While the fix is welcome, it's not nearly enough to address the issue with the excessive power of AOE abilities in EOS PVP. Some of them are widely considered overpowered for a reason, with Impulse and Bat Swarm being two prime examples. The current AOE power is discouraging the use of such standard PVP tactics as identifying priority targets and focus fire. The current imbalance in favour of AOE on live servers is so severe it makes these few abilities mandatory for a competitive PVP build. It also makes mindless AOE spam by far the best PVP "tactic", which no player who wants quality PVP experience - and not just AP farm - could possibly enjoy.
There are several potential solutions, not all may be equally good, but something has to be done:
- reduce the target limit selectively on some of the abilities;
- significantly reduce damage and weaken CC and healing effects on those abilities;
- make all AOE abilities that are not targetted on ground require a primary enemy target, with only that target taking full damage, and secondary targets only taking a percentage of it; this would also add a minimum awareness requirement on the part of the caster;
*- opponents of AOE caps keep mentioning DAOC, so another option is to make EOS AOE more like DAOC AOE, in other words, add long activation times or channeling to the more powerful AOE abilities, during which the caster would need to remain stationary and vulnerable to interrupts.*
I addressed that in my response. By the time that the post was linked there, the poll already received more than 2000 votes and was at 90% voting no. If anything, more people voted yes since his post than had before that. Additionally, regardless of the biased title, it makes it more polarizing, inadvertently encouraging people who do want an AoE cap to vote "Yes" in the poll as well. Either way, the point is moot and the results were statistically relevant long before that thread was made.
Completely skewed the results? What are you smoking? If you think a poll of over 3,000 votes like that can be skewed in a significant way by reddit titles.... you're delusional. A landslide vote is a landslide vote.Lava_Croft wrote: »His point was not the title of your post, which was very clear and honest. His point was where and how there was linked to your post, in placed such as Reddit, with post titles like he mentioned. This completely skewed the results of your poll to the point where it's nearly meaningless. You are not directly to blame for this.
Completely skewed the results? What are you smoking? If you think a poll of over 3,000 votes like that can be skewed in a significant way by reddit titles.... you're delusional. A landslide vote is a landslide vote.
So do those that take online surveys from stores or companies. They choose whether to take it or not. By your logic, anyone who ever chooses to vote or take a survey for anything doesn't count because they had enough of an opinion to vote for or against something so it must be biased. The thread title was unbiased, meaning that both those who favor an AoE cap and those who were against it would visit the thread to chime in if they cared enough, regardless of which side they are on. The results of that poll mean a hell of a lot.
prana33b14_ESO wrote: »While self selection bias may be at play, not even Nate Silver is going to run with "that doesn't mean most people want
caps" when it is that much of a landslide. Pretty sure we can infer that over 50% of pvpers want caps gone.
The poll is open to everyone.
The type of "player" you're taking these results from is one who is either strongly for or against caps. In this case those against caps turn out to be the majority of people with extremist views on caps. Yay you! In all actuality you would have to also take into consideration the number of people who viewed the link and either didn't vote or didn't even click on it as well, as they are in the "I don't care" category. Because you can't get those numbers without a statistically accurate polling method, you cannot say that your poll is meaningful in any way. I know this is hard to accept as you seem to be firmly in the "No Caps!" group, but the chance that the majority of players just don't care is >> the chance that the majority of players want caps removed.I'm not taking these results from a specific kind of "player".
prana33b14_ESO wrote: »...It isn't accurate...
I'm done with you, ValenWoody. You are discounting the opinions of 3,000 people that were 90% of the poll respondents and claiming it is biased and invalid yet providing no numbers or any reasoning other than saying "self-selection bias" over and over.
This is an awful decision by ZOS and it is clear as f***ing day that the majority of players disagree with this change.
A large yellow rectangle
Lava_Croft wrote: »Maybe you should read the thread first, since nowhere in that thread there is any statement about there being an AoE cap in place.
"I have been looking at old questions that have been asked about the AoE cap. Brian was asked over and over and over about it and never answered that question on the EJ forums. A lot of people were not happy that he did not answer it, it was very important to them. The consensus was... Well he is from DaoC and I think that is good enough to believe he won't put caps in......
Boy were they wrong."
OK guys, I won't share my opinion on the cap, as I don't PVP all that much anyway. That said, as a practicing engineer with a decent background in statistics currently engaged in designing stratified random samples for academic assessment, you guys really need to let the Poll stuff die (appeal to authority aside). Every time you say it's a statistically significant, I think I die a little inside.
That poll is the very definition of not statistically significant, for so many reasons it hurts my head. The smaller your sample, the more careful you have to be to select the sample. There is a reason pollsters are paid egregious amounts of money, and why you can't get thousands/hundreds of thousands of dollars just by opening your phone book and calling the first 1,000 names and emailing the results to the news stations. It's important that you understand such things, as throughout your life people are going to try to get you believe all sorts of things using bad statistics. Bad statistics are far worse than no statistics at all. Think about this. If I stand outside the football stadium and poll people coming in for a game on whether or not they feel that the funding for the athletic department is high enough, do you think my results would be the same as if I polled the entire student body?
So, it could very well be that 90% of people want no caps. My point is just that the poll does nothing at all to prove/disprove that claim.
ValenWoody wrote: »
There's no "maybe" here. Self-selection bias is automatically in play in this type of poll. It is completely unreliable. It doesn't matter whether it's a landslide or a squeaker. That's what "unreliable" means -- you can't infer ANYTHING from it, and thus ZOS will give it the attention it merits.
I'm not coming down on either side of this argument, BTW. I just don't want to see anybody hang their hats on something that can be so easily (and rightly) dismissed.