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Halls of torment / Lyris Doppelganger

  • steven.flemingub17_ESO
    It's likely they will be adjusting Lyris encounter in the patch next week (and possibly Tharn). Definitely doing some type of fix for Halls of Torment...
    Below are some quests that we have identified specific issues with and are working on fixes for. We’ll push the fixes live in a future patch as soon as they’re ready. Keep in mind there are many more quests that we’re working on, and this list is not all-inclusive. •A Walk Above the Clouds
    •Castle of the Worm
    •Halls of Torment
    •Haunting of Kalari
    •Master of Leki’s Blade
    •Will of the Council
    •The Army of Meridia
    •The Dangerous Past
    •The Den of Lorkhaj
    •The First Step

    If they keep Lyris or Tharn companions from dying it might go a long way.

  • Alpha_Protocol
    These quests are occasionally "somewhat" challenging. My wife and I both did it at level 30... I don't understand the rage posts.

    Most of these threads are full of "I want something predictable, and redundantly easy". What's wrong with dying once in a while, or over and over again for that matter?

    Edit: every class has the tools to get the job done. Also, if you have to, run or stealth... your companion will pick up aggro so you can heal/regen.
    Edited by Alpha_Protocol on May 16, 2014 7:03PM
  • Pipsissiwa
    These quests are occasionally "somewhat" challenging. My wife and I both did it at level 30... I don't understand the rage posts.

    Most of these threads are full of "I want something predictable, and redundantly easy". What's wrong with dying once in a while, or over and over again for that matter?

    Edit: every class has the tools to get the job done. Also, if you have to, run or stealth... your companion will pick up aggro so you can heal/regen.

    Given just how many people are having issues, myself included, I still say this quest is poorly balanced and the companions are buggy as anything. I don't want something easy, far from it, but I should be able to complete it after a few goes, especially at 10 levels above.

    Every class may well have the skills to do it, IF the player took the right combo of skills that are optimal for this mob. The wide variety of skills and combinations mean that it is perfectly possible that some otherwise great builds may not cut it for this fight, and that isn't fair or fun (especially since you can't group for it to my knowledge) - the whole point of the way this game does skills is to allow players to do their own thing, not just follow an optimum path so all characters of the same class end up exactly the same.

    As for the companion picking up the aggro, just having them actually fight would be a start. And on the rare occasions when they do, holding aggro? Never for me - the mob always goes for me, every time. That my NPC doesn't fight properly isn't anything to do with me or my character - it is a bug.

    Looking forward to a fix for this - that post of known issues is offering me hope.
  • ShedsHisTail
    I had a really rough time with this fight.
    As a Dual wielding Nightblade, what worked for me was basically just circle strafing and using Whirling blades as often as a could. The AOE seemed to help in picking up the Orbs, keeping my health up and preventing her from healing.

    Took me probably a dozen deaths to finally land on a viable solution, but it did the job for me.
    "As an online discussion of Tamrielic Lore grows longer, the probability of someone blaming a Dragon Break approaches 1." -- Sheds' Law
    Have you seen the Twin Lamps?
  • Traisa
    This quest is definitely named appropriately.
  • AngryNord
    Best thing is to /feedback Zeni so they realise harvesters need to be re-balanced.
  • DogeRobert
    I'm not sure Harvesters, per say, need to be rebalanced. In my experience, all you really need to do is adopt one of two viable tactics for them:

    1) Stay ranged. The front special attack is three (or so) lines and can be easily dodged by simply staying between any two lines.. This of course, takes a bit of kiting, but I am no kiting-expert and I do not have any issues with it.. Pay attention to where the globes come from, so you can drag the harvester away from a position, where you can't shoot out the globes.. (when they show up, ignore the harvester and go for them.. Though try not to get hit by the main attack)

    2) Circle as a melee. If you're in close and personal, you need to stay on the move at all times, trying to always be behind the harvester. I know they turn as well, but in my experience, it is possible to turn faster than they do.
    With this tactic, I almost never get hit by the heavy attack, as the harvester pauses its turns to cast it and hence, I'll be behind it.
    With this tactic, you really need to have some efficient and spammable aoe slotted to take out the orbs, when they get close. As long as you hit them before they hit the harvester, you're good to go.
    If you do it perfectly, you shouldn't need any self healing, but it's a good idea to keep something slotted just in case.

    I'm not trying to make it sound easy to take down the two named boss-harvesters. I'll agree that it isn't, though the tactics work on them as well.

    I've taken a ranged sorc and a melee templar through the Lyris quest. As for the first one (I forgot her name just now), I've also brought a melee DK through that.. I had trouble with the first one on my sorc (First char I took through it), until I learned the mechanics of the fight. I've not had any problems since then on any char. On my templar, I had a very hard time versus Tharn, but again, Lyris was a breeze. (I look forward to see how I do on my now-caster DK)

    I have no experience with nightblades, but the tactics I've described above should apply to them as well. If all else fails, simply get a bow for Lyris and run around, dodging the main weapon (It's all a matter of paying attention to where the ghostly images are moving.. e.g don't stay in their paths).. You don't need a single skillpoint slotted in bow to use it for that fight..

