ESO Improvement Megathread [Can't find the feedback forum? Lets make one.]

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• PC/Mac: No maintenance – March 17
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
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  • reagen_lionel
    I would also like to add proper matchmaking in the world to the players you are phased with. Bring that survey back, which lets you pick the kind of players you see in the world depending on what you choose and who you want to be matched with.

    Rpers matched with Rpers, casual pvers matched with each other, a mix of Rp and casual pvers. Hard core pvers and casle pvers and etc.

    Also I've been around about 75%+ of cyrodil. From the southwest all the way around to the northern snowy parts, up to the very east where the natural territory of Ebon and Dominion meet. Only places I have not been is in the South eastern area. If you mark down all the repeatable quests. You'll notice how far apart they are. the same with the public dungeons. You'll notice how much space is inbetween them. And there is literally nothing between them but a couple of wolves/bears/lions here and there, maybe an Imperial camp or two.

  • Hestia
    Oh my lord. WTB the patch for emperor suggestions...
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  • DragonMother
    My turn:
    Item stacking, this is an issue that must be dealt with in a timely fashion. Not only to inventory spots get taken up by multiple items when deposited in the bank, this also causes an issue in the guild bank space. I've had to withdraw all goods to sort through and stack the multiples to keep the space use down.

    Chat bubbles, toggle them on and off in the settings. I'd like them floating over players heads using the tooltip textures because it's clean, it doesn't break the immersion, and it lets people that use them know where the speaker is so they know which direction to face. It's not that obvious in game so we basically can't roleplay listening and looking to someone if we don't know where they are located in a group or crowd. I've seen some examples so far that I'm really pleased with, but would like to see Zenimax supporting the option with possibly a code change to allow floating bubbles over the chatters head at some point.

    Armor and clothing dyes, and options for haircuts/style changes in the future. For obvious reasons, customization is nice to keep open ended.
    Demi, Adult female, Guild leader, Roleplayer & TES enthusiast
    Status: Inactive until further notice.
    I trust my instincts, more than I trust other peoples opinions.
    Four years, and still present. Sanguine still lives.
  • LadyBravora
    I've seen others comment on the lack of stuff in cyrodiil, so I've added that in, and I agree with the grouping/phasing of interest. I think people are filling the gap with guilds for now, but I'm sure there are other ways to try and implement it.


    I've added the dye suggestion, although chat bubbles was in there under a link to a seperate thread. The item stacking is more of a bug than an improvement to the game, Love the suggestions so far, keep them up!
  • reagen_lionel
    The guild thing doesnt even really work. Often times I find my guild members when trying to group up in a zone, in a completely different instance of the zone. Same with people on my friend's list. It feels half implemented. Though I dont see nothing but a win/win from the survey stand point. People can avoid the people they dont want to see and naturally encounter people they would like to see in the world. I do not know they went back and forth on that survey thing. It doesnt have to be a survey specifically but some way we have some control of the kind of people we would like to see in the game world.

    I agree with the dye suggestion as well. Something I think should be craftable with alchemy somehow. Or just a vendor that sells it.

    Would also like to add in that the Pledge of Mara not be for ONE character only. There is such a thing as having more than one character.
    Edited by reagen_lionel on April 13, 2014 10:53PM
  • LadyBravora
    I've added the pledge of mara thread into the main post. Keep the idea's and suggestions coming. We've got a lot of ideas in here so far, lets hope the devs take notice!
  • NoMoreChillies
    I would love a quest for Giants Blood that could increase to visual size of my Character. It annoys me that Lyris Titanborn is larger than me.
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • Anoteros
    I've added the pledge of mara thread into the main post. Keep the idea's and suggestions coming. We've got a lot of ideas in here so far, lets hope the devs take notice!
    We can only hope they do...
  • Eivar
    I would love to see guild commands for the text box like /ginvite, or /promote simple things of that sort so i can type it in real quick qhile doing other things without having to stop what i'm doing and pull up the roster window for my guild. obviously it's workable as is but would be a nice refinement.
  • Jopoder
    I would like some changes made to toggle abilities, so they wont take slots on both bars to be usefull or without need to recast them.
    The best idea comes in mind - separate bar for toggles, that when toggle on ability dragged to it and toggled on will take slots on 2 main bars rounded up.
    For example - ive got two pets and bound armor i want to use:
    - i toggle on these 3 abilities on toggle-bar
    - i loose button 4 and 5 at bar 1 and 2 (if i get 4th toggle ability ill still loose same amount of buttons). Or just button 5 at bar 1-2, and button on some of the bars :)
    - profit!

    Honestly, combined with maximum magicka decrease when pets are summoned loosing too much bar space is a disadvantage i cant handle in my game.

    Or just make it so toggles are loosing effect when bar is changed, but wont need to recast when bar is changed back (for example, pets are instantly summoned back with no magicka cost).

