Console delayed for 6 months? Check this article. Is it true?!

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  • Malediktus

    To each his own, butthat will never happen. And if it was still in beta, guess what happens to your characters WHEN IT LAUNCHED. BYEBYE
    They launched it in beta stage. Easily 6 months too early. I could care less about loosing my characters thought. Was planning to start a new character anyway as soon as the bugs which bother me most are fixed.
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • Fairydragon3
    I think we can agree on having different standards. If you do not have a problem with this, that's fine for you and I won't question you for it. Me and others are not content with this, so how about not questioning us in turn?

    meant no offense, I only seek to know the people I will one day make game for. Was a questioning only for the sake of Knowldge. Hell is why I poped in this thread, i don't own a next gen, why do I personally care about it's push back
    Edited by Fairydragon3 on May 8, 2014 1:32PM
  • Nazon_Katts
    Couldn't care less about a press release, would have been nice for a change if someone - anyone - cared about the community and talked to us here directly instead of hiding behind PR.

    Aw well, but thanks for sharing @GossiTheDog !
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Zarec

    Ive done all of the main questline. No problems. I have no problems loading into PVP nor do anyone I know of. 100s and 100s of people. Gold sellers are part of mmos. All of them have gold sellers. Also ALL games have bugs at launch. Even single player games.

    Ever played an mmo where the bots fly? I sure as hell haven't until i played this game and I played Aion.
    Edited by Zarec on May 8, 2014 1:41PM
  • GossiTheDog
    Couldn't care less about a press release, would have been nice for a change if someone - anyone - cared about the community and talked to us here directly instead of hiding behind PR.

    Aw well, but thanks for sharing @GossiTheDog !

    My guess would be they will post here (I assume) after the press release goes out. This story is on every major gaming website now, it's a complete PR mess up, and Bethesda/Zenimax will want to damage control.

    As always with this game, communication and message are off unfortunately. It's a great game but they're struggling to communicate that properly.
    Edited by GossiTheDog on May 8, 2014 1:33PM
  • Nazon_Katts
    Having close ties to your community is the best damage control you could ever wish for. Just feeding us PR does not help forming those ties. Just keeping us informed does not help keeping such ties. Open discussion and transparent communication does.

    If all of us here knew about this before, were told the reasoning behind it and been kept in the known of progress made, we'd have spread out and answered all questions out there before they could have even assigned a PR meeting.

    It's not so much about what is happening, but how it is handled.
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • lee.vanderlipub17_ESO
    LOL, if this is true then be thankful. TESO needed another 6-12 months of development time and testing. Yet all I see is ZOS posting about how their new Craglorn zone will be amazing... Blah, blah, blah... The game is at best an early beta build which needed more time. ZOS wanted to get it out the door before Wildstar, how's that working out?
    Edited by lee.vanderlipub17_ESO on May 8, 2014 1:43PM
  • Fairydragon3
    Malediktus wrote: »
    They launched it in beta stage. Easily 6 months too early. I could care less about loosing my characters thought. Was planning to start a new character anyway as soon as the bugs which bother me most are fixed.

    Well, that's a common practice now. Only single player games have the polish, that you are seeking, at launch. I like this game, I want to play it when i have the time. I dont mind the small bugs that have barley affected me, I like being able to play this game now. But the thing is I am in the Majority. That is what developers cater to for initial testing. I feel for the rest of yall who are having issues, but this is just how it goes, Test for the majority, fix the minority. This will never change. But if you honestly are having so much trouble that you want to unsub, go right ahead, dont waste your money on something that makes you mad, wait 8 months if needed since you dont mind that, no one is making you pay. Zeni doesnt want your money if you are not enjoying the game. I just realize they will fix things faster if they still have their steam of income to please the investors. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ROI in the video game industry.
  • mark.coogan_ESO
    Quick update - Bethesda's PR department say a press release is coming about console release later today.

    So that would be a yes then ;)

  • Jade1986
    Having close ties to your community is the best damage control you could ever wish for. Just feeding us PR does not help forming those ties. Just keeping us informed does not help keeping such ties. Open discussion and transparent communication does.

    If all of us here knew about this before, were told the reasoning behind it and been kept in the known of progress made, we'd have spread out and answered all questions out there before they could have even assigned a PR meeting.

    It's not so much about what is happening, but how it is handled.
    Also, they should be keeping us in the know HERE, on their OFFICIAL site, not on Reddit. As many faults that people think SWTOR has, at least they keep their fans in the know on what they are doing, and working on, on their official web site.

  • Fairydragon3
    LOL, if this is true then be thankful. TESO needed another 6-12 months of development time and testing. Yet all I see is ZOS posting about how their new Craglorn zone will be amazing... Blah, blah, blah... The game is at best an early beta build which needed more time. ZOS wanted to get it out the door before Wildstar, how's that working out?

    that is defiantly a much smaller team working on Craglorn. Teasers only, I dont see this coming out yet until the main game is mostly fixed. My bet is that The consoles will Launch with or after Craglorn
  • Morthur
    Edited by Morthur on January 19, 2015 5:23PM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Morthur wrote: »

    It's because a) we played the game on PC for more then 2 hours and b) have (open) eyes.

