ESO Improvement Megathread [Can't find the feedback forum? Lets make one.]

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
I have said for a while that there are a lot of things that can be improved about this game, and have known many other players to agree. However, as we don't have a feedback forum, many improvement posts seem to disappear under the large mass of bug reports and complaints.
The intent of this thread is to conglomerate all Improvement suggestions, categorise them, and have them easily presented for Zenimax Online devs to see, discuss, evaluate and hopefully, implement. So, without further ado, let's get to it.

:::Submit Form:::
Due to a lot of comments relating to the bugs of this game, and people coming here to complain about them, I will now only be accepting suggestions that follow this form. When you submit a suggestion, please provide a solution or idea of improvement, as I want to keep this thread a positive place for good ideas.

I've included a sample form below. You can write essays, or a few lines, as long as it follows this basic layout.
Problem: Bank space cap is too low.
Solution: Raise the bankspace cap.
Problem: Researching is such a ***, and I've deconstructed things I wanted to research by accident.
Solution: Implement a filter system to help with de-construction, add some icon that allowes you to easily see what items have already had their trait researched.

The suggestions found in the spoiler warning below have been placed there due to Zenimax acknowledging the work on them, or stating it is a plan for the future.

- Option to save key-binds as a setting set, to apply to different characters easily.
- Option to set an auto-decline to random invites (trade, guild, friend).
- Separate tab in inventory for pets with no inventory cost, like quest tab. - Phyrdrin
- Implement ability to type in your split stack request, in addition to using the plus and minus icons.
- Add in a brief profile like info page, which can have a section for character background. - Kanar
- Add the ability to right click on someone and inspect their gear/items/equipped clothing. This could be implemented in conjunction with Kanar's profile info page, and Belson's crafting inspection idea.
- Rework the respec system to allow for specific skill tree respecing. - Anoteros‌
- Fix the item stacking, to auto stack items from trades, and auto stack items in guild banks. - DragonMother
- This link is a big thread that talks about the merits, possibilities and uses of chat bubbles in this game. Go and put your two cents in, it's a really good thread!
- This thread has a good bit of information on the Pledge of Mara, and a poll showing the general populaces agreement with it.
- Synced weather patterns.
- Implement non-hostile meeting zones for veteran players in each faction. - Adernath
- More epicness in general, (metropoles, neutral fractions, natural wonders...not so many 'out-of-the-box' cities and dungeons.) - Adernath
- Forum overhaul (Add a general discussion and suggestion subforum - AlexDougherty, seperate the forums into english, german and french.)
- More accesable/easily found in-game guides to different aspects of the game, such as morphing abilities - AlexDougherty
- Implement support for native European languages on the European server. - AlexDougherty
- Raise the cap on bank space,110 slots only covers about 2-3 characters. - Shillen

Character Customisation
- The addition of a lore friendly character appearance editor, for use after you entered the game. e.g. Face Sculptor/Hair Dresser/Barber/Gym/Illusionist.
- Option to save character setting options, possibly as an external save file, that can then be loaded into the character customiser.
- A real world numerical system (metric/imperial) placed next to the height slider, to give users an understanding of how tall their character will be in game. -Shaun98ca2
- Add the ability to change the colour of tattoos in character editor. - Anoteros‌

- Implement a filter system to help with deconstruction - Eivar
a) Collapsible categories for bank items and inventory items, or
b) Easily visible icon in the deconstruct menu to differentiate items in bank or inventory.

- Symbol or word next to items that have a trait that has been previously researched, to allow for easier allocation of items for research/deconstruction. - Eivar
Something like this.
- Implement a way to preview visuals of armour before constructing them. - Phyrdrin
- Add more armor enchants/Sharing some enchants with jewelry. - reagen_lionel

- Implement an in game guild finding system, be it a guild advertisement chat, or a in game guild board, where a search engine or type category can be implemented.
- Have ability to set certain guilds as the default/first opened when accessing guild store and bank.

Guild Store
- Fix the filter system by
1) Implementing a keyword search, and
2) Separating the materials filter into separate skill lines (Blacksmithering, Alchemy)
- Improve the "Items Sold" mail by including more information.

- Alter phasing to allow members to join the phase of the party leader, e.g. go back to the starter island with a friend that is new to the game, and play through with them as party leader.
- Feedback supplied when a quest is shared. e.g. "___ has agreed to quest with you" or "___ has joined you on your quest" - Goibot
- Add a mentor system, like EQ2, to encourage higher levels playing with lower levels. - cf197778_ESO
- Implement a way to match-make players with other players, based on common interests, such as RP, casual PVE, hardcore PVPers. - reagen_lionel

- Option to choose to enter solo quests/dungeons in a group, possible after some requirement of solo attempt has been made. - Ysne58
- When in group instanced dungeons, remove player from that instance if they are kicked from the group. This will allow a way for people to manage trolls or disruption while dungeoning. - Kazama
- When entering a public dungeon you are placed in a phase only with people who entered that dungeon at a similar time. Avoids boss spawn campers or pre-cleared dungeons. - Adernath
- Complete redesign of many dungeons to make them more complex and future dungeons must be more complex. - Adernath
- Harder puzzles in dungeons. - Adernath

- This thread has a discussion on a serious issue with the emperor title, and how it's not being implemented to it's full potential. It also provides a lot of suggestions on reworks, and is overall a very comprehensive post.
- Fill out empty spaces of land between public dungeons and repeatable quests in cyrodiil. - reagen_lionel
- This thread has a really interesting take on what can be done to PVP and Cyrodiil down the line to keep players interested when the standard model becomes repetitive. I highly suggest you go and check it out and post your thoughts.

