Nazon_Katts wrote: »Dear @ZOS_JessicaFolsom first of all, good morning, I fear it won't stay that way today. But I do have a couple of questions:
"...we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve"
a) googling this part still brings up the ESO Store FAQ, so was this posted by ZOS, got the site hacked or did a now former employee slam the door on his way out?
If it is legit,
b) if it does take 6 months to offer the intended experience, why do we have to pay for a product that's obviously sub standard by your own measures?
c) are PC gamers not considered fans and / or undeserving of a polished product?
d) can I swap my PC version for a PS4 version as I very much would like to experience the game how expected and deserve
If it's not,
e) do you really believe handling this affair with a no-comments on rumors approach will help the situation?
f) if it was a former employee, is there a round of lay-offs happening?
Thank for your time!
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »What does that prove? Noone said it was a fake screenshot. Relax wait for ZOS to address it I say. Im not saying it is not true but also not saying it is true. If it was true why would they remove it?
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Why do you think even if it is delayed it is delayed because of problems with the PC version? I think its hilarious first off people believe this without any official word from ZOS. Second I think its even more funny they think the game is somehow going to be different on consoles. If anything it will be more limited than the PC version.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »What does that prove? Noone said it was a fake screenshot. Relax wait for ZOS to address it I say. Im not saying it is not true but also not saying it is true. If it was true why would they remove it?
GossiTheDog wrote: »
Because they hadn't announced it yet. On the site they linked to a blog post about the delay which wasn't live yet. Hence, delete. They're also deleting all posts by customers on their Facebook page about it.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
This is not true I was just reading the facebook page. This is all over it including about 40 diff screenshots of it before it was deleted. personally it looks like someone wrote it who didnt know what they were doing. Like I said calm down take a deep breath and wait for ZOS to address it.
Also I mean none of us are console customers anyways.
GossiTheDog wrote: »
I am calm. It is true, they deleted posts about it. I did not say all (it's also before 8am East Coast US time, where teh community managers work).
I have PC version and an XB1. I am not bothered by the delay - the PC version should have been delayed too.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
The PC version is fine. I would much rather be playing. I am VR5 have yet to run into anything game stopping.
I play on PC, actually. And this game's problems aren't that bad and they've been doing a good job working to fix them. However, I do agree that the console gamers should be happy because they will get a polished game instead of what we got lol. Over exaggerations and ridiculous high amount of outrage over the PC version's issues, I must say.
GossiTheDog wrote: »
Proof positive there's no main quests broken, hanging at loading screens on PVP, bots, gold sellers, bugs etc.
You ask a few personal questions there.Nazon_Katts wrote: »Dear @ZOS_JessicaFolsom first of all, good morning, I fear it won't stay that way today. But I do have a couple of questions:
"...we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve"
a) googling this part still brings up the ESO Store FAQ, so was this posted by ZOS, got the site hacked or did a now former employee slam the door on his way out?
If it is legit,
b) if it does take 6 months to offer the intended experience, why do we have to pay for a product that's obviously sub standard by your own measures?
c) are PC gamers not considered fans and / or undeserving of a polished product?
d) can I swap my PC version for a PS4 version as I very much would like to experience the game how expected and deserve
If it's not,
e) do you really believe handling this affair with a no-comments on rumors approach will help the situation?
f) if it was a former employee, is there a round of lay-offs happening?
Thank for your time!
Lanatireb17_ESO wrote: »
check the release date. THAT would take an enormous amount of trolling to go this far as to also make a sales webpage fake the releasedate,
From my very limited MMO experience this is true; there are bunches of issues but I can still play and have a good time and experience lots of stuff here. At this point in AgeOfConan I could NOT do ANYTHING because all the content was broken above my level and I wasn't a particularly high level and over-leveling screwed you up significantly. On the other hand if you put out $60-$100 you have a perfect right to feel entitled; I sure felt entitled and pissed at AoC at about this same juncture.Wow. Such non sense. There have been VERY FEW games (MMOs that is) that didn't have major issues; in many cases, worse than ESO's issues. People need to relax. The ridiculous entitled mentality of gamers today is worse than a game having bugs when it comes out.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Why do you think even if it is delayed it is delayed because of problems with the PC version? I think its hilarious first off people believe this without any official word from ZOS. Second I think its even more funny they think the game is somehow going to be different on consoles. If anything it will be more limited than the PC version.
Hmmm... Will be waiting to see if Zenimax/Bethesda confirm or deny this rumor. It could certainly be a cleverly crafted hoax.
GossiTheDog wrote: »
If somebody managed to edit the text on to cause a hoax, they got hacked (which would be a bigger story).
Considering the console version was supposed to launch next month and there's no screenshots, no videos, no publicity - I think we all know it has been pushed back.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Ya of course you doom and gloom people wont let pesky thing like facts, logic and reason get in the way of your ranting.