Console delayed for 6 months? Check this article. Is it true?!

  • Jade1986
    nhisso wrote: »
    Honestly you should be happy. The game is in no state to be released on consoles atm.

  • Audigy
    Poor forum mods, this will be a busy day today. :(
  • Valethar
    I imagine there will be a flood of 'PC master race' trolls all over this story before lunch.
    Resistance is not futile! Say no to the Greed Collective™. Boycott Crown Crates.
  • Morthur
    Edited by Morthur on January 19, 2015 5:25PM
  • cromica81_ESO
    Valethar wrote: »
    I imagine there will be a flood of 'PC master race' trolls all over this story before lunch.

    Why there is nothing to gloat about with all the problems the game has.
  • Laura
    think I'll avoid these forums for a few days
  • Kemono
    This is old news, i read about it like yesterday on Reddit
    Btw there were rumors that EU servers move to EU area with planed console release
    This rumors BETTER DO NOT BE TRUE, cos we (EU players) seriously dont last 6 months with recent lags
    Edited by Kemono on May 8, 2014 11:22AM
  • nhisso
    I play on PC, actually. And this game's problems aren't that bad and they've been doing a good job working to fix them. However, I do agree that the console gamers should be happy because they will get a polished game instead of what we got lol. Over exaggerations and ridiculous high amount of outrage over the PC version's issues, I must say.
  • Jade1986
    Morthur wrote: »
    While it has become clear that our planned June release of the console versions isn't going to be possible, we have made great progress, we have concluded that we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve

    And us PC players don't deserve an experience that fans would expect? Or what are you trying to say exactly?

    This game would have profited a lot by only being released in 6 months.

    Since it's obvious that the game developers agree that this game is currently in no state to be released I think the very first step would be to give all PC-players 6 months of free game time. Or why exactly should we be paying $15 a month for the honor of playing a game that the devs themselves admit isn't fit for release?

    If I'm being used as a beta tester then the beta at least should be free!
    I honestly think they should go the route FF14 went, role back completely and release at a later date when the game is ACTUALLY ready, otherwise I can foresee this game going the path SWTOR did due to horrible horrible mismanagement.

  • Syntse
    I suspect one reason behind this is patches. On PC you can patch things quite quickly. On consoles it might be bigger hassle and also might cost the company money to drop patches (at least this was the case on xbox 360).

    So they could release it on PC because of public and publisher demand knowing they can patch about every day if they like. On consoles Sony or Microsoft will own the servers and they need to apply the patch to their servers. Also for client patches they will need to use the PS Network or Live network for distribution instead of their own server (PC) which will make things harder and most likely also costly.
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  • Morthur
    Edited by Morthur on January 19, 2015 5:24PM
  • nhisso
    Wow. Such non sense. There have been VERY FEW games (MMOs that is) that didn't have major issues; in many cases, worse than ESO's issues. People need to relax. The ridiculous entitled mentality of gamers today is worse than a game having bugs when it comes out.
  • Laura
    laced wrote: »
    Morthur wrote: »
    While it has become clear that our planned June release of the console versions isn't going to be possible, we have made great progress, we have concluded that we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve

    And us PC players don't deserve an experience that fans would expect? Or what are you trying to say exactly?

    This game would have profited a lot by only being released in 6 months.

    Since it's obvious that the game developers agree that this game is currently in no state to be released I think the very first step would be to give all PC-players 6 months of free game time. Or why exactly should we be paying $15 a month for the honor of playing a game that the devs themselves admit isn't fit for release?

    If I'm being used as a beta tester then the beta at least should be free!
    I honestly think they should go the route FF14 went, role back completely and release at a later date when the game is ACTUALLY ready, otherwise I can foresee this game going the path SWTOR did due to horrible horrible mismanagement.

    I absolutely adore this game and I'd be pretty upset if it went free to play.

    That said I hate to say it but I agree with you. That is exactly what should be done and I think they should have delayed THIS release at least six months.

    Not just for bugs but.. you know more elder scrolls tennants like having the crime system already in the game? its going to be pretty awkward when all of a sudden npcs care if you steal from them.

    Zenimax please do this.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    That FAQ only said that for a few minutes. It no longer says anything about a delay.
  • GossiTheDog
    Here's the thing. An Xbox One runs Windows 8 kernel, and games use DirectX 11. The games are even .exe files. If the Xbox One version is getting delayed 6 months -- keep it mind it was due to launch next month and there were NO screenshots, trailers, gameplay etc -- they knew full well the game didn't work properly on PC. Welcome to paid beta, PC gamers.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Here's the thing. An Xbox One runs Windows 8 kernel, and games use DirectX 11. The games are even .exe files. If the Xbox One version is getting delayed 6 months -- keep it mind it was due to launch next month and there were NO screenshots, trailers, gameplay etc -- they knew full well the game didn't work properly on PC. Welcome to paid beta, PC gamers.

    Welcome to MMOs. ALL of them are like this. I think the biggest problem is people wanting a single player game. All mmos have bugs all mmos have balance issues all mmos have these problems. Yet people act all shocked about it. Also like I said before there has been no official word from Bethesda so Id hold off screaming the sky is falling just yet.
  • ElSlayer
    Here it goes - [snip] hits the fan...
    Edited by ZOS_LeroyW on May 8, 2014 11:42AM
    @d0e1ow: There is no singular thing within a game's little ecosystem that will convince you that you hate the game, hate your life, and hate everyone around you faster than the game's official forums will.

