GossiTheDog wrote: »
Clearly because, as you say, all the bugs are fixed. :P
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
Note how it says it is unrelated to any PC issues.
steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
Well, they would have to say that. They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out and we have more bots than Skynet' can they.
steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
Well, they would have to say that. They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out and we have more bots than Skynet' can they.
Clearly they wouldn't say that since it isn't true.steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out.
Or haters who are so rabid in their hatred nothing that isn't a total slam against ZOS is believable.mark.coogan_ESO wrote: »Precisely - anyone who believes the absolutely-positively-totally-nothing-at-all-to-do-with-the-pc-version PR here is naive to put it mildly.
Good for the roi, I cancelled a few min ago when the timer switched to less than 1 day left. I am not willing to improve their roi if the bugs I care most about arent fixed. I also couldnt care less if the investors go bankrupt or if they drown in money from naive people.Fairydragon3 wrote: »
Well, that's a common practice now. Only single player games have the polish, that you are seeking, at launch. I like this game, I want to play it when i have the time. I dont mind the small bugs that have barley affected me, I like being able to play this game now. But the thing is I am in the Majority. That is what developers cater to for initial testing. I feel for the rest of yall who are having issues, but this is just how it goes, Test for the majority, fix the minority. This will never change. But if you honestly are having so much trouble that you want to unsub, go right ahead, dont waste your money on something that makes you mad, wait 8 months if needed since you dont mind that, no one is making you pay. Zeni doesnt want your money if you are not enjoying the game. I just realize they will fix things faster if they still have their steam of income to please the investors. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ROI in the video game industry.
Or haters who are so rabid in their hatred nothing that isn't a total slam against ZOS is believable.
If I'm naive then so be it, far better naive than cynical and full of hatred.
Malediktus wrote: »Good for the roi, I cancelled a few min ago when the timer switched to less than 1 day left. I am not willing to improve their roi if the bugs I care most about arent fixed. I also couldnt care less if the investors go bankrupt or if they drown in money from naive people.
example: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/discussion/81050/eidetic-memory-bugged-to-uselessness-gamebreaking-possible-spoilersjamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
What bugs do you care about? I keep asking people to be specific about what bugs and all they can say is "the bugs man!".
Malediktus wrote: »
pls ppl will you stop sayig all games are bugged at the beginning?
1)It doesn't help give 'em such an ecxuse in avoidi those failure starts, just give them the right to abuse of us!
2)That is not true at all i can give you a long list of game that didn't have that much problems as you are saying, just couse you played WoW, well that is not "all the games".
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »Since there are a "whole bunch" of passives that dont work can you name a few? I never had any problems with 99% of the quests. I am VR5 now. There were a couple reapers march quests didnt work but they also were not needed. The one in coldharbour yes was broken but easily worked around by diving to your death naked and spamming the E key.
steveb16_ESO46 wrote: »
I'm not going to feed your trolling. Either you know full well that there's a range of broken passives (for the vampire skill line and nightblade class to name but 2) or you're not informed enough to take a useful part in this discussion.
Edited to add - and oh yeah. Please itemise all the bugs in the games you listed.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »So lotro has no bugs? are you high or what? Ive played lotro AND ddo since launch there are TONS of bugs. Guild wars and GW2 both have bugs and GW2 was a disaster at launch. Star trek online? are you kidding me lol? Every single game you just posted has bugs.
For example here is a two or three page list of bugs fixed in the last lotro patch.
Here is a list of DDO bugs:
http://ddowiki.com/page/Category:Game_bugs (updated april 11th 2014)
List of STO bugs:
I can go on and on.
jamesharv2005ub17_ESO wrote: »
So in other words you say there are a "whole bunch" but cannot name any. Sounds like hyperbole to me. Two is not a "whole bunch" thats a couple. Also vampires should not be complaining since they are god mode already.
in the first link u posted there is just one fixed quest, the other things are released patch notes, for new features.
in the second list is the whole amount of bugs that ddo encuntered in 8 years, ESO already has a longer list after a month