Dev Team Request: A Top 5 List of Bugs and Pain Points You Would Like Addressed

Maintenance for the week of March 17:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – March 19, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
  • ESO_Nightingale
    Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

    We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list.

    Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
    1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
    2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations, to VFX to sounds. Lots of work still to be done, but the team is rolling.
    3. General inventory pressure - there's lots to say here - we have a lot of things planned, but until we're more confident on when they might land, all I can provide are some hints. Yes we know you all have a lot of furnishings. Yes we know you have a lot of treasure maps, surveys, master writs... etc. :wink:.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    Unrelated but Rich are you coming to PAX AUS again this year?
    Edited by ESO_Nightingale on March 4, 2025 7:11PM
    PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher. Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
  • Blackbird_V
    1. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations, to VFX to sounds. Lots of work still to be done, but the team is rolling.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    A good start would be reverting jabs and flurry animations. U35 made the "look and feel" using these abilities horrendous. I still as a Templar main hate the new animation and how it's a staff motif being used as a 'divine spear'.

    ... Pretty please?
    Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 25 DLCs. 41 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game.
  • Tannus15
    Top Bugs/Issues

    1. Blocking is unreliable and will stop working at times until it's reapplied.

    Top Pain Points

    1. Class in balance in PvE. I feels a lot like the dev team don't particularly care about balance for PvE as long as it's possible to clear content, but arcanists have really made all other dps feel like second class citizens.
    I'm a sorc main and lightning splash is seriously underwhelming, mages wrath and endless fury and basically the same skill, and too much of the sorc kit is focused around daedric prey.

    2. Item sets are bland or just bad, limiting build options. For the past few years an overabundance of caution about shaking up the meta has led to extremely weak item sets. I can't remember the last time I wanted a dungeon set. Probably Ascending Tide. Monolith of storms is still garbage because lightning splash is still garbage and mages fury is garbage (in pve).

    3. Inventory management.

    4. Overland is too easy to enjoy.

    5. Hybridization is still unfinished, making any class that relies on potions for their major buffs be at a disadvantage compared to classes which have skills that passively give both buffs. for example a DK with Flames of Oblivion will benefit from either minor savagery or minor prophecy, but a sorc needs the buff which matches their potion type.
    Edited by Tannus15 on March 4, 2025 10:38PM
  • danthemann5
    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1 - Stuck in combat
    Bug 2 - Rush of Agony de-sync
    Bug 3 - Break free doesn't work or is massively delayed
    Bug 4 - Crowd control immunity doesn't work consistently or at all in some cases
    Bug 5

    Top Pain Points - If you're not sure what any of these mean, I'll be happy to show/explain.
    Pain Point 1 - (PvP) Ball groups
    Pain Point 2 - (PvP) Troll tanks
    Pain Point 3 - (PvP) Unkillable resource campers
    Pain Point 4 - (PvP) Cheaters
    Pain Point 5 - (PvP) basically any situation where a player or players is/are unkillable or there is no reasonably effective counterplay
    Edited by danthemann5 on March 4, 2025 9:15PM
    ZeniMax has no obligation to correct any errors or defects in the Services.

    Greetings! We've closed this thread due to its non-constructive nature.

    "You know you don't have to be here right?" - ZOS_RichLambert
  • React
    Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

    We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list.

    Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
    1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
    2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations, to VFX to sounds. Lots of work still to be done, but the team is rolling.
    3. General inventory pressure - there's lots to say here - we have a lot of things planned, but until we're more confident on when they might land, all I can provide are some hints. Yes we know you all have a lot of furnishings. Yes we know you have a lot of treasure maps, surveys, master writs... etc. :wink:.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    One thing that doesn't really make sense to me regarding inventory management. We've had the exact same inventory and bank space since launch, barring the addition of a few inventory-increasing crown store pets. Yet, the number of sets in the game has increased ten fold. Shouldn't our bank space or inventory space receive an upgrade at this point in time?
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • mctaff

    Crafting Surveys, in and of themselves, are a good reward.
    However, giving a reward that is tedious to reap the benefits of for a chore that is tedious to begin with is less than appealing.

    Not everyone has a great deal of time and can punch out a few writs, and still have time to go traipsing across several zones to fetch the reward. So they stack (which is good) but you can only retrieve one at a time (which is bad). ESO after all is about being an MMO, not a solo collecting experience.
    To combat this, the player must collect the six nodes of the survey, then run/ride away outside of draw distance for an arbitrary time, then return for the six nodes again and get the next Survey from their stack of them. As many of us like to do lots of writs, and might only get an extended play time period on, say, a weekend to collect them, this means that quite a lot of them can end up stacking, and there is a lot of wasted time looping around away from the location and back and it's frustrating and boring. Given that getting them as they are rewarded for the writs is also time consuming beyond reason (load times, zone changes, riding several miles), the stacking them up is the most efficient but also bothersome.

    Allow 'stacks' of Surveys to be harvested at one time.

