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Do you think there should be an AoE cap?

  • Ondark
    I like the possibility for a small coordinated group of players to beat a bunch of Zergers who act without any tactics and thats just a possibility i dont think its easy if you fight 10 vs 100 even if it might happen thoose 100 surely will learn not to stack too close in order to prevent a total wipeout and if 100 ppls have 20 healers to keep them alive means outhealing incoming damage i dont see the point why they should even get wiped. But if a Zerg gets a just stack up and your Immune to alot of Damage option ..the possibilities you have in combat will be reduced and the chance to beat a Stack of Zergers with lower numbers will be close to 0. Which in turn will make Pvp alot less appealing. Or should i say it will certainly ruin alot of Fun that could be had if more things where possible.

    Edited by Ondark on April 30, 2014 10:21AM
  • Jarnhand
    Smoop wrote: »
    Game Time Remaining
    You have 6 days of game time remaining.

    Active - Cancelled


    Good yes... /ragequit works 100% of the time. Indeed go on there.

    It does! Zenimax lives based on making money. If the customers leave, the game dies, Zenimax dies.
  • PacifistCC
    I can live with the game being unbalanced for a couple of months and I can live with constant readjustments. That's somehow to be expected.

    Capping AoE on the other hand has to go. I will not play a game where 100 people run in a blob and only 6 of them can be affected.

    And I am not the only one. Consider me a customer less unless there is substantial information on how this cap is going to be removed.

    PS: Putting stuff like AoE life leeches into the game wasn't a smart idea to begin with.
  • Kizzarse
    I am not surprise at this kneel jerk reaction. Currently in most campaigns u have lots of noobs first time coming into Cyrodiil and they from zergs and get *** by vr10 vets gank groups that use group tactics with vent/ts/raidcall.

    So these noobs cry wolf and hence the appending patch to help these noobs ingame to feel better.

    Anyways, if TESO becomes like GW2 why bother playing it with a sub, I may as well go play GW2...

    So TESO want to implement this change fine. They will lose most pvpers guilds. Than it will be too late and TESO will just go free to play to cater to the noobs.
  • Ondark
    You could kinda call this behavior the Teletubbies Phenomen. Alot of very young Childrens seem to like it ..but once you grown you wont . Alot of new players that have no clue about Mmorpgs call for changes that in the long therm ruin games but seem to make perfect sense. The saddest part about it is the Developers dont seem to have a clue whats right or wrong is it all about the Money no Vision noone seems to have one and too many ppls with too many opinions ruin a game. I kinda start to believe they dont want to have success. At least thats my viewpoint you wont have to agree :)
    Edited by Ondark on April 30, 2014 10:55AM
  • Nijjion
    Ondark wrote: »
    You could kinda call this behavior the Teletubbies Phenomen. Alot of very young Childrens seem to like it ..but once you grown you wont . Alot of new players that have no clue about Mmorpgs call for changes that in the long therm ruin games but seem to make perfect sense. The saddest part about it is the Developers dont seem to have a clue whats right or wrong is it all about the Money no Vision noone seems to have one and too many ppls with too many opinions ruin a game. I kinda start to believe they dont want to have success. At least thats my viewpoint you wont have to agree :)

    'CoD phenomenon' pretty much. Cap the skilled players or make it easy for less skilled players so they can compete. It's sad really the hand holding in games now compared to how they used to be (/hipster moment).
    NijjijjioN - DK - AR27
    NijjioN - NB -
    Daggerfall Covenant
    The Nice Guys Guild
    EverQuest -> Dark Age of Camelot -> Ragnarok Online -> Cabal Online -> Guild Wars 1 -> Warhammer Online -> Vindictus -> SWTOR -> Tera -> Guild Wars 2 -> Elder Scrolls Online ->

    Eagerly awaiting Camelot Unchained.
  • Pryda
    Aeekto wrote: »
    Cepeza wrote: »
    So we have got 3000 ppl voted against a AOE cap and 390 for it. I guess that's kinda unambiguous direction indicator for ZOS.

    So we got someone here who doesn´t know how forums work. :wink:

    If there is something to cry about a lot of people simply jump on the cry-train just for crying, since most people on forums are there with a bad mood.

    People who are fine with most of the things usually never look inside forums because they keep having fun while playing... only some people from this faction are on forums to stop this crying ***, that already destroyed a lot of games.... even its a fight against windmills.

    But i´m very happy that ZOS doesn´t listen to all these crying people here at the forums and stick to their vision of the game and listen to the silent majority.

    You know what? The same vote happened in GW2, and it has more Yes than No.

    So, whatever the result is, people not answering on forums agree with *** mechanics?

