn't fail might be something of an issue.

    And on that note what makes you so sure the game is failing? Whilst I have noticed a drop in the number of players logging in in my guild it is only slight and every MMO has some measure of drop off after the free period ends. It is difficult for anyone outside of ZOS to judge whether the game is failing since only they know how many active subscribers they anticipated having after the 30 days were up. It could be that they actually have more than they expected to at this stage. If they have set realistic targets then this game could run for a long time. Did you know that DAoC is still running now and receiving patches and updates? Simply because the whole time the game has been in existence they have had realistic expectations of what is a good number of subscribers and planned accordingly.

    It seems your nostalgic for the old school mmos you played before and I get this but unfortunately things have changed. I have been disappointed in pretty much every MMO I have tried since wow came along and completely altered the landscape and took away much of what I enjoyed about the genre. I decided eso would be my last roll of the dice and so far, despite the issues with bugs and the fact it's still early days, I haven't been disappointed.
  • Tipsy
    4. Make a decision. Dont 1/2 way your game. Either focus on the PvP end or focus on the PVE. You cannot expect this game to make it if you dont pick a path. If you are gonna go PVE then dont bait pvper's into wasting their time always "hoping" for some fix. If you are gonna go PvP then SEPERATE the 2. DAOC did a GREAT job at doing this. They kept PVE SEPERATE from the designated PVP areas and BOTH sides were happy!!! Do NOT do what WOW, RIFT, AION and the rest of these games are doing. IT DOES"NT WORK!!! And before you spout Wow works...Remember ONE thing. WoW had NO competition. EQ2 dropped the ball (NO PVP). (Not to mention WoW had a huge following from Blizzard. And I will state Blizzard was and IS not the company they are today)

    I would have called the topic 'things I like to see different' or something along those lines,but that aside..this is 1 point I agree with.
    Most mmo's try to force pve players to pvp by including it in the achievement list.
    (what nobody seems to get is that these players want nothing to do with pvp,which doesn't mean they wouldn't love to see cyrodiil)
    While pvp players would want the freedom to pvp anywhere at anytime.
    Only both parties can be happy if they get 100 % of the game with their prefered ruleset.
    People who prefer pvp and those who prefer pve won't enjoy their time in the same room(unless you love both)..well I need to be in the mood for each ruleset..

    Perhaps they can add a pvp phase/channel to the rest of the pve zones..
    The pve cyrodiil campaign could correspond with existing pvp campaigns.
    (when an area gets owned by a faction in pvp campaign it will automatically belong to that faction in the sister pve campaign)
    so you'd have wabbajack pvp and wabbajack pve for example
  • Abigail
    Laura wrote: »
    There are people that only like to pvp and there are people that only like to pve but there are a LOOOT more people that like both.

    @Laura I am NOT disagreeing with you, but there's another category -- besides PvE lovers, PvP lovers, and Both lovers. Maybe, just maybe I'm in a tiny minority, but I think there are a few of us who simply want to reside in the game world; meaning, sometimes I feel like doing a few quests or maybe do a little PvP, but I don't want to quit the game when I'm not in the mood for either.

    Before launch, ESO appeared the perfect place for people like me; there was looting, gathering, hanging with guild mates, even grinding. But little by little these game aspects have been reduced or eliminated by the developer's philosophy, mega server restrictions, bots, and the measures ZoS has taken to eliminate said bots.

    I'm not what you'd call a television watcher, but in the past two weeks I've watched more of it than in the previous six months. FOR ME, the game world just isn't proving to be that engaging. I like the game, but it's a problem when I'd rather watch re-runs of House on Netflix and quite different from the 'old days' when brief periods of sleep were the only things interrupting my time in the game world.

    I've subbed for 3 months, I'm still hopeful, but it's a rapidly waning optimism.
  • Reignskream
    The game has been live for a little over a month now. It is still in such early stages, that i wont be judging anything until another 3-6 months from now. Good luck to ya, and bye.
  • Leesha
    Lucardes wrote: »

    This kind of stuff shows up in the pvp forums of every single multiplayer game with pvp.

    The game won't fail purely because pvp'ers are unhappy.

  • Eris
    ESO is failing because there are too many people on the server at the same time. Seriously, I can't go anywhere without running into people. What the heck is with that? All these people in the same damn place, I must be in the only populated area of the server, sheesh.

    Wouldn't the game be doing better if there were less people everywhere I go?
    Side effects of reading messages on forums can cause nausea, head aches, spontaneous fits of rage, urination due to intense laughter, and sometimes the death of your monitor or other object in throwing range. If you find that you are reading forums more than 24 hours a day, please consult your nearest temporal physicist.
  • Dodece
    When you distill all the complaints down to their quintessential essence. Those that take issue with the game. Take issue with the core concept rather then the implementation. Ironically the developer has actually done a fairly decent job of realizing their vision. Whether you agree with that vision or not. This game was designed to give the appearance of freedom while being incredibly linear.