    Mechanism would be as follows...

    Player has x number of a survey.
    When they approach the survey, game will check to see if there are any existing incomplete surveys for this location already in the inventory of the character.
    If yes, then they would complete that survey by taking all nodes.
    If no, when they harvest the first node, the game checks to see if there are more than one (i.e. a stack) of that survey.
    If yes, then it will create a "Bulk <type> Surveys: <zone> [x]" and with x as the value of how many were stacked, and award that item to the player along with the first node resources (as described next) and consume the stack of relevant crafting surveys.
    For the actual harvest resource reward, the game would apply all relevant buffs for increased harvest time, harvest quantity and chances for additional material or zone drops, multiplied by the number of stacks.
    If the player fails to retrieve all of the nodes, the Bulk Survey remains in the player inventory until the last node is consumed, no matter how long the player takes to return to it.
    If a player has an unfinished normal Survey and an unfinished Bulk survey, then the normal Survey would take precedence.
    Side note - Bulk surveys could be Character Bound.
    Side note - Incomplete Crafting surveys could be labelled as incomplete to ensure players understand that they are incomplete.


    This would favour the players who do a lot of writs. I do not see a problem with people retrieving large amounts of a material at a time from an economic perspective; the amount of material to be gained is still the same but it is just more user friendly.
    Initially a lot of people might go and do eleventy-twelvedred that they have laying around which could bring prices down in the short term, but people will get used to letting them stack up a little, then getting a bunch - and that will self-settle reasonably quickly and prices will return to normality.
    Having a Bulk Survey issued to the player as a reward prevents any crashes, outages or service interruptions from causing the player to lose the rest of what had not been harvested yet.


    Whenever crafting new items, or at the outfit station, the 'picker' window for looking at the styles is awful.

    1) Crafting.
    a) There is already a bunch of clutter on the screen, but when trying to at least not choose something that looks like total garbage all we have to look at is the style material. There is no way at all to see what it looks like, except for the tiny representation icon, which tells you almost nothing. A "Preview Item" window that can be toggled on/off that shows what the finished item would look like would be much better.
    b) If you want a specific style material, it's a LOT of scrolling. First World Problems, but hey - this is a game where QOL are still happening, so let's make them happen.

    2) Outfit Station
    a) Again, there is a grid of tiny icons, no names under them, and you can't really tell what you're selecting unless you do it by memory - or by painstakingly hovering over each item to see what it is called and *still not knowing what it actually will look like*.
    b) The sorting is alphabetical, but no spacing or grouping in any way to break it up a little beyond light/medium/heavy, or by weapon type. This means it's a lot of hunting to find a specific motif.
    c) Any items with a visual effect are not separated out properly. Many do sort to the bottom, but there are several that do not (Gloambound, Galenstone, Guilds Eye for example - maybe Unfeathered?). These need a colored border OR - better yet - their own sub category. Also a filter would be helpful to only display these or not display them.
    d) When deciding to dye something, you can't see what the channels refer to until you actually put the dye in. An on/off toggle to "mark dye channels" so they pulse when you hover over them *without a dye selected* will assist a lot here.
    e) A "last viewed" or mini-history for each category would be hugely useful. e.g.: If I select Wood Elf Boots 1, then Wood Elf Shoes 2, then Imperial Shoes 1, then I flip to Chest and look at Dremora jack, then Dremora Robe, then can't decide which one looks better with the footwear I was looking at, at least I can flip back to the Feet page and see what the last three I tried were, and select them from the mini-history without having to actually rmember the last two, three, five, seventeen or fifty five things that I have in mind for an outfit I am working on.
    f) An option to turn off/on other visual effects such as the Nightblade red berserk, as it covers up weapon visual effects.
    g) Add an option to add the Twilight Remedy visual effect to your selected weapon if you have a specific achievement (Dro-m'athra Destroyer, for example). Can extend to the Hircine's, Worms, and Ebon armour visual effects as well if they have the Trifecta achievement or equivalent. (Sure, means a ton of folks will be running around with those effects, but let them show off.).

    Categories of items
    a) Style pages STILL don't have a category in Guild Traders. C'mon already.
    b) Attunable stations are "Trophy" items? What?


    Change background AND audio for login on a per-character basis. (The ability to change the music on login was offered - but for some reason when Gold Road came online it changed all of mine to the default again. But I'd like my Nords to be in Greymoor, and my wood elves to be in Morrowind, etc, and be able to set the music AND background scene independently of each other)
    The ability to see what Armoury build a character has currently equipped before you log in would be useful. Even better, a watermark on the load screen with some useful information such as Armoury build would be good.
    On the load screen, I've seen every load screen tip at least eleventy bajillion times. Can I have an option to change it to anything in game such as "New day in hh:mm", "Current Event time remaining dd:hh:mm", "Golden Pursuit time remaining". (Those are useful things that would absolutely be beneficial to a seasoned player while they are waiting for the game to load. Combine with watermark above, or whatever.)