    Sounds logic.
    Sorcerer on Auriel's Bow EU - http://www.twitch.tv/Prydatv & http://www.youtube.com/cyr9x (1-50 & VR leveling guides + PvP Videos)
  • Clunan
    No AoE cap. Blobs and Zergs deserve what they get for hiding amongst themselves. As a soldier IRL, we're trained to avoid being too close to one another to avoid casualties from RPGs, grenades, and Area targeting from machine guns. Having an AoE cap, is unrealistic, and encourages blob/zerg unrealistic pvp styles. REMOVE AOE CAPS
  • Warrender
    Soul Shriven
    Oh hell no.
  • leewells
    I see a lot of folks voted no. That's cool, but the cheesy tactic of popping an AOE in a zerg while its being steamrolled to rack in 200,000 points is just as stated -- cheesy. I'm glad its being nerfed and hopefully it will encourage more 1v1 pvp instead of hordes of gankers aoe'ing a small group of level 10's outside of spawn.
    Edited by leewells on April 30, 2014 2:11PM
  • timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO
    Simple, raise the cost, lower the dps and make the animation longer.
    Edited by timborggrenlarsenb16_ESO on April 30, 2014 2:12PM
    - Be Anyone.
    - Do Anything.
    - Go Anywhere.
  • Zargorius
    leewells wrote: »
    I see a lot of folks voted no. That's cool, but the cheesy tactic of popping an AOE in a zerg while its being steamrolled to rack in 200,000 points is just as stated -- cheesy. I'm glad its being nerfed and hopefully it will encourage more 1v1 pvp instead of hordes of gankers aoe'ing a small group of level 10's outside of spawn.

    Why should it encourage 1v1 if with AoE caps in place the best tactic is tight zerging? You will probably see less 1v1 as everybody and their cat will try to bunch up in groups of at least 7 people.
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • leewells
    Zargorius wrote: »
    leewells wrote: »
    I see a lot of folks voted no. That's cool, but the cheesy tactic of popping an AOE in a zerg while its being steamrolled to rack in 200,000 points is just as stated -- cheesy. I'm glad its being nerfed and hopefully it will encourage more 1v1 pvp instead of hordes of gankers aoe'ing a small group of level 10's outside of spawn.

    Why should it encourage 1v1 if with AoE caps in place the best tactic is tight zerging? You will probably see less 1v1 as everybody and their cat will try to bunch up in groups of at least 7 people.

    Why have a PVP system that requires a flag swarm then?
  • Zargorius
    leewells wrote: »
    Zargorius wrote: »
    leewells wrote: »
    I see a lot of folks voted no. That's cool, but the cheesy tactic of popping an AOE in a zerg while its being steamrolled to rack in 200,000 points is just as stated -- cheesy. I'm glad its being nerfed and hopefully it will encourage more 1v1 pvp instead of hordes of gankers aoe'ing a small group of level 10's outside of spawn.

    Why should it encourage 1v1 if with AoE caps in place the best tactic is tight zerging? You will probably see less 1v1 as everybody and their cat will try to bunch up in groups of at least 7 people.

    Why have a PVP system that requires a flag swarm then?

    Irrelevant. You are supposed to secure the area before capping, if you get wiped by an AoE at that moment because you blindly rushed to a flag you're simply a moron. I see this behaviour all the time and people should be punished for it, why the hell rush a flag when there's still enemy oposition around?
    Honor is a dead man's code.
  • prana33b14_ESO
    leewells wrote: »
    I see a lot of folks voted no. That's cool, but the cheesy tactic of popping an AOE in a zerg while its being steamrolled to rack in 200,000 points is just as stated -- cheesy. I'm glad its being nerfed and hopefully it will encourage more 1v1 pvp instead of hordes of gankers aoe'ing a small group of level 10's outside of spawn.

    Answer this question no one seems to be able to answer. I posted it in the Developer forum also and it's all crickets up in there.
    Cuddler wrote: »
    I want to see these AoE cap fanboys work with there raid to single target focus and burn healer after healer down *in a stacked zerg*. They can't cuz there is no /target function, so it becomes Zerg vs Zerg.

    I've had no problems identifying and targeting squishies in an enemy zerg. If you do, maybe you just need to L2P instead of looking for an easy 1-button solution?

    While finding squishies to kill isn't really what he asked, maybe then you can answer the question everyone has been asking. I haven't pvp'd much in this game yet because of work priorities but humor me anyway.

    One or two healers are hiding behind the zerg. You can't target them if your reticule can't hit them afaik right? There are no nameplates. How are you relaying who to kill to your teammates? How are they finding the person you are talking about quickly without nameplates? Once the zerg ball of gW2 forms how are you going to target them with even more people in front of them?

