Should the Pledge of Mara item have unlimited uses (restricted to once per character)?

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1 - In a MMO people make multiple characters. Being a vibrant, changing experience, many times they shift between their main character for several reasons. Restricting people to make one character their main is unfeasible and counter to the premises of this game: choice, freedom and exploration/experimentation. PLAY THE WAY YOU LIKE, as was advertised.

2 - For many of the same reasons stated above, people delete characters. Maybe they didn't like their original class choice that much after a while (and a respec won't solve the problem). Maybe they did a mistake in creation they didn't realize till much later. Sometimes people in MMOs even delete their top leveled, top geared characters for their own particular reasons. It's not really anyone's business - the fact is: it happens.

3 - People paid good money for the Imperial Edition because of the extra content and bonuses. The pets are permanent and can be transferred between characters. The gear conversion ability is available to every character on the account. The imperial horse can be purchased with every character. Why is the Pledge of Mara a single use item that cannot be reacquired/purchased by any other means? None of the bonuses of the Imperial Edition were ever advertised as being one time/single use (and many people made the decision to buy the Imperial Edition based on what was advertised). In MMOs it is extremely common for things like that to be available for every single character of the account. There was no reason for people to think otherwise with this one (plus all that was already said on 1 and 2).

Note: made the poll here because there wasn't a proper category for it. I ask the moderators to please move it to wherever you believe is appropriate.
Edited by Indoril_Daemion on March 31, 2014 6:52AM

Should the Pledge of Mara item have unlimited uses (restricted to once per character)? 198 votes

Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
SylnaeViperiformalondra54321_ESOtyran404_ESOlink428Merle7979mandrakethebard_ESOClutchjakenaftalb14a_ESOatwon23SteffwulfEivarDragonMotherverzwicktdream.beyond.orangeb14_ESOJJDrakkenLaerrusIymalaloaomenPistolera_ESO 146 votes
Yes! And also make it so we can use it multiple times with our characters without restriction. Play the way you like!
CrimsonThomasTrenchfootr.karlb16_ESOrobo26reduLmajoreversub17_ESOsleary2ub17_ESOUMnikHuckdabuckmmeananasMjolloWhateverBeotorBeldgarathMimssiSazaraDenvylmcphoolSuRoseAkhmatova 34 votes
No. The item works fine as it is and if you deleted/abandoned/changed your main character the blame's on you.
kirnmalidusewilliams7230_ESOSakiriTieFighterotis67jimredtalonkalroyb14_ESOnorm_voshallYshaardwr_ESOOjustabooCarnage2K4kijimaTheGrandAlliancedragoaskaniDaHawk11PhoneySpring646Mr Bo Jingles 18 votes
  • Indoril_Daemion
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    You can guess by the title of the poll, but just to put it in the open my vote is for the unlimited uses per account, single use per character option.

    I believe it makes sense lore-wise for most characters to be monogamous. In any case, it would lessen the value and importance of the ceremony (and the associated bonus) if you could just go along marrying everyone in your way.
  • Indoril_Daemion
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I also want to apologize for the "no" option being a bit aggressive, but I was honestly frustrated with the way the item works and I couldn't really think how a "no" argument could be sustained against the points made in the OP. My fault, as it is.

    I really do want people to vote no if they have that opinion. Unfortunately I cannot change the poll options. :(

    In any case I really think most people who think the item is fine as it is don't care either way (I could be wrong though).
  • daneyulebub17_ESO
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I'd even be fine with 1 use at a time per account, but it comes back after deleting the character (or better yet, choosing to take the ring off on that character).
    This message confirms that you have successfully cancelled your subscription to The Elder Scrolls Online. You will no longer be charged for a subscription on a recurring basis, and your access to the game will expire at the end of your current subscription cycle.

    We're sad to see you go now, but we'll be happy to welcome you back at any time! Whenever you're ready to come back, your characters will be waiting for you, just like you left them. You can return anytime by resubscribing on the Manage Subscription page on your Elder Scrolls Online account.