    Add a database flag for the order in which characters appear on the Character Selection screen for Add-On authors to use. (Yes, we can re-order them, but add-ons don't recognise it and once you reorder them the add-ons tends to randomly shuffle characters in whatever lists they have once you move them thereafter - which is going backwards). People who have lots of similar character names or a lot of characters then really struggle. Some authors use alphabetical sorting which kinda solves the problem but still presents in an order that is not desired by a player.
    A handful off add-ons give options for players to make the UI better in minor but significant ways. Consider looking some portions of at FCO's Change Stuff, pChat, Dungeon Timer, Ody's Support Icons to name a few. (Some of the things they provide could be base-game options, especially if it takes the load off maintaining those add-ons to free them up for other community projects, and cuts down on having large numbers of add-ons to load in. We aren't talking the whole add-ons, but some of the things they offer that everyone uses. Talk to the authors and reward them for their efforts.)


    Add a flag to many of the in-game settings to mark them as "Account Wide" if we wish. (Having to change the same option 20 times is awful)
    Add a flag to the Controls tab so keybinds can get the same treatment to be Global. (All my characters have the same keybonds, and most players I know do the same. If we have a checkbox to 'make global' people may still have different ones for different characters if they wish).
    Tidy up the Settings as some of them do not make sense in the category they appear. (Trying to explain where to find a setting to someone over chat makes you sometimes sound like you're cooked)


    Add Costumes as an option to save with Armory profiles,
    Add Mount as an option to save with Armory profiles,
    Add Markings/Skins/Hairstyles as an option to save with Armory profiles


    When selecting one of your houses to travel to in the Collections tab, there should be nice big buttons for "Travel inside house" and "Travel outside house". Not a dropdown list.
    The Master Crafting Stations are a MASSIVE time sink to get the crafting stations attuned. Once is enough. Can all subsequent Master Crafting Stations purchased and bound to a player please already reflect what stations are fed into the first ones I've completed? (I'm less concerned about the writ voucher cost, and far more concerned about the immense time investment and inventory management fight to get all the attunables done. I only have so much time to actually play.)
    Can we please have an option to have our Companions in our houses (i.e. the furnishing) be able to wear Costumes or wear the Outfit we have made for them?


    The quest log could have greater divisions within, as you have trial quests appearing in zones, crafting is buried in there, guild quests, etc. Suggest having "Zone, Dungeon, Trials, Guilds, Crafting, Infinite Archive, PvP., Story Quest and so on as headers that seperate the quests out. As it stands, it's jumbled list and hard to find what you're after.


    The ability to re-order the Guilds you are in would be nice. (To re-order them you need to leave the guilds that are higher-order than the one you want as #1, and then get re-invited in the order you'd like them to appear after that.)
    There is the Alliance War Ownership and Guild Trader icons on the left in the Guild screen. Add a third for "Guild Hall" and put in settings for a Guild Leader and/or Officers to set their residences as Guild Hall(s). Clicking on it would fast-travel the player directly to that guild hall, instead of having to create a link in the guild text. (And put it at the top! Extra points if there could be three or five options there too.)


    Skins and Body Markings, etc, don't really give you much of a clue what they look like until you actually click them. Being able to 'scroll' through them to preview instead of having to target-click each one would save a lot of time - and if there has to be a one second cooldown, so be it. Even better, an actual station that has a bigger and easier interface for our houses would be great, with easy options to hide outfit/costumes concurrently as we browse.
    Some skins and markings cover up other things like head markings. Whilst this may be intended, is there a way to have a priority setting so if I want a particular skin but overlay a certain eye marking, that it would not hide it?
    Fragment sets that have been collected and combined should be placed in a "Completed" list so they don't loiter in a list that is already quite large. Those that can be re-completed / assembled several times should also have their own sub-category.
    The Upgrades, Allies, Mounts and Pets lists are getting very long to be just icons, as the icons are small and descriptors cause the alphabetical lists to be all cattywampus - as a famous streamer would put it. Separation headers to delineate sub-types would break up the massive blocks (i.e. in Mounts -> Cervines -> Ram, Indrik, Elk. In Non-Combat Pets -> Exotic -> Guar, Horses, Echalette, Crab, etc. I'm not one to define how the list must be set out, but anything would be a bit better than a wall of icons.)

  • Magenificent
    Soul Shriven
    1) Search in Pattern in crafting.
    2) Activate Skill 3 in Psisic has very long wait time and sometimes it just dont activate
    3 Companions should act better, sepciel tank.. keep standing in alle kind of "***", special in IA. Make them better instead of new companions.
    4 In and out of combat in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns and Arkthzand Cavern.

