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Do you think there should be an AoE cap?

  • Phoenix99
    I say NO - the cap is just a poor attempt on balance part. It's not all of the AoE that causes the problem.

    There are other solutions.

    - increase significantly the cost of the AoE abilities, especially remove the ult cost reduction on vampire ults.

    - nerf the regen of magicka after use to very low levels on the most powerful AoE skills

    - nerf dmg on some of the AoE skills

    - add a cap limit on the stacking of the same type of the AoE spell, but do not limit the targets it can hit (for example all players in the area can be affected only by max 2-3 insatnces of the same spell)
    Edited by Phoenix99 on April 29, 2014 6:39PM
  • Digerati
    Aeekto wrote: »
    Cepeza wrote: »
    So we have got 3000 ppl voted against a AOE cap and 390 for it. I guess that's kinda unambiguous direction indicator for ZOS.

    So we got someone here who doesn´t know how forums work. :wink:

    But i´m very happy that ZOS doesn´t listen to all these crying people here at the forums and stick to their vision of the game and listen to the silent majority.

    How forums work... a cry-train gets MAYBE 300 votes and a few handfuls of comments... This issue has gotten more than 3000 votes in a very short amount of time. However you want to view how the poll is conducted or what bias there may be, that's still a decent chunk, representing $45,000+/month in revenue, majority or not, that's not a negligible sum.

    As far as their vision is concerned... How on earth would anyone figure that an AoE cap could possibly be a part of their vision for a game? It's a cheap, lazy, "fix" for a perceived problem.. and the perception is caused by a handful of unbalanced abilities that would NOT be balanced by the issuance of a target-cap.
  • bsmorrowb14_ESO
    DAOC had the best counter to PBAE and AOE effects....Spreading the hell out.

    It worked for 12 Years just fine...AOE cap however in GW2, Not so much...the biggest failure in that game.

    This guy on Page 1 has it right. No AOE Caps. Spread out people.
  • Tauk248
    Soul Shriven
    Aoe drop off maybe .. the further from the center the less damage you take? That's how daoc handled it. A cap to aoe targets though is not a solid response to the problem. Take some time and fix the individual skills that are causing the problems please. Like most balancing issues, this is an issue that needs to be addressed with a scalpel, not a cleaver.
    "Some days you're the pigeon and some days you're the statue."
  • cliveklgb14_ESO
    Those voting no are being foolish. Stacked zergs with overlapping AOE stacks are ridiculous.

    There is nothing skilled about spamming Uncapped AoE abilities.
    Edited by cliveklgb14_ESO on April 29, 2014 8:24PM
  • RaZaddha
    32,5k views, 900 commens and we still haven't heard from ZOS why theres a cap.
  • bellanca6561n
    More than NO. Rather, the fact that this is being proposed is disheartening, I'm afraid. It can be forgiven, however, if you listen to your customers. Thank you.
  • RaZaddha
    Those voting no are being foolish. Stacked zergs with overlapping AOE stacks are ridiculous.

    I guess you voted wrong, because YES means you want an AoE cap that encourages stacking. No means you don't want a AoE cap which means people will be force to spread out or die horribly.
  • cliveklgb14_ESO
    More than NO. Rather, the fact that this is being proposed is disheartening, I'm afraid. It can be forgiven, however, if you listen to your customers. Thank you.

    Proposed? It has always been there, it is a fix to a few skills that didn't have it and should have.

    Sigh at the EZ mode fans.
  • ChairGraveyard

    Sigh at the EZ mode fans.

    Agreed. Sigh at the EZ mode fans like you, that want PvP to be nothing but stacking/turtling cheaters.

    Doesn't get any more EZ mode than cheating in order to never have to avoid AoE.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 29, 2014 8:29PM
  • RaZaddha
    More than NO. Rather, the fact that this is being proposed is disheartening, I'm afraid. It can be forgiven, however, if you listen to your customers. Thank you.

