Sythen88411 wrote: »Give everyone enough endeavors for a raident apex mount
And once I'm done with that, I'm going to do a clean reinstall of Oblivion since my old one's not happy on this new machine.
Taucheranzug wrote: »In the EU, we just received the following message from our community manager:
“The work is largely completed, and the servers are now in the hands of QA.”
Whatever that means...
SkaraMinoc wrote: »
There a rumor that Bethesda is re-releasing Oblivion with modern upgrades sometime in June. So I'm waiting for that. Not sure if you want to wait especially since it's not officially announced but I figured I'd mention it.
This is safe to post here since the news was blasted everywhere and it's not exactly a secret anymore.
Not so surprising with Zos anymore, and yet, somehow this still baffles me that you have to extend the maintenance by a whole day? We got taken down at 9PM PST last night, and now you're projecting to not be done until 8PM PST TOMORROW? This kind of takes away from the praises we all gave you for the event. You're screwing over everyone out of doing their dailies. How are we going to be compensated? Oh, right. By some 50% XP scrolls and Crown Refreshing Drinks.
Gotta say, it's getting harder and harder to justify playing this game. 1 step forward, 2 steps back...
TX12001rwb17_ESO wrote: »Between the long maintenance and the constant disconnects a lot of us are suffering through, I believe compensation is long overdue, I have been getting disconnected from the server multiple times every hour, every day for the last 2 months which was around the start of December and it would take me ages before I can log in again, I do not use addons and have been disconnected when all alone in an empty player home, the other day I got a disconnect when still in the character select screen, I am a paying ESO+ member with a yearly sub that is being wasted since I can barely play for more than 10 minutes at a time, once this is solved we need something to make up for this.
This does not happen with any other online game, there was a time where people got account locked and got 16,000 seals as compensation, at the very least that is what they need to give us and the longer it takes the more compensation would be needed.
MysticalMoon346 wrote: »It's crazy to me how entitled people can get because they miss a day of playing a game that we wouldn't even have if it wasn't for the people running it behind the scenes every single day. Anytime we ever have an encounter that messes with playtime etc they ALWAYS make up for it. Please tell me a single other game you can get on a forum and directly talk to a lead developer and actually get a response? Also, why would you be mad at someone doing their job. This is literally what they do as a job. They're working. I'm sure when they have to take the servers down for an even longer extended period of time it suck for then too! I'm sure alot of them are pulling overtime hours away from their families to get this game up and running. Also, it was brought to our attention a while back that they were having problems with DDOS attacks. When they take the servers down for this long it's in part for our protection. Do you want your information leaked bc of a single hacker? Or would you rather them take the servers down to do maintenance? So many act like this is an everyday occursnce. In the 3 plus years I've now been playing it's only ever been down THIS long maybe 3 times tops. Every other time is regular maintenance. I appreciate every single thing this development team does. They truly go above and beyond for us. They deserve praise not constant hate. What makes yall think that being hateful and rude will actually make them WANT to give back to us if something goes south. They're suffering too. It's not right. They're worried about making aure the entire game is working properly and everyone else is super mad they won't get their daily login that you know they're going to make up for in this case bc they always do. They can't help when this happens. But it's sad they can't get the support and praise they deserve. Thank you to the team from myself and many others. Yall go above and beyond for us and many of us are so grateful for it and you!
Well if you're bored -most of the streamers are running old stale pale in the dark ages stuff or reruns of their own curated clips BUT Once Human is free to play (not P2w) and not bad to watch either. (6 weekly cycle of different challenges -unlocks kept).
Well if you're bored -most of the streamers are running old stale pale in the dark ages stuff or reruns of their own curated clips BUT Once Human is free to play (not P2w) and not bad to watch either. (6 weekly cycle of different challenges -unlocks kept).
alternatelder wrote: »Some of you need to get outside of playing just one game. Are you afraid you might not actually miss ESO and enjoy something else for a while?
Heck no. I'm massaging my Skyrim install in prep for a boatload of mods a friend is sending me this week (the ones I don't have the data to download myself....)
And once I'm done with that, I'm going to do a clean reinstall of Oblivion since my old one's not happy on this new machine.
And once those two games are back to normal (whatever that is....) I'll be playing all three - ESO in the morning, and the other two later in the day, which one depending on how I feel on any given day.