    Finally, no matter what build you use, you should always work in some form of self-healing and an armor buff, if you're not wearing heavy.. (My personal opinion). It'll come in handy in a pinch.
    Edited by DogeRobert on May 17, 2014 1:25PM
  • Alpha_Protocol
    AngryNord wrote: »
    Best thing is to /feedback Zeni so they realise harvesters need to be re-balanced.

    They do almost no damage to you if you kill the orbs. How is that unbalanced..? Maybe they should be more powerful?
  • reggielee
    I chose Tharn as my companion and he seemed to do better, he kited and ranged while I did the same in betw using my spear shards to aoe the health balls. I tried to tab each ball but found it was easier to get in close while kiting and just use my aoe to kill them when they were almost on him and gathered tighter. I was ready to die due to reading of the difficulty but was relieved to have died only once ( cuz like a doof I got stuck on a trap while fighting). templar healer, 3 lvls over.
    Mama always said the fastest way to a man's heart is through his chest.
  • AngryNord
    I just did this quest tonite with a lvl 33 heavy armour/2-H Templar, taking Abnur Tharn as a companion. I did die once to both doppelgangers, probably partially due to my old, slow computer lagging. I can understand why people find harvesters a pain... I do understand the mechanics behind fighting them, but I still had trouble getting all the orbs before the could heal the doppelganger - probably partly due to the lag... Although she went down in the end to a combination of Biting Jabs, Silver Bolts (who the heck said they were unusable?? They might not have had the biggest effect on her, but they did do their part), Aurora Javelin and Radial Sweep (ultimate) plus a whack with the axe now and then, I think the spawn rate of the healing orbs could be reduced - I got the impression that she spawned them pretty much constantly, and had trouble getting to all of them in time...
  • Exeter411
    Being an older gamer, my reflexes can't keep up with some of the boss fights, so I over-level. On this one I simply forgot about it until I was nearly finished with Malabal Tor, so I was 'way over the rated level when I went into it (level 39 DK.) I had more trouble with doppleganger Tharn, doppelganger Lyris went right down.

    Adding a few (or more) levels makes a hard fight a lot easier... and it's not like there isn't a lot of other stuff to do while you're adding skills.
  • CMz
    Lyris quest is bugged for me; cannot charge or use my ultimate and not able to find a solution. Come close as lvl 32 but without the ult it is not going to happen until i am a higher level.

    Anyone else having the no ultimate bug?
  • drkeys143
    I have been having a little trouble here too :) Lvl 33 NB, I dont feel frustrated or hopeless, as i can see that it is do-able, its not like one of those situations where i do no damage and get 1-shotted, unfortunately I had a couple of goes and died, but by this time had formulated a strategy - however, every successive try after this point failed, because the orbs (which appeared the 1st two attempts) have not appeared since, so it basically seems that every so often she heals back to full health, but without the opportunity of shooting the orbs, they simply dont appear (and it isnt that i dont know what Im looking for lol, had them the first 2 attempts).

    Ah well, not sure if it's buggy or something, will try again tomorrow :)

  • dcam86b14_ESO
    I don't understand how ppl find any of the encounters hard, I went through the entire game solo and never died on the main quests. L2p your class and stop calling out ZoS bc you suck at managing your resources. If you wanted an easy game then you should wait to play wildstar or go play my little pony online.
  • drkeys143
    I don't understand how ppl find any of the encounters hard, I went through the entire game solo and never died on the main quests. L2p your class and stop calling out ZoS bc you suck at managing your resources. If you wanted an easy game then you should wait to play wildstar or go play my little pony online.

    Oh here we go again, another elitist k**b-head. Went through the game solo, never died once, yadda yadda yadda bully for you, do you want a medal? I wasn't calling out ZOS, wasn't moaning, just sharing a thought on a thread, but once again no-one is apparently worthy to even own this game, much less post on the forum, without these disparaging and completely self serving and unhelpful remarks.

    Its just a GAME for God's sake, where do all these comments come from?????
    Edited by drkeys143 on May 29, 2014 9:29PM
  • AngryNord
    drkeys143 wrote: »
    Oh here we go again, another elitist k**b-head. Went through the game solo, never died once, yadda yadda yadda bully for you, do you want a medal?

    There's a button at the bottom left called 'flag', use that to report his post to the mods.
  • Allyah
    AngryNord wrote: »
    drkeys143 wrote: »
    Oh here we go again, another elitist k**b-head. Went through the game solo, never died once, yadda yadda yadda bully for you, do you want a medal?

    There's a button at the bottom left called 'flag', use that to report his post to the mods.

    Or... you know... just ignore it.

    He never said he was talking to you.
  • Sakiri
  • Ysne58
    Lyris Doppleganger is bugged. I have described it elsewhere. I actually got high enough at level 40 so I lasted long enough that I could actually see what was happeneing. She had more than 4 healing orbs out at a time and her high damage attack was being spammed constantly. Plus my attacks stopped firing off even when I wasn't in stun status.