    Edited by Magenificent on March 5, 2025 10:55AM
  • Clarkieson
    1 skills and attacks that just don’t hit anything in pve, also happens in pvp but i avoid pvp so it makes little difference to me really. I notice this with staff light attacks/ heavy attacks and single target skills. Interestingly a fix i have found is to stand right on top of your target, so may as well play a melee character

    2 randomly having no movement. In and out of combat and can happen anywhere, the character just stops moving

    3 being kicked to desktop is very annoying, especially when involved in any kind of game content

    4 guild trader purchase mail to the inbox that wont appear unless you change zone. This happens in grahtwood especially, but has happened in other zones

    5 travelling in zones on the mount and suddenly the game cuts out and comes back a few frames later

    Pain points

    1 “when you discover a public dungeon you can use a wayshrine to travel to it at anytime” make it happen

    2 identical master writs that stack in your bank would be useful

    3 can we bank transmute geodes now? Stacking appropriately would also be useful

    4 housing wayshrines. Even if sold for crowns would help

    5 dodge chance in pvp is still to much. Almost infinite with some players and along with never being able to target anything at range is the biggest reason that i find pvp monotonous.

    I could list so much more but these items will do as a start. Might as well wish for the moon but hey i tried.
    Edited by Clarkieson on March 5, 2025 12:36PM
  • Izanagi.Xiiib16_ESO
    Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

    We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list.

    Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
    1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
    2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations, to VFX to sounds. Lots of work still to be done, but the team is rolling.
    3. General inventory pressure - there's lots to say here - we have a lot of things planned, but until we're more confident on when they might land, all I can provide are some hints. Yes we know you all have a lot of furnishings. Yes we know you have a lot of treasure maps, surveys, master writs... etc. :wink:.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    @ZOS_RichLambert @ZOS_Kevin
    Firstly thanks for the update, its good to see what you are taking from this thread.

    However I would really warn against spending so much time on the stuck in combat issue. Yes its very annoying but it could easily be fixed by just allowing mounting in combat and setting the stamina to 0 when mounting in this manner. Additionally clearing the combat status & all buff and debuff id's except for the unlimited duration ones from the character upon resurrecting would also help. For example I can sometimes res with DoT's still on me.

    Similarly adjusting the combat look and feel is again - in my opinion, mostly wasted effort. The ability looks were downgraded since launch (thinking of Pulsar/Impulse) supposedly for performance reasons, if we can get a small upgrade sure it will be nice but is it really worth the effort compared to other things? Not really when considering the majority of the endgame community is cancelling these ability animations anyway and half of them don't show to allies.

    Both of these changes are in the area of combat and I think the majority of players would agree that there are many more important changes that are needed in the area of combat (not just in terms of balancing).

    General inventory pressure changes are nice to see addressed as a QoL thing
    NA ~ Izanerys: Dracarys (Videos | Dracast)
    EU ~ Izanagi: Banana Squad (AOE Rats/ Zerg Squad / Roleplay Circle)
  • SaintJohnHM
    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1 Takes too long to regroup when resetting dungeons and trials, we should have a "vote to reset instance" option for dungeons and let the raid lead reset an instance
    Pain Point 2 Ultimate/resource assistant like Grasharag, disappears in scoreboard instances or put a resource/ultimate well in the lobby of trial instances so people don't have to port to get ultimate. the well can disappear/deactivate once the trial has started.
    Pain Point 3 Increase the number of friends we can have and guilds we can join
    Pain Point 4 Give us incentive to play older dungeons by adding a new difficulty mode with new mechs etc
    Pain Point 5 Improve inventory stacking so we have more space

    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1 Heavy attacks not working
    Bug 2 Skills not triggering reliably
    Bug 3 Some mech synergies don't always reliable work (portals jump pads in Cloudrest, etc)
    Bug 4 Countless partial and full group server disconnects
    Bug 5 All the dungeon bugs we've been reporting about for years (lady thorn safety circles don't appear for all players, Cernunnon resetting in Falkreath Hold, weird visual stutter on some kick attacks in Red Petal Bastion, etc etc etc etc etc etc)

    Edited by SaintJohnHM on March 11, 2025 1:47AM
    • Casual Roleplaying PVE player PC/NA
    • Tank CP2400 'Sugar-Flame'
    • I've completed all the dungeon trifectas. Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer, Tick Tock Tormentor, Dawnbringer, and I'm looking for nice folks to complete more trial achieves with.
    • I make music:
  • Jayne_Doe
    Posting two more pain points:

    1. Please finally give us suppression of pets in town, rather than when the player in question is immediately near a crafting related object. You did this rather quickly for companions in towns.

    2. If you're going to continue giving us outfit styles without a belt, please give us hide belts. It's a pain to have to go through hundreds of belt options to find one that isn't noticeable.
  • Lykeion
    Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

    We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list.

    Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
    1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
    2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations, to VFX to sounds. Lots of work still to be done, but the team is rolling.
    3. General inventory pressure - there's lots to say here - we have a lot of things planned, but until we're more confident on when they might land, all I can provide are some hints. Yes we know you all have a lot of furnishings. Yes we know you have a lot of treasure maps, surveys, master writs... etc. :wink:.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    Thanks for the update Rich. It's really encouraging to know that the staff is paying attention to player feedback. I'm really looking forward to all that you've mentioned.
  • Yudo
    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1: Stuck in combat.
    Bug 2: Light attacks getting suck and not firing, more specifically Overload getting stuck on sorcerers when nearby players use toggle abilities.