    Proposed? It has always been there, it is a fix to a few skills that didn't have it and should have.

    Sigh at the EZ mode fans.

    Turtling is way easier and requires much less effort than having battle spread out across the landscape.
  • ChairGraveyard
    RaZaddha wrote: »

    Turtling is way easier and requires much less effort than having battle spread out across the landscape.

    The fact that you have to explain this, when it should be patently obvious... facepalm.
  • Xaei
    ZOS really is on the edge of greatness. They're *this* close to creating a game that can just lay its laurels on the AvA alone.

    But with this one patch they'll ruin it and put AvA in the same place as GW2 WvW.
  • Aeekto
    RaZaddha wrote: »
    More than NO. Rather, the fact that this is being proposed is disheartening, I'm afraid. It can be forgiven, however, if you listen to your customers. Thank you.

    Proposed? It has always been there, it is a fix to a few skills that didn't have it and should have.

    Sigh at the EZ mode fans.

    Turtling is way easier and requires much less effort than having battle spread out across the landscape.

    Turtles are so easy to kill and realy good AP-farms in ESO with a coordinated 4 man group (since this is not GW2).... you don´t even need broken Batswarm or uncapped AOE.

    You guys should realy learn "all" gamemechanics of ESO, then you maybe realize that there are better tactics to kill large groups without any exploits like broken batswarm or other broken skills.
  • RaZaddha
    Aeekto wrote: »
    RaZaddha wrote: »
    More than NO. Rather, the fact that this is being proposed is disheartening, I'm afraid. It can be forgiven, however, if you listen to your customers. Thank you.

    Proposed? It has always been there, it is a fix to a few skills that didn't have it and should have.

    Sigh at the EZ mode fans.

    Turtling is way easier and requires much less effort than having battle spread out across the landscape.

    Turtles are so easy to kill and realy good AP-farms in ESO with a coordinated 4 man group (since this is not GW2).... you don´t even need broken Batswarm or uncapped AOE.

    You guys should realy learn "all" gamemechanics of ESO, then you maybe realize that there are better tactics to kill large groups without any exploits like broken batswarm or other broken skills.

    Then show it being done, your 4 man group against a coordinated zerg, all I have seen until now is this: http://www.twitch.tv/prydatv/c/409186. GW2 with a different skin.
    Stack, heal, push. The same tactics used in GW2.
  • mishimon
    • NO because if u make caped AoE support without preferences you make the game ramdom friendly.
    • Because the guilds need support control and u make the support a random s***.
    • If i cast health skill how many of my group recieve that skill??
    • If you dont make a preference for support skills... WHY the FREAKING CAP!!??
    • Why u dont say to all the PvP players than u have AoE CAP before the game release??

    Its at least a bad joke from Zenimax. I hope you guys think about the PvP players and our experience in PvP games like this.

    You need to:
    1. Make clear witch skills have AoE cap or not.
    2. You need to make support AoE preferences My group>my raid>the leechers around me.
    3. You need to make a better raid management, because if you make support AoE with preferences the guilds can make 1 or 2 buffers per group.
    4. And many things more like that

    But ofcourse Zenimax have a lot of "profesionals" with years of experience in game dev. ¿Really?

    • Only a newie want AoE cap, because they dont know about how to counter Aoe dmg.
    • Only the amateurs think the AoE cap its the best fix
    • Only newie people think about make AoE cap without AoE support preferences.

    But of course u guys are a group of good pros in game dev industry... prove it

    You gonna make this game Ugly and i hope AT LEAST YOU THINK IN PvP PLAYERS BECAUSE AOE CAP IN PvP ITS USELESS .

    Mishi RvR player since 2007 - leader of "DsD - Disidentes"

    Think about this ZENIMAX AND SORRY FOR MY POOR ENGLISH, im from spain and have a few issues with your language.
    Edited by mishimon on April 29, 2014 10:40PM
  • andrewb14_ESO45
    As far as I'm concerned if 10 guys are standing in a giant ring of fire then 10 guys should take damage. Seems like common sense. If this is a change made because of a few skills being Over-Powered then they should just weaken those skills.

