Character customization re-do

Howdy again my friends. I come with a question or a request of sorts. When I created my character on day one, I wasn't able to zoom in on my character. All though I did not want to wait a day for the fix, I tried to my best ability to make it work. Now that this has been fixed(for a while now, I am aware), i'd like to ask if you have a resolution to being able to fix the my character's face. The proportions are not what I expected and is it possible to have a method that you can allow my character a re-customization. I simply can not stand looking at his face every time i'm crafting and knowing I'm not satisfied with how he looks.

Many hugs and many hearts. Thanks!
The Harbinger of sweet rolls.
  • Odditorium
    I agree. Even if it costs gold to do. I have face paint that looks like I have a dapper dan mustache. Hate it!
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Dandy Warhol -|- Odditorium
    Oscillation Overthruster -|- Molag Trump
    Kira the Gelfling -|- Varag Ghoul-Chewer
    Buffy the Purple Slayer -|- Hostile Seventeen

    Ayrenn's Army
    AD Only
  • AshleyLee
    I agree would love to be able to fix my char's face. That zoom in bug was super annoying.
  • Mackeh
    This would be nice someday .. perhaps an Argonian medic called 'Silus Chinlift' or something could perform the surgery?
  • Anoteros
    hows about adding customisable colour to warpaint/body marking and makeup too??????????
  • AngryNord
    Just don't give us the ability to recolour armour and clothing, I think I'd quit if all the girlies started running around in pink armour/robes :/
  • niocwy
    This would be nice someday .. perhaps an Argonian medic called 'Silus Chinlift' or something could perform the surgery?

    Isn't there a NPC who can do that already ? I read it a few days ago in zone chat...very well may be a joke or false information though.

    Look at my profile picture. Visualize that muffin...smelling it...taking a bite...
    Are you hungry now ?
  • Mackeh
    I haven't a clue .. certainly not seen one, or heard of one ..
  • Nyxx
    Considering the fact that they already stated that they will be adding a way to buy a name change in the cash store.....they'll probably end up doing an appearance change on there as well.
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Just don't give us the ability to recolour armour and clothing, I think I'd quit if all the girlies started running around in pink armour/robes :/

    I have a feeling it would mainly be the men who start doing that.

    I doubt they'll add dyes in. If they do add dyes it will probably be the colors that already exist.
    Edited by Nyxx on April 15, 2014 7:14AM
    The Psijic Order
  • Hoylegu
    I'd pay decent RL money for a race change. I've come to love Argonians. Screw the min/maxing with a Sorc, I want wet scales!
  • Sidney
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Just don't give us the ability to recolour armour and clothing, I think I'd quit if all the girlies started running around in pink armour/robes :/

    I'd be okay with you leaving if it meant I could have pink armor :P
    If you want me to read a post aimed at me, please put @Sidney.
    Please give us tail armor and dyeable tail ribbons.
    Click Here -->Support Dyeable Tail Ribbons<---
    All your mats r belong to Khajiit.
    Click Here -->Support Tail Armor<---
  • teonimesic
    my character looks like a tranny exactly because of this. She has very big chin, which i wasn't able to zoom and see it. It just adds to the huge pile of dissapointment this game has been.
  • Firestar_
    I don't know WHY gaming companies, ALL gaming companies do this, but that stupid fire-right-next-to-the-character-in-the-dark character creation screen makes it so darn near every time, you end up making a character that looks not at all like it did in the character creator because there's actual light in the game! It's not dark all the time and you're not standing next to a fire.

    Please let us fix our mistakes!
    Firestar - Imperial Templar - Ebonheart Pact
    Reasons-For-War - Argonian Dragonknight - Ebonheart Pact
    Pearl Winterstone - Orc Sorcerer - Ebonheart Pact
    Jerro - Dunmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
  • Ella_Mental
    Oh good lord, PLEASE YES! Lol. What I wouldn't give to have this option available. Though it is of course not in any way game breaking I'm very particular when it comes to my characters (which I hope is at least understandable since we all put so much time and effort into them).

