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Do you think there should be an AoE cap?

  • Bitz_Maidenhell
    #GAMEBREAKING #AreaOfSemiEffect

    AE cap killed GW2, dont let it kill your game, because people aren't smart enough to figure out the counters.
    Bitz Maidenhell -Officer/Commander
    Tactical Symbiosis [TSym]
  • Daendur
    AoE target cap will definitely remove tons of subscriptions (mine as well).
    We read a lot of bad reviews about this game. The only thing that seems to worth a monthly fee is PvP. AoE cap will kill PvP. ZOS don't do that mistake; listen to your community.
  • Larira
    Mehhhh, i think this is a very stupid change. As a healer you can never say which player will be healed or a pet or something. :(
  • IvorySamoan
    ZOS...... you listening mates? You don't wan't to have a ciggy butt brain game do you? (aka, AoE nerf is bad, mmmkay?).
    Just returning some video tapes.........
  • mazidra
    DAOC had the best counter to PBAE and AOE effects....Spreading the hell out.

    It worked for 12 Years just fine...AOE cap however in GW2, Not so much...the biggest failure in that game.

    Amen to that.
    Thank you Sir.
  • mhitchenb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    There's nothing I can add that hasn't been said already, but I can say with full confidence that this exact change is what ruined GW2's WvW for me.

  • ragamerb16_ESO
    It's needed and will go live... Doesn't matter how much you complain (For some reasson most think it's linked to PvP only, which is not the case). Makes AOE for all classes a must have which, in turn, makes all classes clones in combat and restrict the ways to play to a bunch of FOTM builds. I understand that some ppl grown used to the easy tactic of going around spamming 1 or 2 AOE powers and see the numbers roll in... On a game that tries to encourage dynamic combat this way to play has to go.

    Most ppl compare this situation to GW2 and forget to mention what was the basic problem there... AOE damage was dumbly aimed based on possition, while most AOE healing was smart enough to target ppl with less HP. If they would have made smart AOE DPS to concentrate fire into weak targets things would have balanced out. You can't mix both... Or BOTH are distance based or BOTH are HP based. I can't access PTS to confirm how the cap on DPS select their targets.

    In any case I always choose to fight fire with fire... If there is a problem in stacking then address stacking itself... Request collision spheres for players vs players also, has been done in the past and is the only real solution for trains of players.
    Edited by ragamerb16_ESO on April 26, 2014 5:48PM
  • Morgothax
    Ofc NOT, damn what ZeniMax have in their head, instead fix the many bugs, glitchs and more over that suffer this game, they think about this useless things.
  • Tolio
    No AoE cap pls. I have witnessed the turtle tactic in GW2 very often and it is contrary to what should be considered a good tactic in PvP.
    If you get hit by AoE don't stack like a pool of lemmings.
  • Odwome
    HELL NO, this is ***. What's the reason for it, vampire spamming? If so, FIX THE ABILITY THEY'RE SPAMMING, DON'T BREAK ALL AOE.
  • xeoneexb14_ESO
    Absolutely NOT. I enjoy this game, alot. I haven't PvPed since my time during beta which was mostly spent pvping ironically. I haven't pvped at all so I could level up my character to enjoy pvp to it's fullest. If they do this nerf, which is not only unrealistic but also unnecessary, I will have to gracefully uninstall this game from my PC never to play again, unless they fix their mistake but I'm sure by then it would be too late.

    Zenimax, please do the smart choice listen to your playerbase, it's what makes or breaks games in this day and age. And if they refuse to listen, well that just shows how far even Bethesda/Zenimax has fallen down that corrupt one-way-thinking path.