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  • Yshaar
    No. The item works fine as it is and if you deleted/abandoned/changed your main character the blame's on you.
    I voted NO and disagree with nearly all your points above. Freedom etc. you can have it especially on one character and the game is setup to have one character at least for the time being. You cannot send mail to your twinks, there is a design reason for that and I like it.

    I have a role-player background and always found it ridiculous that you send stuff your other characters.
  • Indoril_Daemion
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    And yet the game "set up to have one character" allows you to create 8 of them... On each megaserver...

    Plus there's an account shared bank that allows you to transfer items between your alts (or twinks, if the person is so inclined) in a much easier way than sending mail between characters (right there is the design reason).
  • jmw1084ub17_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I agree with this whole hearted and voted for the once per character.

    In every other mmo when you get a pre-order item unless it specifically says one time use and when i looked at the imperial edition and ordered it i never saw a one time use clause on the item only the can only be used between one other character meaning in my eyes and prolly every other person preordering that it was a item every character would recieve.

    I think zenimax screwed up on this and it happens. Do i fault them for it no but i do think they need to make it so on creation of a character that character recieves the items. And bind them to that character. then the person can either delete them or keep them.

    i mean straight from the pre-order page


    Play as an Imperial and play in any Alliance. Gain unique bonuses, crafting styles, gear and more!


    Summon this exclusive Imperial mount and journey through Tamriel with increased speed.


    Explore Tamriel with this exclusive vanity pet scuttling along by your side.


    Complete the Ritual of Mara with a friend and receive an experience bonus when you play together.


    so again this is a issue with how they marketed it and need to fix it either by giving compensation to pre-orders or by making it reusable in a way.

    And by compensation for me that would be a proper appology and changing the page to state one time use on the ring of mara.

    I also think they should have informed people the ring was a scroll i figured the pre-order would include a set of rings you could use on any character not a ritualistic scroll that could be used on only one character.

  • esonlineub17_ESO3
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I, and my partner, both pre-ordered the Imperial Edition. We expected to get a Pledge of Mara for each pair of toons we create. Since there are 3 factions, we already have 3 pairs of toons. We will probably want to create more in the future to try different classes.

    We are EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED that only two of our pairs will get to do the Pledge of Mara. We feel as though Zenimax was dishonest in the marketing.

    Hopefully, Zenimax will address this issue by providing a new Pledge of Mara each time you create a new toon.
  • reagen_lionel
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I agree with this. This is the sole reason why I didnt even take my pleadge of Mara from the mail. because its only one per account. When it never stated as such.

    Im pretty pee'd off at that. It was one of the boons to why I pre-ordered in the first place. and now I have to commit to ONE character?

    What the hell is this?

    So many things about this game is so counter-intuitive.
  • DaHawk11
    No. The item works fine as it is and if you deleted/abandoned/changed your main character the blame's on you.
    Yshaar wrote: »
    I voted NO and disagree with nearly all your points above. Freedom etc. you can have it especially on one character and the game is setup to have one character at least for the time being. You cannot send mail to your twinks, there is a design reason for that and I like it.

    I have a role-player background and always found it ridiculous that you send stuff your other characters.

    I'm with you on this one. I've never been a fan of being able to send items to other characters either, I just don't think it's right. If you're playing on a character you should be using that character only, not using others to make life easier on your main or whatever the case may be.

    I don't believe I've been wronged in any way and think the item is perfectly fine as it is, however, each to their own.
    Gawain The Hawk - Nightblade - EU
  • Elencha
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I don't know if I would go so far as to say I'd been wronged, but I definitely didn't think it'd be something I'd only get to apply to one character. My boyfriend and I both bought the Imperial Edition and I only ever intend to play with him except when he isn't home. We used his Rings within 15 minutes of the start of early access when I still wasn't positive about my character class and it's long term playability or suitability for my play style, or for that matter even what my play style was really going to be in this game considering I've never played an MMO for more than a few hours. Sure, I'd played in a few beta weekends, but I really didn't get very far on the multiple characters I created to try out the various areas and alliances.
    So, now that I know a bit more, I'd love to ditch my first character and swap the ring, it's not logical to do it that way, fair enough; that way would be way too MMO and not nearly RPG enough for my taste, anyway. But not even to be able to use a totally different ring on a new character? I cannot think of a roleplaying reason for this restriction unless it's that your first character is the firstborn and it is therefore the birthright of that character to marry and her sisters must stay home and take care of their parents?
    I have a "role-player background" too, but this doesn't make sense to me. This really isn't a huge problem in my case because we have two copies. My ring is still safe and sound in the mail. But for others who did the same with a friend who only has the normal version of the game? I feel kinda bad for them.
  • jakenaftalb14a_ESO
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I've role-played for years and I don't take issue with convenience in an MMO. It's a game with convenience in its design. i think there's something a little strange about a Imperial Edition reward that only applies to a single character.