    The first character I created was a High Elf that, while not unpleasant to some, had WAAAAYYY too big of a chest and I realized the long, straight-falling hair I'd selected for her actually flaps up and outwards in an AWKWARD display when I'm on my mount. It looked quite unattractive to me.
    Enough so that though I'd already invested Racial Motifs I'd found, quite a large sum of mats from all professions and not to mention experience of many kinds, I deleted her and started again. I just couldn't take the floppy hair and too-big breasts! (Which, hilariously, I've read a lot of us came to think after creation.)

    I also just today created a Khajiit character and once into the world and seeing her from all angles I realize I must have messed up her jaw/cheekbone area since she looks quite a bit anorexic in the face. :pensive:

    TL;DR - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I'd happily pay a gold price.
    @Ella_Mental [PCNA-Steam] - Ella_Mental on Discord - _Ella_Mental_ on Twitter/X
  • shadowdragon5thb14_ESO
    I'm back my friends at Bethesda! I've waited a few days to see if someone would response to my question. I had someone take the time to message me about a complication with something else, but not on this specific subject. So my friends, I will bring my question up once more to you.

    Is there a 'fix' all ready in place to a character whom was made during the day one bug of being unable to zoom on your face? If there is not, is there a type of work around? My dark elf, Scornix was not what I expected, and every time I zoom on his face, it hurts my poor milk-drinking, self absorbed, greedy, slave owning *** of a soul.

    Second question. In response to not having an answer yet. I kindly ask, do you wish for me to use another avenue of communication? Do you wish me to call you? Use a GM in-game? Email you? Please let me know my friends!

    So now. I must leave you. Not because I have an arrow protruding from my knee. Not because my face was melted off by a pompous yellow skin milk drinking razor ear. Not because some... some ghskfhgjfghks(inaudible words and curses aimmed along the lines of utterly destorying everything love and have loved) sweetroll stealing khajit..... But because I must continue my adventure in the grand land of Tamriel.... to make a mountain of cheese wheels... with hopes of just a slightly more atomically correct face.

    Farewell and I hope to hear from thee.

    With much love and lack of sweet rolls.... *Insert angry face here*,
    Edited by shadowdragon5thb14_ESO on April 21, 2014 2:35AM
    The Harbinger of sweet rolls.
  • nifheimr
    I totally agree. I would like to change mi Nord face's aswell. Anyway if with RL they could also permit race change would be very nice
  • AngryNord
    Race change I don't know about, but the chance to redo looks, hair etc is very welcomed.
  • shadowdragon5thb14_ESO
    My friends at Bethesda! I return! My sweet rolls are quickly losing there warmth as I venture through The Rift. I shall be quick. I wish to ask of your services once more. My questions remain the same. All I wish to implore you is my desire for beauty. As a dark elf, beauty is but one of the most cherished treasures I behold. Most importantly, my own. All the others can go eat guar poo... I leave my questions with you once more.

    Quote -
    1. "Is there a 'fix' all ready in place to a character whom was made during the day one bug of being unable to zoom on your face? If there is not, is there a type of work around? My dark elf, Scornix was not what I expected, and every time I zoom on his face, it hurts my poor milk-drinking, self absorbed, greedy, slave owning *** of a soul.

    2. Second question. In response to not having an answer yet. I kindly ask, do you wish for me to use another avenue of communication? Do you wish me to call you? Use a GM in-game? Email you? Please let me know my friends!"

    I love you for all the cheese wheels I have collected my friends! The only thing that may go better with them are the warm blood of my enemies to drip upon the succulent dairy morsels. Which you have provided too me at a modest fee. I shall return in the near future in hopes of hearing your joyous voices sing out in immaculate chorus .... singing a tale of victory for a solution.

