Dev Team Request: A Top 5 List of Bugs and Pain Points You Would Like Addressed

  • MreeBiPolar
    Pain point: no way to manage add-on load order. I dunno if it was already mentioned or not, but it would make things much easier...
  • MreeBiPolar
    PAIN POINT: endeavors with differing rewards. At the very least, make that so that if a player has (accidentally) already completed 3, doing the one with the higher reward would add the difference:
  • barbraanne
    Soul Shriven
    #1 please put in a built in mini map
    #2 be able to DECONSTRUCT furniture
    #3 make recipes at the staion colored, so when you browse them you can see what quality they are
    #4 let us hide ALL our armor, not just the head and shoulders, we have alot of great body markings and no way to show them without going "naked"
    #5 reworking the map is a great idea, but add some color options, it's sooo washed out and everything is plain and white, also let us put the map index in a faciotn or story release order, because alphabetical is disorienting
  • TunnelMaster
    Top Bugs

    1. "Unique" treasure maps. I remember the days when surveys from crafting dailies were also unique, but thankfully you folks fixed that issue and surveys now stack. I am sure that your team *could* do the same with treasure maps if you so choose...

    2. If you swap builds in the armory but aren't actually carrying all of the equipment needed for the build in question, the UI still tells you that your build was equipped successfully when in fact your character may be completely naked. I understand that the mundus stone and CP perks and everything else may have switched correctly and the UI will indicate - before equipping - whether you are holding all of the correct pieces, but if one is distracted or just moving too quickly, it is easy to miss that detail and only see the message that, "Your build was equipped successfully."

    Pain Points

    1. Quest-givers and other NPCs that continue to yack at the player. I don't mind the ones that will say a line the first time you get near them per login, but when they do so every single time you get out of range of them and get too close again? That gets old very fast. ("DRAGONS. In your own HOMELAND. What are you going to do?!")

    2. It would be nice to have the option to turn off visual effects for set pieces if we prefer. For instance, I like the Minor Berserk from my Slimecraw monster helm set but get annoyed by the intermittent black smoke-like effect around my hands when I am just picking up a plant or something. And Divines help you if you are wearing multiple sets that add visual effects around your character.
  • mbeetley_ESO
    Lots of good suggestions here, but one bug I want to highlight that I've only seen mentioned once or twice:

    Aggro range.

    As has been noted by some, enemies pursue you further than they're willing to fight you. Thus some enemies will aggro and chase you, and if you stop to fight them they run back to their spawn points. Indeed, sometimes they get to you, attack you, and then run away. Tag, you're it! :smile: Not only is it silly behavior, it's annoying because you can't stop to do other things (say, harvest a node) for far longer than should be necessary.

    There should be two circles around each enemy: (1) how far they will chase you if you haven't engaged them. (2) how far they will continue to fight you if you have engaged them. You correctly put in these two aggro ranges, but you have them backwards. The "not engaged" range should be smaller, and the "engaged" range should be larger.

    Since the problem appears to exist on all enemies, I would hope that you could just switch the behaviors associated with the two ranges at a global level rather than having to recode every enemy. Maybe it's not coded that way, but regardless, please fix this.

    Actually there is one other issue with combat ranges that might also be helped by this, and that is world bosses who reset way too close to the center of the arena. Companions have made this a bigger problem because some of them keep dodge rolling away, and the boss chases them out of range and resets. Anyway, if they have two ranges, one for initiating combat and one for staying in combat, switching these might help with those bosses whose reset range is too narrow.
  • MaleAmazon
    Pain Point 1 - Needing to replay old quests with new characters to get skill lines. Yes, I am aware you can buy them in the Crown Store. It is annoying. I dread doing the original Coldharbour quests - the Lalorian Dynar crystal "puzzle" should count as psychological torture. The game has an enormous amount of content, there is no need to have players suffer replaying content to get standard stuff.

    Pain Point 2 - Lack of Overland difficulty settings. I know it is a dead horse. But I´d like some kind of official statement on why this isn´t in, because I honestly cannot understand it. For me this is a big deal - ESO has one of the best combat systems I have seen in any game, period. No joke. It is very responsive and engaging with skill rotations and builds. However, you most often don´t get to enjoy it since PvP is so sometimes laggy (which is the nature of online games, especially MMOs) and burst-based, and Maelstrom + Vateshran Hollows are basically the only hard solo content (I guess Infinite Archive too, I haven´t done it much). However, for us longtime players there is no way to play the questlines with any challenge unless you just gimp yourself on purpose. Diablo 4 has (too) many difficulty settings and your games are basically literally identical designwise (MMO where you can go solo, PvP and team up according to your whim). Starting to solo world bosses was a transforming experience for me in ESO. Long battles where you engage with mechanics - great. Please make 'story' bosses and content the same.

    Pain Point 3 - Combat mechanics are sometimes obtuse and not explained. They have also been changed time and time again, so there is incorrect information floating out there that wasn´t even misinformed when it was written. This is bad. How long is immobilize immunity? Break free immunity? What exactly is a 'melee attack'?

