Console delayed for 6 months? Check this article. Is it true?!

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO

    Clearly because, as you say, all the bugs are fixed. :P

    So what bugs are you talking about? I never said ALL bugs are fixed but the majority of the game stoppers are.
  • andrew-kelly22ub17_ESO
    As much as it would be a disappointment, I hope it gets a delay to ensure that a majority of the bugs/problems get fixed for the release on XB1/PS4. If that is the case, I'll occupy my time by joining the ESO community on PC. B)
    Get It Burrsniff!!
  • steveb16_ESO46

    Note how it says it is unrelated to any PC issues.

    Well, they would have to say that. They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out and we have more bots than Skynet' can they.
  • mark.coogan_ESO

    Well, they would have to say that. They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out and we have more bots than Skynet' can they.

    Precisely - anyone who believes the absolutely-positively-totally-nothing-at-all-to-do-with-the-pc-version PR here is naive to put it mildly.

  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO

    Well, they would have to say that. They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out and we have more bots than Skynet' can they.

    They said its because of the unique networks on each system. Has absolutely nothing to do with the PC version nor megaserver tech.
  • KerinKor

    They can hardly say 'we've found there's a deep issue with the mega-server technology that causes quests to bug out.
    Clearly they wouldn't say that since it isn't true.
  • Nazon_Katts
    Actually, we get paid to continue testing. 20$ for the console version plus a (possible) vr12 char (alright, you have to level that yourself and it'll be a clone, but hey) is probably worth more than the six month sub.

    At least to me, that's a fair deal and I'm glad I asked. :p (not saying this was due to me asking, but I wasn't expecting a positive on that one)
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • KerinKor
    Precisely - anyone who believes the absolutely-positively-totally-nothing-at-all-to-do-with-the-pc-version PR here is naive to put it mildly.
    Or haters who are so rabid in their hatred nothing that isn't a total slam against ZOS is believable.

    If I'm naive then so be it, far better naive than cynical and full of hatred.
    Edited by KerinKor on May 8, 2014 2:35PM
  • Malediktus

    Well, that's a common practice now. Only single player games have the polish, that you are seeking, at launch. I like this game, I want to play it when i have the time. I dont mind the small bugs that have barley affected me, I like being able to play this game now. But the thing is I am in the Majority. That is what developers cater to for initial testing. I feel for the rest of yall who are having issues, but this is just how it goes, Test for the majority, fix the minority. This will never change. But if you honestly are having so much trouble that you want to unsub, go right ahead, dont waste your money on something that makes you mad, wait 8 months if needed since you dont mind that, no one is making you pay. Zeni doesnt want your money if you are not enjoying the game. I just realize they will fix things faster if they still have their steam of income to please the investors. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE ROI in the video game industry.
    Good for the roi, I cancelled a few min ago when the timer switched to less than 1 day left. I am not willing to improve their roi if the bugs I care most about arent fixed. I also couldnt care less if the investors go bankrupt or if they drown in money from naive people.
    Edited by Malediktus on May 8, 2014 2:35PM
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • mark.coogan_ESO
    KerinKor wrote: »
    Or haters who are so rabid in their hatred nothing that isn't a total slam against ZOS is believable.

    If I'm naive then so be it, far better naive than cynical and full of hatred.

    Full of hatred ? Oh please, get a grip and get some perspective. The whole reason companies put out PR like this is because they know there are enough people out there who will swallow whatever they say.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Malediktus wrote: »
    Good for the roi, I cancelled a few min ago when the timer switched to less than 1 day left. I am not willing to improve their roi if the bugs I care most about arent fixed. I also couldnt care less if the investors go bankrupt or if they drown in money from naive people.

    What bugs do you care about? I keep asking people to be specific about what bugs and all they can say is "the bugs man!".
  • Fairydragon3
    Good for the roi, I cancelled a few min ago when the timer switched to less than 1 day left. I am not willing to improve their roi if the bugs I care most about arent fixed. I also couldnt care less if the investors go bankrupt or if they drown in money from naive people.[/quote]
    smart move on the sub, but I wish people would think before making comments like your ending. I dout you fully understand the consequence when something like that happens
  • Malediktus

    What bugs do you care about? I keep asking people to be specific about what bugs and all they can say is "the bugs man!".
    @Malediktus --- Ebonheart Pact, EU-Megaserver
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Malediktus wrote: »

    Wow so you cancelled because you cannot go back and read books? Thats crazy lol. Well if that bugs you prob better you just steer clear of MMOs totally. hell even single player games. Also there is an addon that fixes this called librarian.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on May 8, 2014 2:44PM
  • davidetombab16_ESO
    6 months delay for console? This is a good news, atm eso is a beta .
  • Flametyn
    pls ppl will you stop sayig all games are bugged at the beginning?
    1)It doesn't help give 'em such an ecxuse in avoidi those failure starts, just give them the right to abuse of us!
    2)That is not true at all i can give you a long list of game that didn't have that much problems as you are saying, just couse you played WoW, well that is not "all the games".
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Flametyn wrote: »
    pls ppl will you stop sayig all games are bugged at the beginning?
    1)It doesn't help give 'em such an ecxuse in avoidi those failure starts, just give them the right to abuse of us!
    2)That is not true at all i can give you a long list of game that didn't have that much problems as you are saying, just couse you played WoW, well that is not "all the games".