    Dreaming of going back to Balmora one day,
    Shadowdragon5th aka 'Scornix' <3
    Edited by shadowdragon5thb14_ESO on April 27, 2014 6:23AM
    The Harbinger of sweet rolls.
  • starkerealm
    My friends at Bethesda! I return! My sweet rolls are quickly losing there warmth as I venture through The Rift. I shall be quick. I wish to ask of your services once more. My questions remain the same. All I wish to implore you is my desire for beauty. As a dark elf, beauty is but one of the most cherished treasures I behold. Most importantly, my own. All the others can go ear guar poo... I leave my questions with you once more.

    Quote -
    1. "Is there a 'fix' all ready in place to a character whom was made during the day one bug of being unable to zoom on your face? If there is not, is there a type of work around? My dark elf, Scornix was not what I expected, and every time I zoom on his face, it hurts my poor milk-drinking, self absorbed, greedy, slave owning *** of a soul.

    2. Second question. In response to not having an answer yet. I kindly ask, do you wish for me to use another avenue of communication? Do you wish me to call you? Use a GM in-game? Email you? Please let me know my friends!"

    I love you for all the cheese wheels I have collected my friends! The only thing that may go better with them are the warm blood of my enemies to drip upon the succulent dairy morsels. Which you have provided too me at a modest fee. I shall return in the near future in hopes of hearing your joyous voices sing out in immaculate chorus .... singing a tale of victory for a solution.

    Dreaming of going back to Balmora one day,
    Shadowdragon5th aka 'Scornix' <3

    ...okay, I'm sorry, but, you lost me at "ear guar poo." What's an ear guar?
  • shadowdragon5thb14_ESO
    Haha, twas a typo. Thank you for pointing that out. Free hugs :smiley:

    Thank you @starkerealm‌ <3
    Edited by shadowdragon5thb14_ESO on April 27, 2014 6:26AM
    The Harbinger of sweet rolls.
  • otomodachi
    This would be nice someday .. perhaps an Argonian medic called 'Silus Chinlift' or something could perform the surgery?

    Oh, you mean good ol' Practices-Without-License?
    What do you gain by criticizing a CSR complaint?
  • albinokitten
    I've come to hate the flowers on top of my Khajiit's head. I want a re-do!

    A barber shop would be a nice option, I was actually surprised when I found out there wasn't one...
  • Custos91
    I would love to see this too, I am a little bit unhappy how my character turned out, but I am more concerned about the problems atm...
    for me the prioroty list is more like:
    Fix questblocker>VR arrea acces/help people getting used to it >rebalance PVP>get that server to Europe>things like char customization and convenience updates
    Warden Main apparently... 7 Wardens currently, otherwise a healer of every class.
    Mostly active in No CP PVP on EU, blaming the buffbot meta in pve.
    I want to feel like I am saving somebodies life, not like I am carrying amunition for them...
  • Dominulf
    Add it to the cash shop. It's totally cosmetic and generates revenue.
    Edited by Dominulf on April 27, 2014 8:07AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online - Where the best spells are AoEs and the strongest weapon is a Shield!

    "I used to be the most beloved roleplaying series of a generation... but then I took $14.99/mo to the knee."
  • Sakiri
    Barber shop plz.
  • Lovely
    Barber shop, please.
  • LadyBravora
    I contacted customer support about this via tickets a few times. One time I got a responce that was absolutely nothing to do with what I asked, and the other time I was told there is no current way of doing this.

    So, it's down to requests/suggestions for future content.

    I've covered a few of the things said here, like characrer customisation, in the ESO Improvement Megathread.

    If you guys have other ideas, head on over and add them. The more of us that put our words in, the better. I really want to poke at my characters height.
    Edited by LadyBravora on April 28, 2014 12:03PM
  • Seroczynski
    They should add this in the real-money store.
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • Cernow
    They should add this in the real-money store.

    Why? This is a subscription game, not F2P.

    In game currency for a barber shop / tattoo artist etc yes, real currency no.
  • Reymas
    They had mentioned some time ago, I believe in a gamescom interview, that there would eventually be a way to remake your character's look, kinda like a barbershop from WoW or the face-person-thingie from Skyrim.

    Additionally, I would pay real money to change classes.
    Honor, Duty and Piety for Morrowind
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