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Halls of torment / Lyris Doppelganger

  • Weberda
    The Lyris and Tharn NPC's stop fighting after running out of health. They resume when their health regens. Obviously they don't have much. I had to kite the Lyris doppelganger and the orbs for about 5 minutes with AOE and therefore couldn't switch to healing to revive Lyris. Finally as I was just about down to nothing Lyris revived and actually got the last hit on the doppelganger.
    Fernwood, EP Haderus NA
    Lo Behold, AD Thornblade NA (formerly Haderus, inactive)
  • Soloeus
    I DID IT I DID IT I FINALLY BEAT HER - AT LEVEL 42. I am a Breton Sorcerer Vampire. I had an easier time with Mannimarco than with Lyris Doppleganger.

    I did bug report it, because it is improper.

    And the worst thing you can do against her is use a staff.
    Edited by Soloeus on April 30, 2014 2:41PM

    Within; Without.
  • Arreyanne
    First time through was a 32 Templar 2HD Bow with the first healing skill in the heal tree.

    Of course I have snipe in bow so Tharn wasn't too bad though I did die once due to the skill's stop working bug that is so helpful at the proper moment. Two snipes half health on Tharn then whack a mole.

    One of the irritating things about this game is, If you're (dev's) going to give me a companion and base the encounter off having said companion, at least let the companions do something besides stand in the corner with their Dallas Cowboy cheerleader uniform on yelling "GO TEAM"
  • kasain
    I beat it as V1. It was lucky though. Took three or four tries. But in the end, it was just crystal shard, storm, uppercut non stop. and wack a ball if close. I still think its over powered. The 35 quest ws easy now on 40. And it is hard.
  • Selphea
    Soul Shriven
    Just tried this today at level 31 myself, without knowing anything about this boss beforehand.

    I won't say it's a hard fight by design, but my ping and/or game issues made it a lot harder than it should have been. It was very hard for me to tell where the fork was going to hit. Sometimes I was straight in its way but it missed, sometimes I was clean out of its path and got hit anyway.

    I also tried weapon swapping in previous tries but the game was too unresponsive for weapon switch to happen reliably, and even caused my character to do the classic lockup that requires me to open the inventory window to fix - while she fired the fork attack! That run didn't end well, so effectively I was stuck with only one weapon config.

    The funny thing is I turned Fraps on to record the buggy hit detection on the fork and it stopped being buggy. Once my FPS got locked to 30, the forks were actually dodgeable. Speculation: Maybe the lower FPS means less data that the server needs to send over? That could be something worth trying if you're having dodging her fork attack - turn on Fraps or Vsync to cap your framerate.

    Anyway, the fight got much easier after I started Frapsing. At 2:26 there's an example of the lag hit I'm talking about though:

    Edited by Selphea on May 1, 2014 5:01PM
  • Raubrey
    Selphea -- I don't know about FRAPS but you seem to be good with the bow. Nice job on that.

    I killed another harvester (don't want to spoil it) at higher level with Drain Power (not even morphed) and Silver Shards for the balls and it-- barely got melee strikes in with siphoning strikes on that fight. I didn't even use my Siphon Ultimate.

    So for those not using a bow and if you're a NB you might think of these skills (or maybe another magic damage skill or weapon) if you're having trouble like I was with a melee build. So, now I'm crossing fingers for last quest.

    I think my healer Templar with 1h/shield is going to have trouble on this one ...we'll see.
    Edited by Raubrey on May 1, 2014 8:03PM

    Greybeards & Gals Founder
  • Matei
    Raubrey wrote: »

    I think my healer Templar with 1h/shield is going to have trouble on this one ...we'll see.

    I have tried the quest again last night with my Templar (lvl 34), using a shield and 1h. And this time i managed fine. Both Tharn and Lyris went down on the first try. I did prepare myself for a few tries more, since i read the message above about how difficult Lyris could be. Shifting your damage to the floating orbs during the Lyris-fight does the trick.

  • mfritzlen
    god *** dammit! This quest has me on the verge of rage quitting! Tried it at 30 as a Templar and got my Ass handed to me. I've now come back as a level 34 Templar and I'm still getting beat. There are WAY too many healing orbs being cast for a caster/healer to deal with.
  • kgrizzle
    Haha, this is kind of hilarious. Had the same problem until I read this. Definitely hit those heal globes with ranged. It's bugged, can't see what the boss is doing...ever. But the health globes are ley
  • kgrizzle
    almost 10k views and they don't fix this btw? That is a BAD sign for things to come in this game...
  • limeli8
    One of the few challenging encounters left in the game.... please don't nerf it and dumb the game down even further!
    I have to give a credit to AD pack of Vampires with VR10 Night Mistress leading them (seriously VR10 10 days after the official release?).

    Night Mistress - v12 Former Empress Sorcerer AD
    Night Mistress II - v12 Night Blade AD
  • kasain
    Just wait to lvl 50 and beat her. That way you can do all quest for storyline at oncee.