    Not that I was unhappy with my purchase. I'm very much satisfied with the game, it would just make a lot more sense if we could use a digital item we payed a bit extra for more than only once.

    Perhaps every time you create a character a single soulbound pledge waits for you in your mail (instead of needing to mail the thing back and forth).
  • Mick2018
    Soul Shriven
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    Yshaar wrote: »
    I voted NO and disagree with nearly all your points above. Freedom etc. you can have it especially on one character and the game is setup to have one character at least for the time being. You cannot send mail to your twinks, there is a design reason for that and I like it.

    I have a role-player background and always found it ridiculous that you send stuff your other characters.
    DaHawk11 wrote: »
    I'm with you on this one. I've never been a fan of being able to send items to other characters either, I just don't think it's right. If you're playing on a character you should be using that character only, not using others to make life easier on your main or whatever the case may be.

    I don't believe I've been wronged in any way and think the item is perfectly fine as it is, however, each to their own.

    Are you two serious? We don't need to send items via in-game mail...we have a shared bank for that...Your chars are able to share all items that haven't been character bound through your bank. And having multiple chars has nothing to do with making life easier for your main or alts, nor is it a relevant point to the discussion.

    The item was implied to be an item for all characters like the other perks from the Imperial Edition. The fact that it is one use is just pointless, especially for people who used it early without realising then discovered they didn't like their character and maybe they should've made a Nightblade instead of a Mage afterall...

    It's also slightly annoying and unfair if you make a char, use the ring and the person you used it with deletes their char or never comes online again because they don't like the game any more or have other real life issues. Hardly fair that you're punished because the other person changes their mind.

    Also take into consideration that you make a char in the Ebonheart Pact, your friends or guild from another game finally decide to join the game but they all go for AD or DC...Are we supposed to say "But I used my ring so this has to be my main, therefore I have to stay here on EP and not play with you, my friends..."?

    Obviously some people don't care and will say just to live with it and fair enough, your opinion. I, on the other hand, didn't pay for the Imperial Edition for one time use items. If that's the way it was supposed to be from the start, it should have been been shown clearly in their advertising.

    All in all, I think they should make the item available to all characters on the account, even if it's only one use per char.

    I know this is a really small thing to write so much about but it annoys me when companies do things like this. I think ZoS and Bethesda have done a great job and the Imperial Edition is fantastic but this just sours it a bit and it's kinda disappointing to see it from them.
  • reagen_lionel
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    Mick2018 wrote: »

    Are you two serious? We don't need to send items via in-game mail...we have a shared bank for that...Your chars are able to share all items that haven't been character bound through your bank. And having multiple chars has nothing to do with making life easier for your main or alts, nor is it a relevant point to the discussion.

    The item was implied to be an item for all characters like the other perks from the Imperial Edition. The fact that it is one use is just pointless, especially for people who used it early without realising then discovered they didn't like their character and maybe they should've made a Nightblade instead of a Mage afterall...

    It's also slightly annoying and unfair if you make a char, use the ring and the person you used it with deletes their char or never comes online again because they don't like the game any more or have other real life issues. Hardly fair that you're punished because the other person changes their mind.

    Also take into consideration that you make a char in the Ebonheart Pact, your friends or guild from another game finally decide to join the game but they all go for AD or DC...Are we supposed to say "But I used my ring so this has to be my main, therefore I have to stay here on EP and not play with you, my friends..."?

    Obviously some people don't care and will say just to live with it and fair enough, your opinion. I, on the other hand, didn't pay for the Imperial Edition for one time use items. If that's the way it was supposed to be from the start, it should have been been shown clearly in their advertising.

