Hi. At the moment the current guild system is very horrible and it would be great to see improvements in the next patch. Was expecting something better during release but this doesn't seem to be put attention to by the devs.
Core Priorities:- Custom guild ranks and allowing us to drag/drop/reorder them.
- FIX the permissions. Even when allowing the member rank to deposit and disallowing withdraw, it prevents them from completely utilizing the bank (deposit). This also goes for the Recruit rank. - Fixed
- Guild tags. I understand that we are able to join up to 5 guilds and this may confuse the tag system - why not allow us to "represent" a guild to show that guild tag like GW2? Why change something that isn't broken.

- Allow us to also view what character the person is playing as next to their user ID. This is already possible with an add on. Why not have this implemented already in-game?
- Search filter for the guild store.
- Fix the officer chat. It was working in beta, there is no reason for it to be broken during release.
- When someone is kicked from the guild - please fix it to where the notification says "Name has been kicked out of the guild" not that they have left. There is also an issue where in the guild history, it doesn't show properly that the person has been kicked. Instead, the name of the person who kicked the person out of the guild has been kicked. Example: Hestia has kicked Hestia out of the guild.
Secondary Priorities:
- Custom guild emblem/tabards
- Guild cosmetic equipment (Armor with emblem)
Guild Bank
Guilds need a way to split the guild bank so that more valuable items can be seperated from the more common items and also limit access to officers or crafter etc, atm we need to create a separate guild if we want to do that. A way to further sort the guild bank would be great too, via item type ie heavy armour or beverage ingredients
Guild tabard or equipment
If we are not going to have guild tags, then we need another way of identifying ourselves and also advertising the guild. Players commonly run around solo then will run into a group from a guild, join up with them and have a good time see the name of the guild then look them up and apply to the guild. atm the player needs to ask the guild for an invitation on the spot
@MaelweedGuild Store
The store interface needs to be fixed. I find it unimaginable that it was implemented without a string search option. It would also be nice if part of the house cut went to a guild fund that could be used to buy guild perks or something. Seems a shame to have a successful store with thousands of gold going through it but with no real benefit to the guild itself.
@freedompurveyorAdditional comments:Guild tabard or equipment
If we are not going to have guild tags, then we need another way of identifying ourselves and also advertising the guild. Players commonly run around solo then will run into a group from a guild, join up with them and have a good time see the name of the guild then look them up and apply to the guild. atm the player needs to ask the guild for an invitation on the spot
@MaelweedRP Aspect
To have, in addition to the 5 account bound Guilds, one slot per Character for Character Bound Guilds. Especialy for Roleplaying, and PvP. With 5 overall Guilds you can neither really be in an Roleplaying Guild per character, nor can you really do some Faction-Based PvP.
Wouldn't it currently be like
A: "Hey, [Insert Guild Name] have taken the ruby throne!"
B: "Kewl, what faction?"
A: "Ebonheart Pact!"
C: "Sure? I thought they were mostly fighting for daggerfal."
and so on.
Edited by Hestia on April 23, 2014 11:48AM