- Implement a mandatory chat tab, like zone, specific for trade. - Putok
- Implement a trade board, possibly located near bank or in town center, with a craigslist type system for advertising or requesting wares.
- The ability to right click a name in chat and see what craftable items that person is able to make. - Belson
=Note from Bravora= The above would work great with Kanar's profile/info sheet, and could be incorporated as a sort of overall view of the character for others.

- Basic control commands for summons/AI, such as "Go there" "Attack that" "Stop Attack", also implement AI settings, such as defensive, aggressive or passive. - Eivar

- Seperate bar for toggle abilities, or some way to ensure they do not take up all 5 ability slots. Alternatively, implement a way so toggles do not have to be re-cast when swapping ability bars. - Jopoder

Zenimax Online Help Practices
- Stop asking for the answers to our secret questions via whispers (several accounts of GMs doing this in game) - AlexDougherty
- Implement a way to check a current tickets status through the website, and add and update information as necessary. - Saerydoth

Broken Quests
This thread will not list quests that Zenimax have placed in their "Known Issues" thread, which can be found here!

The Final Assault (They're working on it, check the known issues thread!)
- NPC Gabrielle not responding.
God of Scemes
- More info here
Fire in the Fields
- Players getting stuck while putting out fires.

This list will be expanded and added to as people comment and suggest things, or as I find things that I feel should be improved. Feel free to discuss the pros and cons of certain things!

Also, should the mods believe this thread should not go in the support forum, feel free to move it, but please don't simply close it down and delete it.
Edited by LadyBravora on May 4, 2014 5:37AM
  • Ysne58
    Might want to add a list of broken quests.

    I'd like to add a suggestion to allow grouping for any and all forced solo quests, there are too many people, including some disabled who just cannot handle these, especially the harvesters.
  • Hestia
    <Alatreon> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required.

    Recruitment Thread & Website
  • blackwolf7
    I think the main problem they should focus on is to invest on their customer support. For a paid game, their customer support staffs are like bunch of trained monkeys who can only type the same sentences and takes 3days to reply.

    The rest are normal in a new mmo. Bugs glitches server instabilities. But customer service play an important part in explaining these issues and assuring us that they are looking into it or atleast acknowledging the problem
  • LadyBravora
    I must admit, I dislike the customer support, but that isn't the intent of this thread. This thread's intent is to be a hub of ideas that can improve different aspects of the game it's self.
    I've included the addition of bugged quests, simply because it should help centralise the complaints of them, and form a sort of complimentary list.

    ZO has a known issues thread with quests they're working on, I figured it'd be a good idea to make a list of the things they haven't started on yet, so it'd be easier for them to simply come over here and have a look at the issues.
  • iMarx
    Hire Staff..
  • Tweek
    1. Stop perma-banning people for no reason/or something they didn't do.
    2. Actually hire some real staff members with some MMO experience.
    3. Don't use bots to issue auto-bans.
    4. Don't charge $95+$15 a month for a broken game.
    5. Listen to the users before they leave and play something else/better.
    Edited by Tweek on April 12, 2014 6:15AM
  • blackwolf7
    Yes. But in order to fix those bugged quest they need to hire staffs.

    Because atm their only solution to this is to restart the server to make the quest work which will eventually get bugged again after 1day
  • LadyBravora
    I understand that all of these are legitimate issue, but please stop responding to this thread with negative comments or one liners.

    I want this to be a positive thread that is a collection of suggestions and ideas to improve the game, not another complaint forum post.
  • blackwolf7
    Thats why im suggesting for them to hire real people for their service instead of automated reply bots.

    And to hire programmers that actually fixes things instead of restarting the server.

    Although they already stated that they are working on the fixes already. So im sure the restart issue is only a band aid to cool down angry players who cant progress
  • LadyBravora
    It's very likely that, because they could either
    a) restart and cool them, then work on it while they're playing, or
    b) bring the server down for unexpected maintenance.
  • holymisideab14_ESO
    I dont think throwing more people at something alone is a fix to a problem. For all the minor bugs in the quests, the majority of the code works as it should. The team hasnt generated some glaring issue like being unable to enter combat or something game breaking. Give them a little time to smooth things out.
    The phasing issue is one I would personally like to see resolved, as being unable to join with people and quest together is really hard on the social aspect of the game. I realize its pvp-centric but even so.
  • Shaun98ca2
    You know what I would like which is dumb but useful. Some way to determine HOW tall my character is/going to be during character creation. Sure I can move the height scale blah blah but without knowing how tall I am into relation to everything else my character in the creation screen might as well be a 40ft giant.
  • LadyBravora
    I don't see it being a dumb suggestions, it isnt much effort and coding to put a little metic sliding number, to tell how you tall the character creation menu's height slighter is actually making you. I'll add it to the list now. ^^
  • Eivar
    I would love to see a bit more info in the crafting screen, maybe a (known trait) tag next to traits you've researched, and a collapsible category for deconstruct gear, so you can easily hide anything you are storing in your bank. i am aware you can look from item to item to see the bank or inventory symbol on the item stats popup, but a full category filter like that would be much nicer to deal with.
  • LadyBravora
    I often have that problem too! When blacksmithing, I've deconstructed things I've wanted to research. I can't believe I didn't include that!