    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1: Poor performance, especially during peak time in pvp. Lag, rubber banding, skills not firing, disconnects, cannot get through doors, re-enter long queues etc.
    Pain Point 2: Major struggle with identity and fitting archetypes due to hybridisation. Build meta is as narrow as it can get. Why must i go medium armor with melee weapons for best performance on a mage, as an example? At the same time many race/class passives no longer make sense or are unique.
    Pain Point 3: Tank/heal meta in pvp. The concept of stacking heals and building very tanky but yet be able to punish hard is getting out of hand. No matter if if it is solo, small scale or in ball groups.
    Pain Point 4: Sorcerer lightning form ghostly animation. It should not cover outfit and character should not become transparent.
    Pain Point 5: cannot hide guild tabards. It should not cover outfit.
    Edited by Yudo on March 6, 2025 1:45PM
  • Elvenheart
    General inventory pressure - there's lots to say here - we have a lot of things planned, but until we're more confident on when they might land, all I can provide are some hints. Yes we know you all have a lot of furnishings. Yes we know you have a lot of treasure maps, surveys, master writs... etc. :wink:.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    Eeeiiiggghhhh, eeeeiiiiigggghhhh, eeeeiiiiggghhh! <jumps up and down and runs around screaming in delight>
  • Diaspad
    I hesitated if I should write on this topic at all. I'm not an active ESO player. But maybe my thoughts about why I'm not an active player might be useful to the ESO team.

    When ESO was announced, I was excited. It was going to be the next game in the Elder Scrolls universe I fell in love with since I first played Oblivion so many years ago. Unfortunately, the game was in a very rough state in the beginning, but nevertheless, I had faith and got my tiger for the year of subscription (even though I stopped playing when I found I overleveled Shadowfen and mobs stopped dropping any loot). Seriously, it was the point of no return to me. However, I kept buying story chapters, maybe because, even after more than a decade, I still believe somewhere in the depths of my heart.

    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Bug 1.
    I started playing again recently, and the latest bug I've encountered was during the Legacy of Baelborne Rock quest. If a player character decides to break the curse and meddle with the ward near the waterfall, a certain Daedra will appear. According to the wiki, Tachnim should say a few words, warning the player character about the consequences of attacking him. Unfortunately for me, he was just standing there menacingly. I couldn't understand what's going on, especially because the NPC was neutral (as he should be), so he despawned after a minute or two. I had to look into the wiki to be able to progress the quest.

    2. Bug 2.
    Even though I returned to the game not so long ago, I've already witnessed the infamous heavy attack bug (when a character is stuck in heavy attack animation for quite a long time).

    Top Pain Points
    1. Pain Point 1
    Character/creature animations leave much to be desired. I don't think the engine is the cause, because SW:TOR (the game based on the same Hero engine as ESO) has much better character skeletons and animations, so the Hero engine and its derivations are definitely capable.

    ESO characters look stiff; their movements are awkward and robotic. One of the examples is the default running animation, especially when you watch male characters from the side. Their legs move so unnaturally, as if someone put a single joint somewhere around their pelvis and let the legs hang loosely. Almost all animations are awkward, as if a character's body is a water barrel and their hands and legs are plastic hoses. Walking, running, mount/dismount, interactions—everything is not that good (the only exception might be the female running animation; it's quite graceful). It's difficult to choose the right words, but characters when emoting look as if they don't have anatomical joints. When you bend a hose, it compresses; both of its sides touch each other, creating an angle. The hose regains its tube form very close to the angled part. But human joints don't work this way; they don't change their size.

    I'm not sure if this can be corrected; better animations will require a complete skeleton overhaul. But you asked about pain points, so here I am. I'm very sensitive to animations, and when playing Bethesda games, I just clenched my teeth and endured, because single-player TES RPGs were unique in a way. But as for MMOs, there are enough theme park MMOs with good stories and better character models and animations. They might not be as enchanting as the TES universe, but they are quite good in many other aspects.

    2. Pain Point 2
    Combat animations. Some are atrocious, like the Flurry animation when a wooden trunk impersonating a human torso activates its plastic hoses, flailing wildly (that's why I decided to switch to a 2h weapon; I just can't stand it). Some are bearable. Some are good enough (many staff/caster animations; it reminds me why I always play as a mage in single-player TES games, lol). But almost all melee weapon animations are not that good; they are awkward (remember what I said about plastic hoses), have no impact, and are weightless. Even melee idle stances with a weapon drawn look weird. I don't ask for Korean-style flashiness, even good old vanilla WoW had very nice battle animations that somehow created a feeling that your character holds something weighty and dangerous in their hands.