    Unfortunately they might not be far wrong in their anticipation of what most of the market would want to play. As terrifying as that may be for some of us. The market seems to reward highly directed content. As opposed to the more open ended sandbox games of bygone days. This should hardly come as any kind of a surprise to most of us.

    This over simplification of the format is a direct result of players overwhelmingly favoring a certain title that came out of Blizzard a number of years ago. Which thoroughly trounced far deeper games built in the sandbox style. I am sorry if you purchased, and played World of Warcraft you sewed the seeds for this end result. There were plenty of really deep games with fantastic worlds. That just languished, because most gamers were quite happy to give away most of their freedom. To have their experience spoon fed to them.

    As a group we can hardly complain about it now. Well I suppose I can, and a few others who turned up our noses at such simplistic offerings, but if you were of a mindset that you would give up real character development choices to raid. I don't know what to tell you. Other then you get what you pay for. Once I saw the direction the market was heading. I dropped out, and went to play something else.

    The success of Blizzard only encouraged just about every developer on the planet to clone their model, and make the not unwarranted assumption that the sandbox model was virtually dead. At this juncture I am not sure whether they are right or wrong in their thinking, but what I do know is this. You can't sway a addict from their fix.

    I tried repeatedly to get friends, and acquaintances to try richer fair. It just can't be done as far as I can tell. They don't want actual freedom. They want to have their hand held. All you are doing basically is screaming into the wind. You can't change what this game was designed to be at this point. Personally I think I can find some fun here for a couple months, but I don't hold any illusions that it is deep enough to satisfy me for very long.

    Honestly I am fine with that. I don't need nor expect a game to be a fixture in my life for years at this point. To consider it to have been worth playing. The virtual world concept just seems to have become obsolete. Anyway if you aren't happy with the games design as is. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for a change.

  • Laura
    Eris wrote: »
    ESO is failing because there are too many people on the server at the same time. Seriously, I can't go anywhere without running into people. What the heck is with that? All these people in the same damn place, I must be in the only populated area of the server, sheesh.

    Wouldn't the game be doing better if there were less people everywhere I go?

    more people is good I think o.0

    some later vr levels don't have as many people but I think it has something to do with guilds (or lack of) you are in
    Edited by Laura on May 10, 2014 2:05AM
  • Laura
    "Laura" I look at numbers. Just as a business would they too would look at "numbers/profit" coming in. Unfortunately why you may view that this is my opinion...its also the opinion of the 5 guilds i'm in. (500 capped going from 100's online to now 40...50.)

    what numbers? I am looking right now and there are over a hundred people in my 3 "mega" guilds. 40 in my social guild and all 8 of my friends in my "friends" guild

    I'm not saying the game isn't going to lose a LOT of subs soon but I don't think it has anything to do with making the game harder or things you mentioned. I think it has a lot more to do with other things.

    No real end game right now (soon to be rectified hopefully)

    No collectibles or carrots on sticks (no mounts to get, reputations to grind pretty much all of that can be done as you level)

    there just isn't anything outside of group material that keeps people engaged. Even PvP needs more than just the emperor carrot and etc. Maybe shorter campaigns with mounts as rewards for certain percentages and things like that. I never said that you were wrong in the fact that the game isn't doing so well. I just don't agree with the reasons behind it.

    When you are vr10 and your little group has the best gear there just isn't any reason to do anything else. And when craglorn comes out when your group or raid group isn't doing there thing that day there STILL won't be anything. We need soloable distractions like collecting pets and mounts - grinding reps - things like that.
    Edited by Laura on May 10, 2014 2:12AM
  • South_of_Heaven
    I've been posting about these since 2 years ago... I don't understand why certain obviously bad design choices have been made. I mean... are they stupid? Is it so hard to figure out what makes a game addictive? (And I am not talking about their deadlines or limited resources).

    As for the sandbox part... they followed the typical modern mmorpg linear pattern. I believe they may see it as a "low risk - high reward" business plan. But no, they can't be that stupid to see it that way.

    Mmorpgs will return to their roots in time, I am sure of that. Newer ones will be clever enough to take elements from the UO/Shadowbane era or even truly innovate. ESO will be one more bad example and it's a shame, because the game is beautiful - unfortunately that is only what it is.
    Edited by South_of_Heaven on May 10, 2014 2:13AM
  • Genomic
    Lucardes wrote: »

    PvP is very difficult to get right. Much more difficult to balance for example than PvE. OTOH, ZOS seems to be having a lot of trouble with many of the basic MMO elements (no doubt due to lack of experience) so it's not surprising PvP is a bust.
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