    I still believe that if I had even one more person with me, even with those bugs, I would have been able to beat her. Make these forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person....
  • Allyah
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Lyris Doppleganger is bugged. I have described it elsewhere. I actually got high enough at level 40 so I lasted long enough that I could actually see what was happeneing. She had more than 4 healing orbs out at a time and her high damage attack was being spammed constantly. Plus my attacks stopped firing off even when I wasn't in stun status.

    I still believe that if I had even one more person with me, even with those bugs, I would have been able to beat her. Make these forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person....
    Your logic is that the quest is bugged so allow the quest to be groupable? Sure, that makes sense.
  • Ysne58
    I have been urging the devs for months to make all forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person. That second paragraph was an observation and you @Allyah need to learn to actually read.
  • Allyah
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Allyah wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Lyris Doppleganger is bugged. I have described it elsewhere. I actually got high enough at level 40 so I lasted long enough that I could actually see what was happeneing. She had more than 4 healing orbs out at a time and her high damage attack was being spammed constantly. Plus my attacks stopped firing off even when I wasn't in stun status.

    I still believe that if I had even one more person with me, even with those bugs, I would have been able to beat her. Make these forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person....
    Your logic is that the quest is bugged so allow the quest to be groupable? Sure, that makes sense.
    I have been urging the devs for months to make all forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person. That second paragraph was an observation and you @Allyah need to learn to actually read.
    Perhaps it is you who needs to learn how to make your point effectively. It seems like I read it just fine. Unless, of course, you think people should be able to tell your reasoning behind writing certain things without you explicitly telling them your reasoning for doing so.

    That last sentence isn't an observation. It is a request to take action.
  • Ysne58
    Well you are entitled to your opinion even though you are wrong.

    The fact is, if there had been another with me that wasn't totally useless like Tharn and Lyris -- I would have progressed. That is an observation.

    This is an MMO. There should be no forced solo content at all.
  • pez8897nub19_ESO
    I don't know how many times I was close to killing the harvester and she kills me with one hit. I hated that ******. I think I was 8 levels above her. I finally killed her using dark flare (templar) and biting jabs for the globes and hitting her with my dual weapons. Lyris did not assist.
  • Ysne58
    I have tried both Lyris and Tharn. They are both useless in that battle.
  • Allyah
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Allyah wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Allyah wrote: »
    Ysne58 wrote: »
    Lyris Doppleganger is bugged. I have described it elsewhere. I actually got high enough at level 40 so I lasted long enough that I could actually see what was happeneing. She had more than 4 healing orbs out at a time and her high damage attack was being spammed constantly. Plus my attacks stopped firing off even when I wasn't in stun status.

    I still believe that if I had even one more person with me, even with those bugs, I would have been able to beat her. Make these forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person....
    Your logic is that the quest is bugged so allow the quest to be groupable? Sure, that makes sense.
    I have been urging the devs for months to make all forced solo quests groupable with at least one other person. That second paragraph was an observation and you @Allyah need to learn to actually read.
    Perhaps it is you who needs to learn how to make your point effectively. It seems like I read it just fine. Unless, of course, you think people should be able to tell your reasoning behind writing certain things without you explicitly telling them your reasoning for doing so.

    That last sentence isn't an observation. It is a request to take action.

    Well you are entitled to your opinion even though you are wrong.

    The fact is, if there had been another with me that wasn't totally useless like Tharn and Lyris -- I would have progressed. That is an observation.

    This is an MMO. There should be no forced solo content at all.
    It is both a fact that your last sentence was not an observation but a request to take action and a fact that you did not make your point effectively if it was simply your intention to make an observation.

    Also, opinions can't be wrong by definition.
    I don't believe I ever mentioned that having a working companion wouldn't help you progress. I simply pointed the logical fallacy that was in your original statement that basically said Lyris Doppleganger is bugged so they should make the solo quests groupable. Whether that was your point or not, that is the point you communicated.

    Some MMOs have forced group content, some have forced solo content. Some have both. Some have neither. Get over it.
  • Sakiri
    Forced solo content being used as a gate for groupable content imo is the biggest jerk move they could pull.

    Especially when it locks the majority of the game, as well as all later content, behind it.

    THAT is why it needs fixed.

    There are no plans to ever, EVER up the level cap.. only the VR cap. This basically means that anyone having trouble with these fights to the point of being unable to do them entirely, be it lack of skill or what, will be blocked from future content because they're only raising the VR cap.

    THAT is BS.
  • Allyah
    And this is not the thread for that discussion.
  • Sakiri
    By that logic, your comment was also unnecessary.

    Point is, fights this difficult have 0 place in mandatory content in a game marketed towards a broad audience.

    If this were a niche game I'd agree with you. It's not. It's aimed at everything from the MMO player to the guy that's only ever played the TES game on "I suck" difficulty.
  • Kingcroft
    I do wish the "grab,summon harvest orbs" happened less often. I think the frequency of having to focus on killing the orbs with little room for error is what makes this fight more work than fun.
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