    3. Pain Point 3
    I'm very picky about how my character looks. I shudder at the thought of how much I've spent buying appearance change tokens to perfect my characters. That's why it pains me to see character body sliders neglected when wearing certain clothes or outfits.

    Example 1.

    Example 2.

    Look at these pictures and please tell me, why does the character's torso appear so much wider in one shirt than in another one? They are both shirts, aka made of thin fabric; they shouldn't distort character proportions that much. Unfortunately, the same can be said about many costumes, styles, and outfits. My character can gain or lose weight in seconds required to change outfits.

    Also, I would like to see an opportunity to save character appearance. ESO tends to emphasise the RPG part in the abbreviation MMORPG, and thus character looks are very important. You've probably seen a lot when people ask each other for good character sliders. It might be useful to have an opportunity to share them instead of making and uploading multiple character creation screenshots.

    4. Pain Point 4
    High latency and constant disconnects. Also, cryptic error number messages do not help, really.

    5. Pain Point 5
    Trading system. It's not fun being accepted into a trade guild with traders in good spots (most of the time they are located in non-DLC alliance capitals or Craglorn) and watching nervously every day if you can satisfy its weekly sales quota. I'd rather put all my staff into some kind of an auction house and sell it in peace. So many games have server-wide auction houses; why can't ESO do the same, I wonder? It's especially difficult for new players, who don't know the actual price of a thing and sell it for a laughably small amount of gold. Yes, it's profitable if you are making a fortune preying on new players, but I'd rather have a more just economic system.
  • allochthons
    LordSkruff wrote: »
    ((((1. IC Porting out of combat to Cyrodiil mid combat. / safezone abuse

    In the IC region its most prevalent due to the fear of losing telvars however its doable in any campaign.
    Emphasis by me. I'm a PvE player, who does the daily in the Imperial City for the siegemaster's coffer, and the merits inside, so I can buy things like the Gravegrasp Outfit Style.
    I'm not farming Tel Var or AP. And I port between IC and Cyr all the time, because the trip back to the base without using that port is just totally unreasonable.

    I know you can buy the Retreat stones, but I don't farm AP, and spending 20K AP a day to shorten that run is crazy.

    I totally agree that being able to port between IC and Cyr *while in combat* is a reasonable thing to disable.
    But please, if we're in a safe zone, or hiding, continue to let us port!

    If I lose my Tel Var because I got caught by a better player than I am, that's fair. It's a PvP zone, I accept that. But please don't make what is almost always a quick daily 5 minute quest into an arduous trek through the sewers to get those merits.
    PS5/NA (CP2700+)
  • FabresFour
    Top Bugs/Issues

    Bug 1 - Healing Stack in PvP. I CANNOT believe this isn't a bug, considering it's one of the main reasons Ballgroups exist. And Ballgroups are one of the biggest reasons ESO's PvP is in decline. So, this is the main bug that bothers me.

    Bug 2 - Heavy Attack Bug, where you get stuck in the animation for a long time.

    Bug 3 - Lag.

    Top Pain Points

    Pain Point 1 - Inventory. You urgently need to improve the inventory system. I’ve seen COUNTLESS new players quit the game because their inventory fills up every 20 minutes. This is unacceptable. The craft bag is a smart marketing move and all, but it’s causing irreparable damage to the community.

    Pain Point 2 - Cosmetics. I see that you’ve started improving this by turning disguises into costumes, but I think this could receive even more attention. More free costumes from quests would be great. Also, pets—I still don’t understand why we don’t get a dog at the end of Glenumbra, considering it follows us from Daggerfall to Crosswych (exemple).

    Pain Point 3 - Mounts. I believe you should increase the number of mounts available for gold, especially since the textures and models of the game's original horses are extremely outdated. We need content that engages new players, and mount hunting is an engaging activity.

    Pain Point 4 - Combat Animations. I'm against animation canceling, but there's no fighting against that wave anymore. So instead, I’d suggest improving the combat feel—adding screen shake, improving the way the character moves with swords/staves/bows. Just overall more attention to this aspect.

    Pain Point 5 -Grim Focus Permaglow. You should have fixed this a long time ago.
    @FabresFour - 2223 CP
    Director and creator of the unofficial translation of The Elder Scrolls Online into BR-Portuguese.
  • Tyrobag
    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1: Bugged textures on armors, such as xyvkyn medium belts drawing the texture of the middle piece from whatever pauldrons you happen to be wearing, or light refabricated shoes forcing their kneepad textures on the elbow pads of whatever hand armor you're wearing. This has been the case on several styles for years, has been reported repeatedly, and has still not been addressed.
    Bug 2: Is it a bug, or just ill thought out design? I don't know, but enemies shouldn't be able to lock you in place when they charge you, and there are several that do this.
    Bug 3: Grim focus glow. Have to add my voice to this one. At least add a free "invisible" skill style to let us turn it off. Seriously, don't die on this hill ZoS.

