Yes, doing all the reminding public dungeon bosses before moving on to the next zone for good is close to intended play as I see it, why not an single boss timeout, might even reset if you kill an boss in another dungeon, so you could run between dungeons and farm, this however would be far slower and kill off bots.pmn100b16_ESO wrote: »
Timers on bosses - this isn't even a bandaid on a fleshwound, it's sprinkling unicorn farting dusts on a infected fleshwound. This dosn't solve any issue at all, and here's why:
Bots: Will not care about a timer, they will still stand there and farm the bosses repeatedly, The thing with bots is that they are automated, so it dosnt matter if it takes 1min or 30min for them to get loot again.
No, because hopefully ZOS will have the sense to make the timer several hours or a day long, for both loot and xp. Not a few minutes as most people seem to be imagining. Bots will not employ resources in an area where they get no gain all day.
You do realize that this timer affects all dungeons and delves...everywhere in every zone right. Are you (as a normal explorer) really going to take a complete break from every single dungeon in the game because you've already done your one for the day? I really hope ZOS doesn't take you up on your suggestion.
You can try this (it has worked for a lot of us):BunnieKiller wrote: »Any idea when the "An Unknown Error Has Occurred" bug will be addressed? Or even just acknowledged...
norrisnick wrote: »What's the point of playing an RPG if you don't get loot?ghoxenrwb17_ESO wrote: »Nothing is preventing you from tackling those dungeons together. The absence of loot does not prevent you from killing the boss, looting chests, or receiving credit and achievement.
You miss the point, you can get loot without farming for loot
I'll state again that IMO the best way to thwart gold spammers and maintain the economy and value of crafted items is to instance the bosses:
Come to the end of the dungeon, kill the boss, popped out into another instance where the boss has been killed. and that's it. you get whatever loot you got from that boss, time to move on and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.
@ZOS_JessicaFolsomZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Missing Bank Slots, Stored Bank Items, and Skill Points – We're continuing to investigate the issue, and are working on a fix now. As soon as the fix is ready, we will push it out to the live megaservers. Please note: This may result in a second maintenance this week and when we do push the fix, it will not be retroactive. Know that we want to make this right for all impacted—we’re still exploring options to help those who have stored items/gold, and bank slots go missing.
If you don't provide me with everything I had previously you will lose my subscription. You already promised we'd get everything back, here, let me refresh your memory:ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
I expect a full return of all items or a free 6 months of game time. That will be about the only thing keeping me from cancelling.
norrisnick wrote: »What's the point of playing an RPG if you don't get loot?ghoxenrwb17_ESO wrote: »Nothing is preventing you from tackling those dungeons together. The absence of loot does not prevent you from killing the boss, looting chests, or receiving credit and achievement.
You miss the point, you can get loot without farming for loot
I'll state again that IMO the best way to thwart gold spammers and maintain the economy and value of crafted items is to instance the bosses:
Come to the end of the dungeon, kill the boss, popped out into another instance where the boss has been killed. and that's it. you get whatever loot you got from that boss, time to move on and ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME.
People are already frustrated with phasing as it is. I get it. You want the boss to be good and dead for immersion and to curb farming/ botting. What happens when your friend/ little brother/ guildmate needs help killing that boss that you killed a few hours ago? You being a nice person say, 'Sure I'll help ya'. You get there and you're in different phases. You can't heal him/ her. You can't help attack. Is this going to be one big single player game except for Cyrodiil?
Looking good other than the Public Dungeon bosses, that's a serious hit on people's ability to grind items/money.
I think you're going to see a lot more backlash from angry players who use bosses than those complaining right now they can't get the achievements.
While I'm not against there being something done to fix the issue this might be a little too strong a nerf over all, I hope the timers is something friendly like 5min and not a super hard one.
Any news on if the UI teams will be adding faster options to report gold spammers? There are a lot of people who would like to see an option where we can choose "report gold seller" and that option sends an automated report to the GM team and adds that player to your ignore list automatically.
Otherwise a fast ignore player option in the mail screen would be a wonderful addition.
ragamerb16_ESO wrote: »The driving force of RPGs has always been the quest for new shiny loot.
