SDShepherd wrote: »Well it just "DEPENDS" in the near future I`ll be 52 if that's considered old.
Accident_Pr0ne wrote: »50 years old
A gammer is a gamer, pure and simple.
42 and proud of it! My husband and I have been gaming together for 14 of the 18 years we've been married. Kingsquest was the first computer game that really hooked me in the late 80's. I remember they had a 900 number to call when you were stuck in the game!
Picasso had it right: it takes a long time to become young!
Solidarity, fellow older gamers! Let's get together and own these noobs!
Rainwhisper wrote: »40 here ... (We actually maintain a "guild" that serves exclusively as a chat channel for people who are a little too old for the general chat channels.)