    Great suggestion. ^^ Keep 'em coming!
  • Cogo
    Great post!
    I'd like to add an ON/OFF button for player names/guild. In Pvp the player who has OFF, will not be seen with guildname or name by others.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Eivar
    also could you post a link to the known bugs thread, maybe i'm blind but it's not as easy to find as you would expect lol.
  • Reignskream
    Very great post i think, combining all types of feedback into one thread for all to see. Awesome.
    Edited by Reignskream on April 12, 2014 11:50PM
  • Goibot
    When you share a quest with a grouped member there should be some kind of feedback.
  • LadyBravora
    Could you explain that a bit more? As in a way to hide your name/guild from others? Or as a way to not see other peoples names/guild?

    I've posted a link next to where it talks about the known issues thread

    Thanks, I've seen some really great feedback, but it often gets buried under all the complaints, so I was hoping to put it all together so nothing gets lost!

    That's a great idea, and can be totally easy to do! I've added it in.
    Edited by LadyBravora on April 13, 2014 12:26AM
  • Phyrdrin
    A few suggestions from me:

    1. Add a way to preview armor, please!
    2. Add a way to travel to a group member's phase so you can help them with quests. At the moment, if I've already done something, I can't help my hubby with his quest and that detracts from our gaming experience.
    3. Add a way to "collect" vanity pets so that they don't take up room in inventory. Maybe have a separate "tab" for it in the inventory like the Quest Items tab.

    Just off the top of my head. I'll bookmark this thread and keep up with it.
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • DrGerm
    I've been too busy playing this awesome game for 18 days to make crappy comments on forums. Was just checking out these forums for the first time to see what was here.

    I think the above comment needs to be put into perspective when considering that trolls, whiners, and complainers tend to spend more time posting in forums and less time playing this really fun game?
  • Reignskream

    Thanks, I've seen some really great feedback, but it often gets buried under all the complaints, so I was hoping to put it all together so nothing gets lost!

    Amen to that!!!!!
  • Phyrdrin
    I've been too busy playing this awesome game for 18 days to make crappy comments on forums. Was just checking out these forums for the first time to see what was here.

    I think the above comment needs to be put into perspective when considering that trolls, whiners, and complainers tend to spend more time posting in forums and less time playing this really fun game?

    The solution is simple. Either don't make crappy comments or go back to playing the game ^___^
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • LadyBravora
    I've added the first and 3rd comment, although I already had the phasing one in there. I'm in the same boat as you! My partner often doesn't even want to play, because when we're playing things I've already done, he says it just feels like he's playing by himself!
  • Phyrdrin
    I've added the first and 3rd comment, although I already had the phasing one in there. I'm in the same boat as you! My partner often doesn't even want to play, because when we're playing things I've already done, he says it just feels like he's playing by himself!

    Thanks a lot! Glad to see an informative, constructive thread taking shape. I'll keep posting here to make sure it stays in view whenever I can :3
    "Surprise me. Say something intelligent."
  • LadyBravora
    Phyrdrin wrote: »

    Thanks a lot! Glad to see an informative, constructive thread taking shape. I'll keep posting here to make sure it stays in view whenever I can :3

    I look forward to seeing some of your suggestions! Hopefully the devs will see this and implement some things, because they all seem like fairly small things that would go a long way to help ease of access, or general enjoyment.

  • Putok
    Improvements to the guild store system, and/or some sort of supplemental trading system.

    The lack of functional searching and sorting for the guild stores is a big downer, as is the 25% tax.

    While I'm not necessarily advocating for a global AH, I'd love to have an at least semi-automated way to sell stuff off instead of spending a good chunk of my play time spamming WTS. Some sort of listing system similar to craigslist might work well.
  • LadyBravora
    I've already added a few things about the guild store, but adding a trade chat might be a good idea. Considering it can work somewhat like the zone chat and only cater to that sphere, there wouldn't be an issue of too many people using it, and it'd clean up the zone chat a bit, too.

    I think the tax in the guild store is suppose to be an attempt by Zenimax to stop gold inflation, as when more people play the game and finish quests, everyone will have more gold, and as everyone has more gold, the value of gold will decrease.

    A trade board of somesort, like an ingame craigslist would be interesting, although I'm not sure how they'd be able to implement it, considering the reason they made guild stores was because of the megaserver technology having so many people in the one place. Although, it's a good suggestion and worth a shot!

    I'll add them all in now.
    Edited by LadyBravora on April 13, 2014 1:32AM
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