strefilb14_ESO wrote: »Sweet...I tried the fix on page 7 as well and it worked...thank you so much to both Aldarund for the original work around and Paunamu for adding the NA file versions! you guys ROCK! Zenimax, you ought to give those two some free game time
KefkaGestahl wrote: »I was unaware of this newer solution. I went and tried the old one - "cancelling the download then hitting repair". That ended up wiping all of my files. So now I do have to redownload the game. I don't have the fastest internet, so hopefully it's done by noon if I start it now...
And I just bought a six month subscription.
LunarMedic wrote: »I still don't have an eso.exe or 'Files' folder. How do I get them?
skhelterub17_ESO wrote: »@sinbad This is probably your ONLY recourse as when this happened to me the original working client was already completely gone from my harddrive. SO if you have the client then run it from the eso.exe not the launcher.
ProfessorSophie wrote: »HELP please, I am in the same boat. I have been trying everything since the 5 day early release to no avail. I have even uninstalled and reinstalled, but used the launcher and I guess it immediately deleted those files mentioned above. There is just no way I can use up more data to download again. How do I use those files listed above, every time I click on them they open up a blank web page. What am I doing wrong? Thank you
I wanted to update my post by posting another to share my experience and maybe giving some clues as to what is happening.
Maestro_Sartori wrote: »Yes don't terminate the launcher if its updating, and yes it looks likes its hanging but its not..
ZOS_JasonL wrote: »Hi there, everyone. Thank you for your patience while we've been investigating the issue. If you're still seeing the "Error 209 – PatchManifestError_VersionFail: Unable to determine current version" message, we'd like you to try a few things.
Please run the Game Consultant tool (located under Launcher Settings -> About) and provide the details of that .txt file to our Support Team. Our team will be able to review the contents of the file in order to find any reasons for this error.
You can also attempt the steps listed here:
1. Cancel or pause the patch
2. Expand the Game Options menu (Cog wheel located above the News Feed)
3. It should say "Updating….," and under that it should say "Cancel." Click Cancel
4. The expanded tab should now change to include "Repair." Click repair, and wait for it to finish.
Repairing will go through a loop of verify -> download -> verify until all the files are repaired. The progress bar will therefore go from 0 to 100 multiple times before it finishes. It is possible that the system will need to download large files.
5. Now attempt to log in again.
Please be sure to let us know if this helped solve the error. Thanks!
ZOS_JasonL wrote: »Hi there, everyone. Thank you for your patience while we've been investigating the issue. If you're still seeing the "Error 209 – PatchManifestError_VersionFail: Unable to determine current version" message, we'd like you to try a few things.
Please run the Game Consultant tool (located under Launcher Settings -> About) and provide the details of that .txt file to our Support Team. Our team will be able to review the contents of the file in order to find any reasons for this error.
You can also attempt the steps listed here:
1. Cancel or pause the patch
2. Expand the Game Options menu (Cog wheel located above the News Feed)
3. It should say "Updating….," and under that it should say "Cancel." Click Cancel
4. The expanded tab should now change to include "Repair." Click repair, and wait for it to finish.
Repairing will go through a loop of verify -> download -> verify until all the files are repaired. The progress bar will therefore go from 0 to 100 multiple times before it finishes. It is possible that the system will need to download large files.
5. Now attempt to log in again.
Please be sure to let us know if this helped solve the error. Thanks!
I would prefer if available, that Zenimax makes the files available to download. Nothing against the guy who posted them, but I just prefer to get the files from the company.