    @TaffyIX: Life is too short to get upset by a video game.
  • Iharyd
    nhisso wrote: »

    This game is rushed by more than 6 months,and i dont belive they actually didnt knew about that before shipping it for PC's.It was quite obvious after u passed starter zones - further from there more and more bugs,total lack of polish in classes,skills, dumb core game mechanics and security measures,unresponsive and laggy combat [im from europ....sry US2 server so 300+ ping is like a bread and butter],I could write a damn book about whats went wrong and still going ZOS more to be their test rats coz console users need smooth launch,not like that disaster we recived.This game shouldnt be p2p at first,its not even close in any way to value of AAA games like GW2 or Rift that are b2p/f2p, in both pvp or pve aspects.
  • Zeeed
    Bots all over place
    Gaming on USA EU SERVER
    Reloging 50 times a day

    Paying 8pounds a month for playing beta for Console players PRICELESS :D

    nhisso YOU ARE WRONG. Companies are releasing games in beta stages nowadays just look at BF4 !!!!
    Edited by Zeeed on May 8, 2014 11:30AM
  • SantieClaws
    If this is true I would not expect any comment from Zenimax until after about 10.00 US time. That is when press releases are often issued - after everyone is in the office and has time to meet and discuss it. My money is the FAQ webpage was being updated on a timer and someone mixed up the time and set it to go live at the wrong time.
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  • Genomic
    nhisso wrote: »
    Wow. Such non sense. There have been VERY FEW games (MMOs that is) that didn't have major issues; in many cases, worse than ESO's issues. People need to relax. The ridiculous entitled mentality of gamers today is worse than a game having bugs when it comes out.

    This excuse is wearing more thin every day. At this point it's beginning to smack of apologetics and denial.
  • mark.coogan_ESO
    Frankly this is unsurprising if true - they are probably looking at their dismal churn numbers after the first month and concluding that they cannot afford the same thing to happen on the console release so they need time to fix/figure out what to do.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Genomic wrote: »
    nhisso wrote: »
    Wow. Such non sense. There have been VERY FEW games (MMOs that is) that didn't have major issues; in many cases, worse than ESO's issues. People need to relax. The ridiculous entitled mentality of gamers today is worse than a game having bugs when it comes out.

    This excuse is wearing more thin every day. At this point it's beginning to smack of apologetics and denial.

    No it smacks of logic and reason. You dont seem to have either. We havent even been billed yet and you chicken littles are screaming the sky is falling. Honestly who cares if the console version is delayed. What affect will that have on us PC users? Nada. Thats IF its true which we dont know for sure.
  • Fairydragon3
    Valethar wrote: »
    I imagine there will be a flood of 'PC master race' trolls all over this story before lunch.

    that phrase was always so stupid, since PC's have so much variety between each person's build. It's more like "the $$ Race" people who spent so much to not deal with bull ***. A proper PC is at least 2k
  • Nazon_Katts
    Dear @ZOS_JessicaFolsom first of all, good morning, I fear it won't stay that way today. But I do have a couple of questions:

    "...we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve"

    a) googling this part still brings up the ESO Store FAQ, so was this posted by ZOS, got the site hacked or did a now former employee slam the door on his way out?

    If it is legit,

    b) if it does take 6 months to offer the intended experience, why do we have to pay for a product that's obviously sub standard by your own measures?

    c) are PC gamers not considered fans and / or undeserving of a polished product?

    d) can I swap my PC version for a PS4 version as I very much would like to experience the game how expected and deserve

    If it's not,

    e) do you really believe handling this affair with a no-comments on rumors approach will help the situation?

    f) if it was a former employee, is there a round of lay-offs happening?

    Thank for your time!
    "You've probably figured that out by now. Let's hope so. Or we're in real trouble... and out come the intestines. And I skip rope with them!"
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Why do you think even if it is delayed it is delayed because of problems with the PC version? I think its hilarious first off people believe this without any official word from ZOS. Second I think its even more funny they think the game is somehow going to be different on consoles. If anything it will be more limited than the PC version.
  • Genomic
    No it smacks of logic and reason. You dont seem to have either. We havent even been billed yet and you chicken littles are screaming the sky is falling. Honestly who cares if the console version is delayed. What affect will that have on us PC users? Nada. Thats IF its true which we dont know for sure.

    Pfft. Logic and reason. I'd laugh if it wasn't so tragic.. You are truly living in denial.
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Genomic wrote: »
    No it smacks of logic and reason. You dont seem to have either. We havent even been billed yet and you chicken littles are screaming the sky is falling. Honestly who cares if the console version is delayed. What affect will that have on us PC users? Nada. Thats IF its true which we dont know for sure.

    Pfft. Logic and reason. I'd laugh if it wasn't so tragic.. You are truly living in denial.

    Ya of course you doom and gloom people wont let pesky thing like facts, logic and reason get in the way of your ranting.
  • Iharyd
    Dear @ZOS_JessicaFolsom first of all, good morning, I fear it won't stay that way today. But I do have a couple of questions:

    "...we'll need about six more months to ensure we deliver the experience our fans expect and deserve"

    a) googling this part still brings up the ESO Store FAQ, so was this posted by ZOS, got the site hacked or did a now former employee slam the door on his way out?

    If it is legit,

    b) if it does take 6 months to offer the intended experience, why do we have to pay for a product that's obviously sub standard by your own measures?

    c) are PC gamers not considered fans and / or undeserving of a polished product?

    d) can I swap my PC version for a PS4 version as I very much would like to experience the game how expected and deserve

    If it's not,

    e) do you really believe handling this affair with a no-comments on rumors approach will help the situation?

    f) if it was a former employee, is there a round of lay-offs happening?

    Thank for your time!

    Guess something fishy is going on,this post deserves its own topic,coz I cant imagine Zos could go around that without any statement.

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