    EDIT: I neglected to explain why I thought it was unnecessary to change AoE damage. I have seen people saying to reduce the amount of damage they produce. Here's a an idea actually. Take AoE damage as a pure static number, but divide it by how many people it hits. It may seem insignificant vs large groups, but if there are alot of AoE's going off in the same group of people the numbers add up. It's only a thought though. I'm not sure really what the best solution would be. Some say diminish returns some say reduce overall damage, I can't say for certain if my suggestion would be good or not, maybe the static number divided based on the number of targets it hits is too much of a nerf. I can't assume this would be good until I actually saw it on a test server and had the ability to test an AoE myself. It's only a suggestion mind you and they can take it or leave it for what it's worth. At least i'm trying to help the situation. Still I dont think limiting the number or targets is a good idea.
    Edited by xeoneexb14_ESO on April 26, 2014 6:14PM
    John 3:16 = For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
  • let_itbe336_ESO
    I feel that one big aspect of giant battle PVP is that people want the challenge of needing to have tactical positioning of your troops. While clumping up in a big group of people (because aoe hits are caped) is a tactical maneuver, it is not a very fun one to be a part of or look at. It makes the game feel less real if everyone where to group together in one tiny space. This will happen if aoe hits are capped due to the competitive nature of PVP. People will do what is tactically better in cyrodil, even if that means looking like a gross humanoid figure of 50 arms and legs.

    To fix the problem of aoe, damaging, character abilites doing TOO much devastating damage to large groups, the developers could nerf the damage of the abilities themselves. The nerf would only be in a PVP setting, as it would not be fair to penalize PVE content playing due to PVP imbalances.
    Edited by let_itbe336_ESO on April 26, 2014 6:21PM
  • brianub17_ESO5
    You guys need to come up with a better fix than this. Capping AoE is a terrible TERRIBLE idea.
  • valkaneer2b14_ESO
    It's needed and will go live... Doesn't matter how much you complain (For some reasson most think it's linked to PvP only, which is not the case). Makes AOE for all classes a must have which, in turn, makes all classes clones in combat and restrict the ways to play to a bunch of FOTM builds. I understand that some ppl grown used to the easy tactic of going around spamming 1 or 2 AOE powers and see the numbers roll in... On a game that tries to encourage dynamic combat this way to play has to go.

    Most ppl compare this situation to GW2 and forget to mention what was the basic problem there... AOE damage was dumbly aimed based on possition, while most AOE healing was smart enough to target ppl with less HP. If they would have made smart AOE DPS to concentrate fire into weak targets things would have balanced out. You can't mix both... Or BOTH are distance based or BOTH are HP based. I can't access PTS to confirm how the cap on DPS select their targets.

    In any case I always choose to fight fire with fire... If there is a problem in stacking then address stacking itself... Request collision spheres for players vs players also, has been done in the past and is the only real solution for trains of players.

    Nope, I refuse to wait months and months for this game to fix something they will never fix and just keep soaking up my sub $. If they turn this game into a zerg fest I am done, no game that has ever gone Zerg has ever gone back that I know of.

    Your post is stupid, you do realize that the only way to fight a ZERG in PvP with this AoE cap is for EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE to have nothing but AoE.. So there goes your argument. The only way you could kill a zerg is to hope everyone drops enough AoE on the zerg at one time to kill enough of them. Single target builds die with an AoE cap.

    I remember the good old days when 5 or 6 people could hold a choke point in PvP in Wow. Then they introduced AoE caps and that all went away.
  • danteafk
    Zenimax *** up with their skills, cannot balance the game. So this is their solution.

    You can count up to 50% less players / subscriptions if this goes live, mine included.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • SeafoamTaco
    Please do not apply this change, PLEASE! If this is a way to counter exploiters or bots please find another alternative. This will ruin PvP make it harder for large groups doing world bosses, dungeons, and if you ever up the difficulty of anchors how will we healers be able to keep people alive if we can only heal 6 people max at a time!
  • Agriope
    Soul Shriven
    Could go to one of the gaming sites/twitter about this... I'd say nearing a couple thousand votes for a new, celebrated game constitutes "gaming news".

    Easy to ignore a forum thread, hard to ignore a social media fire.
  • Dredor
    I say no to it, look more at the individual skills themselves if want to do anything or the class. And let's fix some of the other bugs going on. Will consider unsub if implement.
  • NikoDude
    Daendur wrote: »
    AoE target cap will definitely remove tons of subscriptions (mine as well).
    We read a lot of bad reviews about this game. The only thing that seems to worth a monthly fee is PvP. AoE cap will kill PvP. ZOS don't do that mistake; listen to your community.

    ^ This.

    I won't pay a sub if the PvP turns into garbage a month after release. This is just unacceptable.
    Edited by NikoDude on April 26, 2014 6:36PM
  • ChairGraveyard
    Yep. I had planned to play ESO for years to come, but if this is what we can expect...changes that are KNOWN to be extremely detrimental to all aspects of gameplay....