    What does that have to do with anything? You are ASSuming the same issues happen on all three platforms. Also the PC version has had pretty much all the bugs fixed with the latest patch. So ya guess your argument really doesnt stand up when you actually think for a minute.
  • cucmw5ub17_ESO
    To the OP I say this:

    Good for them.

    Considering all the issues an average mmo has upon launch, it'll be a really good thing for console gamers to have it all ironed out by the time they get their hands on it. Not to mention I can't imagine what communication and grouped pvp will be like without a mouse and kb, but I digress. They'll be so happy we've done all this [beta] bug testing for them in advance.
  • GossiTheDog

    What does that have to do with anything? You are ASSuming the same issues happen on all three platforms. Also the PC version has had pretty much all the bugs fixed with the latest patch. So ya guess your argument really doesnt stand up when you actually think for a minute.

    1.0.7 does not have "pretty much all the bugs fixed".
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO

    1.0.7 does not have "pretty much all the bugs fixed".

    So what bugs are you talking about?
  • Fairydragon3

    What does that have to do with anything? You are ASSuming the same issues happen on all three platforms. Also the PC version has had pretty much all the bugs fixed with the latest patch. So ya guess your argument really doesnt stand up when you actually think for a minute.

    There are always bugs young one, but you are right, the stability on consoles should be better since there is less tech to test, a issue that needs to be address greatly in PC testing. However This Push back is a bit much, to be unrelated, I will look forward to an official announcement, but then again, I dont even own a next gen
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO

    There are always bugs young one, but you are right, the stability on consoles should be better since there is less tech to test, a issue that needs to be address greatly in PC testing. However This Push back is a bit much, to be unrelated, I will look forward to an official announcement, but then again, I dont even own a next gen

    Yes I am right. It is unrelated.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Take another minute and think about what all platforms may share. Server tech? Underlying math of skills, attributes and combat? Database tech?
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • Vorpedagel
    Morthur wrote: »

    No, stop complaining. I know you enjoy the game.. You scoundrel. Stop assuming you have more rights than you do
  • Shutdown12345
    Soul Shriven
    I think that it may be six months or more.
    It will be a good opportunity to plan the renovation of the game.
    And, Zenimax should extend the free period.
  • Vorpedagel
    I've played the PC version since beta. Never found anything terribly bad since release. With the amount of awesome in this game I'm prepared to overlook a few mishaps, which happens in game releases.

    Some people just need to not be such whiney b****es and just enjoy it. Just because you're offended or unsatisfied about a few things does not mean you are right. I swear the amount of effort people put into complaining about trivial issues.. Makes me laugh.

    Can't afford a measly $15/mo ? Maybe you should actually not play, and get a job
  • GossiTheDog
    Here's the announcement:

    They're delaying for six months.
    Edited by GossiTheDog on May 8, 2014 2:16PM
  • Sananab
    Here is a Post from the Official Website confirming delay
  • crush83
    Are there many MMORPG games on consoles already? I don't know of any, but I just use my Xbox360 for sports titles.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Here's the announcement:

    They're delaying for six months.

    Note how it says it is unrelated to any PC issues.
  • GossiTheDog

    Note how it says it is unrelated to any PC issues.

    Clearly because, as you say, all the bugs are fixed. :P
  • mark.coogan_ESO
    The delay is obviously for more than just bug fixing. I suspect that they're looking at some fundamental technical redesign here - hence the length of the delay.
  • Loxy37
    And us PC players don't deserve an experience that fans would expect? Or what are you trying to say exactly?

    This game would have profited a lot by only being released in 6 months.

    Since it's obvious that the game developers agree that this game is currently in no state to be released I think the very first step would be to give all PC-players 6 months of free game time. Or why exactly should we be paying $15 a month for the honor of playing a game that the devs themselves admit isn't fit for release?

    If I'm being abused as an involuntary beta tester then that beta at the very least should be free!

    This is so wrong what you wrote because either you misunderstand or you are trying to mislead. They said the console version is in no fit state, not the PC version! Its probably something completely unique to consoles and I suspect hardware limitation or network limitations thats hindering its release. The PC version is in a perfectly fine state for most of us and its a known fact that mainly the vocal minority visit these forums and aire their views! Some of us have a tolerance for bugs because we have been at this a long time, MMOs that is.

    If you wasn't prepared for the bugs and issues then why the hell do people such as yourself become a early adopters then feel you can come here preaching as if you speak for the choir? Why don't you unsub and come back in 6 months and maybe then you will have a more polished game that's worth of your high standard.
    Edited by Loxy37 on May 8, 2014 2:35PM
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