    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1: Loot timers. Please respect my time. There is plenty of game available without you artificially stretching it out.
    Pain Point 2: Lack of a hide slot option for belt, hands, boots, chest, and legs (in that order imo).
    Pain Point 3: Many scribing abilities are still lacking damage types and script availability. All scripts should be able to be used on any grimoire.
    Pain Point 4: Companions are way too weak. They are utterly worthless as tanks, slightly better than nothing as dps, and okayish as healbots. It would be good for them to be worth at least 75% of a player, and allow a full group of companions so its possible to do content when no other players want to.
    Pain Point 5: Leads should not expire. There's really no excuse for this. I found the lead, let me pick it up in my own time.
  • LinusMain
    Group Finder pain point:
    • There should be a way to view multiple queues at the same time. For example: instead of having one group per category, have only one queue with a "category" that can be filtered by players.
  • DKsUnite
    Pain point:
    1. Being kicked out of BG because of internet drop or ESO crash or whatever. You get a 15-30 minute timer

    1. I have just come back after a 2 year hiatus and I am constantly getting booted to login and then I can't get back in for like 5-15 minutes because of error codes 300, 301, 307, 200, 201. This is the biggest annoyance I have currently.
    2. Cinder storm has a cost bug where using reduce cost won't actually reduce the cost
    3. Stuck in combat. Why can't I just be removed from combat once no damage has been caused/taken?
    Vyr Cor | Magicka Dragonknight | DC
    Vir Cor | Stamina Dragonknight | DC

    Latest Videos:
    Magicka Dragonknight: Vyr Cor | "A Dragon's Fury" | Magicka Dragonknight PvP
    Stamina Dragonknight: Vir Cor | "Heathen" | Stamina Dragonknight PvP

    Youtube: CorGaming
  • Malprave
    All time #1 pain point-
    No parity between ranged and melee in PvP. Practically nobody is playing melee. There’s no contest between the two. I feel like a total masochist as a melee player.
  • cactus_berryTTV
    Soul Shriven
    my main pain is having to go back an fourth/ in and out of the accessibility mode to have the game read me things since i have a big reading issue for one on my disability. i would like to have something in the normal mode for the reading. is hard to play accessibility mode on a custom key i have for mainly one handed person
    Edited by cactus_berryTTV on March 11, 2025 11:35AM
  • Aelfan
    1/ Almost every city in this game gives me pain. In real medieval or ancient cities the street pattern is either planned, typically a grid, or grew organically from a single point and makes a radial pattern. Either through design or organically they are intended for people to easily move around the city and find what they are looking for. Instead, we get things like this:


    2/ There is one town I call "home" in the game, because all the others are a problem to navigate, and have facilities dispersed throughout the city. It would really not be difficult to make more cities that have all the facilities in one place, with a modest player house in the main square.

  • MreeBiPolar
    Bug/pain point: mouse focus stealing

    More specifically, it's a MAJOR pain point on 2+ monitor systems (at least on Windows). Whenever there's some focus event in ESO, e.g., combat start, notification, something else, it steals focus in a somewhat subtle way. Subsequently, keyboard input works in the application you are in on the other screen, but any mouse click immediately gets into ESO, not the active app (also causing a light attack to trigger in ESO, sometimes, with really unwanted results, but that's just an additional annoyance).

    Moreover, in some cases, ESO keeps stealing mouse focus afterwards, not clearing it, until another application triggers focus steal itself, so even if you switch to cursor mode in ESO and click in the other app, ESO will steal the mouse again.

    Please either disable ESO stealing focus, or add an option to disable it.
  • MreeBiPolar
    Another MAJOR pain point: ESO data located in the Documents folder (on WIndows systems). This is an extremely bad idea (albeit common for many games) for several reasons:
    * The main one being OneDrive sync. No one needs several gigabytes of ESO screenshots in their clouds.
    * Synchronizing add-on/savevar folders between different PCs is more of a pain than a boon.
    * Again, as the size of the data saved is rather considerable, there should be an option to choose which drive and folder to keep it in.

    And a minor pain point: inability to summon companions when mounted. It is pretty clear this was an intentional decision, likely, because of the animation, but subsequent companion/assistant interaction has shown that companions clearly CAN be summoned while mounted, so it is just a relict annoyance.
  • sans-culottes
    Hey everyone - just wanted to drop in and let you know we've been lurking. Lots of great feedback and callouts over the last month! Thank you so much for taking the time to post.

    We've been comparing all of this feedback to our internal lists. There's lots and lots of overlap which is great, (i.e. - stuck in combat, floaty combat, queue problems, patcher breaking, "phantom group bug"... etc) but there are also a few callouts that we weren't aware of and have added them to the list.