    I can't justify paying $30/mo (two subs) to watch a game I love ruined out from under me with changes like this.

    If the AoE cap goes live without an immediate fix to revert it, I'm cancelling both my and my gf's subs and moving on.

    AoE cap garbage was one of the straws that broke the camel's back for GW2, so ZOS, make no mistake... tons of people will jump ship if this isn't scrapped immediately.
    Edited by ChairGraveyard on April 26, 2014 6:41PM
  • Ingwe
    100% no. I think there is better and "safer" ways to implement a solution. Now do understand this, I never played WoW or GW2 but have seen videos and read alot about it. ESO is my first ever mmo to which I subscribed simply because it had everything I liked.

    Now fast forward to the newest patch notes, and I read that AOE will target max of 6 people and the first thing I thought was, "damn, now getting those Zerg's killed in pvp is gona be super super hard, and everyone is going to have to play a char with massive AOE abilities because they are probably going to stack like 5000 male dodos on 1 female, Oh well prob time to reroll then". This coming from someone who never used to pvp in any mmo.

    I think its not the step in the right direction, if me, a noob and scrub in pvp can see the stupidity in this, surely our overlords can see it and change it.
  • daniel.piotr.hajdukeb17_ESO
    This is very stupid change, same thing killed WvW in GW2. No more chance to compete with smaller numbers vs zerg.
  • a.matte89b16_ESO
    This is completely ridiculous. Been following this game since beta and have never voiced my opinion. I actually had to log in to vote against this ***. Please Zeni...what are you thinking?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?
  • monkeymystic
    BAT SWARM AND PULSAR SPAM IS THE PROBLEM, NOT ALL AOE IN GENERAL. ZENIMAX, LISTEN! They even nerfed Inhale to only work on 3 targets (LOL?), and the skill was just decent to begin with. Nice way of destroying it to become useless. Pulsar non ultimate is way better, gets spammed, and also is way cheaper, and is untouched...

    This will be one of the most stupid moves zenimax can do, and it will literally kill their own game and send all pvpers and many pve'ers away, and unsub. I know 9 IRL friends who already are ready to unsubscribe from this game if this change goes through, and move to something with better pvp. (they think the pvp has potential, but this aoe cap will destroy it)

    If the cap was something like 12-15, I could live with it, but 6 is WAY too little and the game will become a zergfest that people will quit over.

    And what about trials that are 12 man? you even think about how that will work when aoe heals are capped to 6?

    I hope zenimax starts seeing how this will hurt their own game that already get bad reviews

    Nerf bat swarm and pulsar (and escape bolt), dont let other aoe abilities get the hammer (like inhale) over it. That is just stupid.

    If the cap of 6 goes through, I dont feel a reason to keep my sub just like my friends.
    Edited by monkeymystic on April 26, 2014 7:12PM
  • davidetombab16_ESO
    U want fix aoe problem? Just fix vamp ultimate and nerf dark talon and banner dk
    Edited by davidetombab16_ESO on April 26, 2014 7:13PM
  • Nathan
    This is my first post in the forum of a game i really love.
  • monkeymystic
    dark talons already has a cap...and its not really that great. its also very expensive..just dodge out.. sorcerors have better *ranged* aoe root than dark talons. Even BOW has a skill that is ranged aoe root and better!
    Problem is OP bat swarm and pulsar spam
    Edited by monkeymystic on April 26, 2014 7:16PM
  • GELeto2
    If I had any doubts about cancelling my subscription the other day, this sure as hell killed them dead. If people are too stupid to move out of range (point-blank) or out of a red circle (targeted) they bloody well deserve to die in a suitably painful manner.
    Vampiric Sorceress Scion of Mephala
    "Drain their life's blood, then disintegrate the husk."
    * The Psijic Order *
  • Samuel_Starkweathernub19_ESO
    No. This will lead to boring PvP in the form of 50 guys running together in one blob to avoid AOE. Not only that, it's just illogical. If I place a ring of fire on the ground, if you're standing in the fire, you should be burned! It doesn't matter how many people are next to you. If the cap is implemented, I will cancel my sub.
This discussion has been closed.