    Ok give me a long list of bug free games.
  • steveb16_ESO46
    There's a whole bunch of passives that still don't work. There's still plenty of quests that can fall prey to whatever the mega-server tech issue is that causes things to break under some circumstances.

    I'm quite happy slowly levelling 2 characters as they tend to get dealt with before I encounter them.

    But when this game launched practically every quest was potentially broken. People in my guild who rushed through content were stuck for days stretching into a second week on some. Others were getting up in the middle of the night in the hope the event would trigger if no one else was around.

    On release it was a total mess. I was always having to log in and out to get stuff to trigger or wait for a server reset to clear things for a few hours. And this was all stuff uncovered in the beta's and not fixed. It wasn't the way to launch a premium sub game.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Since there are a "whole bunch" of passives that dont work can you name a few? I never had any problems with 99% of the quests. I am VR5 now. There were a couple reapers march quests didnt work but they also were not needed. The one in coldharbour yes was broken but easily worked around by diving to your death naked and spamming the E key.
  • Flametyn
    if we should amuse like babies, here we are:
    2)Guild Wars;
    3)Guild Wars2;
    4)DC Universe Online;
    6)Allods Online;
    8)City of Heros (closed game);
    9)FF XIV: ARR, after FF XIV the second launch was almost perfect;
    10)Aura Kingdom;
    11)Star Trek Online;
    12)I got bored of thinking and i'm starting to feel old.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    So lotro has no bugs? are you high or what? Ive played lotro AND ddo since launch there are TONS of bugs. Guild wars and GW2 both have bugs and GW2 was a disaster at launch. Star trek online? are you kidding me lol? Every single game you just posted has bugs.

    For example here is a two or three page list of bugs fixed in the last lotro patch.

    Here is a list of DDO bugs: (updated april 11th 2014)

    List of STO bugs:

    I can go on and on.

    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on May 8, 2014 3:02PM
  • Flametyn
    Lol they have not so many bugs as ESO, thay may had quite a few. GW" launch was perfect. Lotro i didn't play the launch i got in 1 month later but there where not as many bugs as eso has now, theother one also had really few bugs at the launch
  • steveb16_ESO46
    Since there are a "whole bunch" of passives that dont work can you name a few? I never had any problems with 99% of the quests. I am VR5 now. There were a couple reapers march quests didnt work but they also were not needed. The one in coldharbour yes was broken but easily worked around by diving to your death naked and spamming the E key.

    I'm not going to feed your trolling. Either you know full well that there's a range of broken passives (for the vampire skill line and nightblade class to name but 2) or you're not informed enough to take a useful part in this discussion.

    Edited to add - and oh yeah. Please itemise all the bugs in the games you listed. Especially as your lotro link is largely to a list of changes not bug fixes.
    Edited by steveb16_ESO46 on May 8, 2014 3:05PM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO

    I'm not going to feed your trolling. Either you know full well that there's a range of broken passives (for the vampire skill line and nightblade class to name but 2) or you're not informed enough to take a useful part in this discussion.

    Edited to add - and oh yeah. Please itemise all the bugs in the games you listed.

    So in other words you say there are a "whole bunch" but cannot name any. Sounds like hyperbole to me. Two is not a "whole bunch" thats a couple. Also vampires should not be complaining since they are god mode already.
  • Flametyn
    So lotro has no bugs? are you high or what? Ive played lotro AND ddo since launch there are TONS of bugs. Guild wars and GW2 both have bugs and GW2 was a disaster at launch. Star trek online? are you kidding me lol? Every single game you just posted has bugs.

    For example here is a two or three page list of bugs fixed in the last lotro patch.

    Here is a list of DDO bugs: (updated april 11th 2014)

    List of STO bugs:

    I can go on and on.
    in the first link u posted there is just one fixed quest, the other things are released patch notes, for new features.
    in the second list is the whole amount of bugs that ddo encuntered in 8 years, ESO already has a longer list after a month
    Edited by Flametyn on May 8, 2014 3:06PM
  • tilolyen_ESO

    So in other words you say there are a "whole bunch" but cannot name any. Sounds like hyperbole to me. Two is not a "whole bunch" thats a couple. Also vampires should not be complaining since they are god mode already.