    This is the issue people are concerned about. Tell us how to solve it and we'll go back to playing. People piling into big balls to minimize the aoe hits because of the cap while making healers unable to be targeted by hiding behind/inside them will REDUCE your chances of finding quality 1v1s and small scale battles.
    Edited by prana33b14_ESO on April 30, 2014 3:11PM
  • carazvaneb17_ESO
    I voted yes because while it's not the best fix it's a temporary fix till they can figure out how to balance some abilities better (vamp, DK).

    Effects to PvE: Only main one I see is DK's can no longer pull 20-NPC mobs into chasing them then dragon talon, standard and kill all (Saw this over and over again in Cold-Harbour). There's hardly any normal mobs of over 6 where this will come into play.
    Effects for PvP: This is really why I think this was introduced and because of the same mechanic stated above. Now while you are supposed to be able to roll out of a CC if you're in any big fight there's about a 1 sec delay with lag in applying that dodge if in a really big battle and there's half your health for your group already gone. I can see the concern about future tactics many players are having but the AoE spam is a problem now.
    Ironically the main players that I think will use the tactic mentioned of clumping up to avoid AoE is likely to be the same guilds that now all use DK and vamp mist and Ultimate. If you're expecting 6+ random players to move exactly at the same time in a ball you sir have much more faith in your teammates than I do.
    Edited by carazvaneb17_ESO on April 30, 2014 4:11PM
  • cjtignub17_ESO
    U guys cry bc abilities like impulse, bat swarm, and dark talons are OP. So the GMs nerf all of them by capping aoes and u still are crying.

    This id why its best they just ignore the carebears that dont understand how to pvp against aoes. We r all being penalized bc of the noobs that sit in a zerg and die to aoes and then cry about it bc they suck in pvp and actually die to impulse spam... great job guys keep crying pretty soon they will remove all aoes from the game if u keep this up. Lets make zerg mentality stronger.... zzzzzzzz
  • ChairGraveyard
    Hahah stacking cheaters are calling other people "carebears".

    The most EZ mode boring type of cheaty gameplay imaginable, and they have the gall to call other people "carebears".

    I've heard it all XD
  • RaZaddha
    I voted yes because while it's not the best fix it's a temporary fix till they can figure out how to balance some abilities better (vamp, DK).

    Effects to PvE: Only main one I see is DK's can no longer pull 20-NPC mobs into chasing them then dragon talon, standard and kill all (Saw this over and over again in Cold-Harbour). There's hardly any normal mobs of over 6 where this will come into play.
    Effects for PvP: This is really why I think this was introduced and because of the same mechanic stated above. Now while you are supposed to be able to roll out of a CC if you're in any big fight there's about a 1 sec delay with lag in applying that dodge if in a really big battle and there's half your health for your group already gone. I can see the concern about future tactics many players are having but the AoE spam is a problem now.
    Ironically the main players that I think will use the tactic mentioned of clumping up to avoid AoE is likely to be the same guilds that now all use DK and vamp mist and Ultimate. If you're expecting 6+ random players to move exactly at the same time in a ball you sir have much more faith in your teammates than I do.

    I'm not in a pvp guild, many of us defending removing the AoE cap have played GW2 and know how silly and boring the AoE cap made the game, stop generalizing.
    Here, read this. He knows what hes talking about and summarizes every point we made against AoE cap.
    (Yes he thought there wasn't an AoE cap already, everyone thought so, we were "fooled" to think there wasn't a cap, but his point still stands)
    Edited by RaZaddha on April 30, 2014 6:40PM
  • Vaiku
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly, I think when it comes to trying to balance PvP/AOE's, a flat yes/no blanket poll is moot.
    Some AOE's should be capped, but I don't believe the majority should be. Or those that should be capped should be adjusted in other ways (I'm lookin at you unskilled vampire ulti-spammers) by reducing the effects aside from dps. Such as only being able to be healed for 3 targets hit per tick, or reduced radius, etc.

    Too often on my short time on the forums do I see people suggest "fixes" that are really only 1 way to fix something. There's a multitude of ways to balance the cohesion of abilities, instead of this blanket AOE nerf crap.
  • Reavan
    Countering the zerg is all well and good.
    But when people start using aoes as the go to ability even in small groups or 1v1 then something is wrong.

    I don't think the target cap is a great idea but i also dont believe in these cookie cuter aoe builds that excel in any situation. So i am against aoe spam but aslo against zerging.

    The dacoc spreading out makes sense and i have a fine idea to enforce it.