    I agree with this. I see this change as a band-aid to vampires wiping entire low level Raids by spamming their life drain ability. There being a counter to vampires aside why nerf the entire game and not just the life drain, or whatever AoE is not working as intended. Life drain skills in particular I can see being a bit overpowered when you can drain 40 people at once but even for that skill a cap of six seems way too low and applying it globally is way too drastic.

    Start by making whatever AoE is overpowered/gamebreaking limited to 10 people or so, small changes not the massive nerf bat this is.

  • ChairGraveyard
    I agree with this. I see this change as a band-aid to vampires wiping entire low level Raids by spamming their life drain ability.

    Drain takes a LONG time to finish, can be broken out of just like any stun, and can't be used against a single target more than once.

    Drain isn't the problem, it isn't even an AoE ability and the caps don't even affect it.

    If you were talking about Bat Swarm...same deal - it was *already capped*.

    Which is why I find this change particularly stupid, as it doesn't actually fix any of the stuff people were complaining about (except Dark Talons, but even then, it's the DAMAGE not the CC that people don't like).
  • andrewb14_ESO45
    One line of a post taken without the rest of the context. Whatever ability it is that's game-breaking I agree their should be no cap or at least only on affected skills, including vamps which I noted there is a counter to in my post with full context.
    I agree with this. I see this change as a band-aid to vampires wiping entire low level Raids by spamming their life drain ability.

    Drain takes a LONG time to finish, can be broken out of just like any stun, and can't be used against a single target more than once.

    Drain isn't the problem, it isn't even an AoE ability and the caps don't even affect it.

    If you were talking about Bat Swarm...same deal - it was *already capped*.

    Which is why I find this change particularly stupid, as it doesn't actually fix any of the stuff people were complaining about (except Dark Talons, but even then, it's the DAMAGE not the CC that people don't like).

  • RivenEsq
    Aeekto wrote: »

    Turtles are so easy to kill and realy good AP-farms in ESO with a coordinated 4 man group (since this is not GW2).... you don´t even need broken Batswarm or uncapped AOE.

    You guys should realy learn "all" gamemechanics of ESO, then you maybe realize that there are better tactics to kill large groups without any exploits like broken batswarm or other broken skills.

    Prove it.

    Put your money where your mouth is. Until you come here with a video of 4 people killing a turtle, an actual organized force, you are a liar.

    I am so sick and tired of the "understand game mechanics and l2p" argument. It is overdone and completely fallacious. You provide no proof of your claim because you don't have any. This is the same argument that anyone uses to defend something that makes the game easy for them, i.e. unkillable DKs. The guy posted that video of him fighting 2v80. You know what he replied? It was "you just need to know how to counter it". It's kind of hard to counter that which has no counter because it is imbalanced. In this case, there will be no counter to an organized turtle other than having more numbers.

    Go ahead, prove me wrong. I'm waiting.

    EDIT: And before you retort with "then provide me a counter for having no AoE cap", the counter is to spread out and not stand in the circles. If you spread out, AoE is minimally effective. It is then a balance between AoE and single target in capless PvP and that is how it should be.

    Also I fully vocalize my belief that skills should be balanced and AoE should be made to be more skill-based, by localizing the most damage at the center of an AoE ability and doing less damage the further towards the outside of the radius you are. Also, positive benefits of AoEs should be limited so as to prevent abuse because I do not believe in someone tanking an entire zerg with 1 ability (i.e. putting limitations on all caster benefits from AoE such as heals, buffs, armor, spell resist, damage, shields, etc. so that they can only hit so many targets.)