I'm afraid that you have the term RPG wrong... Starting by the media, RPGs were been played before computers weren't a rare sight...
...There are faaaar more RPGs than D&D (Heck! Even the most hardcore hack'n slash groups on D&D appreciate the difference between a good story and a bad one... You just need to be fast before they fall asleep).
And returning to comps... Diablo & WoW weren't RPGs... Farming Loot has been mixed by companies with the term RPG because it "sells better" than... "Attention Citizens!!! Come and get your new Loot Grinder Diablo XVI... New items that allow you to loot newly colored better items... See for yourself the amazing breakthrough we bring this time... Orange is better than Yellow... Fill your life with Orange ... Preorder! Preorder!! Preeeeeeorderrrrrr!!!"... please".
...But believe it or not Role Playing is rewarding and it doesn't have anything to do with a bunch of pixels with some math stats on them.
ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »Public Dungeon & Delve Boss Monsters – Also based on feedback, we will be placing a timer on how often you can get loot from public dungeon and delve boss monsters. This timer is shared across all boss monsters in public dungeons and delves. This will not impact loot timers for quest-specific monsters or overworld group bosses. Watch the patch notes for news on when this change will go live.
Looking good other than the Public Dungeon bosses, that's a serious hit on people's ability to grind items/money.
I think you're going to see a lot more backlash from angry players who use bosses.
What happens when your friend/ little brother/ guildmate needs help killing that boss that you killed a few hours ago? You being a nice person say, 'Sure I'll help ya'. You get there and you're in different phases. You can't heal him/ her. You can't help attack. Is this going to be one big single player game except for Cyrodiil?
ragamerb16_ESO wrote: »What happens when your friend/ little brother/ guildmate needs help killing that boss that you killed a few hours ago? You being a nice person say, 'Sure I'll help ya'. You get there and you're in different phases. You can't heal him/ her. You can't help attack. Is this going to be one big single player game except for Cyrodiil?
Maybe, in the crusade to make the game extremely immersive, ZO forgot to add some clear tutorials on how phasing works...
...Next time you are into that situation, open ANY social tab with your friend appears into (Party, friend or guild... All work the same) and right click on his/her name... "Travel to Player" is what you look for, will not only make sure you appear on the same phase as him/her, it will transport you to the nearest (from your target PoV) wayshrine.
Also, if you are on the same group (I haven't throughfully checked this on Raids, so far... Only 4 men parties)... When changing zones the phasing system always put all members of the party on the same instance by default.
There are other great mmo's that have zero issues with bots, gold sellers and boss farmers. There are systems that will fix these issues and end this argument, its upto Zenimax to stand up, be brave and make their game hard as nails.. so what if the average player has to work hard for his loot or his gold! thats part of the fun right?
Stop gear drops from bosses, these guys are old and more often dead or from another plane of existence.. why do they even carry these random items anyway? drop a token or fragment of something that we then have to barter for gear of our choice!
Make the dungeon a daily thing.. killed 'King Blowhard III! today..Great, come back tomorrow and try for another token.. i dunno, it could work
Clearly you do not know how that works... No amount of 'Teleport to Player' is going to put you in a phase where the boss is alive if your completion is set to make the boss appear dead. This already affects several major quest areas. And people have been frustrated by it.
Public Dungeon & Delve Boss Monsters – Also based on feedback, we will be placing a timer on how often you can get loot from public dungeon and delve boss monsters. This timer is shared across all boss monsters in public dungeons and delves. This will not impact loot timers for quest-specific monsters or overworld group bosses. Watch the patch notes for news on when this change will go live.
I don't think there's a facepalm picture meaningful enough to express how I feel about this. I really, sincerely hope that the loot timer only kicks in after you get the unique item from the boss. Public dungeons don't need to be made anymore useless than they already are.
I don't like that people in support of this change to non-instanced dungeons seem to think that because they only care about the achievement, naturally only "depraved farmers and botters" care about the loot. This is simply not true. Some care about the achievement. Some care about the loot. Some care about both. Some care about neither and just want to explore. Why does any playstyle have to be punished simply because it's not your playstyle?