    Remove target caps of aoe.
    Reduce damage of aoe by a %, could be anything. Lets say 25% of the current.
    If you hit 3 targets you do double damage to each.
    4 targets triple damage.
    5 targets quad damage. (same as now)
    6 targets 5x damage.
    7 targets 6x damage.
    8 targets 7x damage.
    9+ targets 8x damage. (or double the current damage)

    This way dedicated aoe builds have a place to counter zergs while removing the whole concept of AOE SPAM VS EVERYTHING.
  • Xsorus
  • FearlessOne_2014
    I agree with OP about having no limit AOEs. I mean if this game runs the path of GW2 as it's starting to do, then as a PvPer there is very little place in this game. I do believe that a group of 30 dumb players who's only answer is to zerg everything with no regard should die to the 5 or 10 players who know his or her class and have the ability to maximize his or her build to deal with the dumb zerg who don't know how to get out of the AOE and CC the small group to death. Rewarding players that have nothing going for them but numbers against a small skilled group is a bad way to affect this game. At this rate this game will end up like KOTOR, with very few people plays nowadays. Please ZOS prove all those people who said this game will be a failure in 3 months worng.
    Edited by FearlessOne_2014 on April 30, 2014 11:29PM
  • Digerati
    I voted yes because while it's not the best fix it's a temporary fix till they can figure out how to balance some abilities better (vamp, DK).

    Effects to PvE: Only main one I see is DK's can no longer pull 20-NPC mobs into chasing them then dragon talon, standard and kill all (Saw this over and over again in Cold-Harbour). There's hardly any normal mobs of over 6 where this will come into play.
    Effects for PvP: This is really why I think this was introduced and because of the same mechanic stated above. Now while you are supposed to be able to roll out of a CC if you're in any big fight there's about a 1 sec delay with lag in applying that dodge if in a really big battle and there's half your health for your group already gone. I can see the concern about future tactics many players are having but the AoE spam is a problem now.
    Ironically the main players that I think will use the tactic mentioned of clumping up to avoid AoE is likely to be the same guilds that now all use DK and vamp mist and Ultimate. If you're expecting 6+ random players to move exactly at the same time in a ball you sir have much more faith in your teammates than I do.

    GW2. ALL pugs blob. Everyone knows the drill. hump the guy in front of you. blob as tight as possible. EVERYONE who plays the game does it because if you don't, you're not going to win.

    You don't think ESO players will figure this out?
  • MustyBritches
    I don't say stuff like this ever, but... After playing gw2 since beta. If they put an aoe limit in I WILL quit this game. No ifs ands or buts.
    Edited by MustyBritches on May 1, 2014 12:00AM
  • pecheckler
    This is one of only a few logical solutions to many problems. It's definitely the easiest to implement.
    End the tedious inventory management game.
  • Suzu
    Soul Shriven
    I think AoE caps should be removed.

    Without collision detection AoE caps turn things like choke points into advantages for the zerg, rather than the disadvantage it's supposed to be.

    Make Pbaoe like DAoC, less dmg the farther you are away from the caster.

    Range AoE shouldn't be changed, it's simply to counter, spread out.

    Add CC timers for each type of AoE/Single Target CC, root/stun/mez/ect.

  • ChairGraveyard
    pecheckler wrote: »
    This is one of only a few logical solutions to many problems. It's definitely the easiest to implement.

    I want a list of the problems this fixes. I suspect you can't actually provide one, and are probably going to say something about Bat Swarm (which has always been capped).

    I'm waiting.

    IMO none of the pro-cap posters here actually have any real logic behind their position, and are just posting nonsense either

    1) Because they want to abuse the AoE cap using stacking, and have a group immune to AoE.


    2) They don't actually understand anything about this or what it means for the meta in PvP and are just supporting the "underdog" side because it seems like AoE caps might fix something or other (vague handwaving).
  • Daworm
    I'm against this. I don't PvP much but mostly a PvE and can see a massive impact on PvE... occasionally pulling more than 6 in some dungeons so until the random 6 selected die then the AOE won't even tickle those extra 2 and require additional work to focus them down... esp if one is a healer that heals the other 7 with it's own NPC group heal.

    This is a bad bad idea.
  • ChairGraveyard
    I'm against this. I don't PvP much but mostly a PvE and can see a massive impact on PvE... occasionally pulling more than 6 in some dungeons so until the random 6 selected die then the AOE won't even tickle those extra 2 and require additional work to focus them down... esp if one is a healer that heals the other 7 with it's own NPC group heal.

    This is a bad bad idea.
    I mostly PvE too, and while I fully understand the MANY reasons this is a crap idea in PvP, I also see the PvE side very clearly.

    Completely agreed - it's bad for both PvE and PvP.

    Hopefully once people see this live and realize it results in nothing but stacking cheaters in PvP and lackluster skills in PvE, it will get changed.

    Even a DAoC style attenuating radius for AoEs would be vastly better.
This discussion has been closed.