    All in all, I think they should make the item available to all characters on the account, even if it's only one use per char.

    I know this is a really small thing to write so much about but it annoys me when companies do things like this. I think ZoS and Bethesda have done a great job and the Imperial Edition is fantastic but this just sours it a bit and it's kinda disappointing to see it from them.

    You should /feedback all of this AND send this into support.

    This basically a compilation of everything thats wrong with having this Pledge of Mara locked to one character right here that I agree with.
  • Anoteros
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    only idiots vote against this.
  • jimredtalon
    No. The item works fine as it is and if you deleted/abandoned/changed your main character the blame's on you.
    The ring of Mara is just what it was in Skyrim a wedding ring so that should be one use for one character. Monogamy man its all the rave you should try it some time. And if you got a little too excited and used it before you had a character you liked ah well, some times thing don't go the way we would like but that doesn't mean you get a redo. Man up and learn to love your 400lb orc wife dude.
  • reagen_lionel
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    The ring of Mara is just what it was in Skyrim a wedding ring so that should be one use for one character. Monogamy man its all the rave you should try it some time. And if you got a little too excited and used it before you had a character you liked ah well, some times thing don't go the way we would like but that doesn't mean you get a redo. Man up and learn to love your 400lb orc wife dude.

    Where that comparison fails here is that. That only applied to each character once.

    This ring of mara applies to the entire account to only ONE character only. Not one character each. That is the difference.

    No ones speaking of monogamy being the problem.

  • mcphool
    Yes! And also make it so we can use it multiple times with our characters without restriction. Play the way you like!
    Is there anyway to transfer the pledge to another character?
  • Yazooya
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    Edited by Yazooya on April 22, 2014 6:02PM
  • Canstaht
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    My two cents is that it should be something each character is able to use upon creation, in the event of needing to reroll or change your characters faction alignment or whatever reason may cause someone to need to use the pledge again. Or simply wanting to make alts, why should people be restricted to only partnering their first characters. I agree with the once per character choice though.
  • Lycanthrope
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    Currently really annoyed with precisely this problem. There's no way to modify your character in-game, so if you aren't happy and want to recreate your character and start over you can't "marry" your partner again and you essentially lose it.

    It really burns to have forked out for an Imperial Edition only to get... well... a horse. Because that's really the only account-wide thing of any value left if I delete my character.

    And yes, yes, I know. Pets too. But they don't really have any sentimental or practical value whatsoever.

    Poor form, Zenimax :neutral_face:

    Have contacted support about it and basically been told, "Too bad."
  • TheGrandAlliance
    No. The item works fine as it is and if you deleted/abandoned/changed your main character the blame's on you.
    I voted no because it is supposed to have meaning. If you could simply "delete your character to get a new one" then a very easy way to "farm divorce mode".

    This item isn't the greatest of importance to I... nonetheless it is/was intended to be an "account-based wedding" not single characters it appears.
    Indeed it is so...
  • Indoril_Daemion
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I'll be honest and say I have no idea what you meant by "farm divorce mode". How exactly would that work and what would be the gain of doing it?

    And if the item was supposed to be an "account-based wedding", then all my current and future characters should be married to all my wife's current and future characters (ever since we used the pledge with our first characters).

    That in fact would suit me very much, and is one of the main reasons I started this post, but unfortunately it is not the case. As of now only one of my characters is married to only one of my wife's characters, and my pledge is used up.
  • Lifeline3138
    Soul Shriven
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    I never got to use mine. My game glitched and I couldn't leave the first area of the game, the prison place, and I couldn't store the pledge and I deleted the character seeing it was just glitched and broken and I never could use it and lost it for good. Great game so far *sarcasm*
  • Firemantim
    Yes! It makes no sense to restrict this particular item to a one-time single use for the whole account. Just keep it restricted to a single use per character.
    Of Course!!! I felt kind of cheated when I found out only ONE of my characters got the pledge of Mara and I can only use it once. I'm not exactly a fan of each character using it infinitely but I definitely want each of my characters to be given it.
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