    Over the next few updates, we're going to try and get as many of these top issues as possible fixed. The highest priority issues we're working on right now are:
    1. Stuck in Combat - we've made some great strides over the last 3 months on this. We're testing some pretty big changes now. It's not ready for prime time, but progress is being made!
    2. Combat look and feel - this is something that's been on our list for awhile now and there is a dedicated team looking at everything from animations, to VFX to sounds. Lots of work still to be done, but the team is rolling.
    3. General inventory pressure - there's lots to say here - we have a lot of things planned, but until we're more confident on when they might land, all I can provide are some hints. Yes we know you all have a lot of furnishings. Yes we know you have a lot of treasure maps, surveys, master writs... etc. :wink:.

    Thanks again and please keep noting issues!

    @ZOS_RichLambert, I couldn’t help but notice that the ongoing Necromancer issues aren’t mentioned. Are you and the team satisfied with the performance of Grave Lord’s Sacrifice?
  • AtriaKhorist
    Same goes for Grim Focus Permaglow. There have been quite a few mentions of it in here, and I'd really like to know why ZOS is so adamant about dying on this hill in silence.
  • MissyTrulla
    Hi Guys I Have only 1 Bug. After years, Elegian's notes can finally be found after completing the prologue quest an apocalyptic situation in the Marburk outlaw lair, but unfortunately cannot be read.


    Couldn't you make accountwide Eidetic Memories, then you could read overlooked notes or notes from the quest inventory with another character?
    and thats a Pain Point for me for my inner Monk Just like the elusive manuscripts that you can read with one character but other characters can't find them, which is really annoying if you haven't read them with your main character.
    Edited by MissyTrulla on March 12, 2025 7:48PM
  • Durnik
    Top Bugs/Issues
    1. Stuck in combat
    2. Tanks in PVP. How is it that the person can just block and stand there. Just leave them? nope, they put you in combat by light attacking you. You then cant mount, snow treadors are active, and they burn all your siege.
    3. Crashing while in Cryodiil. If you try to log back in too quick its worse. You have to wait longer and risk when you do get logged back in that you end up somewhere outside of cyrodiil and have to re-queue.

    Top Pain Points
    1. Inventory. Too much stuff that I don't have time to sell and too pricey to delete (surveys, Pain Point 2
    2. Re-quests. Stop making me do the main quest every character. Stop requiring me do the companion quests for every character.
    3. Companions have different skills depending on the character I load. Why is it Ember is 20 on 2 handed until I swap characters. The grind is nausiating. Other areas like companion levels, undaunted. etc are shared between characters, why not skills?
    4. Surveys. Some are ok but some you have to run reallllly far away then back again to do the next survey. Let me use all my surveys for that spot at 1 time if I have a subscriber bag.
    5. I have no desire to design a house but I want a house decked out to look nice to call my own. I also don't want to spend cash to do it. Give us an option to buy houses pre-decorated with in game gold.
    6. Everything should stack (maps, gear, etc.) and more than 20 (looking at you pvp siege).
    7. Not an issue until Update 45... Character load screen. All that blue is depressing.
  • MotherOfMoss
    Oops a bit late to the party but I think we can still join the pain point train.

    Bugs: Pretty sure everything I might have a big issue with has already been mentioned by someone else.

    Pain points:
    1. Housing system, permissions. Please make these finer-grained, rather than on/off in a blanket manner for the whole house. I would like to be able to choose which items visitors can and cannot interact with. Currently I can't make a lot of use of interactable items at all as I will have to keep permissions off to stop visitors from leaving every door open, turning on the Moons-Blessed Ceremonial pool which I only use at the bottom of a pool for the sploshing water effect, and breaking my Nedic orb-crystal ball just for fun.
    2. Housing system, doors: entrance and "teleporting doors" within the house. Please allow us to place items in the entrance space and simply have them lose collision, like they do when placed there with EHT. No harm done. If possible, please also allow us to choose which door is the default entrance in houses with multiple doors. Then probably a bigger ask: please allow us to add new doors/portals between the house exterior and interior, or between different parts of the interior, so we could further customise house layouts to suit our builds.
    3. Housing system, audio. I'd love to choose house music from all the game soundtracks, and/or use music boxes more flexibly (range and volume control). Sometimes the perfect house just has the imperfect music for what I am trying to do, and the game has so much lovely music to make use of in housing. Music boxes are really loud and getting the ranges just right to blanket out the real house music is a headache.
    4. Home tours categories, keyword search, longer description. Great start to the system but discoverability would ideally still be improved a lot, through search options and for instance a "by guildmates" tab, or maybe even notifications.
    5. Hats hiding eyelashes, and too few cosmetic categories. Please add more categories, at least one new one: Eyes (and please be sure to move the Oracle Eyes into that new category, heh). I will pay good money to wear eyelashes AND special eyes AND makeup AND ... you get the gist of it, I am sure. And once I've paid for my eyelashes, I'd like them to show regardless of my choice of headwear, which currently they sometimes do not (typically hood-and-veil kind of hats sometimes hide them).
    PC-EU | Long-time fan of TES Online: Furnishing and fashion simulator with massively multiplayer online chatting features.
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