    You really need to stop while your ahead, because you look more and more foolish with each one of your uneducated / unresearched posts. I have a VR8 nightblade
    Here's a list of "some" of the bugs that plague NB.
    I grabbed this info from another thread and tested all of these, they are indeed broken.

    • Death Stroke <Incapacitating Strike> and <Soul Harvest> On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered.
    • Assassin’s Blade <Killer’s Blade> and <Impale> – On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered. These abilities are also bugged in that they cannot crit. This may be fixed in 1.1
    • Haste <Focused Attacks> and <Incapacitate> – The attack speed increase of 30% doesn’t affect bow weapons.
    • Mark Target <Reaper’s Mark> – The gain damage bonus effect does not appear to work.
    • Mark Target <Piercing Mark> – Allows you to see and attack targets who are sneaking however not targets that are invisible currently.
    • Teleport Strike <Ambush> – On occasion the animation will happen however the ability is not actually triggered.

    • Shadow Cloak <Shadowy Disguise> – Approximately 25% of the time this ability does not trigger any of its effects.
    • Shadow Cloak <Shadowy Disguise> and <Dark Cloak> – On occasion you wont visually be invisible but you are to the mobs.
    • Shadow Cloak <Shadowy Disguise> and <Dark Cloak> – Your character becomes invisible however enemy players can see particle effects and thus be able to locate your player.
    • Veiled Strike <Concealed Weapon> – The 22% movement speed in stealth while slotted effect appears to suffer the dreaded “Once you’ve died you need to re-log or zone to rectify the issue”. Workaround: If you re-log or change zones it will force the passive effect to work again.
    • Veiled Strike <Surprise Attack> and <Concealed Weapon> – Often the animation and stun effect will occur but no damage is done to the enemy.
    • Path of Darkness <Twisting Path> and <Refreshing Path> – This ability appears to be affected by terrain, the magicka cost is spent however the ability does not trigger.
    • Aspect of Terror <Mass Hysteria> and <Manifestation of Terror> – The base fear effect of 2 nearby enemies doesn’t appear to last the suggested 4 seconds all the time. It is often between 1.5 – 4 seconds.

    • Strife <Funnel Health> – On occasion it doesn’t apply to anyone.
    • Strife <Funnel Health> – Doesn’t appear to be healing allies for the actual amount it should be, inconsistent heal effects.
    • Cripple <Debilitate> and <Crippling Grasp> – The dot effect of this ability does not work on mobs that are immune to snare effects.
    • Siphoning Strikes <Leeching Strike> – Only gives an extra 2.4% health instead of the expected 4%. This I've confirmed myself.
    • Drain Power <Sap Essence> – Is unable to perform a critical strike for both the damage and healing component of this ability.
    • Drain Power <Sap Essence> – Will not cast the heal effect unless the enemy is being damaged.
    • Drain Power <Sap Essence> – Heals only for the base amount, and the +20% heal per target hit is never applied.


    Edited by tilolyen_ESO on May 8, 2014 3:16PM
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Flametyn wrote: »
    in the first link u posted there is just one fixed quest, the other things are released patch notes, for new features.
    in the second list is the whole amount of bugs that ddo encuntered in 8 years, ESO already has a longer list after a month

    Scroll down genius there are pages there lol. Also DDO is how old now? I would certainly hope most of the bugs are worked out. That does not mean it is bug free. The second one shows it currently has bugs. I know Ive played DDO and LOTRO since launch. I am a lifetime member to STO as well. So you are simply silly saying they have no bugs.

    So ya not even one of those games you listed are bug free. Care to try more? How about single player games? You know of any of those bug free? How about like windows OS? Certainly windows must be bug free right? lol

    Oh and the DDO bugs are CURRENT bugs not something from years ago that has been fixed.
    Edited by jamesharv2005ub17_ESO on May 8, 2014 3:11PM
  • crush83
    Saying a "game has bugs" is not the same as saying a game has "game-breaking bugs".

    Sure, every game has bugs. Not every game is riddled with bugs that stop progression in it's tracks. ESO will get them worked out. I'm just hoping it's weeks, and not years.
  • Etchesketch

    current pc owners
    PS4 and Xbox One game for $20 when it releases, along with another 30 days of game time.
    Edited by Etchesketch on May 8, 2014 3:11PM
    The number one rule of online gaming is now and has always been, Never play on Patch Day.
  • Zargorius
    Easy to offer 30 days of game time when the game is F2P.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
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