LadyBravora wrote: »@cf197778_ESO
A mentor system might be good, although I think it should have certain restrictions. I know that I, personally, dislike it when I play with higher levels and they make a dungeon no longer challenging. It'd be cool if they could implement a mentor system, without that happening!
They also do have a customer support system in's just really bad.
I've done exactly that, many times, and I know that people are making addons to help with the ease of access of certain things. But addons and such can only go so far.
Any good continuously updated game, has an active feedback section, with people that genuinely love the game providing ideas and suggestions to improve the overall product. Take Warframe for example, their suggestion/feedback forum is amazing, because it's got the devs actively involved, talking about the suggestions and what will and will not work.
The intent of this forum post is to do just as you said, "all work together like a real community."
A very valid suggestion, and I think because it's not bashing or a bug complaint, it fits in here just fine. I've seen your suggestion implemented by other companies before, so ZO should be able to do it. Lets just hope they do!
jimredtalon wrote: »
Sorry I think there was a miss communication. I was posting that to reflect that you are solving a problem that the developers had not predicted. We can't always expect Devs to solve every problem right away and doing what your doing is far better than just raging on Reddit about how they failed every one. But if I may say I think we need to find more solutions for what we see as a problem. Lets make the game better by being a good and productive community that wants the game to succeed.
Like how about we start setting up player hosted auctions in various agreed upon locations that way item sales can be spammed over say chat instead of zone thus reducing the spam problems and improving item sales to other players. If we show that others use this player made auction then the devs will notice the demand for it and thus implement some thing into the game to improve it.
If you want some thing added to the game the best and most guaranteed way to go about it is show Zenimax that there is a demand for it.
Might want to add a list of broken quests.
I'd like to add a suggestion to allow grouping for any and all forced solo quests, there are too many people, including some disabled who just cannot handle these, especially the harvesters.
blackwolf7 wrote: »I think the main problem they should focus on is to invest on their customer support. For a paid game, their customer support staffs are like bunch of trained monkeys who can only type the same sentences and takes 3days to reply.
The rest are normal in a new mmo. Bugs glitches server instabilities. But customer service play an important part in explaining these issues and assuring us that they are looking into it or atleast acknowledging the problem
cf197778_ESO wrote: »As it stand right now, this game discourages group play with those lower level then you. Take a look at EQ2's mentor system and try to mimic it. Also this game might consider some sort of customer support in game...
cf197778_ESO wrote: »As it stand right now, this game discourages group play with those lower level then you. Take a look at EQ2's mentor system and try to mimic it. Also this game might consider some sort of customer support in game...
Not to be mean or anything but that's like saying everyone in the Olympics should get a gold medal. One of the main reasons so many people have flocked away from wow is that they've toned down the difficulty so far that you can almost literally roll your face on the keyboard and win, the best part of gaming is overcoming the challenges. I guess the point i'm trying to make is I don't want to see any difficulty drop, but allowing for groups in "solo" instances would be fine.
With megaserver technology, this is impossible, as it would both be very hard to track the items being put up and bought, by millions of people, at the same time. It would also greatly decrease the value of many items, because of mass availability, and thus screw the market even more!1. Auction House. Create some kind of economy, give items value etc
You'll need to be more specific. I definitely agree that the guild system in this game is very basic, and if you head over to that one thread that's linked on the main post of this thread, you'll find a lot of suggestions about guilds there.2. Better guild controls
I agree with you, and I'll add that into the main thread. It seems like something that is super easy to implement, and would ad just that little bit more uniqueness to characters.3. Character customisation is severely lacking. Unable to change tattoo
I agree and at the same time I don't. My partner and I stayed in Stonefalls until we had finished basically everything. All the boss mob spawns, most of the dungeons, all of the quests. I can see the incentives being great to go back and help lower level players, but the reward for exploring things the devs have made should just be fore the enjoyment of exploration.4. Loot drops from lower level mobs/public dungeons/world bosses/anchors. Seriously makes venturing back to complete things pointless and unrewarding let alone can't farm for crafting.
I have seen them and I agree with you. Whenever you see them, make sure to report them! I've wanted group instances/phased dungeons since beta, but I don't know if they'll ever change it.5. Phase/instance public dungeons to stop the gold farmer from bot spawning the bosses. Very frustrating not being able to get a hit in to finish the dungeon and get the achieve for it.
Not the intent of this thread.6. Gold seller spam
I believe a few people have requested this, and there are one or two add-ons out there. I'm just not sure how they'd implement it for something like zone chat. Local I can understand, but zone might have a few hundred at a minimum.7. Nameplates and text bubbles. Bit hard to know who's saying what or who someone is for that matter unless you're mousing over everyone like a ***.
That's a good point, and an odd one. I know about the bag slots being character, but are bank upgrades character too? That seems really odd.8. If bank is account wide why aren't bank and bag slots?!?!?!?!?!
That definitely needs a rework, so I'll add it in under general.9. Respeccing is ridiculous. Shouldn't have to pay for every skill line, just the one we want.
Not the intent of this thread.10. Fix the broken Nightblade passives and most of the abilities. Especially duel wield and its passives.
Doesn't that quite defeat the purpose? Only coming out of the cave when the storm is over? Isn't the customer representatives and PR hired to actually address the storm so to speak?
^ THIS.michaelpatrickjonesnub18_ESO wrote: »Server stability is the most important thing. But they just don't have it right now.
The lag in Cyrodiil after this last maintenance job was at an all-time high.
Don't know what to make of it.
This can't be worth a subscription. People teleporting and freezing. With 2 second delays on skill animations.