    Edited by Jopoder on April 14, 2014 11:58PM
  • Eivar
    Jopoder wrote: »
    I would like some changes made to toggle abilities, so they wont take slots on both bars to be usefull or without need to recast them.
    The best idea comes in mind - separate bar for toggles, that when toggle on ability dragged to it and toggled on will take slots on 2 main bars rounded up.
    For example - ive got two pets and bound armor i want to use:
    - i toggle on these 3 abilities on toggle-bar
    - i loose button 4 and 5 at bar 1 and 2 (if i get 4th toggle ability ill still loose same amount of buttons). Or just button 5 at bar 1-2, and button on some of the bars :)
    - profit!

    Honestly, combined with maximum magicka decrease when pets are summoned loosing too much bar space is a disadvantage i cant handle in my game.

    Or just make it so toggles are loosing effect when bar is changed, but wont need to recast when bar is changed back (for example, pets are instantly summoned back with no magicka cost).

    I like the idea, i think the best option would be the latter of having them return when you swap back to that bar.
  • Anoteros
    Remove 'press E' to accept guild invites and all that and just use the mouse button via a popup menu.
    Also 5 guilds is overkill.
    Or make the invite prompt more prominent on the screen instead of on the top right of the screen which isnt intuitive at all.
    I've been invited and unintentionally joined this guild selling guild over 10 times because the accept button is tied to your use/loot key...and they are relentless with their stupid guild invite spaam.

    We are pc users not control pad users. We have peripherals for a reason: ease of use/access. Get rid of pressing buttons to access menus/accept/cancel etc
    Edited by Anoteros on April 15, 2014 4:50AM
  • LadyBravora
    I agree completely. Expecially since they've implemented the quickbar swap to be an instant thing, so you can play two classes at once, or have more abilities. It only makes sense.

    I can agree, and can't. I like how subtle the invite is, I wouldn't want a massive pop-up to be assaulting my screen at every turn. There is already a suggestion to autodecline invites as an option, but perhaps changing the screen so it only shows the notification in the top corner, and gets rid of that annoying text across the bottom and the E button would be good. I mean, we can see the invites through our social menu anyway.
  • Shillen
    Maybe I missed it but where is the more bank space part? The bank space in this game isn't even close to adequate.
    Edited by Shillen on April 27, 2014 6:52AM
    Please LOL my comments. I'm an aspiring comedian.
  • LadyBravora
    Shillen wrote: »
    Maybe I missed it but where is the more bank space part? The bank space in this game isn't even close to adequate.
    You ought to be able to buy bank space upgrades, and that question is not really the point of this thread, but...

    My impression is that having to pay for bank space is an anti-inflation method for the gold within the game, as are many of the other annoying taxes, such a guild store tax.

    As more people progress through the game, they will be getting more gold, and thus, there will be more gold in circulation on the market. In an effort to ensure that prices don't get hiked up due to everyone having thousands upon thousands of gold, upgrade prices like that were implemented.

  • Adernath
    - Upon entering a public dungeon you are in a phase only with people who entered that dungeon at a similar time. So there are no dungeons already cleared and also no camping family at the final boss which breaks immersion totally.

    More drastic changes:
    - Darker nights and darker dungeons in combination with improved AI and the use of torches to take this into consideration.

    - Complete redesign of many dungeons to make them more complex and future dungeons must be more complex.

    - Harder puzzles in dungeons.

    - In veteran content I'd like to meet players from the other alliances (non-hostile) when I am in their zones.

    - In future expansions I'd like to see metropoles, neutral fractions, natural wonders... more epicness and not so many 'out-of-the-box' cities and dungeons as we have it now.

    make new content for V1 and not V10, so that playing through the veteran questing zones is only an option out of many to improve your toon.
    Edited by Adernath on April 27, 2014 7:22AM
  • Shillen
    You ought to be able to buy bank space upgrades, and that question is not really the point of this thread, but...

    My impression is that having to pay for bank space is an anti-inflation method for the gold within the game, as are many of the other annoying taxes, such a guild store tax.

    As more people progress through the game, they will be getting more gold, and thus, there will be more gold in circulation on the market. In an effort to ensure that prices don't get hiked up due to everyone having thousands upon thousands of gold, upgrade prices like that were implemented.

    Bank space maxes at 110 which isn't nearly enough. How is there not being anywhere near enough bank space not belong in a feedback thread? It's a bigger issue than anything else you mentioned, IMO.
    Edited by Shillen on April 27, 2014 7:45AM
    Please LOL my comments. I'm an aspiring comedian.
  • reagen_lionel
    I agree on the bank space. for 110. Thats good for about 2-3 characters. I have 7 and I am so horribly restricted on bank space.
  • AlexDougherty
    I understand that all of these are legitimate issue, but please stop responding to this thread with negative comments or one liners.
    um, That's the nature of a thread asking for improvements/fixes I'm afraid.