    Molag bai is tough, heck i been trying to give away all my crafting supplies but few people take them. So now I just been making some blue and purple items for all.
  • clark.taylorb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I had a lot of trouble with Doshia early in the game until I discovered this one wierd trick! I mention Doshia since it's a very similar fight. This will not help everyone, but if you have a DK, Standard Of Might is your bestest friend. I'm a less than mediocre casual player and got her down pretty quickly. She killed me on the first try before I even got her to transform. Second try I kited her until the transform, then tried conventional methods (mentioned in this thread); lasted about 10 minutes until mort. Third try I just dropped Standard of Might immediately after the transformation and alternated between the silver shard and burning ember morph. Didn't worry about orbs, aoe, etc. Just melted face and she was down inside of 20 seconds. Fairly anti-climatic actually. This was at lvl34.
  • euphorb
    Soul Shriven
    I'm sick of trying to beat the naga version of the Lyris doppelganger. It's freaking ridiculous as a NB with no AoE. I shouldn't have to respec just to deal with this crap. My build works fine for almost everything else.
  • Apricot
    euphorb wrote: »
    I'm sick of trying to beat the naga version of the Lyris doppelganger. It's freaking ridiculous as a NB with no AoE. I shouldn't have to respec just to deal with this crap. My build works fine for almost everything else.

    I hate to tell you this but you'll see that boss again. And again. And again. They didn't even really bother to reskin her.

  • Raubrey
    Apricot wrote: »
    euphorb wrote: »
    I'm sick of trying to beat the naga version of the Lyris doppelganger. It's freaking ridiculous as a NB with no AoE. I shouldn't have to respec just to deal with this crap. My build works fine for almost everything else.

    I hate to tell you this but you'll see that boss again. And again. And again. They didn't even really bother to reskin her.

    At later levels you are stronger and can get AOE -- like Sap Essence/Drain Power (if nightblade) + enough stamina for silver shards -- or other skills you may not have realized you needed to fight these things prior.

    Beyond that this fight seems not to scale well with the companion bugs. In any case they get easier to kill, not harder. Even the ones in the Fighter's Guild quest aren't nearly as hard as long as you use some basic tactics described here.
    Edited by Raubrey on May 4, 2014 4:49AM

    Greybeards & Gals Founder
  • Dayel
    I intend to retry this one at V10, I am not into pain.
  • kasain
    At level 50, many active traits will affect her that 30-49 were worthless. You could stun her and knock her back at 50 with the same active traits at 47 that the message would say, "this mob cant be..." But in a way I do recommend lvl 50. Then you can do all storyline at once.

    The later versions you will see of this monster are so much easier btw.
  • AngryNord
    I thought you had to have done those quests already in order to be level 50?
    Good argument though about saving them in order to get the storyline all at once.
  • mfritzlen
    This fight is still too difficult. Now 35 and still don't have the dps to beat her as a casting Templar. For all you who say, "please don't nerf this fight"...please...you've already beat it so STFU/.
  • Allyah
    mfritzlen wrote: »
    This fight is still too difficult. Now 35 and still don't have the dps to beat her as a casting Templar. For all you who say, "please don't nerf this fight"...please...you've already beat it so STFU/.

    And you haven't so STFU and do it. I did it as a 31 mostly Restoring Light Templar. I know you are capable of doing it.
  • mfritzlen
    Talking in /zone, it appears Im not the only one who feels this way. The majority of those responding are saying they will only return once they over level the place. Good game-play? Not exactly.
  • Allyah
    mfritzlen wrote: »
    Talking in /zone, it appears Im not the only one who feels this way. The majority of those responding are saying they will only return once they over level the place. Good game-play? Not exactly.

    I imagine it is still bugged which could account for a good portion of it being a bad experience. Does not mean it should be nerfed.
  • mfritzlen
    How is it bugged?
  • Allyah
    mfritzlen wrote: »
    How is it bugged?

    Other people in this thread have already mentioned it. ^^ Your companion is supposed to help a lot more.
  • Arreyanne
    mfritzlen wrote: »
    god *** dammit! This quest has me on the verge of rage quitting! Tried it at 30 as a Templar and got my Ass handed to me. I've now come back as a level 34 Templar and I'm still getting beat. There are WAY too many healing orbs being cast for a caster/healer to deal with.

    Did this at 31 with both a NB and a templar did use Bow and that ability that KB's with both classes. I will admit it was alot simpler on my NB than it was on my temp
  • Naisho
    Soul Shriven
    Can confirm that Lyris fights when above 50% health.
    Did this as Altmer sorc dps bar and had real troubles and Lyris standed idle.
    Switched to heal/conjure bar and things went much better - when above 50%hp lyris began to fight togather with summons while i healed. Took me about 5 minutes though - idk how no-healer classes do this quest.
    Edited by Naisho on May 4, 2014 9:36PM
  • mrfather2380
    The fight is awesome not bugged at all just requires solid strategy and movement. You can't stand toe-to-toe with her. I beat her as a level 32 bow wielding NB. I used siphon and magnum shot to keep distance and heal myself and Tharn. I think I died like 10 times before I figured out the damn orbs were healing her after that I learned they healed me. Then it became a matter of getting in-between her ground attacks. But the NPC's are completely useless more of a hinderance than a help
  • Allyah
    The fight is awesome not bugged at all[...]

    It is buggy as ****. My companion hit her twice and stopped (something other players seemed to have noticed as well). Some people report the harvester/Lyris not moving at all and being able to kill her easily. Some just have issues w/animations not working like they should and so they don't know when to dodge/block.
  • mrfather2380
    Allyah wrote: »
    The fight is awesome not bugged at all[...]

    It is buggy as ****. My companion hit her twice and stopped (something other players seemed to have noticed as well). Some people report the harvester/Lyris not moving at all and being able to kill her easily. Some just have issues w/animations not working like they should and so they don't know when to dodge/block.

    It worked fine for me I encountered no bugs. she moved properly Lyris/harvester. outside of fighting Lyris I don't remember ever having a chance to block against the harvester. Maybe blocking is part of your problem. I try to block as less as possible, hence the magnum shot. I agreed with the NPC's being useless but I also found that if you heal them they fight longer
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