    Pain Point 4 - Not being able to rename my items (both for clarity and role-play). Items being sort of incorrectly auto-named (like my own tripots and bought healthpots both being called 'essence of health' and having identical icons) is a bit of a nuisance.
    Edited by MaleAmazon on March 13, 2025 10:57PM
  • MaleAmazon
    Pain Point 5 - Please improve character creation. Being able to change lighting, see height relative to other people and objects would be nice, but what I´d really like is a proper system to evaluate the voice. The current random samples are not enough and some shouts that characters make can be quite annoying, and they might not have been played or you might not know what action makes your character emit them. At the moment I have to go to youtube and watch a playlist in order to know what my characters will sound like.

    Or, you know, just do what other games, including TES, do, and have the player be able to change the character look before exiting the tutorial, at least. I get it that you sell race changes and you can switch out physical characteristics that way, but the combination 'poor character creation' and 'pay to redo character creation' makes you seem greedy, whether intentional or not.
    Edited by MaleAmazon on March 14, 2025 7:49AM
  • gusthermopyle
    Just a housing enthusiast adding another request for furnishing inventory help.

    Me, I would prefer a decon system. But a furnishing bag would also be awesome.

    Thanks in advance and praying to the Eight for some news on this soon.
  • Djiku
    Top Bugs/Issues:
    • Stuck in Combat!
    • Skills not firing from time to time
    • Break free not always working
    • Some wayshrines, like the argonians, don't allow mounting inside them
    • Heavy Attack Bug

    Top Pain Points:
    • Set bloat! Too many sets and only a handful are useful. Make existing sets more interesting.
    • Overland Difficulty way too easy
    • Performance in Cyrodiil
    • Combat too floaty
    • Not enough cool rewards like Mounts earnable ingame, too much focus on Crown Store.
  • Anyammis
    Thought of another pain point when talking with one of my guilds about eso and accessibility: it's 2025 and eso still does not have a colorblind mode or other accessibility options. This is one front addons can do very little about. Most games have at least a generalized colorblind mode but eso does not. I have come across several people who have struggled especially in group content due to this over the years. I think it's very important to have QOL features like this and it's been an ongoing frustration to see a decade later eso has not added support for colorblindness when they have done other steps to improve accessibility over the past few years especially (better subtitles, more language translations, etc). It's long overdue.

    Also if there are other accessibility gaps in the game I hope they are also addressed. I'm sure colorblind mode is not the only pain point on this front.
    PC NA
    GM of Eyes of the Queen
  • ioResult
    Top Bugs/Issues:
    • Stuck in Combat
    • CC immunity seems to have a mind of its own
    • Break free not always working
    • Not enough spaces to put furniture down and decorate the bigger houses. Stop catering to the controller crown when a PC can handle more spots.
    • Dungeon queues are forever broken
    Top Pain Points:
    • Get rid of Rush of Agony. We're tired of saying it.
    • Your DPS creep has broken the game. Single players should not be able to solo ANY 4-man dungeon on normal, let alone vet. As I said in a post in another thread. Go back to the math used in designing original Trials, Novice and Vet dungeons in terms of player DPS, boss health and boss damage and apply it to all current content.
    • The tank meta in Cyrodiil is a direct result of your DPS creep in PvE because you made everything more tanky with self-heals and shields as a result of your DPS creep.
    • Shadowy Disguise actually WAS a Nightblade's self-heal because they could fade away and let themselves heal up using maybe a potion and their own health regen stats. You can even get rid of Malevolent Offering and its morphs if you return Cloak & stealth back to how it used to work in the beginning. Everything takes a Nightblade out of stealth now. It's a useless skill and now stealth itself is a useless mechanic which all you devs have done is nerf more and more every patch (including this last one) because you REFUSE to address the DPS creep that made you put in self-heals, shields and more general tankiness for every class in the first place.
    • Scribing skills ratio of benefits (3) to cost is lower than basic abilities. Either raise the cost of Scribing skills or lower the cost of basic skill because having to cast two basic skills just to get 2 of the 3 benefits of a Scribing skill and having the combined cost of those two skills be more than a scribing skill cost is stupid.
  • Just_Bappie
    Soul Shriven
    Hello to whoever reads this. :)

    Let me start with a small introduction. I started to play ESO since the 26th of May 2024. I do have over 3.000 hours of playtime and play the game through Steam on my Steam Deck, docked and in handheld mode. I do own the CE edition and do have an ESO+ subscription.

    Top Bugs/Issues
    Bug 1: Since a couple of weeks I get a really loud annoying buzzing sound while starting the game during the screens of who is the maker and the publisher of ESO. It happens while playing docked, in handheld mode and also while playing with a headset.
    Bug 2: Since the update U45, every time I want to type something in chat while docked I get the virtual keyboard which is very annoying because I use a Bluetooth keyboard, Turning off the Steam input is not an option. I do use a XBox Elite V2.0 controller with customized button configuration.
    Bug 3
    Bug 4
    Bug 5
    Top Pain Points
    Pain Point 1: Not being able to change class on a character by just swapping your weapon
    Pain Point 2: Forced to do all companion quests over and over again
    Pain Point 3: Inventory and bank space are way too small, furniture should be separated.
    Pain Point 4: Not being able to delete unwanted leads
    Pain Point 5: Experienced players race through the dungeons, so new players are unable to follow the story of the dungeons. A story mode would be very desirable.