    First, They need to stop asking for the answers to our secret questions via whispers (several accounts of GMs doing this in game), it's a bad practice and needs to be rectified.
    Second they Need to add General Discussion and Suggestion forums, this will unclutter the CS forum.
    Third, they need to make ingame guides easier. I had a hard time finding out how you morphed abilities, t's not as obvious as it should be and if you miss it it's hard to look up. Also still can't pick locks on chests, the instructions for that miss a key step, and I've given up on them.
    Fourth, they need to add some sort of dyeing system, armour lacks individuality, and MMOs need individuality in their characters.
    Fifth (and final), they need to expand their character set, several players have complained that they can't use letters native to their language (I saw swedish letters mentioned first), and they should be able to speak their language in a swedish guild chat.
    People believe what they either want to be true or what they are afraid is true!
    Wizard's first rule
    Passion rules reason
    Wizard's third rule
    Mind what people Do, not what they say, for actions betray a lie.
    Wizard's fifth rule
    Willfully turning aside from the truth is treason to one's self
    Wizard's tenth rule
  • paulb2905b16_ESO
    - Implement a filter system to help with deconstruction - Eivar

    Definitely need to be able to filter items eg Frost/Fire/Ice/Resto Staff and Armour ditto - its nuts trying to keep track of what I have/dont have saved for Researching!!!!!!!
  • LadyBravora
    All great ideas, I've added them in.

    When I said that, it was in response to many people simply saying a very non-descriptive and complaint. The purpose of this thread is to state and issue, and then state a way you think it could be fixed, or simply skip the issue part and suggest something. It's not specifically a bug thread, more an improvement of the game as a whole thread.

    As for your suggestions;
    1) I didn't even know they did this, what the hell?! I'll add that in right now. That's insane!
    2) I'd love a suggestion forum, and as soon as they add them, I'm there. The forum is a mess, but I doubt they'll update it with the game still so buggy. They'll be putting all their staff on that.
    3) I think they have guides ingame, but I can understand where you're coming from. I'll add it in.

    There's a trick to locks that no one really explained. You basically have to watch the tumbler to see when it wiggles, then let it go and push it back down till just before it started to wiggle. It'll stay in place then.

    4) I believe that suggestion is already up there, but I agree completely.

    5) Odd that they'd have a European server, and then not support native European languages! I'll add that now.

    I know, it's such a pain to click back and double check, and takes twice as much time!
  • LadyBravora
    Shillen wrote: »

    Bank space maxes at 110 which isn't nearly enough. How is there not being anywhere near enough bank space not belong in a feedback thread? It's a bigger issue than anything else you mentioned, IMO.
    & @reagen_lionel‌

    Oh! I'm completely sorry, I wasn't even aware there was a cap! I read your message as there isn't enough initially! Sorry, next time I'll be sure to ask for more information. If that's the case, then yeah, that's insane and needs to be fixed like now. It's been added.
    Edited by LadyBravora on April 27, 2014 9:27PM
  • Monsoon
    Improvements? I play on a mac and Cyrodill = crash every 5 minutes. Its awesome when you bought the game for PVP but can play PVP due to a mem leak bug that has been known for months. So, if wanted an improvement it would be to get the same playable content for the same cost PC players have.

    I don t think it is too much to ask when we have paid the same amount of money but can t play in PVP
  • LadyBravora
    Monsoon wrote: »
    Improvements? I play on a mac and Cyrodill = crash every 5 minutes. Its awesome when you bought the game for PVP but can play PVP due to a mem leak bug that has been known for months. So, if wanted an improvement it would be to get the same playable content for the same cost PC players have.

    I don t think it is too much to ask when we have paid the same amount of money but can t play in PVP

    I can understand your frustration, I've all but given up on PVP for now.
    However, this thread isn't so much a bug fix thread, as it is a suggestion thread for better user experiences in regards to the game as a whole, with things like UI changes, suggestions for harder dungeons and the like.

    I know with things being unplayable, that damages user experiences, but I hope you get what I mean.
  • Cherryblossom
    I dont think throwing more people at something alone is a fix to a problem. For all the minor bugs in the quests, the majority of the code works as it should. The team hasnt generated some glaring issue like being unable to enter combat or something game breaking. .

    I think you will find that they have already got a bug that stops you in combat so all you can do it block and walk slowly, this is not a stun though. Sometimes it can be removed by quickly double tapping Esc...

    The only thing they can do currently to improve this game is to fix all the BUGS, before they introduce any more with new content.
    This game is beautiful, but sadly currently its broken.

  • Brakkar
    Agree on the bank space, I am one of main crafters in my guild and even with me dumping a lot of mats to guild bank, there is still not enough space in my bank. And I play a single character only !
  • Harva
    We should totally bring up these points in the AMA today! The more of us asking for the same things will likely make a better impression on the Devs.

    They will create a new thread as the AMA gets closer, there is a limit to six questions per person but within those questions we can still discuss things to get points across in as constructive a way as possible.

    Good luck guys! I hope to see a lot of us there!
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