valkaneer2b14_ESO wrote: »Everyone chooses to participate in any poll they take.
all this bickering about whether or not the poll is valid is ridiculous and absolutely besides the point..
What value does the target-cap bring to the game? What is the merit? Wouldn't forcing strong AoEs to be cast while stationary and be interrupt-able be a better fix? wouldn't implementing damage based on how close you are to the center of the AoE be a better fix? Wouldn't evaluating the abilities on a case-by-case basis be a better strategy than implementing an illogical and arbitrary cap?
Sadly, many, many, many people. Like spam impulse and vamp ultimate.
prana33b14_ESO wrote: »haha dude's still going with "the forum filled with people complaining about aoe may not have wanted to vote on a poll about aoe".
ValenWoody wrote: »
...and still you have no clue what I'm talking about. (HINT: it's exactly the opposite.)
This is why we can't have nice things.
prana33b14_ESO wrote: »uh huh if that were the case you wouldn't be so hung up on bad polls and could make some decisions based on incomplete information. More people visit that forum to complain about aoe (and anything else for that matter) than people just checking stuff out. If anything, the poll is likely biased towards the whiners and it's an even higher percentage that truly want no caps on aoe.
Anyone that unsubs from this game because they can't hit or heal 100 people per second with 0 cooldown abilities is just being a cry-baby.
It's not good game design for 1 person to be able to kill 20 in an open field. And in most cases, they ALREADY can't. But you whiners are so bad that you didn't even notice.
If you're so obsessed with killing 30 players with one, man a siege engine. That's what they're designed for, and they have no AOE cap. They can kill as many people as you want.
So there are people who bought the game for the sole reason that it had no AoE caps? That is the game maker/breaker mechanic?
ZOS purposefully hide that information because this was their big sales bringer?
Try not to be so over dramatic.
All of you complaining about AOE need to play a game like EVE Online, where AOE hits everyone, friendlies too.
Elder Scrolls Online with no AOE cap and hitting friendlies would be insanely fun.