  • Andarnor
    Ends the delay when executing the first skill after breaking free, changing weapons or interrupting. The first 1-3 skills never go out after these activities

    Target not in range:
    Occurs with almost every dead enemy/door. Very annoying

    You can't ride now: Another annoying message. Of course, you're never told why

    Position check:
    You die even though you're actually standing outside the area

    Pain points:
    1. random drops. There are these ultra-rare recipes, blueprints or furnishings that you don't even know exist. Access to all blueprints via an overview of what is available and where it can be found would be extremely helpful. In-game of course, not through an addon or an external site

    2.Drops from treasure maps:
    Double RNG. You have to get the right treasure map and then also the right item. Mega frustrating and more of a reason to stop farming

    3.Respawn times:
    During events and daylies, it's not uncommon for certain bosses/dungeons/areas to be completely overfarmed and overcrowded. You spend more time waiting than playing. On this topic, it would also be good if this stupid rule that only the top DDs get loot were revised

    4.Inventory slots:
    More and more and more sets, more and more and more event stuff, style pages, and master writs, Equipment, Fragments and much more for which there is actually no more room

    5.House sizes:
    Houses are getting bigger and bigger, which is useless because you can only furnish a fraction of them properly. More smaller houses that are also playable, a house for 80 dollars that cannot be furnished is pointless
    ~PC-EU - Main Heal Templer seit 2014~
  • BretonMage
    Sorry for the late addition, but I was playing around with my companions' builds yesterday and was confronted with one of my earlier pain points that is still unresolved: companions' combat AI.

    1. Companions roll dodging, and either pulling bosses out of player's AOE, or resetting bosses entirely (eg. the twins in CoH1). Roll dodging seems to do very little to reduce damage to the companion since the enemy just chases after the companion anyway, so please look into this.

    2. Companions not moving out of enemy AOE. This is a situation where they should roll dodge, but they don't.

    3. Companions should bash to interrupt when the player is being immobilised. That would help enormously in solo situations.
  • allochthons
    Andarnor wrote: »
    3.Respawn times:
    During events and daylies, it's not uncommon for certain bosses/dungeons/areas to be completely overfarmed and overcrowded. You spend more time waiting than playing. On this topic, it would also be good if this stupid rule that only the top DDs get loot were revised
    I really wish the endeavors that say "kill a public dungeon boss in Stonefalls," or "Kill a delve boss in Stonefalls" were more general, like "Kill a public dungeon/delve boss X in the Ebonheart Pact (or even no region at all given on any of them)." This would spread out the farming a fair bit.

    And the top DDs getting the loot is a massive problem. They're the ones who don't need the drops nearly as much. The new/low powered players need the gear and/or the money from selling stuff. And Leads should absolutely not be tied to the that top 12(?) loot drop. How is that even remotely fair? Let everyone get the loot!

    PS5/NA (CP2700+)
  • Artem_gig
    I'll add it:
    1. Meta. Some challenges and dungeons cannot be completed without a meta build. This is especially evident in HM. I would like the difficulty to be in the mechanics, and not in the fact that you have the wrong set or skills (for some reason, the developers do not know that the meta in their game is necessary for passing).
    2. Non-obvious mechanics. The game has boss mechanics that you won't recognize without addons. I would like the game to provide this information, rather than hiding it behind addons.

    If it weren't for meta, more people would be using scribing. Meta kills all the uniqueness that the game is trying to give.
  • AlterBlika
    Pain points:
    • New characters take too long to level. For some reason it's 2025 and we still don't have a class change token. If you want to play as another class you must regrind everything. Horse leveling, skill points, all skill morphs, mages guild, psijic guild, scribing, wayshrines, alliance skills, etc... More account-wide stuff would be very welcome.
    • Insane powercreep. Almost every patch you present us with really unnecessary buffs to classes. Overland and older dungeons became braindead content because you just kept buffing everyone. Change is good, but what is the point of that content if it can be done while blindfolded? Questing is boring, overland is a joke - and somehow we still don't have a vet mode for these two.
    • Racial passives. In my opinion we should choose the race based on its looks, not its combat passives. For min-maxing groups or hardcore soloing you absolutely should pick the best race for your build. Non-combat passives can stay I guess.
    • Companions role in solo gameplay. Maybe it's time to make them usable outside of IA? In all other hard content their only use is to be sacrificed for pearlescent mitigation buff. It helps a lot, sure, but it feels lame. Why should I bother with gearing and leveling of a companion if there isn't a practical use to all that? At least make them block and bash properly.
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