    It is crucial, however, that the damage on AoE remains significant if you choose to stand in it, or stacking and turtles will become the meta, which, as I previously addressed, are only countered by equal or larger numbers.
    Edited by RivenEsq on April 29, 2014 11:43PM
    Ryan "RivenEsq" Reynolds
    CEO & Founder of [KG] Knight Gaming
  • Smoop
    This is how I voted. I will resub if the proposed changes are revoked before the 6 days remaining on my account are up. If it is not changed I will be playing Archeage. Simple.

    Game Time Remaining
    You have 6 days of game time remaining.

    Active - Cancelled

  • TheGrandAlliance
    Smoop wrote: »
    Game Time Remaining
    You have 6 days of game time remaining.

    Active - Cancelled


    Good yes... /ragequit works 100% of the time. Indeed go on there.
    Indeed it is so...
  • kmartau
    Double post
    Edited by kmartau on April 30, 2014 5:37AM
  • kmartau
    Yeah me too. Why the hell ruin PvP ? An AoE cap is not needed and the blob will rule supreme.

    I bought this game after trying the beta and the small group PvP having a chance is what sold it to me. /terrible decision Zenimax

    Member Since February 18, 2014

    Active - Cancelled
  • Gisgo
    Those voting no are being foolish. Stacked zergs with overlapping AOE stacks are ridiculous.

    There is nothing skilled about spamming Uncapped AoE abilities.

    If anything capping aoe targets will lead to even more stacking.

    Strong, uncapped aoes would force (smart) people to spread out.

    One of the first things you learned on Daoc was to react to the magic word "INC" by spreading out; after a while it comes natural and you dont get farmed by pbaoe anymore.

    I wish Daoc was taught in schools.
    Edited by Gisgo on April 30, 2014 5:44AM
  • GaldorP
    I don't like AoE caps. I wish they were all removed.

    If I see an explosion and 10 enemies are within its radius, then I expect 10 enemies to get hit, not 5 or 6 (how does the game decide which enemies will be hit if it's not all ten - will a few random ones be picked or the six closest to the center of the explosion or maybe the ones closest to the caster?) It just doesn't feel "right" or "satisfactory" anymore when not all ten enemies are hit and only some weirdly picked ones are affected.

    I do think though that AoE abilities in general are too strong in this game (especially in PvE) since they barely cost more ressources than single-target skills and while doing almost the same amount of damage to multiple targets that a single-target skill would do to a single target.
    AoE builds can kill five or more monsters in the same time a single-target build can defeat one enemy without having more downtime or relying more on teaming up with others. That just seems not fair.

    (Also, magicka skills in general, in my opinion, are too strong compared to stamina skills. They have better effects and do more damage than stamina skills for the same ressource cost (this is especially true for AoE skills), they benefit from a higher number of passives that reduce ressource cost, and there are very good and easily accessible set boni that help keeping up with the magicka ressource like the Warlock's set which has no counter-part for stamina.)
    Edited by GaldorP on April 30, 2014 5:54AM
  • Morgany
    Soul Shriven
    Dont be stupid ZoS!!!! No Mlmather what target limit, it is too much!!! Don't destroy the tactical brilliance of this game:
    The future of ESO PvP - Turtling to exploit 6 tar…: http://youtu.be/0hyK9tLzG5o
  • cykel
    Soul Shriven
    Just voted against the AoE nerf.

    Imagine 7 people sitting around a campfire
    only 1 of them is freezing
  • Smoop
    Smoop wrote: »
    Game Time Remaining
    You have 6 days of game time remaining.

    Active - Cancelled


    Good yes... /ragequit works 100% of the time. Indeed go on there.

    I am not raging my little friend. I am voting with my wallet and moving to Archeage. No big deal. Plenty of mmo's coming out this year to choose from.

  • Cepeza
    btw: the AOE cap to six also is going to make the underdog system, they want to introduce in the near future, pretty much useless except for gankers. Sad thing they have to think about underdog at all, but now they are steering in the direction of Warhammer Online. Those who played know where this went.
This discussion has been closed.